“The moment froze and never ends...” Thoughts about eternity and love

Original statuses

Eternity has always interested people, because no one has yet been able to unravel its secrets. Interesting and original statuses for social networks will help reveal the mysteries:

  1. A person can ruin everything in a second, but it will take an eternity to correct the mistake.
  2. If a person is given a choice - to die or live forever, then he would begin to think. Nature saved him from this, created death, which is inevitable and can happen at any moment.
  3. You need to dream as if life will be eternal, and live as if death will come tomorrow.
  4. Every person strives to achieve goals and heights, because fate itself is to blame for this, but in eternity everyone becomes equal.
  5. Only true love can last forever.
  6. Beauty fades with time, words remain forever.
  7. Nothing is eternal, everything is transitory, but practice shows that eternity is nothing, and it is in it that all life passes.
  8. You can achieve your dreams for a very long time, for an eternity.
  9. Something will definitely happen after the agonizing wait, because nothing in life can last forever.
  10. Time is limitless, but each person has his own little eternity.
  11. There is nothing eternal in the world, love passes, youth fades, happiness is changeable, and even time is not subject to man.
  12. Eternity can be very tiring, especially at the end.

Orthodox Life

The day after France declared war on Germany, Antoine de Saint-Exupery appeared at the place of mobilization at the military airfield.

Many tried to convince Saint-Exupéry that he would bring much more benefit to the country as a writer and journalist, that thousands of pilots could be trained and that he should not risk his life.

But Saint-Exupery achieved an appointment to a combat unit: “I am obliged to participate in this war. Everything I love is at risk. I want to fight, love and my inner religion force me to do this. I can’t stand by and watch this calmly.”

On July 31, 1944, Antoine de Saint-Exupery went on a reconnaissance flight and did not return.

True love begins where nothing is expected in return.

I love light in a person. I don't care about the thickness of the candle. The flame will tell me if the candle is good.

Do not confuse love with the thirst for possession, which brings so much torment. Contrary to popular belief, love does not cause pain. The instinct of property is tormenting.

Separation will teach you to truly love.

I have always divided humanity into two parts. There are house people and garden people. The first ones carry their home with them everywhere, and you suffocate within their four walls. You have to chat with them to break the silence. Silence in homes is painful. But they are walking in the gardens. There you can be silent and breathe the air. You feel at ease there.

It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

Maybe it’s better not to destroy evil, but to grow good?

When we understand our role on earth, even the most modest and inconspicuous, then only we will be happy.

Success comes from many unsuccessful efforts.

I recognize friendship by the absence of disappointments, true love by the inability to be offended.

Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

Words only interfere with understanding each other.

You are mired in guessing at little things and don’t realize that a moment can contain a whole life.

True Miracles are not noisy... And the most important events are very simple.

You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed.

“Prayer” by Exupery, written in one of the most difficult moments of his life:

Lord, I ask not for miracles or mirages, but for the strength of every day. Teach me the art of small steps. Make me observant and resourceful, so that in the diversity of everyday life I can stop in time on discoveries and experiences that excite me. Teach me how to properly manage the time of my life. Give me a subtle sense to distinguish the primary from the secondary. I ask for the strength of abstinence and measure, so that I do not flutter and slide through life, but intelligently plan the course of the day, could see the peaks and distances, and at least sometimes find time to enjoy art. Help me understand that dreams cannot be a help. No dreams of the past, no dreams of the future. Help me to be here and now and perceive this minute as the most important.

Save me from the naive belief that everything in life should be smooth. Give me a clear consciousness that difficulties, defeats, falls and failures are only a natural part of life, thanks to which we grow and mature. Remind me that the heart often argues with the mind. Send me at the right moment someone who has the courage to tell me the truth, but tell it lovingly! I know that many problems can be solved if nothing is done, so teach me patience. You know how much we need friendship. Let me be worthy of this most beautiful and tender Gift of Fate. Give me a rich imagination so that at the right moment, at the right time, in the right place, silently or speaking, to give someone the necessary warmth. Make me a person who knows how to reach those who are completely “below”. Save me from the fear of missing out on something in life. Give me not what I want for myself, but what I really need. Teach me the art of small steps.

