Osho about love. Osho: quotes about the love of a man and a woman, about self-love

First, it’s worth finding out who Osho is. It is known that this is a famous spiritual leader. Today, many perceive his teaching as the only true rules of life, but there are also those who believe that his philosophy only harms society. Many times the teachings of this Indian esotericist have been criticized, but over the past few years he has acquired a large number of “companions.” This is due to the fact that in most of Osho’s thoughts there is the truth of human existence, as well as the meaning of life.

This spiritual leader devoted a special place to statements about love and its manifestations. Many of Osho’s statements about love have become the basis for today’s understanding of this feeling. Moreover, they act as the basis for understanding such concepts as family and gender relationships.

Biography of Osho

This is the Indian Enlightened Master. All over the world he is known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He published more than 600 books, they are like a collection of his conversations with his students that Osho conducted over a quarter of a century.

Shortly before his death, he announced the discarding of the prefix "Bhagwan Sri", since for most it is interpreted as God. The sannyasins (his disciples) decided to call him the name “Osho”, already known to us, which first appeared in ancient Japan. This is exactly how all the disciples approached their spiritual mentors.

The letter “O” means great respect, love, gratitude, synchronicity, harmony, and “Sho” means a multidimensional expansion of consciousness.

Being enlightened, Osho realized more clearly than others the instability of the modern existence of humanity in this world. He believed that endless wars, unacceptable treatment of the environment: the annual extinction of several thousand species of plants and animals, the cutting down of entire forests, the drying up of the seas, the presence of dangerous nuclear weapons that have indescribable destructive power - all this will lead humanity to complete extinction.

In his opinion, one must live naturally, peacefully, and turn inward. It’s worth giving yourself a little time to be alone, silent, and observe the inner workings of your mind.

American followers of Osho purchased a ranch in Central Oregon, the area of ​​which was 64 thousand acres. Rajneeshpuram was founded there. The Indian esotericist, having lived on the ranch for 4 years, became, so to speak, the most daring experiment in creating a spiritual commune (transnational).

Thousands of his followers from Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America gathered there every summer. As a result, the commune turned into a prosperous city with more than 15,000 adherents.

In 1984, suddenly, just as he had stopped speaking, he began to speak again. Osho philosophized about meditation, love, human unfreedom within the framework of a heavily conditioned, crazy world. He accused politicians and priests of corrupting fragile human souls and destroying human freedom.

In 1985, the American government accused the Enlightened Master of violating current immigration laws, and then arrested him without warning. Osho was kept in shackles and handcuffs for almost two weeks in custody, refusing bail. There he was physically harmed, based on a medical examination. In Oklahoma, Osho was exposed to a large dose of radiation and became intoxicated with thalium. A bomb was discovered in the Portland prison where the Enlightened Master was later imprisoned. Only he was not evacuated.

His lawyers, concerned for the Master's life, agreed to admit an immigration violation, Osho left the United States on November 14. Then the commune disintegrated.

The American government was not satisfied with the violation of the constitution in their country, so when Osho went to other countries at the invitation of his disciples, they, using world influence, tried to negatively influence his work wherever he went. As a result of this policy on the part of the American government, 21 countries imposed a ban on the entry of both Osho and his companions.

In 1986, the Enlightened Master returned to Bombay. His disciples began to gather around him. In 1987, due to the rapid growth of people coming to Osho, he moved to Pune, after which his International Commune was formed. Daily spiritual discourses, holidays, and meditation weekends have been revived.

Osho has created a number of new meditations, one of which is “Mystical Rose”. This was the most memorable breakthrough in this field 2500 years after the great Vipassana meditation of the Buddha. More than a thousand people took part in it (both in the commune and in its meditation centers around the world).

Osho left his body on January 19, 1990. He did not want to identify his teachings with religion. His teaching was centered on the individual and his freedom. To him it seemed like a single world, without any restrictions on skin color, nationality, or race.

Osho did not consider himself God, he never believed in prophets, prophecies, or the Messiah. Osho considered them to be selfish people. In this regard, he did everything he could. Osho left what would happen when he was gone to the will of existence, since he trusted him absolutely.

The Enlightened Master believed that if there was truth in his words, then it would definitely survive. That is why Osho did not call his students followers, they were his travel companions.

Osho Quotes

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

Compiled a selection of quotes from the Indian religious teacher Osho (1931-1990).

Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh) is the founder of mystical religious teachings.

Quotes are grouped by topic: love, life, meditation, life ethics, loneliness, marriage, women and men, freedom, fear, teaching, one’s own nature, religion, man, self-love, children, peace, paths, relationships, mind, truth , sex, self-discovery, choice, enlightenment, ego, rebellion, society, tantra, experiences, happiness, God.

In conclusion, quotes about Osho are given.

About love

Love is the only real thing that is worth experiencing. Everything else is secondary. If everything else helps love, good. All other things are only means; love is the goal. Therefore, no matter how much it hurts, go into it. Love one another, but do not make love a bondage.

The moment you are filled with bliss, a great desire arises to share it. When you share it, that is love.

Let human love be free, let people not be owners. But this can only happen if in your meditation you discover your being. Following the discovery of one's being, there follows the quality of impersonal radiation of love. Then you just love.

When two mature people love each other, one of the greatest paradoxes of life occurs, one of the most beautiful phenomena: they are together, but at the same time immensely alone.

When you say to a man or woman, “I love you,” you are simply saying, “Your body cannot deceive me, I have seen you. Your body may grow old, but I saw you, the disembodied you. I saw your deepest inner core, the core that is divine.”

In fact, only a person who is capable of being alone is capable of love. People who are lonely are unable to love. They need so much that they cling - how can they love?

To love is to share; to be greedy is to accumulate. Greed only wants and never gives, but love only knows how to give and does not ask for anything in return; she shares without conditions.

There are some flowers of love that bloom only after a long period of intimacy. There are also annual flowers; For six weeks they bloom in the sun, but after six weeks they are gone forever. The more time it takes, the deeper the love. But it must be the devotion of one heart to another heart.

If you want to love a person forever, you cannot get close to him for a minute.

The luckiest lovers in the world are those who have never met.

By the way, quotes about love

About life

If you can have freedom and love at the same time, you don't need anything else. You have everything - what life was given for.

Life is an opportunity. The soil where the rose of love blooms. Love is valuable in itself: it has no goals, it has no meaning. It has great significance, it is great joy, it is rejoicing; in itself there is no point.

There is no goal in life, because life is a goal in itself. Forget about goals. Drop the very idea of ​​the future. Concentrate on this day, and at that very moment you will be able to experience life in eternity.

If you are unable to see something greater than yourself, your life will become boring, tiresome. Life becomes a dance only if it is an adventure. And it becomes an adventure only when you see in it something higher than yourself - something to strive for and what to try to achieve.

The cyclone is the center, and there is no other center. Once you understand this unity of life, all tension, anxiety, melancholy, despair will disappear. Anxiety arises only because you are always dividing. Because of division you become split, because of division you become schizophrenic. Now you think that you are on the periphery of the cyclone, the center has been lost and needs to be found.

For me, life, in its entirety, is good. And when you understand life in its entirety, only then can you celebrate, otherwise not. Celebration means: whatever happens, it doesn't matter - I celebrate. Celebration for sure. I celebrate life. It brings misfortune - well, I celebrate it. It brings happiness - okay, I celebrate it. Celebration is my unconditional attitude towards what life brings.

Never ask anyone what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which this should be found out.

If you live, you inevitably take risks, life is a risk. Only death is safe, life is never safe - there is no safety.

By the way, quotes about life

About meditation

Meditation is simply joy in one's own presence; meditation is joy in one's own being. It's very simple - a completely relaxed state of consciousness in which you do nothing.

Meditation has nothing to do with the mind; meditation is a state of no-mind. The work of the mind only disturbs meditation.

The meditator does not need personal guidance. On the contrary, a meditator needs only one thing - an atmosphere of meditation. He needs other meditators, he needs to be among other meditators. Because everything that happens inside us happens not only inside us - it affects the people who are nearby.

My effort is to leave you alone with meditation, without any intermediary between you and existence. When you are not in meditation, you are separated from existence and that is your suffering. It's like catching a fish from the ocean and throwing it ashore.

Relaxation is good, but it is only the beginning, it simply prepares the ground for meditation. But meditation is a completely different matter. You need to realize what your mind is full of. Whatever happens in your mind, you must become the observer and the observer must be so deeply rooted that slowly the mind disappears and only the observer remains.

A man of meditation comes to a point where there are no temptations left. Temptation never comes from outside; It is suppressed desire, suppressed energy, suppressed anger, suppressed sex, suppressed greed that creates temptation.

About life ethics

You just need to turn your face towards yourself.

If you have become a river, you cannot help but become an ocean!

All the values ​​that a person dreams of are hidden inside him.

Any hopes become slavery, restrictions.

Without hesitation, enjoy all the material benefits that life offers you, and rejoice at every opportunity for spiritual development.

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.

Whatever you dream about, check: the dream itself indicates that you have missed reality.

If you are looking for consolation, you will find it, but it is a counterfeit coin. Cozy, comfortable, it's like a drug: you drink it and you remain miserable, the misery doesn't change, but you forget about it.

