Stranger quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world

Reviews of the book “Letters to a Stranger” by Andre Maurois

I can't call this book either great or useless.:) The best description would be “somewhat outdated” – the year 1956. And it is also important to remember, as always about translated books, that this is a description of French life, a society that is different from us, working according to different laws, which are not always close, understandable or even acceptable to us. This is a collection of sketches that assume their reader, or rather the reader, is a certain young lady. In this sense, the book complements “An Open Letter to a Young Man...” - a much more successful book by Maurois. The topics raised are very different, but mostly one way or another close to French everyday life. It is important that it is French. It is strange for a Russian reader to focus to such an extent on the eternal pursuit of the notorious “happiness” (rather simple and narrowly understood, judging by the description and purely personal), some kind of “bliss”, sprinkle the text with “sylphs” and “egerias” (remember "Seraphim" in the film "1+1"? ). And the ubiquity of the word “boredom” in French literature is doubly strange. We have no time and no need to be bored. The world turned out to be small, rather old-fashioned and sluggish, sometimes even seemingly hopeless, like “everything was and will be and is how it should be,” sometimes with a bias towards daydreaming and voluptuousness, although the author himself mentions that he had experienced a lot at the time of writing this text - Well, I would like to share something. Metaphors like the “golden nail” are generally a failure and a laugh. Everyone here is looking for their own, rowing for themselves, betrayal and insincerity are almost in the order of things, no one really cares about anyone, but there are some bourgeois joys, some urges for art, understood not only narrowly, but how - one-sidedly, from the same, in general, European consumer point of view: “how can I make myself better/easier/more pleasant/etc.” No space, no rebellion, no generosity. A rational nod of the head, which no, no, and even reminds me of an old man shaking. And, importantly, not a single word about life for others, about society. But the individual always belongs to him and must, in addition to his own, know public interests. The world of art to which the author often refers, by the way, is also a bit cramped in a European way: Balzac-Georges Sand-Hugo and a handful of other names that have been worn down to holes and have managed to fade. It’s funny that at the end of the book the topic of “love for another” is raised as opposed to “love for oneself” - but only at the end. However, Maurois was never exactly a great writer, and his main genre of “novelized biography” is at least a controversial phenomenon, so you shouldn’t expect much, this is not even close to Proust or Saint-Ex, but you can glean something, compare , argue, take note – not entirely useless reading. And what a joy it is for Russian writers to return to the fullness of life! The translation is wonderful, only for its sake you can read it if you are interested in good Russian.


Turn around. Okay, you are free. Turn around. Georgia stays, Samantha and her friends can go. Take off your clothes. Turn around. Do not rush. This one will do. Thank you, honey. You can go. Stranger. The apartment is vacant, furnished. Recently renovated, but it costs twice as much and you need to make an advance payment for two months. A condominium will be three times more expensive. Better hurry up. Everything shakes here when trucks pass by. I advise you to choose the previous option. No, I'll take this one off. What do you want? - Hello. - Bye, Matteo. Hello, do you need a maid? Where are you from? From Ukraine. No no. We have no vacancies. Clear. Well, if anything comes up. Come by sometimes. Let's see what we have for you. Thank you very much. Thank you. What can you do? Anything: cleaning, cooking, washing... Ironing. Are you sick? Maybe you want to eat. No, I just need a job. If you help, I will give you 20%. Who do you think I am? Well, okay, 30%. Agreed? What kind of people went! Please come back and go again. - Allow me. - Please. What, do you like strawberries? Please show your documents. Fine. Please give me your purse. Hold it. Irina Yaro... Irina Yaroshenko. Everything is fine. Sorry, but we have to. And what's that? Money. My savings. This already happened this morning. Something must have broken. Sorry, signora. Anything can happen. Nello, where are you going? Do you want to drink? You seem to be looking for a job. I'm just leaving here. Thanks, I already found it. Well, okay, well done. I'll ask my friends. It's clear. I just received my diploma. I will work in a law office. - Congratulations. - You're lucky. Here in Velarki, only jewelers live. They usually do not allow foreigners to visit them. Gina, are you really going to do this for such pennies? Of course not! There's a real pigsty on the stairs. Well, of course. Great job! Well done! What days will I work? On Tuesdays and Saturdays. 30 euros a day, and 60 a week. I’ll give you 40 euros a week, okay? Agreed. How much do you deposit into your account? Eight thousand. I heard you are looking for a job. My mother needs a nurse. Are you interested? I've already been busy all week. But I'll ask my friends. Thank you. Were you the one who cleaned the doors and signs on the fourth floor? What, it wasn’t necessary? It's not your job. But since you work miracles, I forgive you. Thank you, signora. If you need anything... Gina, Thea is out of vitamins. I know. I will bring it now. In general, you're great. Goodbye, Signora. This endless staircase... The elevator just worked! I'm starting to panic. I'm suffocating. So many steps. I live on the stairs! There is one job. Apartment after whitewashing. We need to tidy it up, arrange it

