“THE TRUTH IS THE GOD OF A FREE MAN!” (Dispute about truth in M. Gorky’s play “At the Bottom”)

Slave religion

The Soviet classic Maxim Gorky a hundred years ago pronounced a doctrine that is still alive. “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of a free man."

Well said! However, in reality, the lie managed to take hold well and for a long time. And our country is no exception here.

Maybe this is why God is punishing Russia because it drowned in lies?

The other day I heard on the radio: in 1914, Germany attacked Russia, and the great empire, as one, stood up to defend the Fatherland.

Sorry, I misunderstood something, as they say in Odessa. After such a twist, what can we expect from Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who, as you know, told German TV: “We all remember well the USSR invasion of Germany and Ukraine. We must not allow this to happen."

It’s good that he blurted out this nonsense in Germany, where some people still remember how it all began and how it ended. What if this crap sounded in the States!? Many people there still believe that the war was started by the aggressor USSR, and heroic America won. That the USSR dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. And it was not America, but Russia that sparked 250 wars after the victorious 45th.

Well, with Yatsenyuk everything is more or less clear to everyone. But why are we surprised that America throws mud at us? Firstly, ideological war is war. And in war there is one rule: defame the enemy in any way! Secondly, we ourselves are giving America trump cards. Are we not ourselves to blame for what is happening, for example, in Ukraine? Didn't this whole mess start with Belovezhskaya Pushcha?

Someone will say: why remember now? But sooner or later you will still have to remember. When three mu-mu made a hungover decision about the collapse of the USSR, shouldn't they have foreseen the corresponding consequences? It has already been proven at all levels, at all kinds of round tables, that no prerequisites for the collapse of the USSR existed. This was a pure state crime, committed for personal gain and at the instigation of the US State Department. But no government decision ever came. We did not drive an aspen stake into the graves of ghouls, nor did we anathematize the living and even thriving ghouls. So what do we want? They still roam among us and stink of betrayal. Kravchuk is still waiting for Russia to fall apart.

This is the first thing. Secondly, did Banderaism arise yesterday, last year? No, the fascist abscess has been gestating for 24 years. Didn't we see him? Did we think it would somehow resolve itself? We delayed squeezing out the boil of fascism until blood poisoning began in Ukraine. Russia has been dancing a butterfly polka all these years around the brewing fascism. She pumped billions into Ukraine every year for nothing, just for pretty eyes. She signed the shameful Kharkov agreements, humiliatingly begging her neighbor for her own military base, promising unimaginable money for rent, and cut the prices for her own gas in half!

Is it possible that even after this there will be morons in Europe who doubt that Soviet Ukraine has turned into a rotten belch of Nazi Germany? Everything is correct: Russian democrats blatantly lie about Soviet history and sell us the Tsar-Father. And the Ukrainian descendants of Bandera insist that it was the USSR that attacked Germany!

This is how we live in a lie, like, excuse me, in shit! And no one wants to hear the truth.




The opinion of NV columnists may not coincide with the point of view of the editors.

(from Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”)

Tick . He... didn’t like the truth, he was an old man... He rebelled very much against the truth... that’s how it should be! True - what is the truth here? And without her, there’s nothing to breathe... There’s the prince... he crushed his hand at work... he’ll have to saw off his hand completely, listen... that’s the truth!

Satin's monologue “What is truth?..” Listen

Satin (hitting the table with his fist). Be silent! You are all brutes! Dubye... keep quiet about the old man! (Calm down.) You, Baron, are the worst of all!.. You don’t understand anything... and you’re lying! The old man is not a charlatan! What is the truth? Man - that's the truth! He understood this... you don’t! You are dumb as bricks... I understand the old man... yes! He lied... but it was out of pity for you, damn you! There are many people who lie out of pity for their neighbors... I know! I read! They lie beautifully, inspiredly, stimulatingly!.. There are comforting lies, reconciling lies... Lies justify the weight that crushed the worker’s hand... and blame those dying of hunger... I know the lies! Those who are weak at heart... and those who live on other people's juices - those who need lies... some it supports, others hide behind it... And who is his own master... who is independent and does not eat someone else's - why does he need lies? Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man!

Baron . Bravo! Well said! I agree! You speak... like a decent person!

Satin . Why can’t a sharper sometimes speak well if decent people... speak like a sharper? Yes... I forgot a lot, but I still know something! Old man? He is a smart guy!.. He... acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin... Let's drink to his health! Pour...

Nastya pours a glass of beer and gives it to Satin.

