Wise parables about youth, old age, life and death

Quotes, aphorisms about age, youth and old age

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Youth is valuable for the future, old age for what has been done and wisdom.

Life gives a person the opportunity to enjoy it at any age.

Nature cares little about the state and mood of a person after he has given and raised offspring.

A happy childhood is in no hurry to grow up, a wise and dreaming old age does not regret lost youth.

A person is attracted by his humor in childhood, by his beauty in youth, by his solidity in maturity, and by his wisdom in old age. Unfortunately, many people fail to acquire the last two qualities.

You cannot place a bet on a person under the age of at least 21. Before this period, he changes so much that sometimes in just six months he becomes a completely different person.

We must try to organize our life in such a way that we can be on top at any age.

There are people who have no age.

Age is largely determined by the state of the soul.

We must wisely use the age that we have, and not wait for the future and not regret the past.

Some people greet their thirties with horror, others at seventy behave as if they are immortal.

A person in love does not feel age.

When communicating with people, we gradually begin to feel like we are their age.

Each age, if used correctly, is beautiful in its own way.

A person in his youth considers himself an adult, but in old age he considers himself young.

A person considers unfamiliar peers younger in his youth but older in old age.

People are more intimidated by the age of their peers than by their own.

Whoever argues with age hinders his own life.

A constantly growing person is always satisfied with his age.

Each age lives in its own world, but some people in old age manage to connect all these worlds.

Age largely depends on the state of your soul.

We are more interested in how long a person lived than how.

Some consider themselves old in middle age, others - young.

Middle-aged people appear elderly to young people, and young to older people.

As a rule, only middle age is cumulative.

Not only is a person in middle age more inclined to accumulate material wealth, but he is also less picky about his means.

Middle-aged people value life more highly. The young people don’t have the intelligence for this, and the old ones don’t have the sense.

The effect of wisdom decreases if a person does not apply modern innovations due to age.

Older people who have managed to apply modern things in their lives can give young people a head start.

Sometimes older people are even less practical than young people, just because they are not modern.

It is wrong to judge age only by the number of years lived.

You need to look not at age, but at the person and his deeds.

Those who have gained wisdom and tasted the delights of their age do not grieve about their youth.

We must be able to master each age productively.

A stupid person does not change with age - a smart person becomes wise.

People change the least externally in middle age, and intellectually - on the threshold of old age.

Cosmetics make the young look old and make the old look young.

When a person reduces his age, he begins to feel younger over time.

Death and loss of health are terrible - age does not play a special role for a person.

Years are circles of life.

Life is measured not by years, but by deeds.

At seventy, a person can cheer himself up by the fact that his old age has just begun.

If you were given fewer years, don’t rush to rejoice - maybe they meant it for development reasons.

Balzac's age is when you are no longer invited to get married, but it is still too early to go to the grave.

Idleness is the happiness of children and the misfortune of old people.

The diseases of old age weaken our attachment to life as we approach death.

I was young - I didn’t know, I became old - I forgot.

Being an adult means being lonely.

Your face at twenty is given to you by nature, but what it will be like at fifty depends on you.

I don't see anything romantic about age as such. Either you are interesting at any age or you are not. There is nothing particularly interesting about being old - or about being young.

At twenty years old, desire rules over a person, at thirty years old - reason, at forty years old - reason.

At ten years old - a miracle, at twenty - a genius, and after thirty - an ordinary person.

In childhood, a fool thinks only about his father and mother, in youth - only about his beloved, in old age - only about children. He never has time to think about himself.

There comes a time in a woman's life sooner or later when she must finally decide on her age and stick to it until the end.

As we grow up, we become more serious, and this, let me say, is the first step towards becoming stupid.

You can become younger at any age.

At my age, I can no longer afford to feel bad.

When you are young, you must eat right and exercise so that you don’t have to lead a healthy lifestyle in old age.

When you are young, you willingly see foreign lands; when you are old, you are even more willing to see your own.

