beauty will save the world
Beauty will save the world // What does this strange statement by Dostoevsky mean?
October 20, 2017Literature, History “Beauty will save the world”, “If there is no God, then everything is permitted”, “Creature
changes in life
56 Motivational Quotes from Brian Tracy to Inspire You to Greatness
We are constantly afraid of any change. They make us nervous because they bring something with them
19 true quotes about hypocrisy. Wisdom in notes
I hope you are not leading a double life, pretending to be dissolute when you are actually virtuous.
Quotes about time
The transience of time or how to learn to appreciate what you have?
Most of us know only a couple of quotes about time, which boil down to the fact that
Statuses about drinking, partying. What to put on status after drinking? Funny and cheerful statuses.
A collection of the best sayings about alcohol by great people, as well as comedians and movie characters.
Birthday Quotes
Happy birthday greetings in the words of great people
Statuses and quotes: Birthday They say about a birthday that this is one of
Beautiful quotes about loving a guy with meaning (300 quotes)
It seems like my whole life is for you alone. Or it doesn’t seem... It’s so good that I’m beautiful.
Kenny Easterday
Inspirational Quotes - Never Give Up (100 Quotes)
These 37 quotes will inspire you. They will help you look at the situation with new eyes. Recall
Quotes about age. Funny statuses and aphorisms about women's age
Proverbs and sayings about age The subject of the article is Proverbs and sayings about age: Forty
Quotes from the character Alexander Bubnov (100 quotes)
". This is how it always turns out: a person thinks to himself – I’m doing a good job! Grab
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