Selected Paulo Coelho Quotes to Inspire You to Change

More than 20 books have been published from the pen of Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho. These include novels, anthologies, and collections of short stories. And his most famous book, “The Alchemist,” became a world bestseller. In his works, he helped people look at life from the other side, with optimism, find something better, help them fall in love.

We have prepared a selection of quotes and aphorisms by Paulo Coelho about life, about love, from books, short, beautiful, with meaning. Get acquainted with his sayings and famous works.

Our angels are always with us

Paulo Coelho. Beautiful quotes and aphorisms


Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that a treasure is buried near your own home.


If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.


When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true.


Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.


You should never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul, just like food feeds our body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disaster and see our hopes dashed, we must still continue to dream.


No matter who you are or what you do, when you truly want something, you will achieve it. After all, this desire was born in the soul of the Universe. This is your purpose on Earth.


Decide. Change. Strive forward. Think. Take on challenges. Get up and take action. Refuse stereotypes. Achieve. Dream. Open. Believe. Stop. Listen to yourself. Grow. Win. Look at life with open eyes.


A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do and to insist on your own.


The first shortest path to God leads through prayer. And the second, equally direct, is through joy.

And in the end, as the Persian sage said, love is a disease that no one wants to get rid of. The one struck by it is in no hurry to recover, the sufferer does not desire healing. Paulo Coelho

Quotes from Coelho

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes from the writer Paulo Coelho .

His books are usually treated with either enthusiasm or hostility .

Quotes are summarized by topic: life ethics, love, life, people, God, human manifestations, sex, death, the meaning of life, decision, dreams, desire, comprehension, fear, relationships, self, children and youth, happiness, truth, woman .

About life ethics

My life philosophy is simple - I need to love someone, wait for something and do something.

The two most difficult tests on the spiritual path: patience while waiting for the moment of truth and the courage to accept what happens without judgment or evaluation.

Be like a fountain overflowing, and not like a reservoir containing the same water.

Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks destinies.

The risk of one adventure is worth more than a thousand days of well-being and comfort.

We all need a little madness.

I want to remain crazy, to live the way I dream, and not the way others want.

If you promise something you don’t have, you will lose the desire to have it.

In essence, we ourselves are to blame for all our troubles.

We can take a step towards a better way of living - in the sense that it is more reasonable, more practical to be kind rather than evil.

No one can lose anyone because no one belongs to anyone.

Misfortune is a test, not a punishment.

Do your own thing and don't worry about others. Believe that God speaks to them, and that they are no less concerned than you are with the search for the meaning of life.

If you have the courage to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.

If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

It doesn't matter what others think - because they will think something anyway.

Don't try to explain emotions. Try to live every day with full dedication, at full intensity. Try to preserve what seems to you to be God's gift. The surest way to destroy the bridge between the visible and the invisible is to try to explain to yourself the feelings you are experiencing.

The best way to know and destroy an enemy is to become his friend.

It makes sense to rack your brains only over what you are being paid for. Everything else does not exist. Everything else is a lie.

About love

Love is the great madness of a man and a woman.

Time does not change a person, wisdom does not change a person, and the only thing that can rebuild the structure of his thoughts and feelings is love.

When you love, everything makes more sense.

Love cannot prevent a person from following His Destiny. If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the kind that speaks the Universal Language.

Although we never forget our first love, it always passes.

People give flowers to a friend because they contain the true meaning of love. Anyone who tries to take possession of a flower will soon see it wither and lose its beauty. And the one who just admires it in the meadow will receive it forever. Love is, first of all, freedom.

Everyone knows how to love, because they receive this gift at birth. Some use it quite skillfully, most have to learn again, resurrecting techniques and skills, but everyone, without exception! - must burn out in the flames of past passions, resurrect past joys and sorrows, falls and ascents - and so on until they find the guiding thread hidden behind each new meeting... Yes, this thread exists.

And although my goal is to understand what love is, and although I suffer because of those to whom I gave my heart, I see clearly: those who touch my soul cannot ignite my flesh, and those who touch my flesh , powerless to comprehend my soul.

And don’t worry too much about love - at first I didn’t love your father at all, but money can buy everything in the world - including true love.