Interesting thoughts

Statuses about eternity are always original and inspire smart thoughts. If you install them on social networks, you can discuss with everyone how others feel about this concept and what they really think about it:

  1. Man's eternity is too short.
  2. Eternity merely counts time.
  3. Every person is an ordinary mortal, all his privileges will quickly disappear in eternity.
  4. Life can be called a short circuit among eternity.
  5. Don't be upset about unfulfilled hopes. All this can take on a completely different meaning in eternity.
  6. You should not be afraid of age, age has absolutely nothing to do with it, because the human soul exists forever.
  7. Time, contrary to popular opinion, does not pass, it is eternal, only man passes.
  8. Only by feeling the sweetness of the eternal can you get rid of the temporary.
  9. Immortals always keep eternity in reserve, but a person is only given one too short life.
  10. The truth of eternity is in infinity, and moments can only brighten it up.
  11. Eternity can be represented as a triangle, which is easy to draw, but never solved.
  12. Each person is only a moment for eternity, so you need to love life always and with all your might.
  13. Nothing can be eternal, only the soul, and that is what is worth protecting.
  14. Stars that have gone out can continue to shine forever.
  15. You must immediately come to terms with the fact that no decision can be truly correct, because eternity itself decides so.
  16. Stupidity may be endless, but it will never become eternity.
  17. Whoever becomes famous in the world of art will remain on earth forever.
  18. Only words remain in eternity, everything else changes too quickly.
  19. One must always show patience, responsiveness and kindness, and understand that a person is standing on the threshold of eternity.
  20. You shouldn’t spend your entire life striving to achieve fame and respect. You need to create a life that will carry many small eternities.
  21. Nothing can last forever.
  22. If someone loves a person, it means that he is already connected with eternity.
  23. I dream of loving you forever.

The wisest phrases

Beautiful statuses about eternity will definitely make you think, and perhaps completely rethink your own life, change your priorities:

  1. It’s better to wait an eternity to meet your destiny than to rush into the arms of the moment.
  2. All human suffering and pain are silent before eternity.
  3. Long distance relationships will always be rewarded with eternity.
  4. Only beauty remains in eternity.
  5. In life, you always need to make plans for eternity, as if death does not exist at all, only then can you feel true happiness.
  6. Everything seems too eternal when a loved one dies.
  7. Upon reaching a certain age, a person begins to look for the secrets of eternity and strives to unravel them as quickly as possible.
  8. Only temporary things can be eternal in the world.
  9. The main goal of life for every person should be such a life after which there is no need to die.
  10. Birth is a moment of eternity that is intended for a person.
  11. Good words can be spoken quickly and easily, but their echo will last for a long time in eternity.
  12. Loyalty can also be called eternity, only it lasts when the relationship is still alive.
  13. Time flows into infinity like drops on glass after rain.
  14. Many people ask, do I want to live forever? If I'm always young and happy, then of course. Well, if you are weak and decrepit, then it’s better not to.
  15. I would prefer to be with him for at least a second than to suffer forever without him...
  16. It is impossible to accumulate time; it is not subject to human control. It cannot be preserved or increased, it can only be exchanged for the eternal existence of the soul.
  17. The most insignificant thing, which will end in the next moment, is often mistaken for eternity.
  18. Everyone is going to live forever, they are sure that they will succeed.
  19. Nothing can punish a person more than the loneliness of eternity.
  20. A person always thinks of himself much more than he actually is; this can be called both a curse and the highest blessing of eternity.
  21. Empty things pass like an eternity, but happiness flies by like a moment.
  22. The book can safely be called an eternal thought, which for many centuries has helped people if they do not have an interlocutor.
  23. Everything can disappear from the face of the earth, and only eternity will remain unchanged.
  24. Life is given to a person, but it is only a moment of eternity.