Nothing ever ends; everything remains unfinished - and will remain unfinished forever.

Don't delay, who can know the day of his death? You may not exist tomorrow, you may not exist this very moment. This moment is the only one you have. The only time you have is now; the only place is here.

About loneliness

We are born alone, we live alone and we die alone. Loneliness is our very nature, but we are not aware of it. Because we are not aware of it, we remain strangers to ourselves, and instead of seeing loneliness as immense beauty and bliss, silence and peace, ease with existence, we mistakenly understand it as the feeling of being alone.

The only moment of awareness and understanding that you are alone: ​​you walk the path alone, you create the path alone, you live your life alone. No leader, no leadership. You are alone, you are loneliness. No one can interfere or spoil it. It is so pure, innocent and beautiful. This solitude is the path, this solitude is meditation, this solitude is yoga.

Only when you are left alone - in endless loneliness - will you have no choice but to find your inner center. It seems incredibly cruel and harsh, but I do it because I love you, and people who haven't done it don't and never have loved you.

Be yourself, learn to be alone - that's all. And remember: a person who knows how to be alone never suffers from loneliness. People who don't know how to be alone always suffer from loneliness.

An ordinary person tries to avoid loneliness, while a wise person becomes increasingly immersed in his solitude.

By the way, quotes about loneliness

About marriage

Go find at least one happy marriage. At best, people live together because it is convenient for them. All we know about marriages is just something ugly, painted faces, but everything inside is dead.

In my vision, marriage in the commune should be abolished. People can live together for the rest of their lives if they want to, but this is not a legal requirement. People should move, having as many experiences of love as possible. They shouldn't be owners. Possessiveness destroys love. And they should not be someone else's property because, again, it destroys your love.

All human beings are worthy of love. There is no need to be tied to one person your entire life. This is one of the reasons why everyone around the world looks so boring. Why can't they laugh like you? Why can't they dance like you? They are chained by invisible chains: marriage, family, husband, wife, children.

If marriage disappears, then divorce will automatically disappear. Divorce is the result of marriage. Nobody pays attention to a simple fact: why have prostitutes existed for centuries? Who gave birth to them? Who is responsible for these poor women? The institution of marriage.

In truth, there is no difference between wives and prostitutes. The difference between them is akin to the difference between your own car and a taxi. You get a prostitute for a couple of hours, and a wife for a long time, it’s much more profitable.

By the way, quotes about weddings and marriage

About women and men

A woman has the right to life, liberty and persecution of a man.

The man distorted the psychology of the woman, making her his slave, deceiving her, turning her into a secondary creature on the scale of the entire planet. And the reason for this is that a man has more developed muscles. But muscle strength is a sign of belonging to the animal world. If only it determines dominance, then any animal should be superior to humans, since it is more muscular.

A woman always tries to imitate a man in everything. She simply becomes a second-class man.

A woman is the second mistake of the Lord, the first mistake was a man, it is obvious that two mistakes together do not constitute the truth.

When a woman gives birth to a child, a new life is born. When a mother looks into his eyes, she looks into her soul. When the child begins to grow, she grows with him.

By the way, quotes about women and quotes about men

About freedom

Everyone wants freedom, if that's what it comes down to, but no one is really free and no one wants to be free, because freedom comes with responsibility. She doesn't come alone. And being dependent is simple: the responsibility is not on you, the responsibility lies on the person on whom you are dependent.

People lead schizophrenic lifestyles. They talk about truth, they talk about freedom, and they live in lies, they live in slavery - different kinds of slavery, because every slavery frees you from a certain responsibility.

Freedom is not self-will and does not mean a lack of structure. It simply means flexibility, that one can move easily from one structure to another: from non-structure to structure, and from structure to non-structure. If your freedom is afraid of being in a structure, then it is no longer freedom.

One of the fundamental laws should be remembered: having enslaved someone, a person himself will eventually turn into a slave, he will not be able to be free. If he wants to be free, then he must give freedom to others, there is no other way.

By the way, quotes about freedom

About fear

If there is fear, there can be no love.

The mind is always fear oriented.

Anyone who tries to make others afraid - know that deep down he himself is afraid, otherwise why do it?

Prayers made in fear of death are not prayers to God. Only one who is full of joy reaches the temple of God. The kingdom of God is filled with joy and beauty, and the bells of the temple of God ring only for those who are free from all types of fear, for those who have become fearless.

Despair only happens when there is expectation. Nothing can bring me to despair: I expect nothing from you.

About teaching

The essence of my teaching is this: no need for beliefs, no need for dogmas, no need for religion, nothing borrowed. You need to believe only what you have experienced yourself. Everything else should be doubted. Just like other religions rely only on faith, I rely only on doubt.

My entire teaching consists of two words, “meditation” and “love.” Meditate so that you can feel the immeasurable silence, and love so that your life can become a song, a dance, a celebration.

I teach you transcendence: neither positive nor negative. Be a witness: watch both. During the day, observe the day, at night, observe the night - and do not identify with any of them. You are neither day nor night - you are transcendental consciousness. Become more and more centered in this transcendence.

The only thing you need to learn is observation. Watch! Watch every action you take. Observe every thought that passes through your mind. Observe every desire that comes over you. Observe even minor gestures - how you walk, talk, eat, take a bath.

About your nature

Self-knowledge is possible only in deep solitude. Usually everything we know about ourselves is just the opinion of others.

If you can become simply yourself, if you can blossom in your inner being, only then will you experience the bliss, the peace that cannot be expressed in words and the special poetry of your being; a special dance of your being; because you will be in harmony with existence. Being in harmony with yourself is the only way to be in harmony with existence.

Always pay attention to what you are doing and where it leads. Gradually, you will begin to realize: what is the ego and what is your nature; what is real and what is false. This will require some time and vigilance and observation. And don't deceive yourself, because only the ego leads to unhappiness, nothing else. Don't throw the responsibility onto another, the other doesn't matter.

Do what your nature strives for, what your essence strives for. Don't listen to holy scriptures, listen to your heart - that's the only scripture I recommend. Listen carefully, very consciously - and you will never make a mistake.

About religion

True religion is neither positive nor negative. It comes not from the negative, not from the positive, but from the transcendental.

Anyone who offers you a complete belief system is your worst enemy!

Over the centuries, religion has become associated with the denial of life, and, of course, no negative approach to life can be creative.

All religions teach to respect parents for one simple reason, that if you respect your parents, you will respect the past, traditions, customs.

Tao is very natural, so Tao has a great future. When all other religions become obsolete, Tao will still exist for one simple reason - it is organically combined with scientific topics, which are gaining momentum every day.

By the way, quotes about religion

About a human

Never judge a person by his actions, judge a person by his essence.

A real person lives with risk, this is his lifestyle, this is the peak of his growth.

When a person becomes the center, when a person becomes crystallized, there is no aversion or attraction to anyone. This creates a deeper problem because it means that you cannot go beyond hate until you go beyond love. Everyone wants to go beyond hatred, but no one wants to go beyond love. But this creates an impossible situation for you, because hatred is part of the same phenomenon: aversion and attraction.

A perfectionist is a person who exposes himself to great pain, and exposes others to even greater pain.

By the way, quotes about a person

About self-love

If a person does not love himself, he cannot love anyone.

Love yourself. Don't judge yourself. You have been condemned so much, and you accepted all this condemnation. Now you continue to hurt yourself. No one considers himself worthy enough, no one considers himself a beautiful creation of God; no one thinks it is needed at all. These are all poisonous ideas, but you have been poisoned by them.

See the difference: a person who loves himself does not love his reflection; he just loves himself. No mirror needed; he knows himself from the inside.

If you love yourself, you will create a garden around yourself. You will try to cultivate your potential, you will try to express everything that is waiting for expression in you. If you love yourself, you will continue to water yourself, nourish yourself.

About children

Be grateful to your child for choosing you as his mother.

Children come through us, but belong to God.

A child is not a thing, not a chair, not a car. You can't do whatever you want with it. He belongs to existence. You, at most, care about him; don't become its owner.

Schools, in fact, are not so much a tool for transmitting knowledge as a tool for control. The child spends six to seven hours there. This is necessary in order to tame his dance, his song, his joy; this is required in order to control it.

By the way, quotes about children

About the world

This whole world can be paradise, everyone just needs to be in their place.

Nothing will satisfy you, because nothing can be achieved in the outer world that can compare with the inner treasure, with the inner light, with the inner bliss.

I've never met a tree that was against me. I have seen many mountains, but I have never seen one that opposed me. The whole existence is very friendly.

Materialism is an assumption, a superstition of the scientific world, just as God, heaven and hell are superstitions of the religious world.

By the way, quotes about peace

About the paths

There are two paths from the valley leading to the top. One path is mindfulness, meditation: the Zen path. And another path is the path of love, the path of initiates, bhakts, sufas.

When you start a journey, there are two different paths that you need to choose. But no matter what you choose, they will lead you to the same peak. And as you approach the top, you will be surprised: those who followed a different path are coming closer to you. Slowly, slowly, the paths begin to merge with each other. And by the time they reach the end point, they become one.

A person who follows the path of awareness finds love as a consequence of his awareness, as a by-product, as a shadow. And a person who follows the path of love finds awareness as a consequence, as a by-product, as a shadow of love.