By the way, quotes about love

About life

Life is a journey from the unknown to the unknown.

Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.

If you trust life, life will trust you.

The world is the joint dream of the gods.

The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same.

The interesting thing about life is that in it dreams can come true.

The reality is what most people think it is. It is not always the best or the most logical, but it is adjusted to the desires and aspirations of society.

Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Life can sometimes be surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door slightly - and a whole avalanche falls on him.

Nothing in this world happens by chance.

The whole world is mad, and the worst thing is for the one who does not know that he is mad, because all he can do is repeat what others say.

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.

By the way, quotes about life

About people

People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same, the same as before.

There is always someone who wants exactly the same thing as you.

Human souls, like rivers and plants, also need rain. Special rain - hope, faith and the meaning of life. If there is no rain, everything in the soul dies, although the body still lives.

Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

People dream more about returning than leaving.

There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not good or bad, this is life.

There are two kinds of fools. Some people quit what they started, feeling threatened. Others believe that they themselves will be able to achieve something by threats.

By the way, quotes about people

About God

God is the echo of our own deeds.

God is the God of the brave. Those who make decisions with fear in their souls. Who are overcome by demons at every step of their chosen path. Who painfully thinks about everything he does, asking himself whether he is doing the right thing. But nevertheless they act. They act because they also believe in miracles.

— Do you see the Fifth Mountain? - asked Elijah. “No matter from which side you look at it, it will seem different, although it is still the same mountain.” That’s how everything that surrounds us is: these are different faces of the same God.

The wisdom of the world is foolishness in the eyes of God.

The Almighty reveals the future very rarely. And when He does this, it is for only one reason: what was destined must be changed.

About human manifestations

Courage is fear expressed in prayer.

We say the most important words in our lives silently.

Sophistication is not an external quality, it is a part of the soul, visible to others.”

Sadness proves that your soul is not dead.

The one who is indifferent to other people's misfortune is the most unfortunate!

Winners do not repeat past mistakes.

Where we are expected, we always turn up right on time.

Rich people don't throw money away - only poor people behave this way.

About sex

Sex is the art of mastering the wild.

Perhaps you know how to handle sex in bed. This doesn't mean you understand power. Both men and women are absolutely vulnerable to the power of sex, because there pleasure and fear are equally important.

Anyone who experiences sex knows that he is in front of something that comes with full force only when control is lost. When we are in bed with someone, we give permission for the person to merge not only with our body, but with our entire personality. In sex, it is difficult for one person to deceive the other, because there everyone shows himself as he is.

About death

Through death, God shows how important life is!

Sometimes you have to die to start living.

Awareness of death gives us the strength to live on.

Nobody dies. Eternity opens its arms to all souls, and each soul continues its path. Everything that lives under the sun is needed for something.

You are dying. It could be tomorrow or fifty years from now, but sooner or later you will die. Even if you don't want it. Even if you have other plans. Think carefully about what you are going to do today. And tomorrow. And with the rest of my life.

About the meaning of life

The meaning of my life will be the one that I myself will give to it.

Every person has a name from infancy, but it is important to be able to find a name for your life - a word that should give meaning to this life.

The great goal of every human being is to realize love. Love is not in another, but in ourselves, and we awaken it in ourselves. But in order to awaken her, this other one is needed. The universe only makes sense if we have someone to share our feelings with.

By the way, quotes about the meaning of life

About the solution

A person must make a choice. This is where his strength lies—the power of his decisions.

In any matter, the decision is just the beginning. When a person decides on something, having made a choice, it is as if he dives into a rapid stream that will take him to where he never thought he would be.

He who chooses his own path must renounce fear. Must have sufficient courage to take false and rash steps. Defeats, disappointments, failures are the tools with which God shows us the way.

About dreams

A person always has everything to make his dream come true.

We are all afraid to realize our most cherished dreams, because it seems to us that we are unworthy of them or that we will not be able to realize them anyway.

When everyone dreams of supposedly forbidden things and only a few realize these dreams, everyone else feels like cowards.

By the way, quotes about dreams

About desire

Desire is not what you see, but what you imagine.

When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true.

There is always some incompleteness in desire. For, when fulfilled, it ceases to be a desire.

