Donald Trump's 30 best quotes - about himself, business, competitors, migrants and politics

About Me

1. My most attractive feature is my monstrous wealth. 2. My fingers are long and beautiful, as well as various other parts of my body - many have had the opportunity to verify this. 3. Look at these hands, are they small? And Marco Rubio says about my hands: “If they are small, then something else must be small.” I guarantee you: I have no problems in this regard. I guarantee it. 4. I think the only difference between me and other candidates is that I am more honest and my women are more beautiful. 5. The point is that you can't be too greedy. 6. My Twitter has become so popular that I can actually force my enemies to tell the truth. 7. My IQ is one of the highest in the world, and you all know it. Please don't feel stupid or awkward: after all, it's not your fault. 8. My life is generally about victory. I rarely lose. Almost never. 9. If you are a winner, you know when to stop. Sometimes it is better to give up the battle and leave, do something more useful. 10. A little restraint would not hurt me. Of course, I miss her in my life. 11. There is always a Bible near my bed.

Trump Quotes

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

Compiled a selection of quotes from American businessman and President Donald Trump (born 1946).

Perhaps he will go down in history as the most scandalous US president .

Quotes are grouped by topic: politics, about myself, business, success, migrants, people, money, women, deals, H. Clinton, Russia, losers, B. Obama, life, North Korea, Syria, children, self-confidence, presidential elections , V. Putin, work, wealth, appearance, deception, China, impeachment, conservative values, ecology, blacks, Islam, thoughts.

About politics

As President of the United States, I will always put America first. Like you, the leaders of your countries will always - and must always - put your countries first.

Maybe it's time to run America the way corporations are run.

We live in a world where people are sure that a good person has nothing to do in politics.

One of the key problems today is that politics is seen as something shameful. Good people don't go to government.

In my opinion, there are two “publics”. There's the real public, and then there's the New York public crap. The real public has always loved Donald Trump. The real public sees Trump standing up to the smear campaign with dignity.

I always shake hands with pleasure. I don't think you can become a politician if you don't like shaking hands.

I've dealt with politicians all my life. All life. And I always made sure that they did what I needed.

I think the big problem in this country is political correctness. I've been challenged so much that I honestly don't have time for it. And to be completely frank, the country doesn’t have time for political correctness.

The United States must significantly strengthen and expand its nuclear capabilities.

The United States will always be a friend to the world, and especially to our allies. But we can no longer afford to be taken advantage of or enter into one-sided deals in which the United States gets nothing in return.

We pay a disproportionate share to NATO. Why do we need this? If Russia attacks NATO, it is necessary to defend only those countries of the alliance that have fulfilled their obligations to the United States.

I believe that Germany is a hostage to Russia because Germany gets so much energy from Russia. I think it's very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia... We're supposed to be protecting you from Russia, but they're paying billions of dollars to Russia, and I think that's no good.

The Iran deal is one of the worst and most lopsided agreements the United States has ever entered into.

By the way, quotes about politics

About Me

My most attractive feature is my monstrous wealth.

No politician has ever been treated worse than me.

Throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental toughness and true intelligence.

Anyone who thinks that my time has passed is tragically mistaken.

I always dreamed of being underestimated.

My fingers are long and beautiful, as well as various other parts of my body - many have had the opportunity to verify this.

Look at these hands, are they small? And Marco Rubio says about my hands: “If they are small, then something else must be small.” I guarantee you: I have no problems in this regard. I guarantee it.

It wasn't easy for me. I started in Brooklyn. My father lent me some money - about a million dollars.

My IQ is one of the highest - and you know it! Please don't feel stupid or insecure, it's not your fault.

A little restraint wouldn't hurt me. Of course, I miss her in my life.

I always apologize if I'm wrong.

I'm richer than my father was, but I didn't start from scratch - I had a very good foundation at the start. In addition, my father has always been a great example of an entrepreneur for me, and I grew up next to him not only as his son, but also as a businessman. However, our family members have never competed with each other, and I think they never will.

I go to bed at one in the morning, and at five in the morning I already wake up and start reading the latest newspapers. I don't need to rest longer, and this gives me a competitive advantage.

I went from a very successful businessman to a major TV star and President of the United States (becoming him on my first try). I think this suggests that I am not smart, but a genius, very stable.

About business

I practice business as art. Some people paint on canvas or write poetry. And I make deals - usually big ones.

In business, it is better to be bold, even impudent, than tough and intractable.

Typically, the simplest approach is the most effective.