About relationships

No relationship can reach a level where there will be no problems. If you see a relationship in which there are no problems, it means that the relationship no longer exists.

When two people grow together, gaps will often arise between them, because they cannot keep up - each has their own speed, their own unique growth pattern. But if you are in love, you can wait a little while for your partner to catch up with you, and then move on hand in hand.

Having an opinion about you is just stupid. There is nothing special about the fact that I have no opinion about you. First of all, why on earth? Who am i? This is your life: if you want to drink, drink. Having an opinion about you means that deep down I want to control you.

About the mind

Your mind keeps you dreaming.

The mind is the intellect in tune with your heart.

I am speaking to help you be in silence. I say things so that you can go beyond words. I use words that will help you go into the space beyond words. It's like a thorn in your foot: with the help of another thorn you just pull it out. Your mind is full of words, so many, lots of chatter - blah blah blah - it goes on and on.

About truth

Truth is not a dogma, but a dance.

Truth is not questioned by the mind.

Know the difference between fact and truth. Fact means: this is how things appear to your senses. Truth means: this is how things are, without any reference to your senses.

About sex

People who are afraid of love are not afraid of sex. Love is dangerous, sex is not dangerous, it can be manipulated. You can manipulate – sex can become a technique. Love can never become a technique. If you are trying to maintain control in sex, then even sex will not help you reach the limit. He will reach a certain point and you will be thrown back, because somewhere he will also need to be released. This is why achieving orgasm becomes more and more difficult. Orgasm is the involvement of the whole body: mind, body, soul, everything together.

When you date a man or woman sexually, you are not dating at all; in fact, you are avoiding the other person's soul. You just use his body and run away, and the other one uses your body and runs away. You never get close enough to discover each other's original faces.

About finding yourself

A man is almost crazy - crazy because he is looking for what he already has; crazy because he doesn't know who he is; crazy because he hopes, longs and then ends up feeling disappointed. And there should be disappointment, because you cannot find yourself while searching, you are already here. The search has to be stopped, the search has to be dropped: that is the biggest problem you will face.

Searching forces your mind to focus on the future, but what you are searching for is already here, now, at this very moment. What you are looking for is hidden in the seeker himself: the seeker is what is sought, therefore there is so much neurosis, so much madness.

About the choice

It’s beautiful to be alone, and it’s just as beautiful to be in love, to be with people. And these things are complementary, not contradictory. Don't try to choose - if you choose, you will be in trouble. Every choice will create a division in you, a kind of split. Why choose one when you can have both?

Krishnamurti constantly emphasizes that “not choosing” and being “choiceless” is the basis of innocence. But you can fool yourself by choosing not to choose. If you decide, the will turns on, and the will is insidious. If you choose to be "choiceless", your "choiceless" state will be part of morality, not part of innocence. Just understand, don’t choose—don’t even choose “not to choose.”

About enlightenment

One of the most fundamental things to remember is that whatever you come across on your inner journey, this is not who you are. You are the one who is observing this. It may be nothingness, it may be bliss, it may be silence, but one thing to remember: no matter how beautiful and enchanting this experience may be, you are not that. You are the one experiencing it.

Even great explorers of the inner world get stuck in beautiful experiences, and begin to identify with these experiences, thinking: “I have found myself.” They stopped short of reaching the final stage when all experiences disappear. Enlightenment is not an experience.

About the ego

The ego is a mysterious phenomenon. It is something like darkness: you can see it, you can feel it, it can obstruct your path, but it does not exist. She has no presence. She is simply absence, the absence of light. The ego does not exist, how can you drop it? Ego is just a lack of awareness.

You cannot drop the ego because it does not exist. You can bring a little awareness, a little consciousness, a little light. Forget the ego completely, concentrate completely on bringing alertness into your being. And the moment your consciousness becomes a flame, concentrated, you will not be able to find the ego.

About rebellion

Riot is an individual act, it has nothing to do with the crowd. Riot has nothing to do with politics, power, or violence. Rebellion has to do with changing your consciousness, your silence, your being. These are spiritual metamorphoses.

And everyone who goes through rebellion is not fighting against anyone else, he is only fighting against his own darkness. No swords needed, no bombs needed. What is needed is more alertness, more meditativeness, more love, more prayerfulness, more gratitude.

About the society

Society will give you everything if you give it your freedom.

Conscience is a trick that others play on you - others tell you what is right and what is wrong. They impose their ideas on you, and have been constantly imposing them since childhood. Conscience is a strategy of society aimed at enslaving you.

About death

You don't die, only the illusion dies.

If everything stops with the death of the body, then everything becomes superficial, nothing can bring satisfaction. If death means the complete end of everything, then life has no meaning, no meaning.

About tantra

Tantric experience means: not to be suppressive and not to be indulgent.

Tantric experience is only possible when you move deeply into meditation, there is no other way. When you become very, very quiet, silent, aware, alert, only then is it possible that you will learn something about Tantra.

About experiences

There is no denying the reality of any of your experiences.

The disadvantage of religion and philosophy is that they have begun to replace genuine experiences. Beware of this error!

Oh happiness

Happiness is not having what you want, but desiring what you have.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, all that matters is whether you are a happy person or not?

By the way, quotes about happiness

About God

And life is God - there is no other God.

You cannot seek God, only God can seek you.

About miscellaneous

All modern art is disgusting for one simple reason - there is no spiritual principle in it, there is no contemplative quality in it.

Pornography is a type of mental masturbation.

In fact, one must understand the phenomenon of attachment itself. Why are you clinging to something? Because you're afraid of losing it. Maybe someone will steal it. You are afraid that what you have today may not be there tomorrow.

A question is another type of violence.

I never wanted to be someone's master. But people want a master, they want to be a disciple, hence I played a role. The time has come when I must tell you that many of you are now ready to accept me as a friend.

As can be seen even from the above quotes from Osho, he drew ideas from a variety of sources, without worrying about the eclecticism of their combination. Perhaps the elements of adventurism and scandalousness in his life give additional shades to his love-meditation teachings.

Quotes about Osho

  • Ma Anurga Sheela: I want to tell the sannyasins again what the real reality was. Bhagwan's Rolls-Royce had top priority. Then his meditation. Then business letters: who wants to donate something? That's what took higher priority. Because money was needed to create what Bhagwan wanted to do, for what he wanted to leave behind before his existence here ended. And it had to be done quickly. That's what the money was for. Therefore, naturally, money had a higher priority. Good businessmen had higher priority. Meditators had the lowest priority or no priority at all.
  • K. Calder: Rajneesh's disciples thought they were following a reliable and authoritative enlightened master. In reality, they were led in the wrong direction by an enlightened animal man who often made mistakes, and who inside, in his heart, was still a little boy. But Rajneesh had so many treasures within that I craved - light, energy and an expanded state of being! But it also contained a lot of things that I didn’t want and didn’t respect.
  • A. Gritsanov: In the mid-80s, Bhagwan's fortune reached $200 million, tax-free.
  • B. Klyuev: The traditional Indian guru was a hermit, to whom only his closest disciples had access. Today's business gurus, with their advertising agents, press conferences and even occasionally annoying scandals, act as stars of pop religion. Like the typical nouveau riche, prosperous jet gurus love to flaunt symbols of their wealth. Bhagavan Rajneesh has cream-colored Rolls-Royces, Sai Baba has scarlet Mercedes, Dhirendra Brahmachari has a blue and white airplane...

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Osho about love

Regarding the feeling in question, he explained it in such a way that it seemed to be inside every person. An individual, according to him, is not able to love another representative of the human race if he does not love himself. This feeling comes from within, and if the subject is able to love himself, he will be able to share the feeling with others. This is not about the ego, but about the inner light that makes you open to love. You may notice that Osho talks quite a lot about self-love. Only after accepting oneself can a person open up to another.

A woman needs to be loved, not understood: 10 Osho quotes about love

“A woman, as a rule, begins by resisting a man, and then does not allow him to leave. If you want to change a woman's mind, agree with her. If you want to know what she's really thinking, look into her eyes, don't listen to what she says."

Osho is among the most famous and provocative spiritual teachers of our time. Born Chandra Mohan Jain, known as Acharya Rajneesh in the 60s and as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in the 70s, Osho was known as an enlightened mystic whose messages to his disciples were translated and published in more than 650 books in 35 different languages. Osho's clarity of mind, wisdom and humor attract the attention of people around the world.

Here's what Osho said about love...

1. Lovers are always afraid. And this fear comes to them like a breath of wind. It cannot be invented on purpose or created with your own hands - it simply appears. But everything that arises on its own can disappear in the same way. Love comes, blooms inside you, makes your heart sing, makes you dance, but always harbors fear.

What would happen if today a cool and fragrant wind bursts into your life, and tomorrow it simply disappears? After all, existence is not limited to you alone, and this wind is just a guest who will be around exactly as long as he wants, after which he will simply leave you.

It makes people afraid, awakening their possessiveness. They begin to close all their doors and windows, trying to keep the wind with them. But if your doors and windows are closed, then this wind is no longer what it was before. Its coolness is lost, and the previously pleasant aroma has become disgusting. He needs freedom, and you took it away from him, turning him into a living corpse.