Inside ourselves, we are all the same age.

In every country, the younger generation is always foreigners.

Every age has its own pleasures; the pleasure of the old lies in talking about the pleasures of the young.

Age always leaves traces by which it can be detected.

Age is not the most important thing for a woman: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.

The age of every man is determined by what his wife looks like.

Memories are what make us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget.

In old age, love turns into a vice.

Professionally, I have no age.

At fifty a man is more dangerous than at any other age, for he has costly experience and often fortune.

At fifty years old you need to have a hat and two ties, white and black: you will often have to marry and bury.

All women are young, but some are younger than others.

All people want to live long, but no one wants to be old.

Everything I know I learned after thirty.

Everyone wants to live to old age, but when they do, they blame her.

At forty, we are faced with a choice: either prolong our youth or prolong our life.

Remembering our youth is like visiting the grave of a friend whom we offended and have no way to make amends for.

In old age, every person counts.

In old age there is no better consolation than the knowledge that all the strength in youth was devoted to a task that does not grow old.

In essence, old age begins from the moment a person loses the ability to learn.

Second youth is the return of stupidity, but without pleasure.

At thirty, a woman must choose between her butt and her face.

At sixty, you begin to realize that your grandfather, who lived to be 80, died not so old.

You will inevitably come to the conclusion that you should not forget about your age.

In your youth you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, and in old age - longer.

Years should not be counted, but weighed.

Even now I do not envy the strength of the young any more than I previously envied the strength of a bull or an elephant.

Childhood is the happiest years of life, but not for children.

Childhood should be given the greatest respect.

Until the age of thirty, the wife warms him, after thirty, a glass of wine, and after that, the stove doesn’t even heat.

If you are still capable of disappointment, then you are still young.

If youth knew, if old age could.

If your grandfather blew out all the candles on the cake on his eightieth birthday, it means that the apartment will not be vacated for a long time.

If a woman confesses her age to you, it means she has already left it.

There is an age that leaves no traces in memory.

It is a pitiful old man who, during such a long life, could not learn to despise death.

A woman is young as long as she is loved.

The woman is seven years younger than her friends claim, and five years older than the men give her.

The woman never stops talking about her age, but never mentions it.

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santa Claus, when you don’t believe in Santa Claus, and when you are already Santa Claus yourself.

From youth to old age, take wisdom as a reserve, for there is no more reliable asset.

Every woman has the age she deserves.

Each generation laughs at its fathers, laughs at its grandfathers and admires its great-grandfathers.

Each age has its own characteristics.

Each age has its own special inclinations, but the person always remains the same. At ten he is under the spell of sweets, at twenty he is under the spell of his beloved, at thirty he is under the spell of pleasure, at forty he is under the spell of ambition, at fifty he is under the spell of stupidity.

How small is the gap between the time when a person is still too young and when he is already too old.

Young people should not be looked down upon. It is very possible that, having matured, they will become outstanding men. Only those who have achieved nothing, having lived to be forty or fifty years old, do not deserve respect.

When a woman turns thirty, the first thing she begins to forget is her age; and at forty he is already completely erased from her memory.

When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly stand him; but when I was twenty-one years old, I was amazed at how much this old man had grown wiser in the last seven years.

Cosmetics rejuvenate a woman, shaving a man. But the stairs give everyone away.

Unfortunately, you can only be a woman of indefinite age up to a certain age.

He who has a lot of fun in his youth cries a lot in old age - at a broken trough.

It's better to be a young dung beetle than an old bird of paradise.

Better to be old than dead.

People don't move less as they get older. They age when they begin to move less.

People themselves age, but do not become more mature.

Am I not being blamed? This means that the years are no longer the same.

The world is ruled by the young when they grow old.

I'm 65, but if there were fifteen months in a year, I'd only be 49.

I don't like it when people talk about age differences. There is no age difference.

You can live to be a hundred years old if you give up everything that makes it worth living to be a hundred years old.

