Genius is 1% talent and 99% work

If everything is difficult to understand, then some questions may arise about talent. In psychology, talent is understood as a unique set of special qualities a person possesses from birth. These features predetermine the traits that will develop in the future, as well as the area in which the gift will be realized in order to bring the greatest benefit to society. Currently, talent is characterized as a special ability for any activity or business.

Talent begins to develop in every person from birth. It can be called a certain foundation on which a personality will be created, a successful and talented person will be formed. But becoming such a person is not easy; it requires a lot of effort and work. Having carried out a chain of inferences, one can come to the conclusion that something that a person will do for a long time and successfully, and at the same time no one will force him to do it, is a gift.

To decide on such a business, a person must try himself in various fields of activity. He must gain experience through which he can understand what he does best and what he likes.

You can discover genuine talent at any time, even if you already have some success in one area or another. But how do you know what talent a certain person has?

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Now there is an opinion that one person can have not one gift, but a whole set. But this is not true, it is a myth. From the moment of birth, a person has only one main talent, but it can manifest itself in different ways, in different fields and professions.

About skill and talent

What does it take to be able to draw well? Can everyone sing beautifully? Do you need abilities to play musical instruments normally?

Such questions concern many people who want to develop this or that ability, but are worried that they will not succeed. But really, is it necessary to have some unusual abilities or natural developmental features of the body or a sufficiently strong desire and training?

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perception. Thomas A. Edison

Literal translation: Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

Well, then you are probably familiar with the phrase: Talent is 10 percent giftedness and 90 percent work

So the conclusion suggests itself - everyone can draw, sing, play musical instruments, and speak foreign languages. In general, he can do whatever he really wants.

A great desire is a good motivation. About the same as a vital necessity. After all, if you know that you really need to go to the toilet, you won’t mind any obstacles. Also with desire.

Well, as for physical data, then, of course, they play a role. I once heard from a piano teacher that she had a student with a “wonderful instrument” or something like that. That is, good physical data, but - alas and ah! - no desire to study.

Regarding music, we can say this: every average person can learn to play any instrument . This is the conclusion not only of mine, but also of those people with whom I discussed issues of teaching music (for me, these people, of course, are authoritative).

The same goes for singing. It would seem that you either have an ear for music and a voice or you don’t. This is not true, hearing and voice can be developed. It's the same with painting. Knowledge of techniques and motor memory do wonders.

And all these miracles are based on the peculiarities of your brain. You won’t argue that the more you do something, the more often you train, the easier and better this or that action turns out?

Regular training in playing music, painting, and singing will bring success.

What about a mentor, a teacher? This is an important issue in teaching. Of course, you need to find a good teacher who not only knows how to sing/draw/play, but can also teach. In addition to pedagogical talent and skill itself, he must understand and be able to explain, if necessary, on what principles this or that action/phenomenon is based (for example, how the ear perceives sound, what sound is, etc.)

A good teacher (in any field) will significantly speed up the path of his student (who himself has the desire to study and reach a certain level), but a bad one can discourage all desire or inspire the student that he is incapable of anything (this is perhaps the worst thing) .

So the conclusion, again, is obvious: talent is quite conditional, success is determined by efficiency, knowledge of technical techniques and possession of skills.
Desire, purpose and hard work determine 90 percent of success. Agree, this is a lot, taking into account the fact that many people need such skills and abilities “for the soul” and not for professional use. Therefore, having achieved even 50 percent of success, you can, in addition to satisfying your own desires, become the most talented and brightest person in your environment. 2014-08-30, Anny (updated 2016-02-01)

How to identify your strengths

So how to find your talent? Now there are a large number of ways in which you can determine your gift. Here's one of them. When using this method, the main thing is to set yourself up for the search; it is also very important that no one distracts you. The technique involves several stages:

1. First step. You need to identify all your inclinations. This activity may take quite a lot of time, but it is worth it. Concentrate and you will end up with a list of things you can do or want to learn to do. Do not forget that aptitudes must relate to certain professional areas.