Hiding behind love, people drag each other’s “corpses” behind them, calling it marriage. For this reason, they legitimize their relationship. But love and marriage are incompatible things. In the world of real feelings, marriage is impossible.

You just have to love, love strongly and absolutely, without thinking about tomorrow. If today your existence is blissful, believe me, tomorrow it will be even better and more blissful. If you learn to trust, life will become even more generous to you. More love awaits you. More joy and pleasure.

2. There is nothing more sacred to me than love and laughter. When you love someone, all fears disappear. And when you yourself become this love, then even death loses its meaning. Jesus was not far from the truth when he said that God is love. God definitely represents a higher power. But I would like to paraphrase Jesus - God is not love, but love is God. God is just a symbol, but love is reality. God is a myth, and love is the feelings of millions of people. God is just a word, but love can turn into a dance of the heart.

3. Love yourself and you can love other people.

4. Once a person finds himself in the center of love, the likelihood of him breaking out of it is very small. The fact is that he has already tasted the highest pleasure. The valleys will now seem very dark and disgusting to him. He visited the sunny peaks, despite the fact that they were not the highest. Now he will be driven by desire...

5. All lovers have one common problem: they constantly yearn for more love, not realizing that their true desire is actually something more than love itself. Their language is limited to the word "love", they do not know anything that could be higher than it, but ordinary love no longer brings them satisfaction. And vice versa, the more you love, the stronger your thirst. A person feels incredible pleasure in his love center (fourth chakra) only if the energy begins to move from there to the fifth chakra.

6. Cast aside all your doubts. People come to me and say they want love, but they have doubts. They want to meditate, but they have doubts. They want to dance, but they doubt it. If you also have doubts and continue to feed them, then you will miss your whole life. The time has come - get rid of them! You don't have to do anything, just be aware of it. That's all.

7. I mentioned earlier that a woman needs to be loved, not understood.

8. Don't forget the fundamental law of life. If a woman is hostile to you or simply hates you, then sooner or later she will still end up in your arms, because from hatred to love there is only one step, just as from love to hatred.

9. The key to happiness is this: you can talk about love, tenderness and passion, but real happiness comes at the moment when you realize that you have not lost yourself yet. A woman, as a rule, begins by resisting a man, and then does not allow him to leave. If you want to change a woman's mind, agree with her. If you want to know what she's really thinking, look into her eyes instead of listening to what she says.

10. If you love someone and repeat the words “I love you” over and over again all day long because you enjoy doing it, then at first you may make that person happy, but sooner or later he will get tired of it. Over time, you will simply render these beautiful words meaningless. Don't waste them. Then they will remain important, carrying a certain meaning.

In reality, those of us who truly love may not use this phrase at all. After all, if love is not expressed in actions, then words cannot compensate for this. And if love is visible in itself, then why talk about it? Every person should have a few words that he uses very, very rarely. And they should be saved for special occasions.

Jealousy, from Osho's point of view

It is the first step towards the destruction of true love. Most often, Osho said about love that it is expressed in the desire for good for a person. In this regard, it is implied that in a situation where there is no good intention in love, if it causes suffering to both the subject himself and his partner, then we are no longer talking about love. The latter cannot, according to Osho, coexist with gloomy jealousy, since love is not capable of possessing someone. Otherwise, it would mean that the individual killed someone and then turned it into his personal property.

In relationships, you need to give freedom, because love is not a restriction, not a sacrifice, but exclusively good, given free of charge.

When a person lives with a partner solely for the sake of money, security, reliability, children, etc., excluding love, his existence is comparable to prostitution.

Happiness is always with you: a selection of quotes and sayings by Osho

There is no such thing as too much wisdom. Everyone, perhaps, has moments of thoughtfulness, when you begin to doubt, when you want something more. In this case, the philosophy of the Indian mystic Osho comes to the rescue. Despite his commitment to religion and mysticism, his statements are close to life. We present to your attention Osho quotes. In our selection you will find statements by the philosopher about life, love, and happiness. The selection also includes Osho quotes about women and men.

As is typical in Indian traditions, the philosopher changed several names during his life, which reflected the essence of his views and teachings. The last name was Osho, which means “monarch” or “teacher”. The philosopher's works are published under his last name.

Osho knows exactly what happiness is. It does not consist in money or benefits; a person’s ability to live on earth is already happiness. The philosopher is sure that happiness is near each of us always and everywhere. To understand that we are surrounded by happiness, you just need to look around: the beauty of nature, the opportunity to communicate and believe in yourself - that’s happiness.

Osho pays a lot of attention to love, and here it is difficult to disagree with his views. Love is not measured by anything, it lies in the ability to give and demand nothing in return.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

What matters is not how much money you have, what matters is are you happy with it?

Happiness is always with you.

Believe in it and it will never leave you.

Happiness is where you are - where you are, there is happiness. It surrounds you; this is a natural phenomenon.

Are you unhappy? Look around - aren't you surrounded by happiness?!

Happiness happens when you are in tune with your life, so harmoniously in tune that everything you do is a joy.

If you are surrounded by loved ones, you have a job you love and you are a healthy person - this is happiness.

Real Happiness is here and now. It has nothing to do with the Past and the Future.

Happiness lies in the Present.

Life itself has no meaning, but it is an opportunity to create it.

Everyone is looking for something to live for.

You can enjoy life, you can rejoice in life, you can become part of its mystery, but it is absolutely impossible to understand it as an outside observer.

In life, no one stands on the sidelines; everyone takes an active part in it.

Sin is when you don't enjoy life.

You should be happy that you are alive...

The best way to miss life is to have a certain attitude towards it.

In life you need to be able to adapt to everything.

Life is not a mechanical process, and it cannot be safe. This is an unpredictable mystery. Nobody knows what will happen in the next moment.

Life is full of unpredictable moments, that's what makes it interesting.

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way...

If you love, they will love you too.

The reasons are within ourselves, outside there are only excuses...

Sometimes we ourselves don’t know what stops us inside.

How mercantile you are, my friend. Remember: everything that money can buy is already cheap!

Everything that has true value cannot be bought with money.

Don’t look for the best, but look for yours, because the best will not always be yours, but yours is always better!

When you value yours, they will never leave you.

Just being yourself means being beautiful.

Beauty lies in naturalness and lies in the real “I”.

Never expect anyone else to change. Change always needs to start with yourself.

Change yourself and you will never have to try to change anyone again.

The only time you have is now; the only place is here.

You need to be happy here and now!

You are a big fan of creating problems... just understand this and suddenly the problems will disappear.

Problems do not arise out of nowhere; as a rule, we create them for ourselves.

Until you are able to say no, your yes is meaningless.

Learn to give up unnecessary things in life.

The only person on earth we can change is you.

There is no need to try to change the world, you need to change yourself.

Everything will come by itself - you just need to create favorable conditions. Everything will come - you just need to accept it. Life will definitely smile at you.

For good luck to come to you, you need to wait for it with open arms, and not withdraw into yourself and complain about life.

Don’t look for the best, but look for yours, because the best will not always be yours, but yours is always better!

It's not what someone else has that's good, it's what you have that's good.

Heaven is where the flowers of your true Self bloom. Hell is where your Self is trampled and something is imposed on you.

You will be happy only where your opinion is accepted and not tried to change it.

Love knows nothing of duty.

In love, no one owes anything; everyone acts according to the dictates of their heart.

Debt is a burden, a formality. Love is joy, generosity; love is informal.

There is real love, formalities for it are just formalities, nothing more.

Love is food for the soul. Love is for the soul what food is for the body. Without food the body is weak, without love the soul is weak.

Without love the soul does not live, it exists.

Without love a person can be rich, healthy, famous; but he cannot be normal because he knows nothing about inner values.

Only when you fall in love do you understand that the heart can also speak.

Love is a function as natural as breathing. And when you love a person, don't start demanding; otherwise you close the doors from the very beginning. Don't expect anything. If something comes, feel grateful.

In love, everything should happen naturally.

Loving means sharing; to be greedy is to accumulate.

He who loves tries to give everything he has.

Greed only wants and never gives, but love only knows how to give and does not ask for anything in return; she shares without conditions.

In love they don’t consider theirs, they simply share it.

Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.

Love is a state of mind; you can love and not be in a relationship.

Giving love is a real, wonderful experience, because then you are the emperor.

It's even better when you give love and receive it in return.

Don't be a beggar. At least as far as love is concerned, be an emperor, because love is your inexhaustible quality, you can give as much as you want.

There are no limits in love.

Love is not quantity, it is quality, and a quality of a special category that grows through bestowal and dies if you withhold it.

Love is measured not by the number of meetings, but by the trembling of souls in love.

Man and woman are the doors to God. The desire for love is the desire for God.

When love penetrates their hearts, it means that God dwells in their souls.

Love is not a phenomenon that can be limited.

Love cannot be measured, weighed or limited; love is incommensurable.

Love is the only real thing that is worth experiencing.

Love is happiness.

If you want to change a woman, agree with her. If you want to know what's really on a woman's mind, then look at her, but don't listen.

A woman's gaze and gestures sometimes speak more than words.

A psychiatrist is someone who, for a considerable fee, asks you the same questions that your wife asks you for free.