You can be born old, just as you can die young.

A young man is like wax.

Young is someone who has not yet lied.

Youth, which does not forgive itself anything, is forgiven everything; and old age, which forgives itself everything, is forgiven nothing.

Youth flies quickly - seize the passing moment. The past day is always better than the present day.

Youth is the time to acquire wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.

Youth is given only once. Then you need to look for some other justification for nonsense.

Youth is delusion, middle age is struggle, old age is regret.

Youth is not a mistake, old age is not a merit.

Youth is a wonderful time when there is no profession, no rights, no money, only sexual orientation.

Youth is a time of missed opportunities.

Young eyes see sharper, old eyes see deeper.

Young people talk about what they do; old people about what they did; and fools talk about what they would like to do.

Young people suffer less from their own mistakes than from the prudence of old people.

Young people don't know what they want, but they are determined to achieve it.

Wisdom does not always come with age; It happens that age comes alone.

The man of the woman of Balzac's age is still very young.

Men get older, but they don't get better.

We enter different ages of our lives, like newborns, without any experience behind us, no matter how old we are.

We are as young as our hopes and as old as our fears.

We do not count a person's years while he has something else to count.

We never grow up, we only learn how to behave in public.

Don't count the years: seconds always count!

Don't regret the years you've lived, regret the lost opportunities.

The youth of conscience does not know reproaches.

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. You can expect anything from her.

There is no need to drag the mistakes of your youth with you into old age; Old age has its vices.

There is nothing uglier than an old man who has no other proof of the benefit of his long life except his age.

No one is so old that he cannot live another year, no one is so young that he cannot die today.

Nothing ages a woman more than an overly rich suit.

Nothing ages a man more than living with the same woman.

Nothing accelerates old age more than immoderate drinking, unbridled love and unbridled lust.

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.

Oh, to be seventy years old again!

The first symptom of aging is love of life.

Count your years in money - and you will see how little it is.

The sad thing is not that old age is approaching, but that youth is leaving.

Just as fruits ripen at different times, people mature at different ages.

Old age is the time when you are ready to take on things that youth does not undertake, precisely because these things require too much time.

As long as there is life, there is hope.

Teaching an old man how to treat a dead man.

An old man is as impervious to teaching as a dead man is to treatment.

Almost everything great is done by young people.

I can safely liken almost every wrinkled face to a pear taken from a compote.

Cessation of activity always leads to lethargy, and after lethargy comes decrepitude.

A pleasant old man who is friendly and serious.

It is joyful to watch your children grow up, but it is sad to see how your women grow old, and it is very sad to feel that you yourself are getting old.

Tell me about a person's childhood, and I'll tell you the rest myself.

I owe my longevity to sports - I never did it.

As we age, birthdays become more and more like a funeral.

With age, size loses importance.

We realize our advanced age only at the threshold of death.

Turning 40 is the age-old milestone, there was a tailwind, now it’s a headwind.

Forty is a terrible age because at this age we become what we are.

Forty is the age of youth; fifty - youth of old age; sixty is the maturity of old age.

Forty is the age when you finally feel young. But it's too late.

Middle age is when, out of two temptations, you choose the one that will allow you to return home before nine in the evening.

Middle age is when you don’t care where your wife goes, as long as you don’t drag along with her.

Middle age is when work brings less and less pleasure, and pleasure requires more and more work.

Middle age is when you are too young to retire and too old to get another job.

Try not to fall in love when you are old, because such love will make you funny in the eyes of people, or unhappy.

Growing old means moving from feeling to empathy.

Growing old is boring, but it is the only known way to live long.

As you get older, you become wiser and crazier.

Old people believe everything, mature people doubt everything, young people know everything.

In fact, old people are precisely the most distrustful people. But only those of them who are already out of their minds believe everything.

Old people love to give good advice because they are no longer capable of setting bad examples.

Old age extinguishes passions, stops activities, drowns out all aspirations and gives you up as a sacrifice to a terrible enemy, which is called peace, but whose real name is boredom.

