Statuses about the mirror - aphorisms and quotes about the mirror

Statuses about the mirror - aphorisms and quotes about the mirror

Statuses › Proverbs about the mirror - quotes about reflection in the mirror

Sometimes looking at yourself from the outside is much truer than the reflection in the mirror.

I guess I'm part vampire. I reflect in mirrors, but hand dryers don’t react to me.

I read dating advertisements. Everyone wants beautiful, slim and smart. Have you seen yourself in the mirror?

Age looked mockingly from the mirror.

I love three people: myself, me and that beauty in the mirror.

The worst omen is when a black cat breaks a mirror with an empty bucket.

After having an educational conversation with your child, you often need to go to the mirror and say: “This concerns you too.”

I looked up - there was the sky. I looked down - the ground. I looked in the mirror - oh fuck.

Approaching your hour of death, torturing your mind with pain, not seeing grimaces in the mirror, knowing only the imprint of death, aggravating the torment again, mixing alcohol with blood in your veins.

All I dream about is the 24-hour view of New York from my window and your reflection in the mirrors of my bathroom in the morning.

You can only trust two people. To myself and to that dude in the mirror.

There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.

May the person you see in the mirror every day be happy.

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. The overall goal of education is to turn mirrors into windows.

It is more important not to forget about how you look from the outside, and not in the mirror.

I worried, suffered, cried, thought that I had given up. I washed my face, got dressed, smiled, looked in the mirror, oops. Nooooo! Lost!

Yes, I'm beautiful! Who said? Mirror!

How nice it is to see a happy person in the mirror every day.

Before leaving the house, go to the mirror and admire yourself!

I’ll look in the mirror, and from there the soul will smile at me... the soul of a girl who believes in miracles and dreams... and age doesn’t mean anything, it’s just numbers.

Children have been and remain the main project of our lives, they are a mirror in which our inner world is reflected.

A woman fusses in two cases: when she is looking around for a mirror and when she finds it.

There is an interesting folk superstition that you should not look in the mirror when you eat - you will eat away your happiness. And when you drink, you drink away. And it’s better not to hang a mirror in the toilet at all.

Go to the mirror and look. You will see how the only person you can always rely on in our life looks at you from that side.

Your sister is like your mirror and your opposite.

Seeing yourself from the outside is much more important than in the mirror.

Girls! Never doubt your attractiveness. Remember: scales lie, people are jealous, and the mirror is generally crooked.

I wonder how many calories you burn when you look at yourself in the mirror and sigh heavily?

Not only the eyes are the mirror of the soul, it is also our actions and our words.

Spring, like a mirror, will show... who did what in winter, who ate kilograms, and who played sports.

Spring, like a mirror, will show... who did what in winter, who ate kilograms, and who played sports.

Death is the blackened side of the mirror, without which we would not see anything.

Not a single person in the world, be it a man or a woman, sees himself in the mirror as he really is...

No need to rush a girl when she's getting ready! She doesn’t “twirl in front of the mirror”, she creates the mood!

Spring creeps up like a child - he thinks no one sees him, but his mother looks at his reflection in the mirror and smiles.

The more a woman spins around the mirror, the more men spin around the woman!

As you age, you have to be careful even with the mirror.

Either I'm not the same anymore, or the mirror is getting older.

I fell in love with her at first sight, a long time ago I was still very little, I saw her in the mirror and realized that this love would last a lifetime.

Be happy that girl I see every day in the mirror...

Life is looking into different mirrors in search of your own face.

The wiped mirror showed that I am not only an excellent housewife, but also a real beauty!

Our conscience is like a mirror, sometimes in order to make it clean, you need to spit on it and rub it.

Inscription on the mirror: Don’t even hope, it’s you!

I look at myself in the mirror and say, “Who will get such a miracle...”, my mother shouts from the kitchen, “God give him strength, health and patience!”

I have an eye for beauty, which is why I have mirrors everywhere in my home.

In the morning in front of the mirror: “I don’t know you, but I’ll make you up!”

He loves himself so much that he even prays in front of the mirror!

Everyone in this world is your mirror. When you are “happy for no reason,” the world returns your happiness.