So think about whether it makes sense to spend money, maybe just talking to your spouse is enough?!)

A woman, a real woman, must become more and more feminine, must be extremely soft and weak.

A woman should not prove her strength, she should allow herself to be weak.

A man suffers from a big inferiority complex because he cannot give birth to a child. This is one of the deepest unconscious deficiencies in a man.

A man will never experience the happiness that women experience.

Osho's teachings resemble a mosaic. It contains ideas from Buddhism, Greek philosophy and other directions. But taken together, Osho’s views present a holistic picture of life, love and happiness.

Place of expectation in love

It is unacceptable to create shackles, since demands and expectations instantly destroy love. According to Osho’s statements, lovers never have enough of this feeling, which is why they should not wait, because waiting is always unjustified. True love can never be disappointed because it has no expectations at all.

Osho speaks about love from such a perspective that a person should neither wait, nor ask, nor demand. In a situation where love only brings disappointment, the feeling cannot be called real.

Love as art, harmony

Osho compared the love of a man and a woman to art. According to his revelations, to understand love, it must be treated as the latter. If you want to succeed in it, you need to learn the art gradually.

Both are not given to us at birth; they can only be mastered by following practice. For example, every dancer learns to dance through the study of plasticity and movement. It takes a lot of practice to master the art of dance. Moreover, the art of love takes much more energy, because in the first case only one person is involved, while in love there are two. There is a meeting of two completely different worlds. In the process of such rapprochement, conflict is sure to brew if one does not know the ways to achieve harmony.

“...A woman in love with you can help increase your creative abilities, can inspire you to heights that you never even dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs your love, and this is her natural right...” (Osho). Quotes about love between a man and a woman are always relevant. Just a few words contain a deep truth, which many men are unable to see even in our time.

Osho on relationships

The more loving you are, the less the possibility of any relationship

“The moment love becomes a relationship, it becomes a connection, because there are expectations, and there are demands, and there is disappointment, and an effort on both sides to dominate.
It becomes a power struggle. Two people can be very loving together. The more loving they are, the less possibility of any relationship. The more loving they are, the more freedom exists between them. The more loving they are, the less possibility there is of any demands, of any dominance, of any expectations. And naturally there is no question of disappointment here.”

Osho, The Hidden Splendor, Talk 25

Relationships are not love at all


I remember you said: “Don’t give in to man, give in to love.” I'm in a relationship with a beautiful and strong woman, and we both definitely don't want to give up on each other. What does it mean to surrender to love while in a relationship? I'm confused.

"I can understand; you are really confused and there is no way out of it.

I heard that there are three rings of love: the engagement ring, the wedding ring and the misery ring.

Your question clearly shows that you did not understand what I meant when I said: “Don’t give in to man, give in to love. “And love is never a relationship; that's your problem. The relationship will definitely be slavery. In a relationship, either you have to give in or the other person has to give in.

And you yourself admit that you are “in a relationship with a beautiful and powerful woman... and we both definitely don’t want to give in to each other.”

Then just live in coexistence. Live the way all poor husbands live. Show the world that your wife has surrendered to you... who warns. You just have to tell a lie, and then there is no confusion - and surrender to a beautiful and powerful woman. But remember, the moment a man surrenders to a woman, he loses his dignity in her eyes. She starts looking here and there for someone who has the endurance not to give up.

But you don't seem to have that self-control. There is no need to give in to each other here. Surrendering to love means enjoying the happiness of another, rejoicing in the being of another; be in harmony with each other, dance of harmony.

The question of surrender is political, it is not a question of love. And a relationship is not love at all: it means love ends and a relationship begins. This happens very soon after the honeymoon - in most cases, in the middle of the honeymoon. It is not easy to live with another person who has a different lifestyle, who has different preferences, his education and culture are different, and, among other things, this other is also a woman - and even her biology is different.

But one thing you must understand clearly is that there is a man who craves dominance, and there is a woman who dominates. This is what I call coexistence: live and let live. More than this, everything is imagination. If you really know that love exists... the main thing is not to create a relationship. Stand apart, just as the pillars of a temple stand apart but support one roof. Do not destroy the individuality of another, enhance it if you can; otherwise, at least leave it as is.

Freedom should not be destroyed in the name of so-called love. Freedom has a much higher value than your so-called love.

Osho, Om Shantih Shantih Shantih: The Soundless Sound, Peace Peace Peace, Talk 15

Relationships are a kind of slavery

“When you are happy alone, when you can live with yourself, then there is no internal need to be in a relationship. This doesn't mean you won't make connections, but making a connection is one thing, but being in a relationship is completely different. You will connect with many people, but you will not depend on anyone in particular, and you will not allow anyone to depend on you. You will not be dependent, and you will not allow anyone to depend on you. Then you live out of freedom, out of joy, out of love.”

Osho, Be Still and Know, Talk 12

Relationships are security

A relationship means something complete, finished, closed. Love is never a relationship, love is a relation. It is always a river, an endless flow. Love never comes to a complete stop; The honeymoon begins but never ends. It is not like a novel that begins at a certain point and ends at a certain point. This is an ongoing phenomenon. Novels end, love continues. This is a continuation. It's a verb, not a noun. And why do we diminish the beauty of connecting by turning it into a relationship? Why are we in such a hurry? - Because relationship is insecurity, and relationships are security, relationships have certainty. This is a meeting of two strangers, maybe this is a stopover for only one night, and in the morning we will say goodbye. Who knows what will happen in the morning. And we are so scared, we

we want to make it certain, we want to make it predictable, we want tomorrow to happen according to our ideas. We don't allow it the freedom to speak its own language. We immediately turn the verb into a noun.

Osho, The Book of Wisdom, Talk 12

Love is a relationship of give and take

Love respects the other. It's a give-and-take relationship. Love enjoys giving, love enjoys receiving. It means sharing, it is communication. Both are equal in love; in sexual relations no two are equal. Love has a completely different beauty in this.

The world is slowly, slowly moving towards loving relationships; hence there is great upheaval here. All the old institutions are disappearing - they must disappear because they were based on the I/it relationship. New ways of communication, new ways of interaction must be open. They will have a different aroma, the aroma of love, sharing. They will not be possessions. There will be no owner there.

And then the highest stage of love is prayer. There is community in prayer. In sex it is an I/it relationship, in love it is an I/you relationship. Martin Baber stayed here; his Jewish tradition did not allow him to go further. But one more step has to be taken, and then there is no "I" and no "you", a relationship where I and you have disappeared - a relationship in which two people no longer function as two, but function as one. Inexpressible unity, harmony, deep agreement - two bodies, but one soul. This is the highest quality of love. I call it prayerfulness.

Love has these three stages, and compassion accordingly has these three stages. And both can exist in various combinations.

Therefore, there are many types of love and many types of compassion. But the main thing, the most fundamental thing is to understand this three-step ladder of love. It will help you, it will give you insight into where you are, what kind of love you are experiencing, and what kind of compassion is happening to you. Watch. Be careful not to remain caught in it. There are higher realms, peaks must be taken, peaks must be reached.

Osho, The Book of Wisdom, Talk 19

Only death is certain


How do you know when it's best to end a love relationship? How can a person go deeply with another if he is afraid?

“Relationships and love are completely different things. Love is never a relationship, and a relationship is never love. Love creates interaction, but it is not a relationship. Relationships are a dead thing, a closed thing. Love is a flow.

You ask me: “When is the best time to end a love relationship?”

The first thing to remember is that love is never a relationship. There's something else there, masquerading as love. Maybe you're looking for a husband or a wife - you're looking for more security, you're looking for some structure. But a structured life is a dead life.

Here there is a fixation in the human mind of the search for structure, because in a structured life a person feels safe, a person knows where he is, a person knows where he is in relation to others. Perhaps it is because a person was conceived in the mother's womb and remained in the structure for nine months, then it continues deep in the psyche - and the person is always trying to find a structure somewhere.

If he loves, he wants to immediately create a relationship out of it! He wants to get married. He wants to create certain conditions out of this. He wants to create a contract. Or he joins a church, or he joins a political party, or he joins any club and he wants to be structured, he wants to know his place in the hierarchy, in relationships. He wants to have an identification - that 'I am such and such'. He doesn't want to remain vague. And life is uncertain. Only death is certain.”

Osho, Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings and Think Without Mind, Talk 8

Relationships are a substitute

“Relationships are structure, but love is unstructured. Love establishes a relationship, unconditionally, but never becomes a relationship. Love is a process from moment to moment. Remember this. Love is a state of your being, not a relationship. There are loving people and there are unloving people. Unloving people pretend to be loving through relationships. Loving people do not need any relationship - love is enough.

“Be a loving person rather than be in a love relationship, because love relationships happen one day and disappear the next. They are flowers; In the morning they bloom, in the evening they are gone.

“Be a loving person.

“But people find it very difficult to be a loving person, so they create relationships - and they fool in this way: “Now I am a loving person because I am in a relationship.” And the relationship can be a kind of monopoly, possessiveness, exclusivity.

“ Relationships may simply be out of fear, they may have nothing to do with love. Relationships can simply be a form of security - financial or otherwise. Relationships are only necessary if there is no love here. Relationships are a substitute.