2. Second step. Then calmly, without rushing, you need to re-read the list, paying attention to the emotions that arise when reading. At this stage, visualizing the action you are currently thinking about is also important. This will help you better recognize the emotions that arise when you do one thing or another. Don't forget that it should be useful not only for you, but also for society. If you feel that you are experiencing pleasant emotions, write this down in a separate column.

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3. Third step. Perhaps this is the most difficult stage, since you need to work hard at it. We will have to determine what is common between the cases that we selected in the previous paragraph. Something can complement each other, something can depend on the other. There is a high probability that all this will not work out the first time, then it is worth repeating the analysis again.

4. Fourth step. As a result of processing the previous data, your talent will become obvious to you. To be more precise, you will end up with something like a chain, the links of which will be the characteristics of your talent.

5. Fifth step. Now you need to choose your features that will help you realize your talent. It could be anything. You can determine a profession in which you will be talented, or an area of ​​activity. But you will definitely have your own plan for developing your talent.

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Having decided on his gift, a person immediately begins to clearly understand what he should do next and why he lives in principle. Knowing your purpose helps you decide on your future profession, and many educational institutions, such as schools and universities, are currently actively engaged in this. When a person knows exactly his talent, he will not waste precious time searching for his place in life.

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration (V. Spivakov)

In his statement, the author meant that a gifted person cannot become a genius without difficulty. To reach heights and show everyone your abilities, you need to study and work a lot. Genius is achieved through independent, long-term creative development.

I agree with the author that all brilliant people are great workaholics. Naturally talented people will never achieve success if they do not develop their talent and work on themselves. Successful people do not have days off and think about their activities even while on vacation. This problem is relevant in modern conditions, because there are many geniuses, but no one notices them. In the modern world, it is difficult to advance without money. Many brilliant young people from ordinary families simply cannot afford to enter a prestigious university or get a job in a scientific laboratory. In addition, in the modern world there are no real connoisseurs of art or science. Everyone admires mediocrities who can only present themselves beautifully.

Let us turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement. A genius is a person with intellectual or creative talent. He is endowed with talents in one or more areas. Genius stands out from the crowd with several signs:

  • Non-standard thinking - has its own opinion on any current situation, does not obey the crowd, can lead.
  • Developed imagination - they say about such people: “they live in their own world.”
  • Attention to detail - they believe that it is possible to achieve something great from the little things.
  • Activity - they do not sit still and are constantly looking for ways to realize their plans. They experiment and prove they are right.

But genius is an acquired property that will not manifest itself without difficulty and the inclinations of talent will remain undeveloped. To achieve success, a person needs to work hard on himself. Geniuses are born, but without the necessary conditions for development and work on oneself, genius will be suppressed.

Numerous examples from the literature confirm the author’s idea. In the novel “Heart of a Dog” we meet the brilliant surgeon Professor Preobrazhensky. The professor is a luminary of medicine. He performs plastic surgery on women and men who do not want to age. Moscow is confident that the professor has no equal in Europe. Preobrazhensky works a lot, studies medical literature and one day decides to experiment. He performs a unique operation to transform the dog Sharik into a human. However, the resulting person turned out to be completely different from the professor himself. He was sloppy, swore, smoked and brought a lot of problems to his creator. Then Preobrazhensky again turns the man into the dog Sharik. The professor admitted that his experiment was a “fiasco” and forever hid the great achievement from humanity.

What do the facts of social life tell us? Stephen Hawking, a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge without education, created a scientific work on the study of black holes and the work of quantum gravity. Even in his youth, Stephen was diagnosed with an incurable disease that suppressed the functioning of the central nervous system. The disease developed gradually and after a few years the professor became disabled. He did not walk and did not serve himself. He could only sit in a wheelchair and speak through a speech synthesizer. But a serious illness did not break the great scientist. He was engaged in science until his death and received the highest civilian honor in the United States - the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Having examined theoretical arguments and specific examples, we are convinced that a person from birth receives abilities that, under the influence of certain conditions, develop into talent. Genius manifests itself after hard work to improve one's talent.

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