Interesting statuses about eternity never lose their relevance, because this concept always remains mysterious and inexplicable, it cannot be compared with anything. You can set a quote or a clever phrase on social networks and reveal to your friends the secrets of your worldview.

*** Beauty is time, and language is eternity))) *** “Nothing is eternal, everything passes” - as it turned out in practice, it is Nothing that is eternal, in which “life” passes. *** Forward, beyond eternity, beyond horizons, beyond empty words. Behind you. For your soul, your thoughts, your heart, go ahead. Following you, no matter where, is not the point. To you. *** The pursuit of a dream is a long journey. And you can go on forever... *** Women are very devoted to those who love them, even after death... They know what LOVE is... *** Something will definitely happen, because it doesn’t happen that something lasts forever... *** Time has no boundaries, but everyone has their own little eternity... *** The one whom I once let into my heart will remain in it forever. *** Maybe Time is the force that moves the body, and Eternity is the fuel of the soul? *** There is nothing eternal in the world... beauty will fade; youth flies by without you noticing; love will come and go... even time is not eternal - it cannot be stopped. *** Eternity is tiring. Especially towards the end. *** Our Eternity is short-lived. *** Eternity? Unit of time. *** Without exception, we are all mere mortals and privileges on earth are nullified in eternal life! *** You can finish what you want, your plans, your dreams, but only the scenery, time and characters will change... *** The main thing in love is the belief that it will last forever. *** Life is a short circuit of eternity. *** And I would remain silent for an eternity, pressing my face into his palms... *** ... there are no lost hopes. Everything that seems incredible, implausible and impossible can become amazingly true in Eternity. *** As they often say: “age”... Nonsense! There are always those who live by Soul. The soul does not age... *** Through the abyss of years... you... who read... you will know... how tired we are of eternity)))), but wanted to live... comprehending the world... in our own way... *** -Time passes? -Time is eternal, you pass! *** Love for the temporary can be banished only by feeling the sweetness of the eternal. *** Immortals have eternity left, we have only one short life. *** It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, what the weather is like outside. Only one thing is important for me: that YOU and I be together *** A moment colors eternity, the truth is in its infinity. *** Eternity is shaped like a triangle and is easy to draw in the sand. *** Love life... as we all do, for eternity... a moment. *** Nothing is eternal. Only the soul is eternal. Take care of it... *** They say that the stars that go out will shine for us for thousands of years... *** Everyone knows from childhood that a thing wrapped in blue electrical tape will last forever. *** Sometimes our exes become our eternals... *** We must come to terms in advance with the fact that every decision is doubtful, because it is in the order of things that, having avoided one trouble, you find yourself in another. *** Claiming the right of eternity, stupidity has many faces ad infinitum. *** The trip to the doctor, sitting in line outside the office, dragged on for an eternity. *** Whoever entered the world of Arts wrote down his name in Eternity. *** Know that everything that is given to us is fleeting, only the word remains forever. *** We click our days and shoot the years. *** Don’t be burdened, don’t get cold, be patient, responsive, good-natured, rush to love, in the consciousness that you are already standing at the threshold of eternity - that’s your duty. *** The goal in life is not to gain immortal glory for yourself... It is to turn every day into a small eternity. *** And we have one eternity for both of us, and the time and term that is allotted to each is only half of the time that flows in our common life with you. *** Nothing blooms forever. *** If someone loves you, you are already part of eternity. *** My plans are to love you forever! *** It’s better to wait for an eternity and get into the arms of a sweet, dear and dear girl of your life... Than to throw yourself like a mongrel at empty and greedy bitches...)))) *** I am one single happy moment, not a whole life . A moment that you will remember forever... *** Love is loneliness... but there is also time for)))))))))))) ETERNITY... of course there is)... I wish I had time to know it)... *** At least Man is not eternal, what is eternal is human. *** Loyalty is in the nature of women. She is supposed to love one and only one, blindly, tenderly and forever. *** All human pain, suffering and hatred fall silent under the gaze of Eternity. And