Stranger quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world

An extensive collection of quotes, aphorisms, and sayings from many sources on the topic of The Stranger from a variety of authors. Are you looking for a beautiful aphorism for your text? Want to use a clever quote in an important conversation? Or do you just want to put a beautiful status on VKontakte or Instagram? Then use our list of quotes about The Stranger compiled on this page.

You are like a slave who, instead of using one talent entrusted to him in the name of his master, returned it without increasing it, and in justification said that he knows him as a cruel man, who reaps where he did not sow, and collects where it was not scattered. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // talent //

It is impossible to forget at will, and I cannot have respect for everyone who seeks it - only for those who deserve it. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // forgiveness // respect //

I would not send the poor girl into the world unarmed against her enemies, ignorant of the traps set for her, but I would not protect and take care of her so much that she, without learning self-respect and the ability to rely on herself, would lose the ability and desire to take care and beware of dangers. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // children // education //

“I have moles all over my body,” she tried to scare him away. “I’ll be happy to count them...” he smiled and added: “... With lips.” Tags: Aristarkh Romashin // I can’t love // ​​Tikhon // Stranger // beautiful quotes //

Although I hate sins, I love the sinner and am willing to do anything to save him. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // love // ​​sin //

Even doctors, when there is no other remedy, choose the lesser evil in order to save the patient from the greater. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // evil // disease //

What is a person without what he loves and does? Tags: The circus burned down and the clowns fled // Stranger // sad quotes // man, people //

- Why did she die? — She was born for unknown reasons and died for unknown reasons... Tags: The circus burned down and the clowns fled // Tom // Stranger // sarcastic quotes // death //

In general, you are very appetizing. He's not worth you! Even though he has it in for you. Tags: Aristarkh Romashin // I can’t love // ​​Tikhon // Stranger // life quotes //

And I’m unhappy - I’m afraid even to admit to myself how unhappy I am! And pride does not come to my aid. She got me into this mess, but she doesn't want to help me out. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // pride // misfortune //

And I prefer your friendship to the love of all other women in the world! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // beautiful quotes // love //

- You can ask a question: why don’t you want children? I noticed your look this morning. I know what it's like when you're in love and it seems like there's still so much time ahead, but believe me, youth fades. Have children. So, you will create something together. And this will strengthen your marriage, and all this [points to the house] is just decoration. Tags: mom! (mother!) (2017) // Eva // Stranger // children // family //

However, I must hide my joy until I know whether I should give vent to my feelings or not. If I become convinced that it is my duty to suppress them, they will hurt no one but me. If I prove to myself that they are justified, then I will not be afraid of anything, not even the anger and grief of my best friend on earth. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // feelings // joy //

If sometimes I allow myself to look at another, you have nothing to complain about: it’s just an instant flash of lightning, and my love for you burns evenly and forever, like the sun. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // love // ​​impermanence //

In the human heart the light of hope is eternal. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // beautiful quotes // hope //

I am a mere mortal and do not agree to be worse than my own kind. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Walter Hargave // ​​motivational quotes // man, people //

To whom less is given, less is required, but from all of us all the diligence of which we are capable is required. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // faith // God //

The demon of wine is almost as black as the demon of the game and it is just as difficult to get rid of it - especially when good friends are trying in every possible way to help you quench your unquenchable thirst. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // alcohol // gambling //

It is very painful to doubt the sincerity of those we love. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // sad quotes // lies, deception //

True friendship is impossible without close acquaintance. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // friends, friendship // acquaintance //

If only he could understand and feel the fullness of the evil done to me, I would be avenged. And I would forgive with all my heart. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // sad quotes // evil //

It’s so hard and bitter when your best intentions and kindness are thrown in your face! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // sad quotes // ingratitude //

This unshakable trust in those we love is a great comfort. Provided that it will not be deceived. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Eliza Millward // love // ​​trust //

Loyalty is in the nature of women. She is supposed to love one and only one, blindly, tenderly and forever. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // love // ​​women //

The Lord judges us by our thoughts and deeds, and not by what others say about us. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // meaningful quotes // God //

Only hard experience and despair can teach the bitterness of feelings. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // life quotes // feelings //