“Be vigilant! Relationships destroy love, destroy the very possibility of its birth.

Osho, Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings and Think Without Mind, Talk 8

Relationships can't happen until two egos disappear.


what happens in the relationship between partners if their egos disappear?

“Then relationships happen. Until then it is just an empty name. Relationships cannot happen before egos disappear. You only believe that this is a relationship - this is conflict, enmity, this is jealousy, this is aggression, this is dominance, and many more things - but not a relationship. How can you establish a relationship when two egos are here? When there are two egos, then there are four people.

In each bed you will find four people sleeping together. It's very rare to find a double bed because those four people create a crowd there. There is a wife and an ego, there is a husband and an ego - the husband hides behind his ego, the wife hides behind her ego. And these two egos continue to make love. Real contact never happens.

The word relationship is wonderful. The original meaning of the root from which the word relate relate is absolutely the same as respond, respond. The word relationship comes from the word respond. And if you have a certain image of your wife or husband, you cannot respond, and therefore relate according to the truth of this person. And we all carry images.

First, we have our own image - this is our ego - 'who I am', then we have the image of the other - who she is or who he is. The husband does not relate to the woman who is here, he relates to the woman whom he thinks is here. So there are no longer four here. There are six here and the crowd keeps growing. Now you are here is one thing, and your ego here is something completely different.

And now you don't relate to this woman who is here, you relate to your idea of ​​this woman: 'My wife is like this and like that, or should be like this or like that', and she also has these things - so six people. It's truly a miracle how people continue to cope. It is very difficult. Relationships are impossible - there are too many people between.

You are reacting to an image, not to a person, and therefore there is no relationship here. When there is no image here, then there is a relationship.

Osho, I Say Unto You, Vol.1, Talk 4

In a relationship you will recognize your pitfalls

“When you are in a relationship with people, you are provoked, challenged, seduced in a thousand and one ways. Over and over again you learn your pitfalls, your limitations, your anger, your lust, your possessiveness, your sadness, your happiness, all the moods that come and go, you are constantly in confusion. But this is the only way to find out who you are.

“Self-knowledge is not knowledge of oneself dead, self-knowledge is knowledge of the development of oneself, a process, it is a living phenomenon. The self is not a thing, it is an event, it is a process. Never think in terms of things. The self inside you is not the same as the thing that is waiting for you in your room. The self is in process, changing, moving, mastering new approaches, moving into new planes, going into new depths. There is a lot of work going on every moment and the only way to face this self is to face it in a relationship.”

Osho, Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol.2, Talk 6

Relationships exist only between equal people

“Until now, a man and a woman have not lived in a relationship - because a woman has never been considered equal. And relationships exist only between equal people, they cannot happen between unequal people. Until a woman is given absolute freedom, absolute equality, there is no possibility of a relationship. Until now, man exploits woman, woman exploits man; there is no real relationship here.

“It can’t be because the way a man treats a woman is fundamentally wrong. Only between two equal people is there a possibility of a relationship, because there is no fear - a person can be open, a person can be real, a person can be honest. Only between two equal people, when there is no fear, there is love. Love grows when fear leaves you. When there is fear, love cannot enter: they are never together.”

Osho, The pine Melody, Talk 7

Relationships are a mirror

“Relationships are a mirror: see your face there. Always remember: relationships are a mirror. When your meditation goes deeper, your relationships will become different, completely different. Love will be the main note in your relationship, not violence. The way it exists now, violence is the basic note. Even if you look at someone, you look in a violent way. But we are used to it.

“Meditation is not a child’s play for me, it is a deep transformation. How to recognize this transformation? It will be reflected in every moment of your relationship. Are you trying to possess someone? Then you are violent. How can anyone possess anyone? Are you trying to dominate someone? Then you are violent. How can someone dominate someone? Love cannot dominate, love cannot possess.

“So whatever you do, observe it, explore it, and then go meditate. Soon you will begin to feel changes. Now there is no possessiveness in the relationship. Gradually, gradually, possessiveness disappears. And when possessiveness is not there, the relationship has its own beauty. When there is possessiveness, everything becomes dirty, ugly, inhuman. But we are such deceivers, we will not look at ourselves in a relationship, because then we can see the real face. So we close our eyes in relationships and think that something can be seen inside. But you can't see anything inside.

“First you will feel your inner transformation in your outer relationships, and then you will go deeper. Only then will you begin to feel something internal. But we have a certain subtle approach to ourselves. We don't want to look into relationships at all because then the naked face will appear.”

Osho, The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol.2, Conversation 18

Relationships create false unity

“In love, for example—in so-called love—we “relate.” We look like we're in a relationship. We create falseness in relationships. But in fact, we are simply deceiving ourselves. Two will remain two. No matter how close, two will remain two. Even in a sexual union they will be two. This duality, this duality will never end. So relationships create false unity. He's not there. Unity can never exist between two selves. Unity can only exist between two not-selves.”

Osho, I Am the Gate, Talk 1

The lowest form of love

Osho talks about love in this aspect when people fall in love with cars, dogs, things, animals. This happens because the feeling in question of an ordinary, untrained individual has been transformed into something terrible - an ongoing conflict. As a result, this leads to constant squabbles, grabbing each other by the throat. This kind of behavior is the lowest form of love.

In the case of using feeling as a bridge (meditation), there is nothing terrible in this. But if you always try to understand the essence, then within the framework of this very understanding a person begins to move upward.

Osho, aren't passion and affection the components of love?

In love there are both possibilities. There may be passion and affection in your love: thereby you hang a stone on the neck of the bird of love so that it cannot fly... Or you put the bird of love in a golden cage. No matter how precious a cage may be - even one encrusted with diamonds and emeralds - it remains a cage and destroys the bird's ability to fly.

Love made people fall; love lifted people high. It all depends on what you do with love. Love is a very mysterious phenomenon.

The word “love” doesn’t mean much. Love can be both nectar and poison - it all depends on you. Love will become poison if there is desire and attachment in it. If you make love a means to fulfill your sexual desires, if in love you seek only the satisfaction of the body, then you will find that love brings conflict and longing. It brings only pain and suffering. She brings chains. You had many dreams, but those dreams never came true. You had many illusions, many mirages, you saw great rainbows, but when you came closer, everything disappeared. Rainbows crumbled into mud and dreams turned out to be lies. The golden palace shining in the sun in the distance turned out to be a prison when you came closer. This was not due to love; under the name of love you have experienced something else. It was a counterfeit coin.

Therefore love must be freed from attachment. Love should not be shackles, love should be freedom. Free the person you love. If you free the person you love, then you yourself cannot be enslaved; then no one can enslave you. But you want to enslave the people you love, you want to wall them off. You want to chain their hands. But if you bind their hands with chains, you also bind your own hands.

Never forget this truth: what you get from life is what you give to life. That's the whole theory of karma, past actions: what you give is what you receive. If you receive fetters from love, this proves the fact that in love you wanted to enslave someone else.

In the East, it was emphasized that in a love relationship a person should remain with one partner, with the same person. Now in the West people drift from one relationship to another. What are you for?

Let me explain this to you: be true to love and don't care about your partners. Whether you have one partner or many, that’s not the point. The question is whether you are faithful to love. If you live with a woman or a man and do not love them, you are living in sin. If you are married to someone and do not love that person, and yet continue to live and make love with him or her, you are committing a sin against love.

You choose, despite love, in favor of social conveniences, comfort, formalities. It's just as wrong as if you go and rape a woman you don't love. You go and rape a woman; it's a crime because you don't love this woman and the woman doesn't love you. But the same thing happens if you live with a woman you don't love. This is rape - socially accepted, of course, but rape - and you are going against the god of love.

Therefore, as in the East, people decided to live with one partner all their lives; There is nothing wrong. If you remain true to love, the most beautiful thing is to stay with the same person, because intimacy grows. But there is a ninety-nine percent chance that there is no love; you just live together. And when you live together, certain relationships grow, and these are relationships of simply living together, not of love. Don't mistake this for love.

But if this is possible, if you love a person and live with him or her all your life, a great intimacy will grow, and love will give you deeper and deeper revelations. This is not possible if you keep changing partners too often. It's like constantly replanting a tree from one place to another; then it has no roots. To grow roots, a tree needs to stay in one place. Then the roots grow deeper; then the tree becomes stronger.

Intimacy is good, staying committed is beautiful, but the basic need is love. If a tree has taken root in a place where the soil consists only of stones, and they are killing the tree, it is better to replant it. Then don't insist that it stay in one place. Stay true to life - replant the tree, because now it goes against life.

In the West, people change everything - there are too many connections. Both kill love. In the East, what kills love is that people are afraid of change. In the West, what kills love is that people are afraid to stay with one partner for a long time - they are afraid because it becomes devotion. Before it becomes devotion, change everything, stay fluid and free. Therefore, a certain licentiousness grows, and under the name of freedom, love is almost crushed, dying of hunger. Love suffered from both approaches: in the East people cling to security, comfort, formality; in the West they cling to ego freedom, non-devotion. But love suffers from both.

