Great Quotes About Art and Craft (200 Quotes)

Quotes about art

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about art .

Art is a huge world that you can master throughout your life , if not longer.

Quotes are grouped by topics: life and art, man and art, soul and art, nature and art, truth and art, morality and art, art is, freedom and art, great art, purpose and art, sources of art, happiness and art , religion and art, Russia and art, form and content, reality and art, mind and art, feelings and art, inspiration and art, beauty and art, contemporary art, etc.

Life and art

There is no true life without art. (Euripides)

Life is an art. (D. Ron)

Poetry transforms life. (F. Kafka)

Art is reconciliation with life. (N. Gogol)

Too close a resemblance to life is fatal to art. (R. Emerson)

Life is short, art is eternal. (Hippocrates)

Art, if not the bread, is the wine of life. (J. Paul)

Life is never beautiful: only its pictures in the purified mirror of art are beautiful. (A. Schopenhauer)

Art in general - and literature in particular - is remarkable in that it differs from life in that it always runs into repetition. (I. Brodsky)

Life is too caustic. She destroys art. (O. Wilde)

Art is a surrogate for life, that’s why art is loved by those who have failed in life. (V. Klyuchevsky)

Does a person need anything besides life and art? I think not: nothing else is needed, this includes everything real. (D. Kharms)

Art is a reflection and knowledge of life; Without knowing life, you cannot create. (K. Stanislavsky)

Art makes life bearable by shrouding it in the haze of impure thinking. (F. Nietzsche)

I don’t like life as such, for me it begins to mean, to acquire meaning and weight - only transformed, that is, in art. If they took me overseas - to heaven - and forbade me to write, I would give up the ocean and paradise. (M. Tsvetaeva)

The poet inevitably fails in all other paths of realization. Habitual, accustomed (by himself) to the absolute, he demands from life what it cannot give. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Life is learned from books and works of art, perhaps even more than from life itself. (T. Dreiser)

Life simply has fewer options than art, because the material of the latter is much more flexible and inexhaustible. There is nothing more mediocre than considering creativity as the result of life, certain circumstances. (I. Brodsky)

The feeling of life as continuous novelty is the fertile soil on which art blossoms and matures. (K. Paustovsky)

High art not only reflects life, it, by participating in life, changes it. (I. Ehrenburg)

An artist must love life and show us how beautiful it is. If it weren't for him, we would doubt it. (A. France)

Art is a reflection and knowledge of life; Without knowing life, you cannot create. (K. Stanislavsky)

If life is movement and struggle, then art, a true reflection of life, must represent the same movement, the struggle of opinions and ideas. (V. Korolenko)

Only reality has the right to be implausible, art never. This is why art cannot merge with life. (E. Verharn)

Good writers are closely in touch with life. Those who are mediocre only skim the surface. And the bad ones rape her and leave her torn to pieces to be eaten by flies. (R. Bradbury)

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Man and art

Art is jealous; it demands that a person devote himself entirely to it. (M. Buonarotti)

Every man is less than his most beautiful creation. (P. Valerie)

Painting is stronger than me and always makes me do what it wants. (P. Picasso)

If art teaches something (and the artist first and foremost), it is precisely the particulars of human existence. (I. Brodsky)

Art is the most expressive form of individualism known. (O. Wilde)

Art is about maintaining a balance between the horror of being human and the wonder of being human. (K. Castaneda)

Nothing can shake the following axiom in me: every creation testifies to the creator. (Voltaire)

Love the art in yourself, not yourself in the art. (K. Stanislavsky)

In the depths of man lies a creative force that is capable of creating what should be, which will not give us peace and rest until we express it outside of us in one way or another. (I. Goethe)

Art is always a matter of the whole person. Therefore, it is fundamentally tragic. (F. Kafka)

When humanity is destroyed, there is no more art. Putting beautiful words together is not an art. (A. Blok)

Art, before giving a man wings so that he can fly high, usually breaks his legs. (C. Chaplin)

A person can be crippled, but art will endure everything and conquer everything. (A. Kuprin)

With art I straighten myself out and infect normal people. (S. Dali)

Art is such a need for a person as eating and drinking. The need for beauty and creativity, which embodies it, is inseparable from a person, and without it a person, perhaps, would not want to live in the world. (F. Dostoevsky)

Every suffering, excitement, passion has a time when they belong to the person himself with his unique individuality, and another time when they begin to belong to art. But in the first moments, art is powerless to do anything with them. Art is the distance by which time removes suffering from us. (A. Camus)

