Returning home quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world

Quotes about coming back

Martha Ketro. Bitter chocolate. Book of Consolations

The person who broke your heart a year or five years ago, from whom you crawled away in tears and snot, hating or forgiving - it makes no difference - whom you have not forgotten to this day, just as you cannot forget a removed appendix, even if everything has healed, at least because... for the scar. Which made it clear that it was all over. Why is he returning? Once a month or every six months, but you definitely receive news. SMS, letter, call. And everyone, who has not been nice for a long time, perfectly feels the line and dials the number over and over again to ask: “Do you want to go to the cinema?” And I answer: “I don’t want to go to the cinema. I wanted to live with you for half a century, give birth to a boy like you, and die on the same day - with you. But no, I don’t want to go to the movies.” Well, that is, I only say the first five words out loud, but the conversation is always about one thing: he calls to ask: “Did you love me?” And I answer: “Yes.” Yes, honey; yeah, bastard; simple - yes. I have been indifferent for a long time, it still hurts. I still cough up my heart after every connection. I don’t know how to make them, these returnees, stop tormenting us. The conclusion suggests itself, and I don’t like it. Maybe I should send them text messages once a month? The expense is small, peace is more expensive: “I loved you.” Calm down.

Jonathan Safran Foer. Extremely loud & extremely close

You can forgive leaving, but how can you forgive returning?

Erich Maria Remarque. Return

And suddenly I am overcome by the unspeakable sadness that time brings; it flows and flows and changes, and when you look back, nothing of the former is left. Yes, saying goodbye is always hard, but coming back is sometimes even harder.

My Blueberry Nights

When I left that evening, I wanted to come back. I almost did it. But I knew that if I returned, I would remain the same, and he would not change.

Wolf's Rain

If I know that you are waiting for me, I will definitely come back.

Elchin Safarli. I'll come back

They often wait for us exactly where we don’t want to return.

The Notebook

She returned to his life like a flame that stretches its tongues straight to his heart.

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

- If I'm not back in five minutes. just wait longer.

- If I'm not back in five minutes, wait a little longer.

Seventh Spirit/Soul 07 (07-Ghost)

Listen. We leave not to leave everyone behind, but to see them again someday.

(People leave not in order to leave someone, but in order to return.)

Max Fry. Simple magical things

I'm leaving forever, and in general everyone always leaves forever. It is impossible to return - someone else always returns instead of us.

Life is motion

We are all familiar with the old saying that movement is life. This applies to everything – to work, to worldview, but most of all – to travel. After all, travel is movement, movement forward. Lie down and watch life go by? No, it's not for me! Getting new impressions and emotions, getting to know new places - this is what a real full life is! This could not be better said in quotes and aphorisms about travel and life.

“I travel not to arrive somewhere, but to go. The main thing is movement."

Robert Louis Stevenson

“It is not necessary to live. Traveling is necessary."

William Burroughs

“Move, breathe, soar, swim, receive what you give, explore, travel - this is what it means to LIVE.”

Hans Christian Andersen

“Whoever does not travel does not know the real value of human life”

Moorish proverb

“Life is either a desperate adventure or nothing.”

Hellen Keller

“Only roads can delay old age. When you drive all the time and go to bed, knowing that the alarm clock will wake you up at night in order to catch a plane that is going God knows where and in general God knows why you are flying on it, then time stands still.”

Yulian Semenov

“Trains are amazing; I still adore them. Traveling by train means seeing nature, people, cities and churches - in essence, it is a journey through life.”

“Life while traveling is a dream in its purest form.”

Agatha Christie

“Adventures give us joy. But joy, after all, is the purpose of life. We do not live to eat or make money. We eat and earn money so that we can be happy. This is the meaning of life, and this is what it is given for.”

George Mallory

“We will regret only two things on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.”

Mark Twain

"Life is motion. As soon as the movement ends, the river of life turns into a swamp.”

Quotes about coming back

And suddenly I am overcome by the unspeakable sadness that time brings; it flows and flows and changes, and when you look back, nothing of the former is left. Yes, saying goodbye is always hard, but coming back is sometimes even harder.

There is nothing better than returning to a place where nothing has changed to understand how you yourself have changed.

They often wait for us exactly where we don’t want to return.

You can forgive leaving, but how can you forgive returning?

When I left that evening, I wanted to come back. I almost did it. But I knew that if I returned, I would remain the same, and he would not change.

