Quotes and aphorisms of Sigmund Freud for self-knowledge

Sigmund Freud. Aphorisms and quotes

Sigmund Freud is a world famous Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist, the founder of psychoanalysis. Years of life 1856-1939.

We do not choose each other by chance... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.

People find reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in a fantasy world, imagining the fulfillment of their desires. A strong personality makes these desires come true. The weak one lives in this world of hers and her fantasies are embodied in symptoms of various diseases.

Unfortunately, repressed emotions don't die. They were silenced. And they continue to influence a person from within.

The ultimate goal of any human activity is to achieve peace.

People in general are insincere in sexual matters. They do not openly demonstrate their sexuality, but hide it by wearing a thick coat made of a material called “lie”, as if the weather is bad in the world of sexual relations.

Illusions attract us because they relieve pain and bring pleasure as a substitute. For this we must accept without complaint when, coming into conflict with a part of reality, illusions are shattered.

A woman should soften, not weaken a man.

When people get married, they no longer - in most cases - live for each other as they did before. Rather, they live with each other for someone else, and dangerous rivals soon appear for the husband: the household and the nursery.

In a number of cases, falling in love is nothing more than a psychic capture by an object, dictated by sexual primary urges for the purpose of direct sexual satisfaction and fading away with the achievement of this goal; this is what is called base, sensual love.

In a love relationship, you cannot spare each other, as this can only lead to alienation. If there are difficulties, they must be overcome.

In a certain sense, what we call happiness happens as a result of the (preferably unexpected) satisfaction of long-held needs.

All our intoxicating drinks, stimulating alcohol, are only a weak reflection of that single, not yet discovered toxin that produces the intoxication of love.

How brave and self-confident one becomes who becomes convinced that he is loved.

All people are born bisexual, and later they choose their sexual orientation depending on their life circumstances.

We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of our love or his love.

All our actions are based on two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction.

The great question that has not been answered and which I still cannot answer, despite my thirty years of research into the female soul, is the question: “What does a woman want?”

Why don't we fall in love with someone new every month? Because if we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.

Only the complete absence of sex can be considered a sexual deviation; everything else is a matter of taste.

Most people don't really want freedom because it comes with responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility.

If you stop smoking, drinking and making love, you won't actually live longer, you'll just feel like you are.

Ideal, eternal, hate-free love exists only between an addict and a drug.

Neurosis is the inability to tolerate uncertainty.

Nothing in life is as expensive as illness and stupidity.

Unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive and will later appear in uglier relationships.

No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, his fingertips speak; betrayal seeps out of him through every pore.

The desire for self-development stems from “narcissistic” desires, that is, it represents a tendency towards self-aggrandizement and superiority over others.

The limitation of pleasure only increases its value.

The dream never bothers with trifles; we do not allow small things to disturb us in our sleep. Outwardly innocent dreams turn out to be not harmless if you start interpreting them; so to speak, they always have “a stone in their bosom.”

Wit is an outlet for feelings of hostility that cannot be satisfied in any other way.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. Reality is a reflection of dreams.

In our dreams we always have one foot in childhood.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it carries.

When an old maid gets a dog, and an old bachelor collects figurines, then in this way the former compensates for the lack of married life, and the latter creates the illusion of numerous love victories. All collectors are a kind of Don Juan.

If a person begins to be interested in the meaning of life or its value, this means that he is sick.

A joke makes it possible to satisfy the lustful or hostile instinct, despite the obstacle in its path.

The secret of the human soul lies in the psychic dramas of childhood. Get to the bottom of these dramas and healing will come.

Love and hunger intersect in a woman's breast.

We never say anything by chance; each of our reservations is our thoughts, sometimes carefully hidden.

We strive more to avert suffering from ourselves than to receive pleasure.

Every person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he does not even admit to himself.

A person recovers by “giving free rein” to his sexuality.

In the Middle Ages they would have burned me, now they only burn my books.

My world is a small island of pain floating in an ocean of indifference.

Those who lack sex talk about sex, a hungry person talks about food, a person who has no money talks about money, and our oligarchs and bankers talk about morality.

A joke allows us to use something funny in our enemy that we could not, due to some obstacles, express openly or consciously. A joke will bribe the listener with the lure of pleasure, so that without delving into the problem he will accept our point of view.

Idlers rarely visit a busy person; flies don’t fly to a boiling pot.

From your vulnerabilities will come your strength.

Most of what is real within us is not realized, and most of what is realized is unreal.

We find life too difficult for us; it brings too much pain, a series of disappointments, impossible tasks. We cannot do without sedatives.