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Soul and art

Art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul. (P. Picasso)

The creator in his works must express the state of his soul. (Socrates)

Art is the introduction into the soul of harmony and order, and not confusion and disorder. (N. Gogol)

They write not because they want to compete with anyone, but because the soul longs to be poured out with sensations. (N. Gogol)

The artist’s calling is to illuminate the depths of the human soul with light. (R. Schumann)

To create beauty, you yourself must be pure in soul. (M. Glinka)

Art is something that is created not only by human hands, but also by something else that wells up from a source hidden in our soul. (V. Van Gogh)

Art creates good people, shapes the human soul. (K. Paustovsky)

Art is the nectar of the soul, collected in labor and pain. (T. Dreiser)

A lot of spiritual depth is needed in order to illuminate a picture taken from a despised life and elevate it to the pearl of creation. (N. Gogol)

I bet if you paint what lives in your heart, this canvas will hang in a museum. (C. Palahniuk)

The female soul lies in beauty, just as the male soul lies in strength. If both could be united in one person, we would have the ideal of art, which people have been dreaming about since it existed. (O. Wilde)

The methods of creativity change, but the soul invested in creating art can never die or become obsolete. If the language of the poem can still be read, if the sculptor’s intention can be discerned from the collected fragments, then the soul of the creator has not died for us living. (V. Bryusov)

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Nature and art

Art completes what nature cannot complete. (Aristotle)

Painting argues and competes with nature. (L. da Vinci)

The secret of art is that it corrects nature. (Voltaire)

Truly, art lies in nature; whoever knows how to discover it owns it. (A. Durer)

Art is the process of passing the forces of nature through the human being. (A. Platonov)

Art is like nature. If you don't let it in the door, it will come in the window. (S. Butler)

Art is evidence that is confirmed by nature. (J. Sand)

The task of art is not to copy nature, but to express it. We must grasp the mind, meaning, appearance of things and beings. (O. Balzac)

Nature is sometimes dry, but art should never be dry. (D. Diderot)

I forget about everything for the sake of the external beauty of objects, which I cannot reproduce: I see the perfection of nature, but in my paintings it turns out to be rough and ugly. Nevertheless, I took such a run that my bony body rushed uncontrollably straight towards the goal. (V. Van Gogh)

The last atom of resistance to the elements for its glory is art. Nature, overcoming itself for its glory. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Art is the same nature. Do not look for laws in it other than your own (not the artist’s self-will, which does not exist, but precisely the laws of art). Maybe art is only a branch of nature (a type of its creativity). It is certain: a work of art is a work of nature, born, and not created. (M. Tsvetaeva)

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Truth and art

All arts consist in the exploration of truth. (M.T. Cicero)

The artist is a liar, but art is the truth. (A. Maurois)

No one lies more in art than realists. (S.E. Lec)

Art is a lie that makes us aware of the truth. (P. Picasso)

Not all truth is beauty, but all beauty is truth. (K. Stanislavsky)

Art has as its task to reveal truth in a sensual form. (G. Hegel)

In our business, true nonsense is true truth. (A. Fet)

Our art is blindness to the truth: only the light on the face that recedes with a grimace is true, nothing else. (F. Kafka)

To depict only the good, bright, and joyful in human nature means to hide the truth... It is impossible to depict light without shadows. (I. Goncharov)

Now I’ll say it beautifully: if you want to be a master, dip your pen in the truth. You won't be surprised by anything else. (V. Shukshin)

Let us glorify the poets who have one god - the beautifully spoken, fearless word of truth. (M. Gorky)

Artists have been court jesters throughout past history. They were allowed to tell the truth because they portrayed it in a special, socially limited, artistic form. (E. Fromm)

Art is true when it is fused with the truth of life. (Abay)

Most writers consider the truth to be their most valuable asset - which is why they use it so sparingly. (M. Twain)

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Morality and art

Everything that is beautiful is moral. (G. Flaubert)

Art is valuable only if it is an expression of morality. (J. Cocteau)

I am sure that a bad person cannot be a good author. (N. Karamzin)

Art is one of the means of distinguishing good from evil, one of the means of recognizing the good. (L. Tolstoy)

These half an hour of Gogol by the fireplace did more for good and against art than the entire long-term sermon of Tolstoy. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Art is the conscience of humanity. (K. Goebbel)

Great art should not defile itself by turning to immoral subjects. (L. Beethoven)

Art has bouts of chastity. It cannot call a spade a spade. (A. Camus)

Art is immoral, just like life is immoral. For me there are no obscene paintings or obscene books - there are only pictures and books badly conceived and poorly written. (V. Van Gogh)

Art must rush to where some vice is hidden. (A. Blok)

Art sets as its goal to exaggerate the good so that it becomes even better, to exaggerate the bad - hostile to man, disfiguring him - so that it arouses disgust, ignites the will to destroy the shameful abominations of life created by the vulgar, greedy philistinism. (M. Gorky)

Art is...