The person who broke your heart a year or five years ago, from whom you crawled away in tears and snot, hating or forgiving - it makes no difference - whom you have not forgotten to this day, just as you cannot forget a removed appendix, even if everything has healed, at least because... for the scar. Which made it clear that it was all over. Why is he returning? Once a month or every six months, but you definitely receive news. SMS, letter, call. And everyone, who has not been nice for a long time, perfectly feels the line and dials the number over and over again to ask: “Do you want to go to the cinema?” And I answer: “I don’t want to go to the cinema. I wanted to live with you for half a century, give birth to a boy like you, and die on the same day - with you. But no, I don’t want to go to the movies.” Well, that is, I only say the first five words out loud, but the conversation is always about one thing: he calls to ask: “Did you love me?” And I answer: “Yes.” Yes, honey; yeah, bastard; simple - yes. I have been indifferent for a long time, it still hurts. I still cough up my heart after every connection. I don’t know how to make them, these returnees, stop tormenting us. The conclusion suggests itself, and I don’t like it. Maybe I should send them text messages once a month? The expense is small, peace is more expensive: “I loved you.” Calm down.

About dreams and travel

Sometimes it is very difficult for a person who has led a measured and organized life for a long time to leave his comfort zone and go on a trip. Don't be afraid to change the picture! After all, our world is so diverse and interesting. Dream about traveling and make your dreams come true! How correctly this is said in quotes and aphorisms about travel and dreams.

“Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money.”

“Look at the world. It’s much more amazing than dreams.”

Ray Bradberry

“A journey is like a book, and those who do not travel read only one page all the time.”

Saint Augustine

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”

“Never be afraid to travel away from seas, borders, countries and thoughts.”

Amin Maalouf

“In 20 years you will regret more the things you didn't do than the things you did do. So cut the ropes, catch a fair wind, sail away from the safe harbor, explore, dream, discover.”

Mark Twain

“I always wonder why birds stay put when they can fly anywhere. And then I ask myself the same question.”

Harun Yahya

“Attachment to things and comfort is the main obstacle to an interesting life. People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly".

“Seek and see miracles all around you. You get tired of looking at yourself, and this fatigue makes you deaf and blind everywhere to everything else.”

Carlos Castaneda

“If you are young, healthy and eager to learn new things, then I implore you - travel. And go as far as possible. Sleep on bare ground if you have to, but be true to the idea. Learn from people about life, learn from them how to cook, how to cook and everything in general, wherever you go.”

Anthony Bordian

“If you can randomly make your way to your own bed in complete darkness without hurting yourself, then it’s time to travel.”

Boris Krieger

“For those who have just walked out the door, the hardest part is behind them.”

Dutch proverb

Return statuses

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Okay, newbie. You know the basics.

Okay, newbie. You know the basics of guerrilla warfare, but I must tell you why we fight and how we will take back the city, zone by zone. The Red Zone is the most devastated area of ​​Philadelphia. At the same time, it was in it that the Resistance took hold. Among the houses and bombed streets, our tactics work perfectly against K.N.A. Here we are targeting strike points that are important for the Koreans - their capture will help change the situation in our favor. By strengthening our position in the zone, we will free up the shelter and gain access to supplies and better equipment.

“There is a home where we are loved and waited for” (Byron)

Quotes from the greats about home would be incomplete without this wonderful saying. It is customary to call a hearth not so much a place of physical habitat, but rather a spatial dimension where a person is met by relatives and loved ones. Where you are happy to see you, where you go to heal your spiritual wounds, is your true home. In such a place you can remove social masks, allow yourself to be weak, and achieve a state of calm and comfort.

Relaxation is achieved due to the fact that it becomes possible to express your emotions fully, and not hush them up for fear of disapproval from your superiors. It is for this reason that conflicts that arise at work are easily “treated” with warmth and comfort.

- Every evening I wait for him to return.

– Every evening I wait for him to return... and leave a burning candle for him on the windowsill to make it easier to find his way home. So that he knows that he is still loved and welcome here. Just like many years ago... I hope that he will still remember me when his duty to the world is fulfilled, and until then I will live here. He always comes back, and what difference does it make that sometimes years fly by between meetings - I know that someday he will return so as not to leave again. – What if... if you don’t wait for him? – I asked quietly, forgetting about the clay mug, which almost burned my palm.