About comprehension

There is only one way to comprehend - to act.

If you want to know something, immerse yourself in it.

On the path of attaining wisdom, there is no need to be afraid that you will take a wrong turn.

About fear

The main thing is not to be afraid that nothing will work out.

The fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself.

Fear ends where the inevitable begins. From this moment on, fear becomes meaningless, and all we have left is hope that we will make the right decision.

About relationships

It sometimes happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

The desert wind has long since scattered our footprints in the sand. But all my life I will remember our meeting, and you, as before, will live in my dreams and in reality. Thank you for coming into my life.

About my Self

The True Self is who you are, not what has been done to you.

You have a choice: either you control your mind, or it controls you. According to the second option, you have already lived: you allowed yourself to be dominated by fears, neuroses, and insecurities, since this tendency to self-destruction is inherent in humans. Don't confuse insanity with loss of control.

About children and youth

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do and to insist on your own.

This is always the case with young people: they set their own limits, without asking themselves whether their body can handle it. And the body always endures.

By the way, quotes about children

Oh happiness

Concentrating Love in yourself means happiness.

Allowing someone else to make us happy means making them happy too.

By the way, quotes about happiness

About truth

We accept this or that truth only after we first reject it with all our souls.

There is nothing completely wrong in the world - even a broken clock shows the exact time twice a day.

About the woman

I am a woman and I don’t analyze my feelings.

I don't believe anything you told me. But I know that every word you say is true.

About miscellaneous

Night is just part of the day.

Getting lost is the best way to find something interesting.

Maybe Good and Evil have the same face. It all depends only on when they meet on the path of each of us.

Love, indeed, like nothing else, can turn a person’s whole life upside down from time to time. But after love comes something else, which also forces a person to take a path that he had never even thought of before. This something is called "despair". And if love changes a person quickly, then despair changes even faster.

So what is success? This is an opportunity to go to bed every night with peace in your soul.

The only benefit of a tie is that we can come home and take it off and feel as if we are free from something we don't know what.

Possibly the most feminine male writer . Usually his works are liked by women and not liked by men. Also, most independent critics do not consider his works to be quality literature, and sometimes not literature at all. At the same time, this is one of the most popular modern writers.

How to explain such a contradictory combination? I can assume that Coelho’s success is due to at least two reasons:

  1. He found a very promising market niche and developed a very promising topic - the spirituality of women. After all, a person best buys himself at his best. And our author is generous: here, woman, are your dreams realized, here is your beautiful love, here you are communicating with the Universe itself... Motivates, inspires, increases self-esteem. And you don’t need to read any boring Confucius, Plato, Hegel, Heidegger and others like them.
  2. A serious approach to writing as a business: massive advertising, trips to countries and meetings with readers, social networks and YouTube, interviews, social events, etc. These are not eternally poor classics with ridiculous fees, this is a billion-dollar business.

As for Coelho’s quotes themselves, there are many figurative and motivating statements among them. There are also many banalities and outright repetitions among them, but I tried to weed them out.

Quotes about Coelho

  • U. Eco (Coelho's friend): I like Coelho's latest novel. He really makes a deep impression on me. (about the novel “Veronica Decides to Die”)
  • D. Bykov: But I’m so mediocre that even I know it myself! Is the whole country really high on dope at this time? After all, all my literature is worth a nickel on market day! The words are empty, the mind is birdlike, the ideas are pristinely simple... Is it really your custom to create gods out of emptiness?!
  • Z. Prilepin: Almost all modern foreign writers seem to me like tired human material. I would talk to Coelho about how he managed to come up with this crap and get the whole world hooked on it. This is what I would ask him. I am sincerely convinced that literary success is determined not so much by texts as by human life. Consistency and honesty in all your actions determines your success. It’s not even a position, but behavior—the relationship with women, with children. So I would ask Coelho, what did he do, bitch, that the whole world is reading him, and this is such bullshit that it’s impossible to come up with...

Next, you can move on to other collections of quotes:

  • Confucius quotes
  • Tolstoy quotes
  • Saint-Exupery quotes
  • Nietzsche quotes
  • quotes from Elchin Safarli
  • Brodsky quotes

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Love has no price

Paulo Coelho. Quotes and aphorisms about love


Don't try to get Love at any cost, because Love has no price.