Old age begins the moment you start complaining about youth.

Old age begins when more money is spent on maintaining health than on its destruction.

Old age does not protect from love, but love protects from old age.

Old age is usually boastful and tends to exaggerate events and actions that are long gone in the past.

Old age is the most unexpected thing that awaits us in life.

Old age is a time when the candles on a birthday cake cost more than the cake itself, and half the urine goes for testing.

Old age is when the future becomes the present.

Old age is a reward and punishment for everything.

Senile grumbling is an attempt to convey an experience that has expired.

Old madmen are madder than young ones.

Old and young, we all went on our last cruise.

From the point of view of youth, life is an endless future; from the point of view of old age, it is a very short past.

The essence of old age is that you gain experience that cannot be used.

The thesis “Walk while you’re young” is wrong. Something needs to be left for old age.

Only a fool would celebrate the years of death's approach.

Only a few geniuses manage to survive puberty.

Those who do not behave according to their age always pay for it.

Three ages of a person: youth, middle age and “You look wonderful today!”

A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and ascribed to herself.

Every person has three youths: youth of the body, youth of the heart and youth of the mind. Unfortunately, they never match.

The fate of extreme old age depends on how one’s youth was spent.

Humanity, like an individual, has its own illnesses with each age.

If you want a long old age, grow old early.

There is nothing worse than growing old alone: ​​my wife has not celebrated her birthday for seven years now.

A person is not old until regret takes the place of dreams.

The older a person gets, the more he resists change, especially change for the better.

The older you get, the fewer old people there are around.

The older I get, the less I care about who sleeps with whom.

The older you are, the stronger the wind becomes; and he is always oncoming.

To regain my youth, I am ready to do anything - just not get up early, not do gymnastics and not be a useful member of society.

To stay young, you need to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.

Youth, to which everything is forgiven, forgives itself nothing; but old age, which forgives itself everything, is forgiven nothing.

Youth is a rising wave: behind is the wind, ahead are the rocks.

I have seen men who have hardly changed in thirty years, but their wives have become old women. These were all virtuous women - and virtue wears out a person very much.

The poisonous remarks that old people make towards the young are an attempt by old age to get even with youth.

I noticed that the older I get, the more attentively they listen to me, although I say the same thing as before.

In every country, the younger generation is always foreigners.

After eighty, everyone the same age is friends.

Health, modest income, a clear conscience and the opportunity to fish for pleasure are more important and more valuable than anything else in the world.

At fifty the world begins to tire of you, and at sixty the world begins to tire of you.

There is no return to dreams and years.

Forty years is not the end of the world, but from here it is already visible.

And before I was fifty, I thought that I would forever be eighteen.

In youth we live to live, in old age we live to survive.

The age when your mirror shows you a completely alien face...

Until a certain age, a person does not notice his age.

Round dates make a person a zero.

I'll be sixty soon. Almost a third of your life is already behind you.

Youth dreams of what will never come true, old age remembers what never came true.

The pleasure of the old lies in talking about the pleasures of the young.

In middle age, the most unpleasant thing is the knowledge that you will soon leave this age.

After fifty, the days are already counting!

We would live incomparably happier lives if we could be born eighty years old and gradually approach eighteen years of age.

Before you have time to stop mourning for your lost youth, middle age is already behind you.

Real health after fifty is when you hurt in a different place every day.

I'm 28, like many women my age.

Middle age is when you start smiling at things you used to laugh at.

Twenty years - a boy, another twenty - a youth, another twenty - a youth, another twenty - an old man.

No matter how long you live, the first twenty years are the longest half of your life.

The most pleasant age is the one that is going downhill, but is not yet falling into the abyss.

Old age, as we know, makes the dreams of youth come true.

Once it seemed to me that we fight the great battle for life in our youth. Nothing of the kind: when we grow old and no one needs our work, then the battle for life rages with all its might.