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary. (P. Picasso)

Art is a mediator of what cannot be expressed. (I. Goethe)

All art is one given answer. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Art is a mirror that reflects whoever looks into it, and not life at all. (O. Wilde)

Art is a step from nature to Infinity. (D. Gibran)

Art is a powerful means of correcting human imperfections. (T. Dreiser)

Art is a mystery! (E. Grieg)

Art is a terrible disease, but it’s impossible to live without it yet. (S. Dali)

Art is a reality ordered by the artist, bearing the stamp of his temperament, which is manifested in style. (A. Maurois)

Art is the most beautiful, the most strict, the most joyful and good symbol of man’s eternal, unreasonable desire for good, for truth and perfection. (T. Mann)

Art consists in the fact that the actor makes something alien, given to him by the authors of the play, his own. (E. Vakhtangov)

Art is in its essence a movement and begins from the desire for the best: one wants something better than what is given... (M. Prishvin)

To repeat yourself differently every time - isn’t this art? (S. Jerzy Lec)

Freedom and art

Freedom of art is inexpensive when its only meaning is the spiritual comfort of the artist. (A. Camus)

Art cannot tolerate enslavement. (A. Suvorov)

Art balances between two abysses - frivolity and propaganda. On the crest of the ridge along which a great artist moves forward, every step is an adventure, the greatest risk. In this risk, however, and only in this, lies the freedom of art. (A. Camus)

Peace and freedom are also taken away. Not external peace, but creative peace. Not childish will, not the freedom to be liberal, but creative will—secret freedom. And the poet dies because he can no longer breathe: life has lost its meaning for him. (A. Blok)

I lost the most important thing for an artist - freedom of creativity, because I allowed myself to be enslaved by imposed ideas of what an artist should be. (D. Lennon)

The fight against censorship, whatever it may be and under whatever government it exists, is my duty as a writer, as well as calls for freedom of the press. I am an ardent admirer of this freedom and believe that if any writer were to try to prove that he does not need it, he would be like a fish publicly assuring that it does not need water. (M. Bulgakov)

By the way, quotes about freedom

Great art

A great work of art is a painful victory of a brilliant mind over a brilliant imagination. (B. Shaw)

Great objects of art are great only because they are understandable and accessible to everyone. (L. Tolstoy)

Genuine immortal works of art remain accessible and bring pleasure to all times and peoples. (G. Hegel)

Only a work of art that is at once a symbol and an accurate expression of reality is outstanding. (G. Maupassant)

There is no more enlightening, soul-cleansing feeling than that which a person feels when acquainted with a great work of art. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

All great art is revolutionary because it illuminates the reality of man and questions the reality of the various transitional forms of human society. (E. Fromm)

The greatness of art is most clearly manifested in music. (I. Goethe)

Purpose and art

The highest purpose that art serves is to help people understand life more deeply and love it more. (R. Kent)

The main goal of art... is to reveal, express the truth about the human soul... Art is a microscope that the artist points at the secrets of his soul and shows these secrets common to all people. (L. Tolstoy)

The ultimate goal of art is to encourage people to do what they need to do and realize what they know. (M. Blondel)

Epochs without great goals do not have great art. (B. Brecht)

Great art serves great purposes. (B. Brecht)

A surefire sign that something is not art or someone doesn't understand art is boredom. Art should be a means of education, but its goal is pleasure. (A. Blok)

By the way, quotes about the goal

Sources of art

The source of poetry is beauty. (N. Gogol)

In every work of art, great or small, down to the smallest, everything comes down to a concept. (I. Goethe)

Harmony is what underlies all forms of art throughout human history. (I. Zholtovsky)

A sense of proportion in art is everything. (A. France)

If there had not been a war in the world, art would have died out completely. All the best ideas of art come from war and struggle. (F. Dostoevsky)