Treat every decision with care, like a lover.

There is nothing more detrimental to financial well-being than coming up with a great idea and not getting around to implementing it.

A good investor is like a diligent student. I spend hours every day reading the financial press.

A gambler is someone who spends days and nights sitting in front of slot machines. I prefer to own them.

Be modest, disarming, and downplay your virtues and achievements. Save your cruelty and ability to be menacing for those cases when it is really necessary.

No matter how smart you are, no matter how comprehensive your education and experience, you cannot be wise enough to make a business successful on your own. Watch, listen and learn. You can't know everything. Anyone who thinks this way is doomed to be mediocre.

The only way to get rich is through realism and extreme honesty. You need to part with the world of illusions, which exists only on the pages of magazines and on TV screens. It's not as easy as they would have you believe. Life is tough, and people get hurt very seriously. Therefore, if you want to win, you need to be as strong as flint and ready to work with your elbows and fists.

It takes courage to make your name a brand and stand up for your opinion, even if it is unpopular. If you want to build your brand, stop pleasing everyone.

About success

The main condition for achieving success is to love what you do. If you don't love what you do, you'll never make it.

It is believed that I achieved great success only thanks to the talent of the promoter, although in fact it is the other way around - I achieved success, and that is what brought me some fame.

The greatest success comes when you swim against the current.

The real measure of success is how happy you are. I have many friends who are not nearly as rich as me, but who are much happier than me, and therefore I would say that they are more successful than me.

To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98 percent of the world's population. You can certainly get into that select two percent. Intelligence, hard work or carefully thought-out investments have nothing to do with it. There is a recipe, a formula for success that the top two percent live by that you too can follow to succeed.

You dictate to people what they should think about you. Your attitude towards yourself is obvious to everyone. Behave in such a way that everyone understands: you are worth a lot. Then people will regard you that way.

Any “good times” are always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back.

Difficulties happen to everyone. That's life. And in catastrophic situations, you show yourself for who you really are. Become someone who can solve complex problems and people will be willing to pay you big money.

One of the qualities of a successful person is the ability to know when to stop. Sometimes you need to stop fighting and leave, doing something more useful.

By the way, quotes about success

About migrants

If people pour into a country illegally, it means you don’t have any country.

Why are we accepting all these people from stinking holes who come here? We must ensure that people from countries like Norway come to us.

Just look at our borders, they look like Swiss cheese! Anyone can get inside the country.

We must know who we are allowing into the country! Migrants are a poisonous snake that stings anyone who warms them to their chest!

Only those who share our values ​​and respect our people should be allowed into the country. During the Cold War we had an ideological test. Now it is high time to introduce a new test of this kind, in line with today's threats. I call this "super-thorough analysis."

Donald Trump is calling for a complete ban on Muslims entering the US until our representatives figure out what the hell is going on.

I will build a big wall - no one builds walls better than me, believe me - and I will do it for very little money. I will build a big, big wall on our southern border and I will make Mexico pay for it. Mark my words.

Mexico sends us far from the best of what it has. She sends people with huge problems to us. They bring drugs with them, because of them the crime rate increases, they are rapists. However, I can assume that some of the Mexicans are good people.

About people

Life taught me a very important lesson: the one who once betrayed you will betray you again in difficult times.

We only seem to ourselves to be civilized. In fact, the world is cruel and people are ruthless. They may smile at you, but behind the smiles lies a desire to kill you. Predators in the jungle kill for food - and only people kill for fun. Even friends are happy to stab you in the back: they want your job, your house, your money, your wife - and your dog, after all.

I used to say, “Find the best and trust them.” Over the years I have seen so many tricks and scams that I now say: “Find the best, but don’t trust them.” Do not trust them, if only because, if you do not understand what is happening very well, they will rip you off to the last thread.

Without passion you will have no energy, and without energy you will have nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.

Always try to understand the reason for your anger: sometimes it is completely justified and even necessary for the cause, but sometimes it only serves as an indicator of your misunderstanding of the situation.

If the person realized that he made a mistake and apologized, accept his apology and forgive him, but do not trust him anymore.

By the way, quotes about people

About money

Money has never attracted me on its own. For me it's just a way to measure success.

I'm sure you should spend as much as you think is necessary. But I am also sure that you should not spend more than you can.

Never go into debt for the sake of living expenses; loans should only be used to finance business projects that will bring you profit.