Holiday world

It’s so good and easy to be at home, Where everything is cozy, close and familiar; There I can always hide from problems, And failures and misfortune do not frighten me.

In difficult times, I hurry home quickly - My native walls will not warm my heart; My beloved home is my reliable pier, For me it is the beginning of everything!


Sometimes I get to visit foreign lands - There I feel sad for my native home, I won’t hide it, And every day I wait more and more impatiently for when I will come to my native places again.


My home, of course, is not a luxurious palace, But in our complex, hectic life, there is no place in the world nicer for me, Warmer, more comfortable, closer and brighter!


It’s so great when you go home, Where they love without ridiculous reservations, Where it smells like mom, dad and you. You don’t need a reason to knock there.


There you can make mistakes without fear that they will laugh, blame, condemn. There, like a minute, an hour flies by. There is a small miracle in every thing.


There you can be weak and inept. Everyone is forgiven there. And nothing else. I can forget about the whole world there. And only there I cry without hesitation.


The main thing is that someone is waiting at home, someone sweet, affectionate and important, so that before your eyes, wet with happiness, you lightly collect tears with your fingers.


To say: “Hey, don’t cry!”, Pressed him to his chest, feeling sorry, Warmed him stronger than any battery, There was a lover, a boyfriend, a friend and a doctor.


So that he sleeps on the bed next to you And sniffles quietly, melodiously, And when you are melancholicly sad, He calls you his beloved.


The main thing is that there is someone at home, who will suddenly spill out his soul, and when you are angry, he will say: “Come on, calm down and calm down your ardor. »


  • Who will forgive us for thousands of betrayals, Will say: “Don’t worry, we are all human, The important thing is that we love each other, This is the main thing, which means there are no problems. "


Millions of stings will become dull, And everything bad will leave the heart. The main thing is that someone is with you, The main thing is that someone is waiting at home.


Oh, how great it is to be at home, to restore yourself in everything, to feel the familiar Divine uplift in the Soul!


They destroyed an old wooden house. The residents left with all their belongings - With sofas, pots, flowers, Slanting mirrors and cats.


  • The old man looked at the house from the truck, And time caught up with the old man, And everything remained forever as it was. But meanwhile the rafters were exposed, Dry dust dawned in the openings without glass, and darkness appeared. Dreams, memories, Forgotten hopes and desires remained in the house.


The log house was dismantled and the logs were taken away. But the ghosts of the past never left their beloved land, And they sang the song about the rowan tree again, They drank white wine at weddings, They went to work and to the movies, They carried out coffins on towels, And they asked each other to borrow money, And they slept in couples in down jackets. , And the firstborn were held in their arms, Until the iron gum of the machine gnawed out their mangy clay, Until the crane above them, like the letter “G,” Turned on one leg.


Parents' house is a little paradise: you sleep well there, it smells like delicious food, and the mirrors make you look slim!


Nothing in the house is stored more carefully than unnecessary trash called “what if it comes in handy.”


I love the gentle look of my mother and her sweet oval face. Is there anyone on earth better than the one who gave you life?


Every person should have a place where he can return with confidence that he is loved and welcomed there.


  • If there is anything more beautiful than nature, more beautiful than art, more beautiful than science, it is a person who does not lose heart in misfortune. But the most beautiful thing is the home.


A man who builds his house on one heart builds it on a fire-breathing mountain. People who base all the good of their lives on family life are building a house on sand.


When you love, you have to hide what you really feel in order to maintain peace in the house.


A house can be different, a house is a school, a house is where you live, a house is your homeland, where you grew up, but at home I will always wait for you, no matter how bad, no matter how happy. Did a bad thing


  • It feels like someone is coming into my house in my absence and whistling, bastard, whistling!


It's good when everything is in its place at home. I wish I knew where these places are.


Keep the house clean as if you were expecting guests. Keep your heart pure as if you were expecting death.


My parents' house is a little paradise: I sleep well there and smell of delicious food. This is the best corner in the whole earth.. Mom is there!.


A person should have his own home, albeit small and cramped, but his own. A place where he could be alone. This is very important for maintaining mental clarity.


When a cat is waiting for you on the armchair and a book is on the nightstand, you will return home through hurricanes, floods and the labyrinth of night streets.


Spread love wherever you are, especially in your own home.


A house is not just a street, or a city, or even a building made of bricks and mortar. Home is where your family is.