It is a very painful quality to suspect insults in completely harmless words and actions. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // motivational quotes // words //

Some parents strictly prohibit their children from even sipping alcoholic beverages. But parental power is not unlimited; children tend to reach for the forbidden fruit. And in such a case, the child cannot help but awaken a strong desire to try what others praise and love so much, what is forbidden for him, and at the first opportunity he will satisfy this desire, but the consequences of such a violation can be extremely serious . Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Frederick Lawrence // parents // alcohol //

But where hope awakens, fear always lurks. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // fear // hope //

A person can live without money as happily as a turtle without a head or a wasp without an abdomen! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // ironic quotes // man, people //

Are you again starting to threaten me with the loss of your love? If it is so easy to destroy, then it was never real! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // love // ​​threats //

No one can find happiness in eternal solitude. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // meaningful quotes // happiness //

Fears can undoubtedly have a greater deterrent effect than arguments and requests. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // life quotes // fear //

I will not overcome the slight prejudice against you as unfair, but on the contrary, I will cherish it until I am sure that I have no reason not to trust this caring, ingratiating friendship that you so persistently impose on me. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // friends, friendship // opinion //

If your wife gave you her heart, then be grateful, take care of it, and don’t tear it to shreds and don’t laugh in her face, because she can’t take it away from you. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // love // ​​heart //

He does not tolerate her, because he has no doubt that she knows his true worth. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // life quotes // relationships //

I hate empty conversations, when people exchange neither thoughts nor impressions, give nothing to others and receive nothing from them. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Mrs. Graham // conversations //

He knows that he is my sun, but when he wants to take his light from me, my sky, in his opinion, should remain in complete darkness. And he does not want this darkness to be softened by the faint radiance of the month. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // love // ​​selfishness //

When a lady asks for an apology, it is impossible to be angry with her. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // ladies // apologies //

Bad news spreads like wildfire. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // life quotes // news //

“If you loved as much as I love,” she answered with deep seriousness, “you would not be so close to losing me.” We would not allow false scruples and pride to come between us. You would understand that all these vain differences in nobility, position in society, wealth are just dust in comparison with the community of thoughts and feelings, with the union of sincerely loving kindred souls and hearts. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // feelings // love //

This is double selfishness! Insensitivity both to me and to those to whom he previously swore his love. Tags: Anne Brontë // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // love // ​​vanity //

Goodbye! But remember in your turn: The heart always harbors hope. Contempt will not kill her, And coldness will not cool her. For all the prayers that I offered, Heaven will suddenly give me a smile instead of past tears and happiness instead of past torment! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Annabella Wilmot // sad quotes // hope //

I don’t know your name at all, chance brought you and me together for five minutes. Maybe it seems, but still, You are not at all like others, You look at your watch, They are probably waiting for you somewhere, They are waiting for you somewhere. Maybe it seems, but still, You are not at all like others, You will disappear in a few Seconds, but, but, but... We know each other, stranger, And, not knowing about me, You come to me, stranger, But so far only in a dream. Tags: Igor Nikolaev // Stranger // love //

God is Eternal Wisdom, Strength and Mercy... and Love. But if such a concept is too incomprehensible for your human consciousness, if your mind is lost before its endless immensity, then turn your thoughts to the One who condescended to share our nature with us and even ascended to Heaven in his transformed, but human flesh. To the One in Whom all the fullness of the Divine Principle shines. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // meaningful quotes // love //

Auntie doesn't think about money. She knows the true value of earthly wealth. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham //

“But I can’t love him.” What's there to love? He is not capable of loving me, and he is not capable of loving you either. He doesn’t understand a single word you say, doesn’t feel the slightest gratitude for everything you do for him. Wait until he learns to express some kind of affection towards me, and then I will decide whether to love him or not. But now he's just a tiny selfish sensualist. If you find something delightful in it, that's up to you. I just don't understand how you manage to do this. “If you weren’t an egoist yourself, Arthur, you would see everything differently!” “Perhaps, my love.” But it is what it is, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // Arthur Huntingdon // love //

In my grief I did not need confidantes. I didn't deserve to be involved and I didn't want it. I put this burden on myself, and I have to bear it all alone. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // sad quotes // grief //

If any mother wants her son to despise her, then let her keep him at home, pamper him and not spare herself, just to fulfill his whims. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Mrs. Markham // meaningful quotes // children //

Both tears and smiles are the same for me and are not strictly connected with one or another state of mind. I often cry when I'm happy and smile when I'm sad. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // sad quotes // feelings //