The sciences and arts owe their origin to our vices; we would doubt their merits less if they owed their origin to our virtues... (J.-J. Rousseau)

Art is born only from grief. And never from joy. (C. Palahniuk)

Happiness and art

Art is a story about the happiness of existence. (B. Pasternak)

Poems, even the greatest ones, do not make the author happy. (A. Akhmatova)

Happiness is a bad topic for writers. It's too pleased with itself... It doesn't require comment. (R. Walser)

I believe that the artist is lucky: he is in harmony with nature whenever he manages to some extent to express what he sees. (V. Van Gogh)

Happiness is spending yourself on the creation of your own hands, which will live even after your death. (A. Saint-Exupery)

Happiness is in knowledge. In art and in work, in comprehending it. By experiencing art in yourself, you get to know nature, the life of the world, the meaning of life, you get to know the soul - talent! There is no higher happiness than this. What about success? Frailty. (K. Stanislavsky)

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Religion and art

Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less artist, the better. (A. Zhid)

Art is a religion that has its priests and must have its martyrs. (O. Balzac)

The only sphere in which the divine is discernible is art, whatever its name. (A. Malraux)

I believe in God, Mozart and Beethoven. (R. Wagner)

Art is a divine game. These two elements - divinity and play - are equivalent. It is divine, for it is precisely this that brings man closer to God, making him a true full-fledged creator. For all that, art is a game, since it remains art only as long as we remember that in the end it is just fiction. (V. Nabokov)

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Russia and art

Russian tragedy is precisely the tragedy of a society in which literature turned out to be the prerogative of a minority: the famous Russian intelligentsia. (I. Brodsky)

In our country, the class division of labor also operated in the development of art: poetry was developed by the nobility, theater by merchants, eloquence by the clergy, painting by serf artists and Palekhov iconomases. (V. Klyuchevsky)

The time of enlightened patrons, the time of philanthropists has passed; now the triumph of the bourgeoisie, now art is worth its weight in gold, in the full sense a golden age is coming. But, no matter what, sometimes they’ll give you blackening to drink, and they’ll give you a ride in a barrel from the mountain, for your own pleasure - which Medicis you’ll attack. (A. Ostrovsky)

We need to seriously think about who and what is inspiring us today with the help of literature and art, to put an end to ideological sabotage in this area... (I. Stalin)

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Form and content

Art is not what, but how. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

A form without content is a bell that doesn't ring. (O. Blumenthal)

Artistic form is content that has become visible. (I. Gofmiller)

To reduce art to a question of “form” means to belittle and narrow it beyond all measure. (C. Sainte-Beuve)

In art, as in all human affairs, content is decisive. (G. Hegel)

Form and content are two dimensions of things of art: form is the dimension of the external, surface, content is the dimension of depth. (M. Prishvin)

I will always sacrifice form if it comes down to a choice between form and content. The thought is the main thing. (M. Twain)

Reality and art

The sad truth is that words fall short of reality. (I. Brodsky)

All art is conditional. But even in convention there must be reality. (D. London)

Art must take reality by surprise. (F. Sagan)

If something has nothing to do with art, it does not exist. (V. Van Gogh)

Art is not a reflection of reality. Reality alone is more than enough for us. (S. Gabor)

Art is always a metaphor for reality. (Yu. Bondarev)

A painter who sketches senselessly, guided by practice and the judgment of the eye, is like a mirror that reflects all the objects opposed to it, without having knowledge of them. (L. da Vinci)

Reason and Art

Literature is the guidance of the human mind for the human race. (V. Hugo)

Art without the idea that a person without a soul is a corpse. (V. Belinsky)

Dictated by feeling and even reason, the artist’s task is to include the person being portrayed in the system of his own artistic vision. (F. Kafka)

Fantasy, devoid of reason, gives birth to a monster; united with him, she is the mother of art and the source of its wonders. (F. Goya)

Just as in the matter of the liberal arts I value reason little in comparison with the unconscious instinct, the springs of which are hidden to us, so in practical life I demand reasonable foundations, supported by experience. (A. Fet)

By the way, quotes about the mind

Feelings and art

In all forms of art, you yourself need to experience the sensations that you want to evoke in others. (Stendhal)

Art conveys not only the appearance, but also the atmosphere and mood of the artist. Like a memory. This is what I like about it. (A. Scholte)

If science is the memory of the mind, then art is the memory of the senses. (V. Soloukhin)

