Islamic statuses from noble Ali (radiyallahu anhu)

Allah is above all

  1. Believing in Islam is where the path of a reasonable person begins.
  2. Allah does not test us. In any case, he teaches life...
  3. The further you move away from the forbidden, the closer you become to the Imam.
  4. A woman should not show her body to everyone. Just the opposite is the essence of slavery.
  5. If your heart is broken or offended in any other way, pray. Pray and you will be happy.
  6. Allah, I ask you to protect those Muslims who agree to be faithful to you until the end of their days!
  7. I am not afraid of death, because if I die as a Muslim, it will be a noble death...
  8. Every prayer is a hidden alms.

If you sincerely believe in Allah, set Islamic statuses with meaning about life.

  1. I can be patient when necessary, and I believe that this is a valuable asset.
  2. Do good, because this is what Allah commanded to us all!
  3. More than anything in the world I love my mother, father and Allah. This is love forever.
  4. Yes, a girl can find someone else, but Allah is always the same.
  5. No one really knows where he might end up tomorrow. The only hope is Allah.
  6. Allah commanded not to point your finger at others, because other fingers will then point at you.
  7. Be pleased with this world and Allah, and they will be pleased with you.
  8. It's never too late to accept Islam. Let's support those who are on the path to a wise decision.


But not a single world religion contains in its postulates rules that contradict common human values. They sound differently, sometimes their main meaning is hidden under a layer of unnecessary verbiage, but the truth is always simple. Islamic statuses about life and love are the best proof of this:

  • “Allah, give him happiness, because I am so far away. Protect and never leave, no matter what path he takes, don’t judge and forgive everything. And if suddenly he falls, pick him up.”
  • “Love is true happiness, but only when there is faith that it will last forever. And even if every time it turns out to be another lie, the strength and joy of love is in human faith.”
  • “If there are people in this world who are ready to pray for you, then you have not lived your life in vain.”
  • “You should not envy: only Allah knows what is better for a person.”

Islam in the heart forever

Wise Islamic statuses for avoiding hatred, despair and other evils.

  1. Your words certainly matter. But silence itself is no less important.
  2. Allah is witness to everything. Always remember this.
  3. In fact, everything is according to the will of the Almighty. It is a fact.
  4. Both boys and girls should avoid adultery!
  5. Allah is not only a high creature. He also has a great sense of humor...
  6. Praise be to Allah! He is the most valuable thing we all have.
  7. A woman should be soft. And a real woman always enjoys this state...
  8. Every show of patience is rewarded to a woman in heaven.
  9. Never ask for much, and then the Almighty will give you truly valuable gifts.

Allah will help his slave in any situation: Islamic statuses about the husband.

  1. I know why Allah tests me! Because he wants the best for me...
  2. Allah commanded to think only about good things: as is known, what is in the mind is in action.
  3. If you are sure that your words will be more useful than silence, only then speak them.
  4. Yes, I have to meet bad people. I believe that Allah leads me only to the best!
  5. Love will make me stronger. Love for Allah is so true.
  6. Do not be afraid to be kinder than yesterday, and Allah will generously reward you.
  7. Some might think I'm not in the best position. But I believe that Allah has prepared a better fate for me.
  8. In any situation I do not choose between the first and the second. I choose Allah!

I believe

On the Internet, all Islamic statuses are, in one way or another, related to religion. Sometimes it seems that religion is the meaning of life:

  • “A person seeking Paradise must perform Namaz. Anyone who desires wealth must recite Istighfar. A person looking for love must smile. If anyone wants joy, he must adhere to the Qur'an. And whoever wants reward is obliged to share this truth with others.”
  • “Thanks to Allah, no one can take away from a person what belongs to him.”
  • “Allah knows what is best for a person.”
  • “There is great power in prayer—it can be medicine for a lost soul, heal a broken heart, and calm a troubled mind.”

These statements are only a small fraction of what can be attributed to the religious awareness of life. Religion determines the behavior of every Muslim, and all his actions, one way or another, have religious support.

Only Allah will help you do the right thing

Wise Islamic statuses about life will help you better understand seemingly simple things.

  1. If you are in search of your person, your path, your faith.
  2. Your prayers will be answered. Sooner or later. Your job is to pray.
  3. Life teaches me lessons. I believe that Allah carefully selects them.
  4. Nothing happens just like that. Rest assured, the Almighty will see to it that everyone gets what they deserve...
  5. It is not always possible to love someone specific, but it is still necessary to love Allah.
  6. Never think that you will be underestimated simply because you are silent!
  7. Allah notices much more in our actions. Therefore, be careful.

If you want to see admiration in the eyes of others, set wise Islamic statuses with meaning.