This means that he despises me because he realized that I love him. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // sad quotes // love //

- Tell me, have you ever thought about revenge? - About revenge? No . What benefit would it bring? He wouldn't be any better, and I wouldn't be any happier. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // Walter Hargave // ​​meaningful quotes //

You see, my dear, beauty, like money, especially attracts the worst men and therefore threatens the one who possesses it with all sorts of sorrows. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Peggy Maxwell // relationships // beauty //

You can look into a person’s eyes and in an instant recognize the breadth and depth of his soul, and not spend your whole life on it if that person did not want to open his soul to you or if you simply did not have the intelligence to understand him. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // meaningful quotes // person, people //

It’s never too late to improve, as long as you have a sincere desire and find the willpower to carry out your intentions. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // meaningful quotes // willpower //

Don't give up your hand or your heart until you find a good reason to part with them. If you don’t find it, then take comfort in this thought: although a lonely life brings few joys, there are no unbearable sorrows in it. Marriage can undoubtedly change your life for the better, but I am convinced that the opposite result is much more likely. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // motivational quotes // criticism //

And piety, and faith, and hope, and conscience, and reason, and everything else that makes up the character of a true Christian, are given to you, if only you can use them in action. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // God // reason //

Perfect love reigns in heaven. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // love // ​​heaven //

Undoubtedly, the admiration in my eyes must have flattered the artist’s pride. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // pride // painting, paintings //

I promise you that I will never... That is, that I will think carefully before deciding to do something that you seriously disapprove of. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // promises //

I was afraid of losing even what I had managed to achieve at the cost of such incredible efforts and prudence, by one rash act destroying all hopes, while time and patience could have brought success. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // hope // patience //

I'm afraid you are a very bad person if I, a mere mortal, by your own admission, seem to you to be such an unattainable example of virtue. But since we have so little in common, it’s better for us to look for other interlocutors! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // ironic quotes // person, people //

If you spend money, then do it in such a way that you get full joy for it. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // motivational quotes // money //

The more you loved the Lord, the deeper and more devoted your love for me would be! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // love // ​​God //

It is better to strengthen the strength of a young hero than to try to weaken and disarm his enemy; that, cultivating an oak tree in a greenhouse, faithfully caring for it day and night, protecting it from the slightest breath of wind, you cannot hope that it will become as strong and powerful as an oak tree grown on a mountain slope, open to the violence of all the elements, and experienced even storms. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // strength // education //

In his opinion, a wife is a mechanism whose purpose is to faithfully love her husband and stay at home. She must look after her master, entertain him and please him in every possible way, as long as he deigns to stay with her. And in his absence, she is supposed to look after his interests in everything that depends on her, and patiently wait for his return, regardless of what he does away from her. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // wives //

But Mr. Millward, it seemed to me, would always be explaining to us that he was not a tea drinker, because it is very unhealthy to overload the stomach with dirty water at the expense of more healthy substances, and he would continue to finish his fourth cup. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Gilbert Markham // hypocrisy //

The more happiness nature offers me, the more melancholy I am tormented by the fact that he does not taste it with me. The greater the bliss that we could share, the more painfully I feel how unhappy we are in separation! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // loneliness // sadness //

“I almost wish I were an artist,” said Mrs. Graham. - Why? It would seem that in such moments you should rejoice at your rare ability to imitate the sparkling and delicate colors of nature. - Oh no ! Instead of just enjoying them like other people, I mentally search for a way to convey them on canvas exactly the same. And this is obviously impossible: there is only vanity of vanities and confusion of spirit. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // Gilbert Markham // painting, paintings //

There is no better remedy for grief than work. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Eliza Millward // motivational quotes // work //

At your age, love reigns over everything, and at mine, reliable, full-fledged gold. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Mr. Maxwell // age // values ​​//

Reading does not entertain me, and so, having opened my diary, I will outline the reasons for this melancholy, and then, perhaps, it will be easier to understand what I should do. This page will be my confidante and I will pour out my heart and soul to it. She will not sympathize with my suffering, but she will not laugh at it either. And no one will talk about them if I protect her from prying eyes. That's why I probably won't find a better friend. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // life quotes // friends, friendship //

Regretting the loss of earthly pleasures for the sake of heavenly bliss, we become like a creeping caterpillar, which would begin to lament that in the future it is destined to no longer gnaw leaves, but to soar into the air and, of its own free will, flutter from flower to flower, drink sweet nectar from their cups or bask in the sun among their fragrant petals! If these tiny creatures knew what a great change awaits them, no doubt they would not be afraid of it. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // life quotes // God //