When purchasing any product or service, do not hesitate to bargain, seeking more favorable conditions for yourself. I consider pride, which prevents you from saving your own money, to be a huge stupidity.

For business, every dollar and even every 10 cents is important. Would you call this pettiness? To your health. And I always find time to compare prices, regardless of what I intend to buy - a car or a toothbrush.

The worst thing you can do with your money is let it sit in your deposit account. This is a net loss. Your money should always work. You should treat them the same way you treat your staff - you don't want the people you pay their salaries to sit on their hands, so don't let money sit idle.

By the way, quotes about money

About women

Women: they need to be treated like crap.

I love nothing in the world more than women, but they are not at all what they are portrayed to be. They are much worse than men, much more aggressive.

I'm automatically attracted to beautiful women - I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just a kiss. I'm not even waiting. When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by...

I like women. They come into my life. And they leave it. Even those who left less than gracefully still live in my heart.

You know, it doesn't really matter what they write as long as she has a young and beautiful piece of ass. But she must be young and beautiful.

All the women on The Apprentice flirted with me, either consciously or unconsciously. This was to be expected.

Even though Bette Midler (American actress and singer) is an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say this because I always want to be politically correct.

By the way, quotes about women

About deals

The worst thing a businessman can do when making a deal is to let his partners feel how much he wants it.

It is often said that a good deal is one where both parties win. Complete nonsense. A good deal is when you win. You crush your opponent and get something good for yourself. In negotiations, I like to achieve total victory. This is why I have so many successful trades.

When making a deal, I never forget about the worst case scenario and whether I can survive it. You should not think about the positive outcome of the transaction - good things can take care of themselves.

I don't make deals for money. I have enough of them, much more than I will ever need. I make deals for the sake of deals.

My negotiation style is simple and straightforward. I raise the stakes as high as possible and begin to achieve my goal. Sometimes I agree to small concessions, but most of the time I get what I want.

About H. Clinton

If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?

Clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of the country. The world literally fell apart during her tenure as Secretary of State.

The only card Clinton can play is the woman card. She has nothing else to offer, and frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she would have gotten five percent. The woman's card is the only thing she has, and the most surprising thing is that women still don't like her.

If I become president, I will direct the attorney general to launch a special investigation against Clinton. She lied so much that the Attorney General should be looking into it.

I have no desire to initiate an investigation into the Hillary case. The Clinton family are good people. I don't want to hurt them.

About Russia

If we can do such a wonderful thing for our country as getting along with Russia, that would be amazing, I would really like to try.

I was in Moscow two years ago, and this is what I will say: you can get along with these people, and very well. You can make transactions with them.

If Russia's goal was to create division, division, and chaos in the United States, then with all the committee hearings, investigations, and partisan animosity, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They're busting their bellies with laughter in Moscow. America, smarten up!

Like it or not - and it may be politically incorrect to say - we need to run the world. And there is the G7, which was before the G8, kicked out Russia, it must return Russia, because we need Russia at the negotiating table...

Russia probably wants Biden. Because, look, no one was tougher with Russia than me. Nobody. With a pipeline, along a military line.

By the way, quotes about Russia

About losers

I don't like losers.

I believe that the inability to give an adequate tip is a sure sign of a loser.

Show me a person without an ego and I will show you a loser.

Such is human nature: those who have managed to achieve success invariably arouse jealousy and envy among those around them. There are people (I call them losers) who take pleasure in causing trouble for those who know how to succeed.

The difference between a winner and a loser is how a person reacts to each new turn of fate.

Only losers enjoy victory.

My life is generally about victory. I rarely lose. Almost never.

About B. Obama

For eight years, Russia “pressed” President Obama, became stronger and stronger, and then “squeezed out” Crimea and increased the number of missiles. Weakling!

Obama himself and his guard dogs have nothing in their hearts except anger and rage, which they spit at the first opportunity.

In a good way, Obama - like a president - should have called Putin at least a couple of times and said: “Listen, do me a favor, calm down your brats.” But our president is not cut from the same cloth. He would prefer to go play golf.

Obama has no solutions. Obama failed the country and its great people, and his supporters don't like it when someone like me tells the truth about it - because it's too harsh on the eyes.

About life

Real billionaires never try to rush time, because life is a very good thing, but, unfortunately, very short.

Bad times often bring great opportunities.

When someone has hurt you, pursue them with all your anger and cruelty. As the Bible says, “an eye for an eye.” Be paranoid. I realize the following statement won't make me any more attractive, but let's face it: maybe even your best friend wants to snatch your wife and steal your wallet.

