30 deep quotes from the famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva

The tragic life and fate of Marina Tsvetaeva amazes to this day. Sometimes you don’t understand how such trials could fall on the fragile shoulders of a beautiful and smart woman.

Marina Ivanovna wrote poetry from the age of 6, and her first collection, which attracted the attention of the general public, was published when the girl was only 18 years old. But that’s where fate’s gifts to the talented woman ended. Marina Tsvetaeva survived the death of one of her children, the repression of a second, and shared exile with a third. The husband was shot under Soviet rule on suspicion of espionage. And the woman herself, unable to bear the humiliation and shame, hanged herself with a rope that Boris Pasternak gave her for the trip so that Marina could tie her suitcases.

Surely all of you have read her beautiful poems, full of incredible lyrics, deep meaning and charm, at least once in your life. We invite you to pay attention to other thoughts of the poetess. She has a myriad of life philosophical quotes, which in some places amaze with their accuracy and depth.

About feelings...

  • You only fall in love with someone else’s, your own – you love.
  • To love means to see a person as God intended him and his parents did not realize him.
  • “I will love you all summer” - this sounds much more convincing than “all my life” and - most importantly - much longer!
  • “If you endure it, you will fall in love.” I love this phrase, but in reverse.
  • There is no second you on earth.
  • Men are not used to pain - like animals. When they are in pain, they immediately have such eyes that you will do anything just to stop.
  • Whether to dream together, or sleep together, but always cry alone.
  • If I love a person, I want him to feel better from me - at least a sewn button. From a sewn button to my whole soul.
  • Humanly we can sometimes love ten people, lovingly we can love many - two. Inhumanly - always alone.
  • If you walked in now and said: “I’m leaving for a long time, forever,” or: “I think I don’t love you anymore,” I would not, it seems, feel anything new: every time you leave, every hour when you are gone, you are gone forever and you don’t love me.
  • All women lead into the mists.

Quotes from Tsvetaeva

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

It was my pleasure to prepare a selection of quotes from Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva .

probably surpasses poets in the concentration

That's why there are a lot of quotes. They are divided into topics: love, poetry, poets, about themselves, relationships, life ethics, people, women, men, soul, life, Motherland, books, children and parents, family, miscellaneous.

About love

I will conquer you from all lands, from all heavens...

The first loving glance is that shortest distance between two points, that divine straight line that the second one does not have.

Women love not men, but Love; men love not Love, but women. Women never cheat. Men - always.

Love is a strange thing: it feeds on hunger and dies from food.

All love is a transaction. Skin for money. Skin for skin. Skin for the soul. When you don’t get one, or the other, or the third, even such a stupid merchant like me stops the loan.

“If you endure it, you will fall in love.” I love this phrase, but in reverse.

And always the same one - Let the hero in the novel love!

“I will love you all summer” - this sounds much more convincing than “all my life” and - most importantly - much longer!

I love two things: you and Love.

You only fall in love with someone else’s, your own - you love.

The one who is more guilty is right in love.

If I love a person, I want him to feel better from me - at least a sewn button. From a sewn button to my whole soul.

You never loved me. If love is decomposed into all its component elements, everything is there; tenderness, curiosity, pity, delight, etc. If you put all this together, maybe love will come out. “But it never came together.”

Love: in winter from the cold, in summer from the heat, in spring from the first leaves, in autumn from the last: always from everything.

By the way, quotes about love

About poetry

Art is the same nature. Do not look for laws in it other than your own (not the artist’s self-will, which does not exist, but precisely the laws of art). Maybe art is only a branch of nature (a type of its creativity). It is certain: a work of art is a work of nature, born, and not created.

There is no genius without will, but even more is not, even less is - without inspiration. Will is that unit among the countless billions of influx, thanks to which only they are billions (realize their billionness) and without which they are zeros - that is, bubbles above a drowning person. The last atom of resistance to the elements for its glory is art. Nature, overcoming itself for its glory.

As long as you are a poet, you will not perish in the elements, for everything returns you to the element of the elements: the word. As long as you are a poet, there is no death for you in the elements, for it is not death, but a return to the fold. The death of the poet is renunciation from the elements. It's easier to cut your veins right away.

All art is one given answer.

Our whole art lies in being able to counteract each answer with our own question before it evaporates. This jumping at you with answers is inspiration.

These half an hour of Gogol by the fireplace did more for good and against art than the entire long-term sermon of Tolstoy.

Essentially, the poet’s entire work comes down to the execution, the physical fulfillment of a spiritual (not his own) task. Just like the whole will of the poet is the working will to realize it. (There is no individual creative will.)

The word for ideas is the body, for the elements it is the soul.

There is no need to work on poetry, the poetry needs to work on you (in you!).