  1. Only Allah will appreciate you for your good attitude. Believe me!
  2. Faith is the most important thing on this Earth. Let's not underestimate her...
  3. Allah will be cruel if necessary. But he is always pure in his thoughts.
  4. Those people who have nothing in their hearts are fake. They live like weeds.
  5. Perhaps somewhere I was too kind, but Allah will definitely reward me for this.
  6. Once upon a time I did not want what Allah wanted. This is the only reason I repent...
  7. Never hold a grudge. You know, the Almighty is in your thoughts anyway.
  8. Friends are tested not by wine, but by how they help in a difficult situation.

Briefly about the main thing

Human life is a series of certain events. The actions that a person has performed, and even his inaction, lead to different results. Islamic short statuses, perhaps, better reflect this side of being:

  • “A man is a reflection of his deeds.”
  • “The one who takes fills only the hands, the one who gives fills the heart.”
  • “Do your best, Allah will take care of the rest.”

At times, every person has a misunderstanding of why faith or religion in general is needed. But each person has a strange feature: she must believe in something, only then does a goal and meaning appear in life

In fact, it is not so important what a person believes in: the Koran or the Bible, the main thing is to believe

In Islamic statuses, the connection between human existence and religion is clearly visible, but if we ignore the theological aspect of statements, then such expressions are found at almost every step.

Quotes about success, love, the meaning of life: once you add the name of Allah to them, they will turn into Islamic statuses. Muslims are people too and nothing human is alien to them. They have the same values ​​and concepts, they just look at life from a different angle and follow a different path to their happiness.

Once upon a time there was a wise expression: “Islam is life, not bowing on the mat.” It’s hard to argue with this, although there are few sincere believers among modern believers, but sometimes “it’s worth spending a sleepless night to truly admire the sunrise.”

If you pray, think only about Allah

Short Islamic statuses about life with meaning if you want to express it literally in a nutshell.

  1. Now I unbearably want happiness. That's why I pray...
  2. Someday we will definitely meet: me and Allah.
  3. Love in silence. She never wears out your soul. This is the kind of love of Allah.
  4. Never make excuses for anyone. Everything is the will of Allah!
  5. Allah decides our fate for us, but we still have to decide on some actions ourselves.
  6. Allah will never wish you harm, no matter what happens and no matter what you do...
  7. Allah knows exactly how it will be best for you. So never despair!
  8. There is never any point in panicking. Seek peace in prayer.

If you suddenly find yourself in a difficult emotional situation, Islamic statuses about family will definitely help you.

  1. I have two main values ​​in my life. This is Allah and family.
  2. It is a great blessing to have a faith that you like and a family that supports you!
  3. Only in a family can you be happy: Allah ordained so.
  4. You need to love freedom when you are young. And then you still need some kind of support, a mental background.
  5. Love and relationships that are approved by the Almighty are truly wonderful.
  6. An ideal family is where everyone is faithful to Allah and each other.
  7. Love is the only one. Allah himself said so.
  8. I just want to say “thank you” to our creator for giving me such a happy family!

Islamic statuses about life

The wisdom of the East knows no bounds. Over the long centuries of their history, the Arab people have written thousands and thousands of great lines. Many of them are examples of how to act in a given situation. They can be compared to good advice, repeatedly tested in practice. This means that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to overestimate their importance.

For example, here are the following Islamic statuses about life, with meaning:

  • “The joy of life cannot be divided along religious lines. I bring Islam, I am a true Muslim, but I am devoid of pride. I respect other religions, because my people choose their faith themselves.”
  • “Love for Allah is the highest feeling. Everything else is just its fruit.”
  • “You must go through life with someone who will lead you to the gates of Heaven. With the one who all supports his and your Iman! Only his intentions will be sincere and praiseworthy. Only he will love you for the sake of Allah.”
  • “One wise man was asked: “Which Islam is correct?” He thought and said: “The one who feeds the hungry and welcomes all familiar and unfamiliar people” (Imam al-Bukhari).

I sincerely believe that Allah will send the woman I need...

Smart Islamic statuses to make it easier to find like-minded people on social networks.

  1. Converting to Islam is not such a difficult step. At first sight. However, there is a lot to realize.
  2. Our family will not be perfect. But the most important thing is that we will strive for Allah.
  3. No, I'm not alone. I have Allah in my heart, and he will definitely show me the way...
  4. Allah never spoke about anything complicated: the simplest truths are the most reliable.
  5. I am a follower of Islam, my future wife is a follower of Islam. And our children will be the same!
  6. Everyone has the right to choose their own faith. This is why only a select few choose Islam.
  7. I can afford not to talk to those who hinder my development as a Muslim!

If you are really glad that you are in such a faith, then Islamic statuses about husband and wife are for you.