The second most important event in every man's life is the day he buys a yacht, and the greatest event in his life is the day he sells it.

By the way, quotes about life


He (DPRK leader Kim Jong-un) disrespects our country. He said terrible things. He and his family got away with it for too long. But this won't happen to me. Now it's a completely different matter.

If the United States has to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to completely destroy North Korea. Rocket Man [Kim Jong-un] began a suicide mission.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un just said that “The nuclear button is always on his desk.” Let someone inform him that I also have a nuclear button, but it is much larger and much more powerful than his. And my button works.

About Syria

A senseless chemical attack in Syria killed many people, including women and children. The area where the atrocities occur is isolated and surrounded by the Syrian army, making it completely cut off from the outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for supporting the animal Assad. The price to pay for this will be high.

Russia broke the deal, now they are shooting, they are bombing, and everything in the same spirit. This must end, and it must end quickly.

Russia promises to shoot down any missiles fired at Syria. Get ready, Russia, they are coming. They will be good, new and “smart”! There is no need to support an animal that gases its citizens and takes pleasure in it!

About children

I like children. But I won't do anything to take care of them. I will provide the funds, and she (the spouse) takes care of the children. I'm not going to walk them through Central Park.

The best time to start raising funds to pay for your children's education is the day they are born, or even earlier. A good education costs a lot of money, and it is extremely important to ensure that your offspring have a good start in life.

Do you know who everyone thinks is one of the world's greatest beauties? And I helped create it. Ivanka. My daughter Ivanka. She's six feet tall and has the best body. She made a lot of money as a model—huge sums.

By the way, quotes about children

About believing in yourself

If you have doubts, just believe in yourself and believe that you will definitely win. No one else will do this for you. Don't seek encouragement from others or cling to the opinions of others. Develop self-confidence.

Failure can either destroy you or make you stronger. I believe in the truth of the old saying: “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.” I have the greatest respect for people who have failed but found the strength to get back into the game.

If your friends have the same self-confidence as you, this eliminates the possibility of envy or jealousy of your success.

About the presidential elections

I will be the greatest president God has ever created.

The main difference between me and other candidates is that I am more honest and my women are more beautiful.

First of all, I declare that if I am elected president, I will refuse my salary, okay?

I can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot people and I won't lose any supporters.

I was thinking to myself right now that we should just give up the election and give it all to Trump, right?

About V. Putin

Vladimir Putin called me “a bright, talented person.” It is a great honor to receive such a compliment from a person highly respected in his own country and abroad.

I think I will get along very well with Vladimir Putin. I just think so.

Nobody was as harsh with Putin as I was. And he knows this better than anyone. Look at the sanctions. Look what I did with their gas pipeline to Europe. But at the same time, I have a very good relationship with Putin, I was able to conclude a deal with Russia, Saudi Arabia, OPEC+, this will save us Texas, North Dakota, Oklahoma and other states.

About work

There are many ways to make a career, but the surest one is to be born into the right family.

For billionaires, work and pleasure are one and the same.

Never take a vacation. Why do you need it? If work isn't fun, then you're not working in the right place. And I, even playing golf, continue to do business.

I never wanted anyone to work for me who didn't want to work for my company; you should do the same: don't stay where you don't like.

If your boss is a sadist, fire your boss and find a new job.

By the way, quotes about work

About wealth

For me, wealth is a tool that allows you to achieve clearly defined goals.

Do not burden your children with the heavy burden of undeserved wealth: this can “paralyze” them, discourage them from working hard and achieving their own success in life.

Rich people are rich because they solve difficult problems. You must learn to feed your energy with problems.

About appearance

Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

Look in the mirror more often: you should be proud of what is reflected in it. If you look unkempt, so will your business.

You want to know what the difference is between a wet raccoon and my hair? The raccoon doesn't have seven fucking billion in the bank!

About deception

You can't deceive the public. At least you can't do this for a long time.

I dealt with Gaddafi. I leased the land to him. He paid me more for one night than the two-year rent of this land cost. And then I no longer allowed him to use this land. Here's how to do it. I would not like to use the word “deceive”, but I still deceived him. Here's how to do it!

About China

How is it that I don’t like China?.. I once sold a house to a Chinese for 15 million. How can I hate his country after this?

Our country has serious problems. We have no more victories. We used to have victories, but now we don’t. When was the last time anyone saw us push through China, for example, in a trade deal? I push China all the time. All the time.