The poet sees an unsculpted statue, an unpainted picture and hears unplayed music.

Fear concepts that take on words; rejoice in words that reveal concepts.

I don’t like life as such, for me it begins to mean, to acquire meaning and weight - only transformed, that is, in art. If they took me overseas - to heaven - and forbade me to write, I would give up the ocean and paradise.

Creativity is a common work done by the solitary.

The poet cannot glorify the state - no matter what it is - for it is a spontaneous phenomenon, while the state - everything - is the curbing of the elements.

About poets

The poet is the answer. Pushkin said: for everything. The answer of a genius.

The poet inevitably fails in all other paths of realization. Habitual, accustomed (by himself) to the absolute, he demands from life what it cannot give.

Oh, poets, poets! The only true lovers of women!

Which poet, past and present, is not a Negro, and which poet has not been killed?

When I think about the moral essence of this human being: the poet, I always remember the definition of Tolstoy’s father in “Childhood and Adolescence”: - He belonged to that dangerous breed of people who can tell the same act as the greatest baseness and as the most innocent joke .

A cynic cannot be a poet.

Poet! poet! The most animated and how often - perhaps precisely because of its animation - the most inanimate object!

The earthly foundation of a genius is too vast and strong to allow him, so to speak, to rise to the heights. If Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin had been higher, they would not have heard much, would not have answered much, and simply would not have condescended to much.

About A. Pushkin: Pushkin infected me with love. In a word - love. After all, there are different things: a thing that is not called at all - and a thing that is called that way. What a blessing for Russia that Pushkin was killed by the hand of a foreigner, but his own was not found.

About K. Balmont: So Balmont will remain in Russian poetry - an overseas guest who gifted her, spoke to her, bewitched her - on the fly - and also sunk.

About V. Bryusov: By the will of a miracle, all of Pushkin. A miracle of will - all Bryusov.

About A. Blok: What is surprising is not that he died, but that he lived. After all, he is such a clear triumph of the spirit.

About S. Yesenin: Yesenin had a gift for song, but no personality. His tragedy is the tragedy of emptiness. By the age of 30, he was internally finished. He only had youth.

About V. Mayakovsky: For twelve years in a row the man Mayakovsky killed the Mayakovsky poet within himself, on the thirteenth the poet stood up and killed the man. If there is a suicide in this life, it is not where they see it, and it did not last for the pulling of the trigger, but for twelve years of life.

About M. Voloshin: The deeper I look into the bottomless well of memory, the more sharply two images of Max rise up to meet me: a Greek myth and a German fairy tale.

About R. Rilke: You are poetry incarnate, your very name is a poem. You are a natural phenomenon that cannot be mine and which you do not love, but feel with your whole being, or you are the embodied fifth element: poetry itself, or you are that from which poetry is born and what is greater than it itself - you.

About myself: “The second Pushkin” or “the first female poet” - that’s what I deserve and, maybe, I’ll get. No less is needed...

About Me

I was forty-seven years old and I can say that I learned everything that I was destined to learn before I was seven years old, and for the next forty years I realized it.

My soul is monstrously jealous: it would not bear to see me as a beauty. It’s unreasonable to talk about appearance in my cases: it’s so obvious, and it’s so not about her!

My feelings, like children's feelings, have no degrees.

The immensity of my words is only a faint shadow of the immensity of my feelings.

I'M HURT, you know? I am a ragged man, and you are all in armor. For all of you: art, society, friendships, entertainment, family, duty - for me, in depth, nothing.

The most intoxicating thing for me is devotion in adversity. It overshadows everything.

I know that this is the last time I live.

I am not a love heroine, I will never become a lover, always love.

Nobody took anything away! It's sweet to me that we are apart. I kiss you - through hundreds of separating miles.

Oh, how many women have loved and will love you more. Everyone will love you more. Nobody will love you like that...

What in the world am I doing? - I listen to my soul.

I can say about my soul, like one woman about her girl: “She’s not boring to me.” I can handle separation just fine. While a person is nearby, I am obediently, attentively and enthusiastically absorbed in him; when he is not there, I am absorbed in myself.

All people took care of my poems, no one took care of my soul.

I have a special gift of going with myself (thoughts, poems, even love) to just the wrong people.

I am insatiable with souls.

When I try to live, I feel like a poor little seamstress who can never make a beautiful thing, who does nothing but spoil and hurt herself, and who, throwing away everything: scissors, fabric, threads, begins to sing. At the window, outside of which it rains endlessly.

I started laughing and dressing up when I was 20; before that I rarely smiled. I do not know a more heroic person in early youth than myself.

The clarity of my feelings makes people mistake them for reasoning.

I want you to love me for who I am. This is the only means (to be loved - or unloved).