I like to enjoy life in all its fullness, which is not given to slaves of any one passion. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // life // pleasure //

But any of our talents are multiplied by use, all inclinations, both good and bad, develop when they are followed. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // talent //

Whatever my husband’s actions, the evil will only worsen if I learn about them from other people’s lips. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // rumors, gossip // husbands //

A man needs to grumble about something, and if he cannot complain about how his wife torments him with her whims and stubbornness, he can only complain about how she pesters him with kindness and meekness! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Ralph Hattersley // life quotes // women //

A direct, honest answer is rare for a girl. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Mr. Maxwell // women // honesty //

Although the lofty dreams of youth are too often replaced by the vulgar practicality of maturity, this does not make them false. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // dream // lies, deception //

But a noble spirit never finds pleasure in torturing the weak, but, on the contrary, strives to help and protect. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // weakness // nobility //

Piety, in my opinion, gives a special charm, but it, like all good things, should not be abused. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // attractiveness // abuse //

Nothing in the world can compare with the secret love of a child, so unpretentious, selfless, so submissive, wary and ardent, which never is the demanding and - albeit unconsciously - seeking reciprocity love of an adult woman. Tags: Stefan Zweig // Letter from a stranger // Stranger // love //

It's easy to become depressed when you're alone. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // life quotes // loneliness //

Perhaps, Mr. Huntingdon, you find it very funny to make me jealous. But beware lest you awaken hatred instead. And if you extinguish my love, it will be very difficult for you to make it flare up again. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // love // ​​hate //

If I had loved you less, I would not have been so bitter, so demanding. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // love //

Who are you, sir, that you elevate yourself to gods and dare to dispute my heart with the One to whom I owe everything that I have, myself, all the past and future blessings bestowed on me - and by you, too, if you It’s really good, which I’m inclined to doubt! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // God // ego //

Indulgence towards you, Mr. Huntingdon, will not change anything for me when it comes to the happiness of my niece. Tags: Anne Brontë // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Peggy Maxwell // condescension //

I see that the one who drinks suffers for half of his days, and goes crazy for the other half. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // alcohol // self-destruction //

But no matter how little you value the opinions of others, no matter how little you respect them, nevertheless there is nothing pleasant in the fact that you are considered a fiend of lies and hypocrisy and ascribe to you something from which you turn away with disgust, and accuse you of vices, hated by you; the fact that your good intentions are destroyed and your hands are tied; the fact that you are showered with undeserved contempt, and you unwittingly cast a shadow on the principles that you preach. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // person, people // feelings //

A plucked sprout will not wither, but only when transplanted into more fertile soil will bloom marvelously under a brighter sun. And although I will not be given the opportunity to cherish and develop the mind and soul of my child, he will immediately get rid of all earthly suffering and sins. My mind tells me that this is not the greatest of all misfortunes, but my heart does not want to come to terms with such an outcome. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // death // sin //

If they despise me, the victim of their sin, then I can pity them for their madness and despise their contempt. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // motivational quotes // sin //

If complete abstinence is evil, although many doubt it, then abuse is an even greater evil, this cannot be denied. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Frederick Lawrence // evil // temperance //

But a deity can only be worshiped. And I worship Annabella, but I don’t love her, but I love you, Millicent, but I don’t worship you! Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Ralph Hattersley // love // ​​beauty //

Let your eyes be blind to superficial shine, your ears deaf to all the tricks of flattery, to the most insinuating flattery. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Peggy Maxwell // flattery //

Perhaps we can still hope that she will be happy. However, this will be her reward only for the kindness of her heart. After all, if she looked at herself as a victim of evil fate or her mother’s vanity, she would be deeply unhappy; and if, in the name of duty, she had not made every effort to love her husband, then, without a doubt, she would have hated him for the rest of her life. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham //

Cajoling and cajoling is much more reliable than ordering. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // flattery // request //

Ah, no one is stopping you from having the last word. Only I, unfortunately, cannot take the time to listen to him. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // controversy //

Faith must purify the soul, give it an ethereal quality, but not so much that the heart is completely empty and it rises above all human feelings. Tags: Anne Brontë // The Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Arthur Huntingdon // feelings // faith //

The stronger the love, the more happiness it brings, if it is as mutual and as pure as it should be. Tags: Anne Bronte // Stranger from Wildfell Hall // Helen Graham // purity // love //

In the end, you start to get used to it... Although at times you don’t want to live. Is it true ? Tags: The circus burned down and the clowns fled // Stranger // sad quotes // addictive //

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