About impeachment

You are witnessing the greatest witch hunt in American history, led by very bad and conflicted people!

Why is no one looking into the deals with Russia of the Hillary Clinton family and the Democrats, but they are looking into mine, which does not exist?

About conservative values

There is always a Bible next to my bed.

We will never again allow believers to be oppressed, intimidated or silenced!

I am happy to say that I am anti-abortion.

About ecology

The concept of global warming was invented by the Chinese to make American manufacturers uncompetitive.

Today is Friday. How many bald eagles have been killed by wind farms today? They are an ecological and aesthetic disaster!

About blacks

Blacks are counting my money! I hate this. I want only short people in yarmulkes to count my money.

No one since Lincoln has done more for the black community than Donald Trump. I am the most tolerant person in this room.

About Islam

I think Islam hates us.

We have no choice. These people believe only in Jihad. They have no reason to respect human life.

About thoughts

Since you still can’t do without thoughts, then why not think big?

Turn your big thoughts into big actions as quickly as possible. Don't let false excuses slow you down. Excuses are symptoms of fear.

By the way, quotes about thoughts

As you can see, Donald Trump’s quotes fully reflected his extraordinary personality . Personally, they gave me a contradictory impression in this regard: outwardly, Trump is a very successful businessman and politician, but internally he seemed to me to be the same loser about whom he speaks out more than once. Does Trump have at least one close person who completely trusts and loves him?

Quotes about Donald Trump

  • D. Biden: Another court has rejected Trump's baseless claims and their egregious attacks on our democracy. You can't say the court any clearer. Our people, the law and our institutions demand more, and our country will no longer tolerate Trump's attempts to overturn the results of an election he undeniably lost.
  • B. Obama: He [Trump] showed no interest in working, or in trying to find common ground, or in using the power of his powers to help anyone other than himself and his friends... never became president because he didn't capable of this.
  • V. Putin: Mr. Trump, he is not a career politician, he has his own vision of the world and his own vision of the national interests of the United States. I, for one, don't agree with many of the ways he uses to solve problems. But you know what's the matter, in my opinion? He is a talented person. He feels very subtly what the voter expects from him.
  • S. Lavrov: We know each other quite well, I like the way President Trump discusses international issues, issues of bilateral relations. He avoids any ambiguity and tries to say directly what he thinks.
  • V. Volodin: The President (of the USA) makes such decisions on Twitter, from which the whole world is simply horrified. This is not our way.
  • A. Merkel: [Trump's] political style is very ambiguous.
  • Ayatollah Khomeini: I don't think Trump is a person worthy of messaging. We will not negotiate with the United States.
  • Kim Jong-un: For an old man who cannot understand the meaning of words and repeats only his own words, showing the matter with actions is the best option.

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1. It is often said that a good deal is when both parties win. Complete nonsense. A good deal is when you win. You crush your opponent and get something good for yourself. In negotiations, I like to achieve total victory. This is why I have so many successful trades. 2. My negotiation style is simple and straightforward. I raise the stakes as high as possible and begin to achieve my goal. Sometimes I agree to small concessions, but most of the time I get what I want. 3. When someone has hurt you, pursue them with all your anger and cruelty. As the Bible says, “an eye for an eye.” Be paranoid. I realize the following statement won't make me any more attractive, but let's face it: maybe even your best friend wants to snatch your wife and steal your wallet.

3. Devote at least three hours a day to thinking.

I recently read a newspaper article in which European exchange students in the United States unanimously agreed on one aspect of the American lifestyle: the noise level is extremely high. We Americans seem to avoid silence: even pauses in conversations are instantly filled with empty chatter.

This made me realize how much I myself need to spend some time (usually about three hours a day) in silence in order to maintain basic self-control. This time is reserved for reading and reflection, and I always feel refreshed and refreshed afterwards. It is during these hours that my extroverted nature receives food for further action.

For me, the best time to think is early in the morning. I get up early, usually around 5am, which gives me a couple of hours to read all sorts of newspapers and magazines - local, national and international.

In the evening, after the formal dinners, I relax by stopping for a snack at a Korean store near my house, where I buy potato chips and salty biscuits. At formal dinners it is rarely possible to concentrate on food, and in any case, I prefer simple “junk” food.

When I finally find myself at home, I spend some time reading books, most often biographies. I like to read about philosophers, especially Socrates, who argued that a person should be guided by the dictates of his own conscience, meaning independent thinking - a philosophy with which I am inclined to agree. Following this principle is unlikely to increase your popularity, but it is a necessary guarantee of clarity of thought and a good way to avoid herd mentality in all its manifestations.