Who is created from stone, who is created from clay - And I silver and sparkle! My business is treason, my name is Marina, I am the mortal foam of the sea.

For the speed of rapid events, For the truth, for the game... - Listen! - You also love me because I die.

The greatest pleasure of my life was walking - lonely and fast, fast and lonely. My great lonely gallop.

I want such a modest, deadly simple thing: so that when I enter, a person is happy.

About relationships

Every time I find out that a person loves me, I’m surprised; he doesn’t love me, I’m surprised, but most of all I’m surprised when a person is indifferent to me.

To love is to see a person as God intended him and his parents did not realize him. Not to love is to see a person as his parents made him. To fall out of love is to see instead: a table, a chair.

I like that you are not sick with me, I like that I am not sick with you, That the heavy globe of the earth will never float away under our feet.

Human conversation is one of the deepest and most subtle pleasures in life: you give your best - your soul, you take the same in return, and all this is easy, without the difficulty and demands of love.

For to understand another means to become that other, at least for an hour.

For complete coherence of souls, coherence of breathing is necessary, for what is breathing if not the rhythm of the soul? So, for people to understand each other, they need to walk or lie next to each other.

It’s sad to admit, but we are only good with those in whose eyes we can still gain or lose something.

“Beloved” is theatrical, “lover” is open, “Friend” is vague. Unloving country!

Humanly we can sometimes love ten people, lovingly we can love many - two. Inhumanly - always the same...

The first victory of a woman over a man is the man’s story about his love for another. And her final victory is the story of this other about her love for him, about his love for her. The secret has become clear, your love is mine. And until this happens, you cannot sleep peacefully.

If we consider you a close person, you made me suffer a lot, but if you are considered a stranger, you brought me only good. I never felt you as one or the other, I fought within myself for everyone, that is, against everyone.

Each of us, at the bottom of our souls, has a strange feeling of contempt for those who love us too much. (A certain “and that’s all”? - i.e. if you love me so much, me, you yourself are not God knows what!)

We want eternal fidelity not from Penelope, but from Carmen - only a faithful Don Juan is valuable!

You are dear to me. But I simply can’t breathe anymore with you.

Betrayal already indicates love. You can't betray someone you know.

Lie. I don’t despise myself when I lie, but you, who forces me to lie.

No man has ever judged the sun because it shines on another...

For me, loneliness is at times the only opportunity to know another, a direct necessity.

Lull me - but please, be a friend: Not with letters, but with a cabin of hands: With comforts...

Oh the cry of women of all times: My dear, what have I done to you?!

I catch the movement of the lips. And I know he won’t be the first to say. - Do not love? - No, I love it. Do not love? - But tormented.

About life ethics

You must live in such a way that your Soul comes true.

No passion can outshine justice in me. To hurt someone else, no, a thousand times, is better to endure it yourself. I'm not a winner. I am on my own trial, my judgment is stricter than yours, I don’t love myself, I don’t spare myself.

In a dialogue with life, it is not its question that is important, but our answer.

Sin is not in darkness, but in unwillingness to light.

A person's strength often lies in what he cannot do, rather than in what he can do. My “I can’t” is my main strength. This means that there is something that, despite all my desires, still doesn’t want me.

Listen and remember: anyone who laughs at another’s misfortune is a fool or a scoundrel; most often - both.

Friend! Indifference is a bad school, It hardens hearts.

I have always preferred to make you sleep rather than deprive you of sleep, to make you eat rather than to deprive you of your appetite, to make you think rather than to deprive you of your mind. I have always preferred to give - to deliver, to give - to receive, to give - to have.

You need to meet for love, for the rest there are books.

It is better to lose a person with all of yourself than to keep him with some hundredth of you.

About people

There are no small events. There are little people.

The one who gets along without people is the one who gets along without people.

When people, bored, are deprived of their face, they become first a herd, then a pack.

How much better I see a person when I’m not with him!

The only thing people don’t forgive is the fact that you managed without them in the end.

Life should rejoice at a happy person and encourage him in this rare gift. Because from being happy comes happiness.

My generation is knee-deep for me.

Void swallowers, newspaper readers.

The more people I get to know, the more I love trees!

I love the rich. Wealth is a halo. In addition, you never expect anything good from them, like from kings, so the simple, reasonable word on their lips is revelation, the simple human feeling is heroism. If you cannot be a man, handsome, or noble, you must be rich.

By the way, quotes about people

About women

All women lead into the mists.

All women are divided into those who go to support and those who take support. I belong to the latter.

Love and motherhood are almost mutually exclusive. True motherhood is courageous.

A woman, if she is a person, needs a man as a luxury - very, very sometimes. Books, home, caring for children, joy from children, lonely walks, hours of bitterness, hours of delight - what is a man to do here? A woman, apart from a man, has two seas: everyday life and her own soul.