I'm for love. I belong neither to the East nor to the West, and I am not interested in what society you belong to. I do not belong to any society, I am for love.

psychology, philosophy

Highest level

Osho argued that only then does love transform into an unconditional form, when it ceases to be suffering and dependence. In a situation where love is a state of mind, the so-called lotus of soul and happiness finally opens up, beginning to exude a subtle aroma. This can only happen at the highest level.

Osho (quotes about the love of a man and a woman) emphasized that only at the highest level will an individual achieve a special divine state of consciousness. At the lowest level, this feeling remains politics, the manipulation of only one person.

Osho: quotes about love

A large number of quotes are devoted to this topic. Here are a few of them:

  1. “...The mind is a very businesslike, calculating mechanism; it has nothing to do with love...”
  2. “...Love is a spiritual experience that has nothing to do with genders and bodies, but connected with the deepest inner being...”
  3. “...Loving yourself does not imply selfish pride, not at all. In fact, it implies exactly the opposite...", etc.

This is how Osho described the trembling feeling known to many. Love quotes (short) are easy to remember because they contain truth that never gets old.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011 01:20 + to quote book

Chandra Mohan Rajneesh (Osho). About the Man

All about the modern man. An unusual, frank portrait of a man in his many manifestations. With invariable accuracy, although not always partial, Osho defines the stronger sex in its evolution from Adam - Slave, Son, Homosexual, Husband, Priest, Politician, Robot, Beggar, Lover, Gambler, etc. — to the pinnacle of consciousness: the Rebel, or Zorba of the Buddha. Osho answers questions from men of different social status and age, and each answer contains a unique fusion of wisdom, anecdotes, jokes and meditative techniques. An enlightened person is one who no longer has questions in life, everything has already been decided. An enlightened person is one who is constantly in a state of calm, peace and contentment, no matter what happens outside: success or failure, pain or pleasure, birth or death. Without hesitation, enjoy all the material benefits that life offers you, and rejoice at every opportunity for spiritual development. A person who is easily angered by any reason, just enough to offend him, does not pose a danger, because he never accumulates enough anger to really become dangerous. Another thing is the one who suppresses his anger and sits like on a volcano - the volcano can explode at any moment. Such a person will either commit suicide or kill someone - there is no third option. If everything stops with the death of the body, then everything becomes superficial, nothing can bring satisfaction. If death means the complete end of everything, then life has no meaning, no meaning. Then life is a fairy tale told by an idiot; it is full of anger and noise, it is meaningless. I wish all scientists would listen to their hearts. This would change the very nature of science. She would stop serving death, she would stop creating more and more deadly weapons. She would serve life. She would devote herself to creating beautiful, even more fragrant roses, more resilient plants, improved breeds of animals, birds, a more perfect person. Karl Marx is ninety-nine point nine percent right that religion is the opium of the people. She kept people in such a stupefied state, almost in a dream, that they were able to endure an unbearable existence, that they were able to endure all types of slavery, hunger, in the name of a happy tomorrow. Religions also promised a happy future in another life, after death. If we are talking about war, then, naturally, love, beauty, and aesthetic taste will be useless there. In war you need to have a heart stronger than stone. War requires hatred, anger and an insane passion for destruction. I say: there is no goal in life, because life is a goal in itself. Forget about goals. Drop the very idea of ​​the future. Completely forget about tomorrow. Get your act together. Concentrate on this day, and at that very moment you will be able to experience life in eternity. A close intimate relationship with one woman, or one man, is better than many fleeting relationships. Lyubov is not a seasonal flower. It will take years to develop and grow. Only when it grows does it go beyond physiology and acquire spirituality? Society has imposed ideals on a person to which he should strive. These ideals have penetrated so deeply into the consciousness of man that the desire for the ideal, the desire for what I should become, never goes away; and you already forget about who you really are. You can only learn from your own mistakes. Just don't make the same mistake again. There is no other God but your consciousness. And you don’t need any Pope, no Ayatollah Khomeini, no shankaracharya as an intermediary between you and God. All over the world, in every religion there is something similar to the Ten Commandments, and they were created by people who had no idea about the future of humanity, about the consciousness of man in the future. It is like a small child writing the book of life, not knowing what youth is, not knowing what old age is, not knowing anything about death. The greatest warrior has nothing to do with war. It has nothing to do with fighting others. He is busy with internal transformation. And this is not a duel, although it brings victory; This is not a war, not a conflict. But it is necessary to be a warrior, because you need to be very vigilant like a warrior. They don't get as angry with a stranger as they do with their own people. You can get angry with your wife, husband, son, daughter, mother. Why? Why do those closest to you get the most? Here's why: you're angry with yourself. The closer a person is to you, the more you associate him with yourself. You are angry with yourself, but a portion of the anger spreads to anyone who comes under your hand: he has become a part of you. Don't ask about the goal, there is none. How wonderful it is that she is not there. If there was a goal, then your God would become a managing director, a major businessman, an industrialist and the like. Why waste time on business thoughts? Why not live playfully, frivolously, ecstatically? Ecstasy cannot be achieved through effort; ecstasy is a way of life. You need to enjoy simple things, you need to feel ecstasy every second. Life provides millions of reasons to be happy. But you may not notice this if you are pursuing some goal. Adam has Eve inside, and Eve has Adam inside. Essentially, no one is only Adam, and no one is only Eve: we are all Adam-Eves. It's so easy to make the grass greener. However, you look around with envy: all the lawns look wonderful - all except yours. Until a person becomes responsible for himself, he cannot be called a real person. It cannot be said that sadness in itself causes suffering to a person. Suffering evokes the common belief that sadness is bad. Once you create a problem out of it, it will be impossible to solve it. A man has established his superiority over a woman so long ago that he no longer feels that this is selfishness. But the woman feels. Every fall, every mistake makes a person more understanding, more intelligent, reasonable, compassionate Chandra Mohan Rajneesh (Osho). About the woman

A woman can be happy, completely satisfied with one man, because she does not look at his body, she is interested in his spiritual qualities. She falls in love not with someone who has perfectly developed muscles, but with someone who has charisma, something inexplicable, but incredibly attractive, with someone whose secret she wants to know. A woman wants her chosen one to be not just a man, she wants him to be an adventure on the path to achieving awareness. But still, there are true differences between men and women, and we need to find them among the many contrived differences. One of them, in my opinion, is that a woman is capable of deeper feelings than a man. A man's love, unlike a woman's love, comes down more to a physiological need. A woman's love is stronger and higher, it is filled with spirituality. This is why a woman is monogamous and a man is polygamous. A man would like to have all the women in the world, and still he would not be satisfied. His dissatisfaction is limitless. To be motherly is to be capable of unconditional love. It means loving a person simply for the joy of loving, helping a person grow simply for the joy of seeing someone grow. Life knows no points; There are commas, but not periods. Anyone who strives for the highest peaks must be prepared for the danger of slipping and falling down. Anyone who can be happy alone is a real person. If your happiness depends on others, then you are a slave, you are not free, you are in bondage. A teddy bear is a strong protection; children feel that they are not alone. And your God is nothing more than a teddy bear for adults. The first lesson of love is that you should not ask for love, but simply give it. Become a giver. But people do just the opposite. Even when they share love, they always expect equal love in return. It looks like a deal. They don't give love, they don't do it unconditionally. They love with conditions. Out of the corner of their eye, they watch to see if the same amount of love is being returned to them. Very unhappy people... they do not know the true nature of love. You just have to pour it out and it will come back. We are born alone, live alone and die alone. If one man gets scared and runs away, there will be millions of others. One day you will find someone crazy who won't shy away. Love must be learned, it is the greatest of arts. A woman in love with you can help increase your creative abilities, can inspire you to heights that you never even dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs your love, and this is her natural right.


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Women, from the point of view of Indian esotericism

Osho spoke about a woman’s love from a position of grief, since the fair sex was constantly suppressed. He argued that men had ruled the weaker sex for a long time. They took every opportunity to do this, and women were always suppressed.

It seemed strange to him that men dominated even in dance, poetry, and music. It should be the other way around, but women have never been given the opportunity to achieve anything meaningful. He believed that if women were prevented from getting an education, society would eventually become poorer. Osho insisted that it was simply necessary to give the weaker sex respect. The world should belong to both sexes.

If a man is alone, he only creates wars. Life becomes a never-ending struggle. History is filled with cruel people who are considered famous today.

Osho about men. Being

The sage says that existence in this world can develop according to two scenarios: either absolute dedication to science (here there is a comparison with a robot), or immersion in art, music, beauty. Everyone has been familiar with the spirit of competition since childhood, participating in an ongoing race for love, recognition, money and power. From a young age, the ability to reproduce the aspirations of parents, mentors, politicians, priests and other guardians is formed. It is not allowed to ask questions. During this period, a separation from one’s own nature occurs. The idea is imposed that a man should always be strong, and nothing else. The only path to happiness is the desire to become yourself, the search for your true self.

Love and fear

According to Osho, there are two types of life: the first is based on fear, the second is based on love. In the first case, life will never give deep relationships, since a person lets another in only to a small extent, after which the wall grows, everything stops.

One who is love oriented is religious. He is not afraid of the future, results and consequences. Such a person lives in the present.

In youth, people boldly go into love because there is a very strong desire to love, which suppresses fear. Then the latter, accumulating, fills everything so that there is no room left for a free decision to give love. People love only because they want to feel that way. This is inherent in a person from the very beginning, but fears accumulated throughout life prevent one from being happy.