  • The cat is a miniature tiger that is kept in the house to remind children to wash themselves.


A house with children, a bazaar is noisy and cheerful, a house without children, a grave is quiet and sad.


I was in such a hurry to get out of the house that after driving two stops on the minibus, I found curlers on my head


I have a whole zoo at home: a dog, a cat, a cat, a hamster, a parrot, 12 fish, and I am the sheep who allowed it all.


When we leave home in search of happiness, we often find it only after returning


Paradise is an American salary, an English house, Chinese food and a Russian wife. Hell is an American wife, English food, a Chinese house and a Russian salary.


I'm running home from work! I wanna eat! I want to write! I am sleepy! AT HOME Oops! Free computer! And let the whole world wait.


I don’t know what kind of mountains men move there, but I move whole mountains of dishes, toys and linen every day


Looking at the cat who screams every day because she wants a cat, I understand that in our house she is the most honest woman!


Every housewife knows that in the house a guest notices not what she does, but what she doesn’t do.


The atmosphere in the house must be created by two people; you can’t fly far on one wing


Sadness does not come alone. He pulls all his girlfriends along with him. Pretend I'm not at home?


Happy is the one who goes to work with inspiration and goes home with pleasure))))


Normal people go home for lunch to relax. Like Cinderella, I start cooking, heating food, washing dishes, cleaning the house, etc.


Never be in a hurry when leaving home, because you will return only when God pleases.


Nature gives our pets so little time, and most of it they wait for us to return home.


They say block houses resist fatigue. It bounces off the walls and embeds itself back into the person.


The soul of a person is his home Even on the darkest night, let the door be open and the windows of your home shine brightly


The best vacations are not for those who leave home for a month. And for those who are going home for a month.


Beware and beware of the domestic enemy, for every arrow fired by the string of his cunning and the bow of his ill will will bring destruction.


It seems that you are not a strong brick, and I am not the right mortar for you. And the house collapsed in the wind of life. Its walls could not stand it.


And if you suddenly feel sad, then sadness means nothing when you know that under the sun there is the roof of your house.


I was given homemade UGG boots for New Year. I walk around the house in UGG boots and underwear and feel like a stripper on a New Year's light :)


Home is two loving people holding hands and touching their foreheads. And under this reliable roof are everyone we love.

If the apartment renovation is done perfectly and using new technologies, one day it may seem like you are living in an office.


It's great to come home from vacation. Especially if your mother cooked borscht for your arrival


We sometimes let strangers into our souls in a house built with such difficulty. How easy it is for strangers to destroy our house, how difficult it is to build a new house!


It’s so great when you go home, where they love without ridiculous reservations, where it smells like mom, dad and you. You don’t need a reason to knock there.


Most cats, when they go outside, immediately want to be inside the house, and vice versa. Sometimes this happens at the same time.


I love my cats because I love my home, and they gradually become its visible soul.


First my wife ran away, then the dog and cats. Now I see how difficult it is for the fish to push the aquarium towards the door.


My husband insists that I don’t do housework and she is taking a vacation from her main job. The boss says the opposite. I listen and envy myself. Not life, but complete relaxation!


You lead a wild lifestyle, hang out in clubs, meet interesting people, and I sit at home in funny slippers and a cozy robe and wait for you like my prince

Return of the Prodigal Son. I repent.

Return of the Prodigal Son. I repent for my sins and actions. For the decisions that I made. That my affairs were so fragile. That sometimes he hugged unlovingly. Help and forgive me, God! I punished myself for everything. I was just stupid and younger. And flew far in the sky. Slowly all the relatives left. Where was I, why didn’t I help? After all, they were simply saints. I came to my father's doorstep late. The hut looked askew and turned black. The entire threshold from the slab has rotted. And I’m stupid, but I thought I was brave. The ship's helm was leading in the wrong direction. Twenty years without a home church. I found a handkerchief behind the pillow.

About tourists and travelers

They say that there are travelers and there are tourists. The differences between them are not only in the duration of the trip and the route schedule. Travelers do not make plans; they are spontaneous in their search for novelty. A tourist’s time is limited by the schedule drawn up by the guide and travel agency. But we can bring an element of adventure even to an ordinary beach holiday! One has only to deviate a little from the well-trodden tourist routes, wander into the ancient narrow streets of the cities - and we will feel like real pioneers. How aptly this is said in quotes and aphorisms about travel and travelers!