If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth your nerves or attention.


If love changes a person quickly, then despair changes even faster.


It sometimes happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.


I wonder if it is possible to learn to love the right person. Well, of course you can. The trouble is that first you have to forget the one you don’t need to love - the one who entered without asking because he was passing by and saw the open door.


To find peace in heaven, you must find love on earth. Without love we are worthless.


No one can force you to love - neither yourself nor another person. You can only look at Love, be inflamed by it and imitate it.


Love is like a dam: if you leave even a tiny hole where a thin stream of water can penetrate, then soon the walls will collapse under its pressure, and a moment will come when no one can hold back the force of the flow. If the walls collapse, love will take possession of everything and will prevail over everything: it does not care what is possible and what is not, it does not care whether we are able to keep our loved one close, love is uncontrollable.


True love does not require reciprocity, and those who want to receive a reward for their love are wasting their time.


Love is a drug. At first there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. The next day you want more. You haven’t had time to get involved yet, but although you like the sensations, you are sure that you can do without them at any time. You think about your favorite creature for two minutes and forget about it for three hours. But gradually you get used to it and become completely dependent on it...

Avoiding the problems you must face is avoiding the life you must live. Paulo Coelho

About happiness and love

I love you because... “You don’t need to say anything,” the girl interrupted him. - They love because they love. Love does not accept arguments.

They don’t love for something, they love for no reason.

The strongest love is the one that is not afraid to show weakness.

Every person has weaknesses, the one who knows how to show them is most likely in love...

Happiness sometimes comes to us as grace, but much more often it is victory and overcoming.

Happiness is like the finish line of a competition with difficulties.

It’s enough for me to love him, mentally be with him and decorate this beautiful city with his affection, his words, the echo of his steps...

Those who love can be close even mentally.

Misfortune is a test, not a punishment.

Happiness is a reward for passing trials.

Love is the great madness of a man and a woman.

When men and women fall in love, they automatically become mad.

Love is perhaps a tougher test than standing face to face with a warrior who has aimed an arrow straight at your heart.

The worst wound is not from an enemy in war, but from the betrayal of a loved one.

Love can survive only when there is hope, however distant, that we will be able to conquer the one we love!

Love is a feeling that lives on hopes.

Only he is happy who is able to spread happiness.

Happy are those who give happiness to others.

Love is full of traps and traps. When she wants to make herself known, she shows only her light, and hides and hides the shadows generated by it.

If love immediately showed all the traps, then no one would fall in love...

Love cannot stop a person from following his destiny. If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the kind that speaks the Universal Language.

True love is destiny, so it cannot interfere with it.

We all need a little madness

Quotes from books by Paulo Coelho


If one leaves, it is to make room for the other. The more beautiful everything around me, the more rejected I feel. When I had nothing to lose, I gained everything. When I stopped being who I was, I found myself. When I experienced humiliation and still continued on my way, I realized that I was free to choose my fate. We have already subdued the energy of the wind, seas, and sun. But the day when a person masters the energy of love will not be inferior in significance to the discovery of fire. The Universe shows us our mistakes when it deprives us of the most important thing - our friends. "Zaire"


We all need a little madness. The happier people can be, the more unhappy they become. Stop constantly thinking that you are disturbing everyone! If someone doesn't like it, he himself will complain. And if he doesn't have the courage to complain, then that's his problem. Sometimes it is easier to achieve an answer by remaining silent than by asking questions. "Veronica Decides to Die"


All women are sure that a man does not need anything other than these eleven minutes of pure sex, and for them he shells out a lot of money. But this is not so: a man, in essence, is no different from a woman: he also needs to meet someone and find the meaning of life. Desire is not what you see, but what you imagine. When you teach someone something, you discover something new for yourself. "Eleven Minutes"


We usually appreciate what comes from afar and rarely pay attention to the beauty around us. We are never what others want us to be. We are what we want to be. The easiest way is to blame others. We can spend our lives cursing the world, but our successes and failures depend entirely on ourselves. Only mediocrity is always confident, so take a risk and do what you really want. Look for people who are not afraid to make mistakes and who, of course, make mistakes. "Aleph"

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