These 37 quotes will inspire you. They will help you look at the situation with new eyes. Remember what is important. And then go and do what needs to be done.

- People often ask me: “What are we fighting for?” I can: “Let’s stop fighting then you’ll find out.”


- Sometimes even the maximum of our capabilities is not enough, and we have to do what we previously considered beyond our strength.


- To say that we did everything we could is not enough. We must achieve what we need - and only then will we find real success.


- A pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity, an optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty.


― Consistent effort—not strength or intelligence—is the key to unlocking our potential.


- Let me tell you the secret that led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity. — Louis Pasteur


“I was taught that the path of progress is neither quick nor easy. — Marie Curie, two-time Nobel laureate


- Do you want me to give you a formula for success? It's very simple, really. Double your failures.


- Ask yourself: Will this matter in a year? — Richard Carlson, American psychotherapist and writer


- If I tell you that in 10 years your life will be exactly the same, I doubt that you will like it. So why are you so afraid of change?


  • - Sometimes it takes ten years to get that one year that changes your life.


- Through perseverance, many people find success in what seemed destined to become failure.


- The man who moves mountains begins by carrying small stones. — Confucius


- Too many people break without even realizing how close to success they were at the moment they lost heart. - Thomas Edison


  • - Big changes are usually the result of hundreds of small steps. And every step is important.


- And if you repeat the blows often, even if the ax is small, it will cut down a mighty oak tree. - Shakespeare, Henry IV.

Never Give Up Quotes

There are situations when you or someone close to you is sad, and even a kind word can lift your spirits. Tragic unrequited love? Have you quit your job? Temporary difficulties? These problems are not reasons to give up, believe that the inspirational never give up quotes presented will definitely encourage you and help support your loved ones.

Are you frustrated and ready to give up? Do you think there is no way out? The quotes below will help you feel better and realize that nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself and the people close to you.

Never Stop Quotes to Think

Do you feel like giving up? Before you make any decisions, take a look at the following quotes and sayings that will give you plenty of reasons not to give up.

  • Even if yesterday was terrible, it is up to you whether you leave your life gray or make tomorrow amazing.
  • No one says that your path to success and happiness will be easy, get your act together, things will get better soon!
  • Don't listen to what other people say, if you feel this is your path, follow it.
  • Problems only make us stronger, and weak people do not go through trials in their lives, remember this when you feel sad,
  • Turn around! Life offers so many opportunities, all you have to do is take your chance! Keep it up, everything will be fine!
  • Don't limit your horizon to obvious reality, go beyond the possible and never give up!
  • Make as many attempts as you need, this is not a shame, this is a sign of your strength. Keep your head up, the best is yet to come!
  • Always keep your head high. Face your fears and they will cease to have any meaning to you.
  • Be positive and remember that a powerful character is not about how to not fall in life, a powerful character is about growing after every fall.
  • No matter what happens to you, always keep your head up and believe in yourself.

Inspirational Quotes About Not Giving Up on Your Dreams

No matter what happens in life, no matter what obstacles you may face on the way to achieving your dreams, the most important thing is to keep trying and never give up. This is exactly what is quoted below.

  • Never lower your head because then you won't see all these miracles that God has prepared for you.
  • Be strong and kneel or lower your head only to check your shoes.
  • Even if this is a sad chapter in your book of life right now, that doesn't mean it won't have a happy ending.
  • You will survive, become stronger, and learn your lesson.
  • There will be people who will love you and hate you, learn to live in harmony with yourself, and nothing will let you down.
  • Every day you make a choice: give up or work harder, if you want to succeed, forget about this choice, you only have one way, work hard and try harder.
  • Don't despair if you haven't found your path in life, God has something special in store for you. Believe it.
  • The world is not a garden of beautiful flowers, sometimes it is cruel and greedy, so try to think positively and there will be only luck in your life.
  • Chase your dreams always. Leave the people who discourage you and you will achieve everything you want.
  • Never lose hope and faith, everything will happen when it is supposed to happen.

Don't Give Up Quotes To Read When Life Is Hard

Nobody ever said life would be easy. But the fact is that only those of us who understand this fact can live our lives to the fullest because we know what to expect from it. We hope these quotes about life is hard but don't give up bring you a valuable lesson.