Find me, my dear... and hide the sadness in your palms, let me forget about the days of others in the mirror of your blue eyes.

I somehow look better in the mirror than in photographs.

For a girl, the combination of a mirror and music is a very interesting thing for about two hours.

I always see: a beautiful, attractive, smart, stunning girl in my mirror.

I looked into those eyes again and whispered: “You are the most precious thing in my life.” She smiled. And she walked away from the mirror.

They say that when a group of people laughs, everyone looks at the person they like. So I look in the mirror.

I love you! More than anyone else in the world!!! You are my only, beloved, and the best girl in my life - the mirror told me on Valentine's Day.

My mirror, light, be quiet! People have complexes.

The most sophisticated torture you can imagine for a woman: buy her a bunch of cool fashionable clothes, good cosmetics and lock her in a room without mirrors.

As you age, it is easier to get rid of the mirror than its reflection.

My light, mirror, tell me... don’t shit your pants!!!

Give me eternal love, Drink my blood, Breaking the mirror of life, Take me away from the mortal world. My whole body and soul are forever in your hands.

Every self-respecting person who has a cat at home is obliged to hold it up to the mirror at least once in their life and say: “Look, it’s you!”

The movers carried a large mirror past the grandmothers near the entrance, but they saw prostitutes there too!

I plopped down in a snowdrift to make a snow angel. The side mirror broke in the snowdrift

Well, how can you remember your age if every morning a 17-year-old Soul winks at you from the mirror?

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror is more real than the object itself.

If you read the inscription in the mirror, it will not be reflected as you would like. So it will never be able to reflect you the way others see you.

Some girls don’t have to go to Egypt to see crocodiles, just look in the mirror.

My light, mirror, shut up! I came to comb my hair!

In the morning, she sat down by the dressing table and asked him: “Am I the cutest, the most rosy and white in the world?” And the mirror answered me: “Are you crazy? At 40 years old?

I want a mirror with a “take a photo” function.

Being a mother of a girl means tenderness and constant expression of feelings. This is “I love mom, dad and the elephant” and the endless “oh, I’m mowing” in front of the mirror.

A cracked mirror means trouble. The elastic band of my panties cracked - to great shame, or, well, to little shame. If the condom cracked, it would be better if the mirror cracked.

The age when your mirror shows you a completely different face

Take the screw apart and get a spacious ashtray, a fashionable mirror and two cool refrigerator magnets!

After the New Year, such horrors are shown in the mirror.

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Types of mirrors and their effect on humans

The mere knowledge that the whole world is a reflection does not provide much benefit. It is important to put this knowledge into practice, learn to notice mirrors and accept them. And the next stage is decoding.

But usually it is very difficult for a person to determine what exactly this or that event reflects to him. This happens because in mirror situations there are always a lot of feelings and experiences. And where emotions run high, it’s difficult to think clearly. To remove “extra” experiences, I recommend first making a pysanka-drain, and then getting to work deciphering what exactly this event reflects.

There are several main types of mirrors - reflections.

Mirror straight

Law of Attraction: Like always attracts like.

The first and simplest type of reflection is a direct mirror. A direct mirror means that the situation reflects what is inside a person almost exactly the same.

Case studies:

1. The woman was infuriated that her husband was cold towards her and categorical in his statements.

We began to look at the woman’s behavior and found out that she was used to restraining her emotions, did not show them, but gave a lot of commands and indicated what and to whom to do in the house and at work.

Thus, her husband became a direct mirror for her. The coldness reflected her emotionlessness, the categoricalness reflected her commanding tone.

2. The woman was annoyed that her colleague constantly interfered with her work and controlled her.

They began to work with the mirror and it turned out that she controls her husband and children at home in the same way. It turns out that the colleague was simply mirroring her own control.

3. The man is terribly annoyed by the garbage on the street, the disorder in the work of the city administration, the “uncleanliness” of officials, etc. He constantly criticizes the authorities and the system.

When they began to look for what similar situations reflected to him, it turned out that he had been planning to clean up the yard of his house for 5 years and throw out the trash, the same can be said about the garage and closet.