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The philosopher Socrates accepted responsibility not only for his life, but also for his death. The judges could not accuse him of anything; against the philosopher there were only the prejudices of society and the prejudices of mediocre people who were unable to understand the great insight of the mind of Socrates.

But this turned out to be the majority and they voted for the death penalty. Not a single document was countered, I think they didn’t even understand what he was talking about, there was no question of answers. The philosopher Socrates refuted all the arguments of the judges, but Athens was a democratic city and all decisions were considered collectively.

The general meeting recognized the philosopher as dangerous and deserving of death. So what was the philosopher accused of? Socrates' fault was that he "instilled in young people the spirit of rebellion, and made young people skeptical of the existing order." Because of the philosopher, youth became uncontrollable,

Socrates created a gap between generations; young people stopped listening to the opinions of their elders and argued on any issue. And society considered Socrates to be the culprit of all this turmoil.

And yet the judges were a little wiser than the ordinary inhabitants of Athens, they offered the philosopher a choice: “If he leaves Athens and promises never to return again, then he can avoid death. If he wants to stay in the city, then he must stop talking and plunge into silence. Otherwise, tomorrow at sunset he must take poison.” The choice was his. What could he do? Socrates replied: “I am ready to take poison today or tomorrow, or whenever it is ready, but I am not ready to stop telling the truth.

As long as I am alive, I will continue to tell the truth until my last breath. I will not leave the city to save myself, otherwise I will always feel like a coward who escaped death without ever accepting responsibility for what was happening. I lived in harmony with my feelings, thoughts and heart, and I wish to die in peace. Don't feel guilty for my death, no one but myself is responsible for my death. I knew that this would happen, because speaking the truth in a society based on lies, deception and illusions is the same as achieving one’s own death. Don't blame these poor people who decided on my death.

If anyone is responsible for my death, it is only me. I have always accepted responsibility for my life and I die accepting responsibility for my death. I am an individualist in life, and I will remain one in the face of death. I made my own choice, no one made decisions for me!” That's what I call dignity, that's what I call harmony. A person should be like Socrates.

If all the people on the planet were like the philosopher Socrates , then life on Earth would be so ecstatic, so beautiful, so generous in everything...

Osho About men.

Difference between love and infatuation

Osho, like other sages, pointed out that there is a huge difference between these feelings. What many call love later turns out to be simple falling in love.

Likewise, the relationships that true love gives rise to differ from those built on falling in love. In the first case, they give mutual happiness, and in the second - quarrels and disappointments.

Finally, it is worth recalling that the article examined how Osho understood the most reverent feeling (for quotes about love, see above). His points of view regarding male and female perceptions of love are described. Osho’s main love rule is also voiced (quotes about self-love): without accepting yourself, it will be impossible to open up to another person.

The enlightened master believed that love (no church can stand around it), awareness are qualities that no one can monopolize. Osho wanted people to know themselves, regardless of the opinions of others. To do this, you need to look inside. There is no need for a church or any other external organization.

Oscho has always promoted freedom, creativity, and individuality. He was always for the beautiful Earth, for existence at this very moment, there is no need to wait for heaven, fear hell, or experience greed. It’s enough to just be in silence, here, enjoying your existence.

His philosophy is to destroy in any way everything that later becomes slavery: groups, authorities, leaders - these are diseases that should be avoided.

Like other great sages, Osho points out that there is a huge difference between love and being in love. What most people call love is actually nothing more than just falling in love. Relationships that grow from true love and relationships built on falling in love are completely different things. Relationships in love give mutual happiness, and relationships based on love lead to quarrels and disappointment. What is the difference between infatuation and love? Here are some Osho quotes from the book Love, Freedom, Solitude.

Love and infatuation

True love always thinks about the other, while the ego thinks only about itself. What does it mean? Love overwhelms a person, and he wants to give, do something for his chosen one, he wants to share the love that flows like a fountain over the edge - so he thinks about the other person, and not about himself. And a person in love thinks about how to receive love from another, and not about giving something; such a person wants to receive, has a thirst to satiate his feelings, to receive pleasure at the expense of another person.

Relationships in which both are under the influence of selfish love quickly exhaust themselves, leaving dissatisfaction, because each begins to understand that the other does not want to give love, but only wants to receive and receive. In such relationships, when love disappears, the idea of ​​compromise may arise: let me give you what you want, and you will give me what I want. People get used to each other and live without love. Osho calls this market relations, because this is trade, in fact prostitution, and not love at all.

In true love there are no expectations or demands, so it knows no disappointments. But falling in love, that is, false love, always awaits disappointment, because it cannot be satisfied. Falling in love is so rooted in expectations that it is simply impossible to satisfy it: no matter what you do, it is never enough. This is called selfishness in relationships - the desire to receive and the reluctance to give.

A person who truly loves feels grateful and obliged to the one who accepts his love - after all, he could have been refused, could have been rejected, because not everyone can accept true love.

As you begin to give love to others, you feel deep gratitude to those who receive it. You have ceased to be a beggar who begs for love from others, you have become an emperor who generously shares his love with those who are ready to accept it. And most people are poor, they cannot give love, because you cannot give to another what you do not have. At best, they can accept your love. And then you are happy that you can share what no longer fits in you.

Osho gives the criterion of true love: “I accept you as you are,” which means the absence of selfish desire to receive, the absence of demands and expectations, and, therefore, the absence of disappointments and dissatisfaction in relationships. Love gives the other freedom, allowing and helping him to be himself, which only strengthens and harmonizes relationships. Falling in love creates restrictions and makes demands, destroying an already shaky relationship.

Falling in love is about demands, while true love is a maturity that knows nothing about demands; she knows only the joy of generosity and giving.

“When you simply give without any conditions or expectations, without even expecting a simple “thank you,” this is the greatest experience in life,” says Osho.

Love is not quantity, but quality, and this quality is of a special category: it grows when you give love, and dies when you hold it back.

A person who truly loves does not consider another to be his property, therefore jealousy is alien to him. Jealousy is a manifestation of selfish love, and it indicates that the jealous person considers you his property, wants to receive sensual pleasures from you, and true love is alien to him. “Being jealous means loving” is a misconception widespread among egoists who do not know true love and real relationships.

If you are attached to a person, is it love? Or are you afraid of loneliness and therefore cling to someone else? If you can't be alone, you use another person to avoid loneliness. This is fear, and relationships based on the fear of loneliness cannot lead to happiness and love.

Osho says: only a person who can be alone is capable of truly loving. You are only able to truly love when you have no need for the other person's presence. Only a person who is happy alone can be happy in relationships with others. Such a person is filled with happiness and therefore does not feel the need to receive happiness from others, which is why he is able to give true love without expecting anything in return.

What attitude you have towards yourself is the same attitude towards others. Therefore, if you love yourself, you are able to give love to others. If you are at ease with yourself, you will be at ease in your relationships with others. What is inside you is somehow reflected outside, in the outside.

Osho on relationships

To create good relationships that bring happiness, Osho recommends throwing away the masks, all those false faces that we are used to wearing and showing to others. You need to be real, open your heart to another and throw away secrecy, otherwise there will be no love. We must be open, transparent beings, seeing what is happening in each other's hearts, then the gap between us will disappear.

True love in a relationship can only arise when both see the spiritual principle in each other, and not just the body. Such people, when declaring their love, actually mean the following: “I saw the real you, so I am not deceived by your appearance. Your body will age over time, but I saw the real you, your deepest inner core, your divine nature.” Osho says that sympathy is superficial, while true love penetrates into the very heart of a person, coming into contact with the eternal soul. People who are not aware of their true nature, the nature of the soul, are unable to truly love.

True love, unlike selfish love, is the loyalty of two hearts. There is no need to express it in words, it must be the silent loyalty of two hearts, the devotion of one soul to another. This devotion does not need verbal expression, it is silent devotion: eyes to eyes, heart to heart, soul to soul.

If you live with a man or woman and you do not truly love, you are living in sin. Making love without true love is a sin against love itself, whether you are married or not.

The topic of relationships is very broad and complex, but everyone should study it, because, in fact, we live in a world of relationships, and there is no escape from them. To create a good relationship, you need to know how to do it correctly, without falling into the trap of falling in love, so that later you do not suffer and experience disappointment in love. This topic is well covered in Osho’s book “Love, Freedom, Solitude.”

And finally, a few more wise quotes from Osho.

Our whole life is a foreign country, where we come from an unknown source. We once appeared here and one day we will disappear, returning to the original source. This is a short journey, we don't have much time, so the best thing we can do is to bring as much joy into our lives as possible. And relationships are precisely the area in which we have to act, no matter whether it is a love relationship, a friendly relationship, or any other.

Don't waste your precious time and energy making your life gloomy and sad. Give people more love, and you will see that it does not become less - it comes back to you in larger and larger quantities.

Here is a simple secret to success, love and happiness:

If you sow a thought, you will reap an action. If you sow an action, you will reap a habit. If you sow a habit, you will reap a character. And if you sow character, you will reap destiny. It can be seen that any destiny begins with a thought.

Think positively and intelligently! Love and happiness in relationships!

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