“A tourist, as soon as he arrives somewhere, immediately begins to want to go back. And the traveler... He may not return..."

Paul Bowles

“The most wonderful thing that can happen to a traveler is to stumble upon something he was not looking for.”

Lawrence Block

“The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he came to see.”

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

“I have learned that there is no better way to find out whether you like or dislike someone than to travel with them.”

Mark Twain

“Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and I remember more than I have seen.”

Benjamin Disraeli

“A good traveler is one who does not know where he is going. And the ideal traveler doesn’t even know where he came from.”

Liying Yutan

“A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes.”

Elisée Reclus

“Be travelers, not tourists. Try new things, meet new people, and go beyond what's right in front of your nose. These are the keys to understanding this amazing world in which we live."

Andrew Zimmerman

“I am no longer the same person who looked at the shining moon on the other side of the planet.”

Marie Anne Radmacher

“For a person who has never traveled, any new place that is somewhat different from his native land looks very tempting. Apart from love, travel brings us the most joy and consolation. For some reason, everything new seems very important to us, and the mind, which in essence only reflects the perceptions of our senses, gives in to the influx of impressions. On the way, you can forget your beloved, dispel grief, and drive away the ghost of death. In the simple expression “I’m leaving” lies a whole world of feelings that cannot find an outlet.”

Theodore Dreiser

“Every journey has its own secret destination, of which the traveler himself has no idea.”

Martin Buber

He still started to pray, but caught it.

He nevertheless began to pray, but found himself almost mechanically repeating the words of the prayer, although he no longer expected anything from God. Ilona is dead, what should he pray for? But he continued to pray for her return from God knows where and for his own safe return, although he was already almost home. He didn’t believe these people - they were all begging for something, and Ilona told him: “We must pray to the Lord for consolation,” she read these words somewhere and was delighted with them. Standing here with his hands folded in prayer, he suddenly realized that now he was praying from the heart, because he had nothing to beg from God.

How travel changes people

Chinese folk wisdom says that no one returns from a trip the same as he was before. And I absolutely agree with this. After all, when we find ourselves in a world different from everyday life, we ourselves change. Everything around us is new, unusual, and we ourselves can throw off all the burden of everyday life, along with boring office and city clothes. How wonderfully this is said in quotes and aphorisms about travel!

“There’s something magical about it: you leave one person and come back a completely different person.”

Kate Douglas Wiggen

“The true purpose of your journey is not a place on the map, but a new perspective on life.”

Henry Miller

“When traveling, do not concentrate on yourself, listen carefully to those around you and look around with curiosity. As long as a person feels that the most important and significant phenomenon in the world is his person, he will never be able to truly experience the world around him. Like a blinkered horse, he sees nothing in him but himself.”

Carlos Castaneda

“Travel leaves you speechless and then turns you into a better storyteller.”

Ibn Battuta

“How I love feeling faceless in a city I’ve never been to before.”

Bill Bryson

“Waking up in an unfamiliar city one morning is the most pleasant feeling in the world.”

Fraya Stark

“Don’t tell me what you know, tell me how far you’ve been.”

prophet muhammed

“At first, we go on journeys to lose ourselves, and then we go all the way and find ourselves. We embark on travel to open our eyes and hearts, to learn something new, something that is not published in newspapers and textbooks. We travel to bring into the world what little we are capable of, what our knowledge allows us to do. And we travel to slow down time and fall in love like youth.”

Pico Iyer

“Adventure is the journey. True adventure is undertaken by self-determined, driven people. And as a rule, it is always risky. Sometimes you have to “eat straight from the hands of fate.” Only after traveling a sufficient distance will you encounter true gratuitous kindness and boundless cruelty and realize that you are capable of both. All this will fundamentally change you, and the world will no longer be black and white for you.”

Mark Jenkins

“Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us to find ourselves again.”

Albert Camus

“When a person wanders, he, without noticing it, experiences a rebirth. Every now and then he finds himself in situations that are new to him, his days are long, and most often a language unknown to him is heard around him. He is like a baby who has just left his mother's womb. And he pays much more attention to what surrounds him, because it determines whether he will survive or not. He becomes more accessible to people, because they can come to his aid in difficult times. And he perceives the fleeting mercy of the gods with jubilation and will remember it until the end of his days. And at the same time, since everything is new to him, he notices only beauty and is happy simply because he lives.”

Paulo Coelho

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