Thus, the outside world directly mirrored to him his own disorder and uncleanliness.

Reverse mirror

Law of Opposites: Opposites always attract

A reverse mirror is when, at first glance, the situation reflects everything in reverse, completely opposite.

Case studies:

1. The woman was irritated by the fact that the employees did their work “carelessly”, often went out for a smoke break and drank coffee, endlessly gossiped, chatted, etc.

We started looking for a “mirror” and found out that this is irresponsibility. Although the woman herself is a very responsible worker. But it turned out that she is very irresponsible about her personal life and in every possible way avoids making fundamental decisions and actually doing something in it and changing it for the better.

2. The woman was very worried that her 5-year-old daughter began almost all phrases with “I want.” These “I want” haunted her even in her dreams.

During the work, we found out that the woman absolutely does not know what she wants and what her desires are.

With her behavior, the daughter wanted to remind her mother of her desires and desires. But when they “dig deeper,” it turned out that the woman was constantly haunted in her thoughts by the same phrase, “I want everyone to leave me alone.”

3. The man said that his sister and daughter were offended by him, reproached him for his bad relationship with his parents, his troubles, and considered him a bad son, brother and father.

He considers himself a person who does not take offense, does not express claims or reproaches. A good father, son and brother. Then, during the conversation, it turned out that he blames his sister and daughter for having a lot of grievances and wrong behavior with which they do not work, and in general he considers women to be the culprits of many broken relationships.

So it turns out that his sister and daughter mirrored his own accusations and insults to him.

Please note: At first glance, a reverse mirror reflects an absolutely opposite quality, but in fact, if you look deeper, a direct mirror is always hidden behind it.

Mirror of faces

The law of our Universe: The external is always a reflection and consequence of the internal.

Mirror of faces is the most complex type of reflection. It combines the direct and the reverse, but it is much more difficult to find, since reflections will appear only in very narrow facets of life.

Case studies:

1. A woman is terribly annoyed by the drunkenness of her ex-husband, who, after drinking, calls her and constantly wants something from her. The drunkenness of other men did not bother her so much.

During work, we found out that in fact, a woman is “pissed off” not by the drunkenness itself, but by the fact that he runs away into drunkenness from solving problems, drowning problems in alcohol.

In order to find the mirror, I had to search hard. As a result, they discovered that she had previously run away from problems in her family life by going to work, and then in retirement she found an outlet in the form of television: series and programs.

In essence, everything is the same as with the husband, only it manifests itself in other actions. The husband ran away from all problems and tasks, not solving anything. She carried everything on her shoulders, but ran away from solving those problems that seemed overwhelming to her - family life with a drunkard husband and all the resulting consequences. She separated from her husband, but the habit of running away from problems remained, which he continued to mirror with his drunkenness.

2. The man was infuriated by communication with one of the employees. It seemed like he didn’t do anything special, but he regularly “infuriated” people. No one else was so catchy, only this one.

They started working and it turned out that subconsciously this employee was captivating with his appearance: a dude in an expensive suit and an expensive smell.

As it turned out, the male client does not buy expensive things for himself, because he considers it a stupid and wasteful waste of money, although his funds allow it.

3. The woman was irritated by the caustic jokes of one friend. Although I always perceived other people’s jokes and humor with laughter and quite positively.

The woman was quite serious and did not allow herself to be sarcastic towards others. They began to look for a mirror and gradually found out that, after all, this kind of irony had awakened in her, albeit in a milder form, in relation to a colleague who was quite slow and inefficient.

As can be seen from the examples, the mirror of faces includes all previous mirrors, therefore, in order to work with it, it is important to first learn how to find and decipher the direct mirror and the reverse one.

What does a man reflect to a woman?

In the Russian tradition, it is believed that a man “mirrors” the state of her spirit to a woman. Therefore, the wife often called her husband - My Clear Falcon, Eagle. These birds traditionally in Rus' symbolized fortitude, will, honor, and the desire for truth and justice.