1. Other candidates - they entered the room and did not even know that the air conditioner was not working. They stank like dogs... How can they defeat the Islamic State? 2. Lying Ted Cruz used a photo of Melania from a GQ shoot for his advertising. Be careful, Lying Ted, or I'll tell you something about your wife! 3. The only card Clinton can play is the woman card. She has nothing else to offer, and frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she would have gotten five percent. The woman's card is the only thing she has, and the most surprising thing is that women still don't like her. 4. Clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of the country. The world literally fell apart during her tenure as Secretary of State. 5. Obama has no solutions. Obama failed the country and its great people, and his supporters don't like it when someone like me tells the truth about it - because it's too harsh on the eyes. 6. Obama himself and his guard dogs have nothing in their hearts except anger and rage, which they spit at the first opportunity.

Losers and successful people

The collection ends with a quote from Donald Trump about success. Despite criticism, ridicule, and remarks addressed to him, he always remains calm and true to his convictions.

“Such is human nature: those who have managed to achieve success invariably arouse jealousy and envy among those around them. There are people (I call them losers) who take pleasure in causing trouble for those who know how to achieve success,” said the politician and businessman.

Russian President Vladimir Putin previously described former American leader Donald Trump. According to Putin, Trump is a talented and extraordinary person. He said this in an interview with NBC. In addition, the politician emphasized that current US President Joe Biden is radically different from his predecessor.


1. Donald Trump is calling for a complete ban on Muslims entering the United States until our representatives figure out what the hell is going on (the statement was removed from Trump's website after winning the election). 2. Only those who share our values ​​and respect our people should be allowed into the country. During the Cold War we had an ideological test. Now it is high time to introduce a new test of this kind, in line with today's threats. I call this "super-thorough analysis." 3. I will build a big wall - no one builds walls better than me, believe me - and I will do it for very little money. I will build a big, big wall on our southern border and I will make Mexico pay for it. Mark my words. 4. Our politicians are idiots. And the Mexican government is much smarter, much more insidious. They send us bad people because they don't want to pay for them, they don't want to take care of them. Why, when the United States can do it for them? 5. If people pour into a country illegally, it means you don’t have any country.

Bidding, bidding and bidding again

Trump's well-known advice to always bargain, no matter what and where you buy, will appeal to those who like to save. But those who are used to spending money without thinking simply do not want more favorable conditions for themselves, the businessman believes.

“When purchasing any product or service, do not hesitate to bargain, seeking more favorable conditions for yourself. “I think pride, which prevents you from saving your own money, is a huge stupidity,” Trump said. White House


1. One of the key problems today is that politics is considered something shameful. Good people don't go to government. 2. I think the big problem in this country is political correctness. I've been challenged so much that I honestly don't have time for it. And to be completely frank, the country doesn’t have time for political correctness. 3. Maybe it's time to run America the way corporations are run. 4. I have dealt with politicians all my life. All life. And I always made sure that they did what I needed. 5. I was thinking to myself right now that we should just give up the election and give it all to Trump, right?

The Islamic State is a terrorist organization banned in Russia

Follow the details

If you don't know every aspect of what you do, down to the number of paper clips on your desk, you're in for some nasty surprises.

I once read about a prominent neurosurgeon from San Francisco, known for his fanatical pedantry and attention to detail. Every day, going for a morning jog, he played in his mind all the details of the upcoming operation. He mentally replayed each movement, as if reminding himself of everything he had ever studied, of every difficulty or complication he might encounter.

He was not particularly courteous towards patients, but as a surgeon he had no equal. If I had to have surgery, this is the doctor I would contact. However, you don’t have to be a neurosurgeon to be able to pay attention to little things.

Take the time to update your wardrobe

Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I can't stand the way some people dress for work these days. This is a real crime. If a person comes into my office wearing sneakers or rubber shoes, or wearing hand-me-down clothes or an outfit more suitable for a nightclub, I don’t take him seriously. People want to do business with people who look good and dress the part, so if you don't meet this requirement, you won't get very far.

It is clothes that create the image of a person, be it a man or a woman, so if you want to succeed in business, you should start with your own wardrobe. Of course, you don't need to spend a fortune on it, but you still need to buy a few high-quality branded items that you can then alternate or combine throughout the week. There's nothing you can do: to make money you need money, and your own wardrobe is a very good investment.

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