  1. There is no jealousy within a real couple, there is only trust between them.
  2. A wise woman knows that only her husband can enjoy her beauty.
  3. Some people say that Islam is cruel to women, but in reality this is not true at all...
  4. Never be stingy with your wife. She is a truly important person in your life.
  5. The less anger there is between two people, the happier that family is!
  6. A wise woman remains silent when her husband is angry. She will say everything later, and absolutely calmly.
  7. The past must be honored, but remembered less.

Islamic statuses are only for true admirers of the Muslim faith.

Islamic statuses about faith

Muslims are very devoted to their religion. This is why in Islamic culture there are so many poems and aphorisms dedicated to faith in Allah.

So, some of them praise the heavenly king, others talk about his power, and still others teach what faith should be. But they are all beautiful and unique in their own way, and therefore are a shining example of Muslim culture.

  • “If your heart hurts badly, do not rush to extinguish it with deception. It’s better to pray quietly, because He hears everything. He is Allah who heals wounds."
  • “Having become a servant of Allah, a person will never become a slave to his desires.”
  • “The love of Allah is so great that He never abandons a person seeking a grain of truth. He always guides his actions, opening the gates of knowledge of Islam for him.”
  • “In Islam there is no difference between men and women in relation to Allah. Therefore, they will receive the same reward for their righteousness and an equal punishment for their misdeeds.”
  • “Prayer is the best medicine that can heal the body, soul and mind. That is why Muslims should never forget about her.”

Wonderful lines of Islamic writers

Also, many beautiful Islamic statuses are taken from the lines of great Arab poets and writers. At the same time, they can describe both serious life dilemmas and simple love sighs. And here is proof of this:

  • “From the mind comes sorrow and pleasure, from the mind comes greatness and downfall” (Abulqasim Ferdowsi).
  • “Earthly joy is only a moment. She prepares the doors before great eternity” (Ibn Sina).
  • “Why do people always strive for earthly wealth? After all, such greed is the path to sacrilege!” (Al-Mutanabbi).
  • “Don’t put evil at the heart of everything you do!” Otherwise, the root will rot and all the fruits will be lost” (Saadi).

Read with this

  • Quotes about evil people
  • Beautiful words and quotes that will make life better
  • A selection of the most beautiful statuses about your beloved guy
  • Statuses about life and love
  • Statuses about happiness
  • Funny statuses on VK
  • Quotes for Instagram under photos
  • The most beautiful statuses
  • Statuses about unrequited love
  • Statuses about bad mood

Words reflecting the will of the Almighty

Many of the statuses on the Internet are very beautifully written. Most of them usually demonstrate different aspects of the Islamic way of life. These statements tell in detail about the peculiarities of religion or raise fervent requests and gratitude to Heaven.

  1. Allah makes no difference between a strong man and a weak woman. Every sinner or righteous person always receives what he deserves.
  2. Always think only about the good. By doing so, you confirm that you fully accept the Higher Will.
  3. Honor the Prophet Muhammad and then you will not have to think about your deeds or actions for even 1 day.
  4. Never open your mouth until you are able to say something truly pleasing to Allah.
  5. The Almighty sends bad people into our world so that they show good people what not to do.
  6. I believe in a Higher Will. She will take me where I need to go when I need to.
  7. Heaven does not deny anyone anything.
  8. Allah always forgives all repentant sinners.
  9. A Muslim does not have a choice between good and bad. He knows only 1 way: to follow the paths destined for him.
  10. Anyone who observes all prayer hours will definitely be rewarded by the Almighty.
  11. You should never ask Allah for anything. Then he will give you even more than you want.
  12. The words of the Prophet Muhammad lead us along the path of peace and goodness, not war and bloodshed. Those who strive for war are far from the will of the Koran.
  13. Don't pray too loudly; Allah hears even the quietest whisper.
  14. If something in your life has not yet come true, wait a little. The Almighty will give you even more and better than what you pray for. But a little later.
  15. Never argue with the words of the Prophet Muhammad. Just follow his commandments and the real truth will be revealed to you.
  16. Do not do even the slightest harm to your neighbor and Allah will surely reward you generously.
  17. Read the Koran daily, it is through it that the Supreme Will is transmitted to a Muslim.

Statuses about life

• Success in this world is to be able to spend your life doing things that lead to the pleasure of Allah. • Never envy what others have! Allah knows best what is good for you! • A person is reflected in his actions. • When you point your finger at others, see that the other three fingers are pointing at yourself. • Whoever takes it fills his palms. Whoever gives fills the heart. • Do your best and Allah will do the rest. • If there are people in your life who will say a prayer for you, then you didn’t live this life in vain! • Muslim woman - she doesn’t need a prince on a white horse, she needs a brother with Iman in his soul... • Wealth is not a lot of property. Wealth is the wealth of the soul.


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