When a line is dictated by a feeling, It sends a slave to the stage, And then art ends, And the soil and fate breathe. (B. Pasternak)

Inspiration and art

Inspiration is not a herring that can be pickled for many years. (I. Goethe)

The creation of a man's hand in art can never be higher than the inspiration of his heart. (R.W. Emerson)

Our whole art lies in being able to counteract each answer with our own question before it evaporates. This jumping at you with answers is inspiration. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Inspiration always comes when a person wants it, but it does not always disappear when he wants it. (Charles Baudelaire)

Art gives wings and carries you far, far! (A. Chekhov)

Penetration into what happens in a burst of insight is the basis of art. (A. Mickiewicz)

Beauty and art

Art is wisdom in the guise of beauty. (H.A. Livraga)

It is an axiom that beauty is a necessary condition for art, that without beauty there is and cannot be art. (V. Belinsky)

Beauty lies only in truth. (F. Schiller)

There is so much beauty in art! He who remembers everything he saw will never be left without food for thought, will never be truly alone. (V. Van Gogh)

Make us beautiful. (V. Mayakovsky)

The beauty of a work of art depends much more on the frame than on the creation itself. (C. Palahniuk)

By the way, quotes about beauty

Modern Art

No one has ever seen a natural work of art. (P. Picasso)

You can do a lot in art, as long as it is artistically convincing. (K. Stanislavsky)

Modern trends have imagined that art is like a fountain, whereas it is a sponge. They decided that art should hit, while it should suck and be saturated. They considered that it can be decomposed into means of representation, while it consists of the organs of perception. It should always be in the audience and look at everyone cleaner, more receptive and more faithful, but these days it has learned the powder, the dressing room and appears from the stage. (B. Pasternak)

Peace and art

Art is an attempt to create another, more humane world next to the real world. (A. Maurois)

I am exhausted by the fact that I look at the world only with my own eyes and cannot look at it any other way. (I. Bunin)

Art is the most important focus of all biological and social processes of the individual in society, that it is a way of balancing a person with the world in the most critical and responsible moments of life. (L. Vygotsky)

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Society and art

Art has always been a wonderful mirror of the social order. (R. Wagner)

There can be neither patriotic art nor patriotic science. (I. Goethe)

Art is a language and therefore a highly social function. (G. Hauptmann)

The proletariat must put forward the principle of party literature, develop this principle and put it into practice in the most complete and integral form possible. (V. Lenin)

The masses should be the reader, not the art. (S. Jerzy Lec)

Art goes ahead, and the guards follow. (S. Jerzy Lec)

Creativity and art

Everyone is capable of creating well only what the muse inspires him to do. (Plato)

Art allows us to say even what we don’t know. (G. Laub)

In poetry, in plastic arts and in art in general there are no ready-made things. (O. Mandelstam)

The more hidden the author's views, the better for the work of art. (F. Engels)

The problem of art is the problem of translation. Bad writers are those who write taking into account an internal context unknown to the reader. You need to write as if together: the main thing here, as elsewhere, is to learn to control yourself. (A. Camus)

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People and art

Art is the clothing of a nation. (O. Balzac)

Art became the first teacher of nations. (G. Hegel)

Art should open eyes to the ideals created by the people themselves. (K. Stanislavsky)

Art belongs to the people. It must have its deepest roots in the very depths of the broad working masses. It must unite the feeling, thought and will of these masses, lift them up. It should awaken the artists in them and develop them. (V. Lenin)

Perception of art

The perception of art can only lead to true pleasure when the art of perception exists. (B. Brecht)

A work of art does not awaken any feelings in me. Looking at a masterpiece makes me ecstatic about what I can learn. It doesn’t even occur to me to be overwhelmed with emotion. (S. Dali)

Every tailor has his own view of art! (K. Prutkov)

Spirit and art

Where the spirit does not guide the artist's hand, there is no art. Where the thought does not work together with the hand, there is no artist. (L. da Vinci)

A perfect work of art is a work of the human spirit and in this sense a work of nature. (I. Goethe)

All modern art is disgusting for one simple reason - there is no spiritual principle in it, there is no contemplative quality in it. (Osho)

Message of art

Art without a message is like an empty envelope. (H.A. Livraga)

The writers whom we call eternal or simply good and who intoxicate us have one common and very important sign: they are going somewhere and they invite you there. (A. Chekhov)