Darlings! Or maybe I take care of myself so much because none of you took care of me enough?

- “A woman cannot do it alone.” - Human can.

When I don’t love, it’s not me... I have been for so long - not me...

No one despises an honest woman more than an honest woman.

By the way, quotes about women

About men

Men are not used to pain, like animals. When they are in pain, they immediately have such eyes that you will do anything just to stop.

There are so many things I would never have understood if I had been born a man.

You are as forgetful as you are unforgettable.

Make your chest bear me - no! - so that I have room in it, EXPAND it - not for my sake: an accident, but for the sake of what is bursting into you through me.

The look - to the look - is bold and bright, The heart is about five years old... Happy is he who did not meet you on his way.

By the way, quotes about men

About the soul

Something hurts: not a tooth, not a head, not a stomach, not - not - not... but it hurts. This is the soul.

The soul is the five senses. The virtuosity of one of them is talent, the virtuosity of all five is genius.

The soul is a sail. Wind is life.

The soul grows from everything, but most of all from losses.

My soul is losing its head.

Wanting is a matter of bodies, And we are souls for each other...

There is a limited number of souls and an unlimited number of bodies in the world.

There are bodies that are surprisingly similar to the soul.

By the way, quotes about the soul

About life

There is only one answer to your crazy world - refusal...

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

If something hurts, be silent, otherwise they will hit you there.

To be a contemporary is to create your time, not reflect it.

I don't want to have a point of view. I want to have vision.

In general, I have an atrophy of the present, not only do I not live, I never visit it.

We joke and joke, but the melancholy grows and grows...

The first reason for not accepting a thing is lack of preparation for it.

By the way, quotes about life

About the Motherland

The homeland is not a convention of territory, but an immutability of memory and blood. Not to be in Russia, to forget it - only those who think of Russia outside of themselves can be afraid. Whoever has it inside will lose it along with his life. My homeland is wherever there is a desk, a window and a tree under that window.

I will not be deceived by my native tongue, by its milky call. I don’t care which Misunderstood one I meet!

Russia, to its credit, or rather to the honor of its conscience and not to the credit of its artistry, has always approached writers, or rather: it has always gone to writers - like a man to a tsar - for the truth, and it’s good when this tsar turned out to be Leo Tolstoy, and not Artsybashev.

About books

The book should be performed by the reader as a sonata. Letters are notes. It is up to the reader to realize it or distort it.

The book must be written by the reader. The best reader reads with his eyes closed.

Books gave me more than people. The memory of a person always pales before the memory of a book.

Every book is a theft from its own life. The more you read, the less you know how and want to live on your own.

By the way, quotes about books

About children and parents

Our children are older than us because they have longer to live. Older than us from the future. That's why sometimes they are alien to us.

Children first love, then judge, and then feel sorry for their parents.

Don't be too angry with your parents - remember that they were you, and you will be them.

Kiss your child constantly - and there will always be love in his heart.

Boys need to be pampered - they might have to go to war.

By the way, quotes about children

About family

A marriage where both are good is valiant, voluntary and mutual torment (reading).

Family... Yes, it’s boring, yes, it’s meager, yes, the heart doesn’t beat... Isn’t it better: a friend, a lover? But, having quarreled with my brother, I still have the right to say: “You must help me, because you are my brother... (son, father...).” But you can’t say this to your lover - under no circumstances - you’ll cut out his tongue.

By the way, quotes about family

About miscellaneous

Fashion has an eternal fear of falling behind, that is, a receipt for its own sheephood.

Sport is a waste of time and a waste of energy. Below the athlete is only his spectator.

Tango! - How many destinies it brought together and separated!

The face is light. And it actually lights up and goes out.

Quite a lot. Perhaps I should have selected quotes more strictly, but somehow I don’t want to.

In addition you can read:

  • Quotes from Mandelstam
  • Pushkin Quotes
  • Quotes from Yesenin
  • Quotes by Mayakovsky
  • Quotes from Akhmatova
  • Quotes from Pasternak

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About creativity...

  • Poems seek me out on their own, and in such abundance that I just don’t know what to write or what to leave. You may not sit down at the table - and suddenly - the entire quatrain is ready, while squeezing out the last shirt in the wash, or frantically rummaging through your bag, collecting exactly 50 kopecks. And sometimes I write like this: on the right side of the page there are some poems, on the left - others, my hand flies from one place to another, flies across the page: don’t forget! catch! hold on!.. - there are not enough hands! Success is being on time.
  • The sculptor depends on clay. Paint artist. Musician from the strings. An artist or musician's hand may stop. The poet has only his heart.
  • The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.
  • Creativity is a common endeavor done by isolated people.
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