(Grinsing.) The old man lives from himself... he looks at everything with his own eyes. One day I asked him: “Grandfather! Why do people live?..” (Trying to speak in Luka’s voice and imitating his manners.) “And - people live for the best, dear! Here, let’s say, there live carpenters and that’s all - rubbish people... And from them a carpenter is born... such a carpenter as the earth has never seen before - he has surpassed everyone, and he has no equal among carpenters. He gives his own appearance to the entire carpentry business... and immediately moves the business forward twenty years... So do all the others... mechanics, there... shoemakers and other working people... and all the peasants... and even gentlemen - they live for the best! Everyone thinks that they live for themselves, but it turns out that they live for the best! For a hundred years... and maybe more - they live for a better person!”

Nastya stubbornly looks into Satin’s face. The tick stops working on harmony and also listens. The Baron, bowing his head low, quietly beats his fingers on the table. The actor, leaning out of the stove, wants to carefully climb down onto the bunk.

“Everything, my dear, everything, as it is, lives for the best! That is why every person must be respected... we don’t know who he is, why he was born and what he can do... maybe he was born for our happiness... for our great benefit?.. We especially need to respect children... children! Children need space! Don’t interfere with the children’s lives... Respect the children!” (Laughs quietly.)

See also Satin's Monologue about Man.


At the beginning of his creative career, A. M. Gorky wrote mainly romantic works. His heroes were free, brave, strong people generated by the writer's imagination. Gorky created most of his works in the 1900s, when a severe economic crisis broke out in Russia. Masses of ruined peasants wandered around the country in search of income. Factories and factories were closed, and thousands of workers were left without a livelihood. As a result of the crisis, a huge number of tramps appeared who sank to the “bottom” of life. The play “At the Lower Depths,” written by Gorky in 1902, depicted the life of just such people. In the play “At the Bottom”, Gorky showed in all its diversity of faces the type of people of the “bottom”, broken by life. This play was the most powerful work about “former people”: world literature did not know such a harsh, merciless truth about the life of the social lower classes, their hopeless and hopeless fate. The play “At the Bottom” is a work that is devoid of action: it does not have the beginning of the main conflict or denouement. In essence, this is a dialogue between various people gathered in a shelter, each of whom, along with his life story, brought his own philosophy, his own idea. Through their stories, Gorky showed terrifying pictures of Russian reality, “the leaden abominations of life.” In a damp basement, “like a cave,” people thrown out of life are huddled in terrible dirt and stench. Here gathered thieves, beggars, cripples, equally exhausted and useless to anyone: the former aristocrat Baron, the drunken Actor, the former intellectual Satin, the mechanic-craftsman Kleshch, the fallen woman Nastya, the thief Vaska. They have nothing left in life except this dirty basement. The first thing that catches your eye is the rudeness in the characters’ conversations. This happens, perhaps, because people do not want and cannot accept their fall and, with their rudeness, protect themselves from external changes (“You fool, Nastya...”). People seem to have gone wild; they can no longer speak calmly. They constantly put each other down. Even Kleshch cannot say a kind word to his dying wife - “whined.” What philosophy do the heroes of the play “At the Bottom” carry within themselves? The main word in the play is “truth.” This word runs like a leitmotif throughout the entire play! But the truth of the heroes is ambiguous. It is as if in two dimensions. On the one hand, the truth of their everyday everyday life, the truth of the “bottom”, and on the other hand, the truth that they dream about is a fictional truth. And from the very beginning we already see the conflict of these two truths. Gorky does not give biographies of the characters in the play, but from their individual remarks we understand the whole tragedy of their existence. Consumptive Anna speaks about this. that “all my life I’ve been shaking over every piece of bread. . . suffered. . . All my life I walked around in rags.” Everything has been taken away from these unfortunate inhabitants of the bottom: honor, human dignity, the possibility of love and motherhood, family, all hope - everything has been erased, trampled into the dirt. No wonder worker Kleshch says hopelessly: “We must die. . . This is the truth!” The conflict of truths is a conflict between the real present and the illusory future. But the real present is also opposed to the past. The play does not describe the path of the heroes that led them to the shelter, but from their dialogues we imagine what they were like before and what became of them. Hence the play's constant reference to the past. The theme of truth in the play echoes the theme of faith. The bearer of the philosophy of faith is Luke. For him, a person’s truth is the one in which he believes.


Grigory Tropets: He who tells a lie will not be saved

At the beginning of my sermon today I want to tell you one example: “The pastor of one church, at the end of the service, makes an announcement: “at the next service I will preach about lies. In order for you to better understand the topic of the sermon, I ask you to read chapter 17 of the Gospel of Mark by this time.” The following Sunday, the pastor, looking intently into the eyes of the parishioners, asks: “Brothers and sisters, please raise your hands, who has read Mark 17 for today’s service?” - Almost all the parishioners raised their hands... The pastor says: “I see that you are ready for today’s sermon “On Lies” and we will start with the fact that there is no 17th chapter in the Gospel of Mark...”