people could live forever. *** We cannot preserve love forever and never fall in love. *** Relationships that survive distance are rewarded with eternity... *** Dreams, I agree to wait! Just not for an eternity... *** The beautiful remains, the beautiful passes. *** This is the only way it makes sense to live in the world. Fear nothing, make plans for eternity ahead, as if death did not exist at all. *** The eighth of March is a symbol of ENDLESS LOVE FOR A WOMAN! Love a woman and she will give you eternity! *** I believe in Fate and I know that everything happens exactly as planned. *** Things seem monstrously durable when people die. *** There is nothing more fragile in the world than human relationships!!! *** To realize the true value of friendship, you need to fall face first on the asphalt at least once, some will come to finish you off, others will put you on your shoulders and carry you until you start walking. *** A person at a certain age becomes a certain entity. And from that moment on, she, the essence, begins to move from place to place in search of an idea of ​​eternity *** In the world, only the temporary is eternal. *** Apparently strong love has no place in this world. *** If you ever feel sad, give me your hand - I will hold it. *** The purpose of life is this: to live in such a way that even after death you do not die. *** I will always love you, and my love will die only at the moment when I die. *** Love that does not consider itself eternal is disgusting. *** Birth is that share of immortality and eternity that is allotted to a mortal being. *** I will love you forever: No, I don't swear. I just know. After all, my feeling is endless, without boundaries. without a bottom and without an edge... *** Kind words are short, easy to say, but their echo continues to sound in eternity. *** Loyalty is one of the categories of eternity and should last as long as the relationship is alive and well! *** I love watching older couples... It gives me confidence that someone can truly love forever... *** Life is eternal, love is immortal, death is just the horizon. And the horizon is the limit only for our view. *** Time flows down the canvas of eternity for minutes, just as raindrops flow down window glass. *** How long does true love last?! *** Everyone asks: “Do you want to live forever?” - Yes, forever young,... without pain... and carefree... But terrible, weak and decrepit... I wouldn’t want to rattle my Bones... I wouldn’t want, of course. *** I would prefer one breath of her hair, one kiss of her lips, one touch of her hand, than an eternity without her... *** Time is the only thing that cannot be accumulated, it is not preserved and does not increase. It can only be exchanged - for money or for knowledge. Time is generally the most important thing. *** The captivity of human mistakes is constant, we often mistake decay for eternity... *** The soul was torn into small pieces, it seemed that things couldn’t get any worse... but one morning, waking up, you understand: But the universe emerged from the explosion... *** Strange ... Now there are so many singers and new songs that you can’t count them... But every time you turn on old, forgotten songs, unknown to today’s youth, and listen to them again and again. And you don’t get tired of them at all... This is what I understand, immortal hits, time-tested! *** I'm going to live forever. So far it’s working out... *** There is no worse punishment than lonely eternity. *** A person is always immeasurably more than what he thinks about himself. This is his curse, and his blessing... *** He never gave her a fur coat, gold and Mercedes... But they still love each other... *** - In the sky there is only talk about the sea and the sunset. They talk about how damn cool it is to watch a huge fireball, how it melts in the waves, and a barely visible light, as if from a candle, burns somewhere in the depths. *** I just wanted to look into her soul, but I stayed in her forever! *** Love does not pass away - it remains forever in our heart. And if you say that you have fallen out of love, it means you have never experienced it, because true love never ends. *** Memories can be sold (for example, write “memoirs”), but it is impossible to get rid of them... *** Empty moments pass like an eternity. Moments of bliss go by like a moment. *** A book is an eternal thought. A hand extended through decades and centuries, when it is impossible to find an interlocutor nearby. *** Heaven and earth will disappear, but you will not. *** People don't really die. They go to a better world and wait there for those they love. And then one day they will all return to this world again just like the first time. *** Life is a moment of eternity, given to us at our personal disposal. Sayings about the eternal, aphorisms about eternity

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