Every writer, especially a novelist, whether he admits it or not, has a “message”, and all his work, down to the smallest detail, is determined by it. All art is propaganda. (D. Orwell)

Love and art

When love and craftsmanship come together, you can expect a masterpiece. (D. Raskin)

Restraint should be in art what modesty is in love. (K. Vatle)

Art is a manifestation of the sexual instinct. The same feeling makes the human heart beat intensely at the sight of a beautiful woman, the Bay of Naples in the moonlight and Titian’s “Entombment.” (S. Maugham)

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Passions and art

Art lives only by passions. You need to feel the consuming fire of passions in order to succeed in art. (Stendhal)

The ability to live out in art the greatest passions that have not found an outlet in normal life, apparently, forms the basis of the biological field of art. (L. Vygotsky)

Science and art

Study the science of art and the art of science. (L. da Vinci)

Art is science made clear. (J. Cocteau)

The further humanity goes; the more art will be scientific. (G. Flaubert)

The fruits of true science and true art are the fruits of sacrifice, not of material gain. (R. Rolland)

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Labor and art

Constant work is the law of both art and life. (O. Balzac)

We evaluate the worth of a work of art by the amount of work the artist puts into it. (G. Apollinaire)

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Death and Art

To create means to kill death. (R. Rolland)

Art is always, without ceasing, occupied with two things. It constantly reflects on death and relentlessly creates life through it. (B. Pasternak)

Money and art

As soon as someone in art starts working for money, goodbye hope for a good work. (S. Butler)

The thirst for profit has not yet created a single artist, but has destroyed many. (V. Alston)

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Flowers and art

Art is the flower of living nature. (F. Grillparzer)

Art is a constant attempt to compete with the beauty of flowers - and always unsuccessfully. (M. Chagall)

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Time and art

True art is ahead of its time. (S.-P. Ru)

Time is powerless over truly beautiful things in art. (A. Serov)

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About miscellaneous

We must remember that art always moves against the sun. (V. Nabokov)

A subject that gives rise to anxiety is the first step towards art. (K. Jung)

True art has no worse enemy than a baby stroller in the hallway. (S. Connolly)

Art requires sacrifices, but it does not accept them from everyone. (A. Karabchievsky)

Probably, this is what art benefits from, that it only clarifies and does not lie, since its main law, undoubtedly, is the independence of details. (I. Brodsky)

As you can see, quotes about art are primarily related to such topics as life, man, soul, nature, truth, morality.

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Masterpieces are born in the throes of creativity

Creativity is an absolutely natural human state. It brings pleasure and pleasure, but we should not forget that it is also the greatest work. In quotes and aphorisms about art and creativity, great writers, artists, and musicians share their thoughts about this.

“Without pain, spiritual fruit is not born. Creativity is like childbirth; until the fetus is ripe, it doesn’t come out, and when it comes out, it’s with suffering and effort.”

Lev Tolstoy

“Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures no longer exist.”

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“Poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife - and cut their barefoot souls to blood!”

Vladimir Vysotsky

“Happiness is spending yourself on the creation of your own hands, which will live even after your death.”

“Every climb is painful. Rebirth is painful. Without being exhausted, I won’t be able to hear the music. Suffering and effort help the music to sound.”

“Has the effort seemed fruitless to you? Blind man, take a few steps back... The magic of skillful hands has created masterpieces, hasn't it? But believe me, success and failure have created them equally... A beautiful dance is born from the ability to dance.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"It's like self-torture."

Isaac Babel

“Yes, writing is not a pleasant activity at all, but exhausting work and torment. How much life force goes into work. They read it and think that, by the way, that’s how I wrote it casually. They don’t know that you spend weeks and months thinking about the plot. Some phrase doesn’t lie comfortably, so you don’t sleep half the night.”

Ivan Bunin

“There is nothing more destructive for the moral greatness and purity of art than the ease with which the most indifferent listener can at any moment enjoy the most sacred and sublime. For because of this accessibility, many forget the pains of creation and consume art without awe.”

Stefan Zweig

“Readers do not even suspect that the author wrote the text, which takes them several minutes to read, with the blood of his heart. The feelings that seem so authentic to them, he fully experienced himself, wetting his pillow with bitter tears.”

Somerset Maugham

Vasily Zhukovsky

“The need to write torments me like a torment from which I must certainly free myself. But creativity is never a pleasure for me. Depicting on paper the images and ideas that torment me is always hard work.”

George Byron

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