Unfortunately, lies and hypocrisy are the most common sins, covering almost the entire earth. Politics, economics, and all spheres of human life (including family relationships) are saturated with this sin... It has become commonplace in our everyday life... even to justify this, proverbs like this one were invented: “If you don’t deceive, you won’t live.”

For example, a person often smiles ingratiatingly in front of his boss, says compliments, but condemns or spreads gossip behind his back... Spouses can deceive each other, children of parents... What is a lie? Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary gives the definition of lie: “A lie is a deliberate distortion of the truth.” 99%, or maybe 50% or only 5%. It makes no difference, even if it is only 1% untrue - it is a lie. And although in life no one wants to be deceived, nevertheless, people lie to each other every day. The sad thing is that if a lie hurts the deceived, then the lie simply kills the deceiver!

Why do people lie?

Maybe in order to show yourself better than you really are? Or in order to avoid punishment for an offense?? Or maybe in order to get something faster or become rich???...

Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill, in one of his sermons, compared sinful ways of achieving success - lies and slander - with alcohol and drugs. After all, both of these simply give a person a false idea of ​​well-being.

And the classic of Russian literature M. Gorky in his play “At the Depths” put the words into the mouth of his hero Satin: “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters, and truth is the god of a free man.”

But it is impossible to achieve happiness and prosperity in life with the help of sin. Even if a lie flatters the ears and seems to provide some kind of benefit... The Bible tells us that even if such great people as Abraham, who once allowed lies into his life, suffered damage, then this is very serious. As a result, his son Isaac repeated the lie, and Jacob not only stooped to deceive his father, but also spent many years in mourning (mourning for Joseph) being very cruelly deceived by his children...

After all, lying is the work of the devil, it is the embodiment of evil. The Holy Scripture says that: “...when he (the devil) speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies . (John 8:44). And his goal is one: with the help of lies, “to steal, kill and destroy.”

My dears, no matter what happens in this world, no matter how corrupted it is, the Bible tells us that the most important thing is that we, believers, be “light” and “salt” on this earth (in our family , in your surroundings, in your city)!

After all, the God we serve is a Holy God! He is the absolute Truth! Our Lord Jesus Christ said about Himself: “I am the way and the truth and the life!” (John 14:6).

And this God, who created heaven and earth, gave 10 commandments for people, one of which (9th) says: “Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Ex. 20:16), that is, do not tell a lie. This requirement of God is repeated in many places in the Bible: Lev. 19:11 “...do not lie or deceive one another.” Eph. 4:25; Col. 3:9. And in Prov. 6:16-17 very clearly says: just as pride or the murder of an innocent person, lies are abhorrent to God!”

Accordingly, if God hates lies, then one day “He will destroy those who tell lies...” (Psalm 5:7). And in Revelation 21 chapter 8 verse it says: “...all liars have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. . "

So, lying is a very serious sin!

At the beginning of the sermon, we also read from the psalms, Ps.19:5 that “...he who speaks a lie will not be saved .

But sometimes it seems to us that this is not very scary... if suddenly a child becomes dependent on alcohol or drugs, this is a big problem, but if the child tells a lie, we don’t pay much attention.

But a lie will destroy a person, but the truth will save. Therefore, it is so important for us to understand this important truth and decide to free ourselves from Satan's bondage of dependence on lies. The Lord Jesus Christ took upon Himself all our sins (including lies), so that we, freed from sin, would live for the truth. So that we “having rejected lies, each one speak the truth to his neighbor...” . (Eph. 4:24-25).

What should those who are used to lying and who are addicted to lies do?

The Bible tells us that we would make a decision to give up lying, repent of this sin, making a decision to tell only the truth. We need to accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of our lives and always live according to His Word! John 8:31-32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will make us free,” said Christ.

Precious ones, God pulled us out of the miry swamp of sin, freed us from our sins and all lies so that we would be a new creation glorifying His holy Name. After all, the Word of God says: “Let everyone who confesses the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness!”

Dear brothers and sisters! Let us live in such a way that we, living in the midst of this sinful world, reflect the light of Christ. They spoke the truth! Lived in purity and holiness! Let it be the firm decision of each of us to stand in the truth.

May the Lord help us all in this!

RC HVE based on materials from the Grace Church, Kaluga

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