  • Don't be upset, because only your dazzling smile makes this cloudy world sparkle and bright.
  • Only at night do you see the stars, and only during the day do you observe sunlight, so every period of life: good or bad, teaches us something and gives us its miracles.
  • May all the obstacles you have overcome become a springboard for your dreams. You are capable of anything!
  • Do not give up! Circumstances do not affect us, we create them ourselves, we have the courage and strength to understand it and accept it.
  • Don't think about the bad, all the tests strengthen your character, be stronger today than yesterday.
  • Accept criticism, listen to the opinions of influential people, but always follow your heart and never give up.
  • Do you want to forget and give up everything? Whenever you think about this, remember the saying: “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”
  • Even if your path to success is slower than others, the most important thing is that you keep going.
  • Don't let your dream remain just your dream, take risks and don't be afraid, your dream is worth all the risks.
  • Forget one thing in your life - how to give up, move forward and only forward, and everything will be fine.

Motivation Never Give Up Quotes and Sayings

There is nothing wrong with being weak sometimes, but you must remember that you are in charge of your life and luck. So isn't it better to keep your head up and keep trying until you succeed? Of course yes. That's why you simply must read these motives so that you never give up on quotes.

  • If the person you love does not love you back, that is no reason to give up your love because there is a person in this world who will love you with all his heart.
  • Never lose hope, love is an amazing feeling that saves souls, just believe that your person will find you soon.
  • If a relationship fails, don't get discouraged; it might just be two good people meeting in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • Just because you gave up on someone doesn't mean you have to give up on love. Love and be loved!
  • Sometimes all you can do is give up on love because it brings you too much pain. But no matter what happens, don’t close your heart to new feelings.
  • Don't expect anything good to happen if you are burdened with a relationship, sometimes it is better to give up and start a new life.
  • It's important to find someone who won't be perfect, but will never give up on you.
  • Be honest with yourself, if a relationship does not bring you joy, do not deceive yourself, give it up.
  • Don't miss your chance if the person can't go a day without asking how you feel or calling you to hear your voice.
  • Love is a mystery, be patient, solve it and you will be rewarded, but if you can't find a solution, don't rush to leave the relationship, do your best to make it work.

Cool quotes about never giving up hope.

If there were no failures, how could you tell where success is? These two things cannot exist without each other. Read the inspirational quotes from this paragraph and never give up because the sun always rises after the storm.

  • Affection means becoming wiser and understanding each other better, true love means accepting a partner with their pros and cons and never giving up on each other.
  • Don't be sorry when it's over, smile because it happened.
  • A breakup breaks your heart into a thousand pieces, and sometimes it's better to let it go than to try to fix it.
  • Even if you are disappointed in someone, do not be upset because love does not give up.
  • People come and go in our lives, so remember that every ending is just a new beginning.
  • Never give up cause it's just time and place the tide will turn.
  • There is no failure except not trying anymore.
  • The only thing you have to do is give up!
  • It doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down. All that matters is that you get back up again when you've been knocked down.
  • Persistence is not a long race; it's a lot of short races one after another.

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The main thing is the right attitude

Sometimes you don’t need loud screams, but just a quiet whisper: “It’s okay, just keep doing what you were doing.” A few life-affirming statuses that will support you in moments of weakness.

1. If you decide to act, close the door to doubt.

2. People in our lives most often appear when we most need the lesson they teach us.

3. You can run away from people and situations, but you won’t be able to hide from your thoughts.

4. Love men, they need it. However, they will never admit this to you.

5. Behind every loud man there was a quiet woman who loved and supported him.

6. If a person has been climbing someone else’s stairs for a long time, then before finding his own, he needs to go down.

7. Words sometimes need music, but music does not need anything.

8. Wherever you can live, you can live well.

9. Man, of course, is the king of nature. But the animals don’t know about this, they are illiterate.

10. People are divided into two categories. Some are rolling this world, while others walk alongside and cackle: “God, where is this world coming to!”

11. I'm not at that age to do stupid things unconsciously. I am at the age when they are done consciously and with pleasure.

12. Happiness consists of four parts: living parents, healthy children, a loved one and true friends.

13. The principle of “an eye for an eye” will make the whole world blind.

14. The highest side of a person is not the position he takes in moments of calm and well-being. And the one that he takes during times of difficulties and contradictions.

15. If you criticize someone else’s, offer your own. If you offer, do it.

16. In any case, you have no way back. Because there is no “way back”. This is just another soothing fairy tale, one of those that replace lullabies for us.

17. If you want to have success, then you must look like you have it.

18. The keys to happiness are dreams come true.

19. Life is more exciting than the most sophisticated fiction.

20. We are what we think. We build our world from thoughts.

21. The eagle does not hunt flies.

22. The Lord sends trials to a person at any age.

23. Dreams should be as if you will live forever. Life should be as if tomorrow is the last day on earth.

24. Sometimes our spark fades, but other people rekindle it. And we all owe a huge debt to those who do this.

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