We are not always free from mistakes about which we laugh at others.

The first man who threw a curse instead of a stone was the creator of civilization.

Any culture is forced to be built on coercion and prohibition of drives.

A person who was his mother's undisputed favorite carries through his entire life a feeling of victory and confidence in luck, which often lead to real success.

You never stop looking for strength and confidence outside, but you should look within yourself. They have always been there.

The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. And the only person you should be better than is you now.

A person never gives up anything, he simply replaces one pleasure with another.

Interesting facts from his life

After graduating from university, the famous doctor began his career at a local hospital. He and his colleagues treated patients with hysteria. For this purpose, hypnosis and work with memories that bring pain to the patient were used. Throughout the life cycle, a person’s conscious thinking is focused on the following actions:

  • consolidate moments of pleasure in the subconscious;
  • record factors that cause pain and avoid them in real life.

Sublimation - what is it in psychology

The doctor, working with the patient, identified the true causes of hysteria.

Important! Using hypnotic influence, the doctor turned off the work of conscious thinking and worked with the patient’s subconscious. This method is aimed at eliminating attitudes associated with negative experiences.

Under the name Jean Charcot, Freud spent 1885 in Paris, where he trained as a neurologist, along with other students. This allowed him to practice the treatment of nervous and brain disorders privately the following year. Martha Bernays, whom he married in 1886, gave Sigmund six children in her marriage. Their marriage took place, although Freud unwittingly prevented this with all his behavior.

An unyielding, jealous, ambitious and poor doctor at that time caused a quarrel between the bride and her relatives. He challenged her religious beliefs, did not allow a religious wedding ceremony and forced the bride to make a choice: either her relatives or him.

For your information! In search of his method of treating depression and nervous disorders, Freud, leaving for Paris, promised his future wife to return as a great scientist. However, this did not happen, and in Paris he did not earn either a name or money. At that time, he could not find his healing method.

You have to give Martha Bernays credit for being smart and stubborn. Her wait-and-see strategy and ability to negotiate with her husband after his nervous outbursts allowed the marriage to last 53 years.

Married couple

Over time, fame comes to Freud, thanks to his theory about the presence of an unconscious in a person, where impulses of aggression and sexuality conflict with defensive mental reactions. The main work, “The Interpretation of Dreams,” published in 1900, includes an analysis of human dreams in the context of unconscious experiences and desires. Sigmund analyzed his own mental reactions.

From 1902 to 1938, Freud worked at the University of Vienna as a professor of neuropathology and gathered around him a team of followers and students. A significant event was the founding in 1910 of the International Association of Psychoanalysts, headed by Carl Jung, a colleague and close associate of Freud, where they worked together.

By the way! Freud proposed a new model of the structure of the human mind and outlined the idea in his article “The Ego and the Id.” The work was published in 1923. In it, Sigmund divides self-consciousness into “id”, “ego” and “superego”.

Division into "id", "ego" and "superego"

Quotes about men and women

Considering the relationship between a man and a woman in marriage, Freud believed that “The husband is almost always only a substitute for the beloved man, and not this man himself.”

Psychoanalysis - what is it in psychology, briefly and clearly

The master of psychoanalysis argued: “A woman should soften, not weaken a man.”

Male psychology, to one degree or another, is designed for strong independent actions aimed at the benefit of the family. A wife's attempts to make her husband obedient and predictable can either weaken strong character traits or completely kill them in the bud.

“A woman can make a man softer, she can make him weaker, and she can decide for herself what to do with him. This is why she is terrible” (S. Freud). Speaking about a man’s love for a woman, the psychoanalyst stated: “He who loves many knows a woman, he who loves one knows love.”

For your information! Freud was skeptical about emancipation. “Law and custom should give women much of which they were deprived, but the position of a woman will certainly remain the same as now: in her youth to be an adored lover, in maturity - a beloved wife,” he believed.

Sigmund Freud's best sayings about life

Dr. Freud, understanding the illnesses of patients using the method of psychoanalysis, freed their sexual energy and helped direct it in the right direction.

Sigmund Freud's quotes about life contain the essence that connects the state of mind and the state of affairs. The psychoanalyst looked at this from his point of view: “The moment a person begins to think about the meaning and value of life, one can begin to consider him sick.”

Quote about life

The Freud family left Austria with difficulty, having paid off the fascist regime, and moved to London. There, the psychiatrist died of jaw cancer in the summer of 1939. The total volume of his works is 26 volumes. He was an intelligent man, every phrase of his is worthy of reading, understanding and understanding.

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