A man reflects to a woman:

  • How much she believes in God the Creator, the capabilities, strength and will of men as his sons.
  • Are you confident in yourself, in your uniqueness (not to be confused with pride), in yourself as the daughter of the Goddess and God the Creator.
  • Is there trust and faith within, or are they replaced by fear and control?
  • Does she develop and use her abilities and talents?
  • Is he aware of his goals for life, his ancestral tasks, and his purpose?

The weakness, irresponsibility and indecisiveness of a man in the family “mirrors” a woman that she is following a man’s path, solving problems that are not her own and living a life that is not her own. That she turns into a man, a bitch/eternal victim, etc.

If a close man suffers from spiritual illnesses, this means that the woman is not fulfilling her tasks and is moving away from her feminine destiny.

What does a woman reflect to a man?

In Rus' they said that a woman “reflects” to a man the state of his soul. Therefore, the husband often called his wife - My Darling, Swan.

A woman reflects to a man:

  • Is his soul warm or covered with an icy crust?
  • Is the heart open or does it live only by the concepts of the mind?
  • How much pain and resentment is buried inside.
  • How developed is the flexibility of perception or is categoricality and control dominant?

Hysteria, touchiness, claims and reproaches, bitchiness of a woman “mirror” a man’s closedness and withdrawal, indifference and coldness, categoricalness and rigidity/spinelessness, unwillingness to live, to be a Man—God.

An unhappy woman next to a man is an indicator of the degree of his selfishness, the extent to which he lives by thinking patterns, rigid, far-fetched rules and guidelines, and does not feel or hear his heart and soul.

The mirror effect in the trinity of worlds

Mirror at the Navi world level

This “mirror” is well described by the famous proverb: “You see a speck in someone else’s eye, but you don’t notice a log in your own.” This is when the outside world, through situations and people, reflects to a person his weaknesses, fears, attitudes, limiting beliefs, complexes, grievances, pain. That is, everything that is important to work through and let go.

Attention: A mirror at the Navi level is always a reflection enlarged several times, hypertrophied.

At the Navi level, the Universe does everything possible to show a person what is not real to him, what is false and alien. It is these “mirrors” that are the most emotional, painful and catchy.

Mirror at the level of the world of Reveal

This is when a person is shown through acquaintances and friends, through situations, what abilities and skills he has. What is its value, what is important to develop and manifest - to embody through concrete actions in the world, and not just dream and “hang in the clouds”.


The woman recently began to have friends who are very good at different types of needlework: some knit, some embroider, some sew.

This is the Universe “hinting” through reflections that it is also time for a woman to do some kind of needlework, to create beauty through the creation of things, to remember - to develop this skill.

The male head of the company began to often come across articles and videos on social media. networks, reports related to handicrafts. Either he reads something about blacksmiths, or he receives an invitation to a pottery master class.

This is the Universe showing him that he is working too much with his head and has completely neglected his hands. But in Rus', any man could create with his hands and was a master in several directions.

On the topic of the Trinity of Worlds.

Through the “mirrors” of Reveal, the world tries to help a person realize himself in the physical world, become a Creator, learn to create beauty in matter.

Mirror at the world level Rule

The world reflects a person’s aspirations, goals, dreams. What he forgot, but must definitely realize and embody in this life.

This can manifest itself through:

  • meeting with successful people;
  • reading books where the hero’s cherished dream comes true;
  • films, performances that remind of forgotten aspirations and goals, etc.

The Universe, through the “mirrors” of Pravi, tries to remind a person of his purpose, the meaning of life and right aspirations, in order to inspire him to meet his dreams.

Mirror effect. Conclusion:

The whole world is a reflection. Therefore, when once again something touches or catches in another person, it is important to remember that it is not him, it is just the mirror effect or the law of reflection at work.

Look carefully deep into yourself, analyze (the easiest and most effective way to do this is with the help of Easter eggs) and correct yourself, in your thoughts, feelings, behavior. Then even the most difficult situation will be resolved in the most favorable way and any conflict with the most unpleasant person will cease to “catch” and worry.

The external reflects the internal, and it depends only on the person himself what the world will reflect to him: weaknesses and complexes or talents and dreams. What's inside is also outside.

The article was written based on the research and experience of the school teachers and Arina Nikitina.

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