He is young who feels the same in the evening as he did in the morning; he is old who feels the same in the morning as he did in the evening.

Either I’m getting old and stupid, or the youth of today are like nothing else!

Sclerosis cannot be cured, but you can forget about it

When I was young, I had to take off my clothes every time I visited the doctor, but now it’s enough to show my tongue.

- What is baldness? - This is a slow but progressive transformation of the head into the ass. First in form, and then in content.

People are like wine: if they get better over the years, then they are of very high quality.

Old age is when spots on the skin show through gloves.

Thirty is a wonderful age for a woman. Especially if she's forty.

A woman is as old as she appears in the eyes of the man who likes her.

Youth lives in the future, old age in the past, and only childhood in the present.

The difference between adults and children is the cost of their toys...

A woman does not become a year older... She becomes another year more dangerous...

It seems like everything has worked out: I got a job, bought a cool car, paid off the mortgage, saved money for Thailand, and bam, you’re 80 years old...

Only with age do you begin to understand that you don’t have to knock on all closed doors, and not all open ones.

It doesn’t matter how old a man is, he is either a man or not.

In old age, a person is busy trying to get rid of the consequences of thoughtlessness and recklessness that he committed in his youth.

Youth is a disadvantage that quickly passes.

Unhappy is the fate of people! No sooner has the mind reached its maturity than the body begins to weaken.

Sometimes, in youth, there is Heaven in Hell, and in old age, Hell and in Heaven.

Old madmen are madder than young ones.

If a person does not fall in love until he is forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that.

If you suddenly notice that twenty-year-olds are suspiciously polite to you, it means that you are older than you think.

Unfortunately, you can be a woman of indeterminate age until a certain age.

We enter different ages of our lives, like newborns, without any experience behind us, no matter how old we are.

Successive years steal something from us every day, until finally they steal us.

When you grow up, thoughts appear that you are not constant, the possibilities are not so limitless and you are good only for a very narrow circle of people. The rest don't care about you. That's when the person holding your hand becomes priceless.

If you think about a secure old age from a young age, then premature old age is guaranteed

Prosperity in old age prolongs youth.

With age, all passions in a man die, but not selfishness.

Since ancient times, old men have drummed into young men that old age is wiser, and before the young men discovered the absurdity of this statement, they too became old men, and therefore it was in their interests to continue this deception.

Life begins after forty - and so does rheumatism, farsightedness and the desire to tell the same story to the same person three or four times.

People don't get happier as they age—they just set the bar lower than before.

My best years were my forties.

Middle age is when a suit doesn’t fit you, but it’s not the suit that needs to be altered, but you.

Parable 1. They worked, and we reaped the fruits

“The king, traveling around the country, noticed a decrepit old man hunched over his work. He came closer to him and saw that he was planting tiny sprouts of trees. “Why do you need this,” the king was surprised, “you won’t see their leaves, you won’t rest in their shade and you won’t taste their fruits?” After all, your life is nearing its end. The old man raised his head and answered: “Those who came before us planted, and we reaped the fruits.” Now we plant so that those who come after us can also reap the benefits.”

“The ruler watches the planting of trees” miniature from the 15th century.

Proverb 4. Wisdom is not in gray hairs

“During the war, the king put a young man at the head of his cavalry. This decision caused a murmur in the army, and one of the soldiers reproached the sovereign: “Is this young man worthy of such an honor?” It will be of no use to the army! “Wisdom should not be measured by gray hair,” the king answered him angrily, “and a gray-bearded man may turn out to be a fool.” In that war, the king won, and the young man became a hero.”

“Seafarers” miniature 13th century.

Parable 6. At your age I...

“When I was your age, I worked ten hours a day, and spent another ten in prayer,” one old monk reproached the young one. “I am delighted with your former zeal, father,” he answers him, “but I am even more captivated by your today’s maturity, thanks to which you have left your previous worries.”

“Death and Child” miniature 15th century (left); “Hell” miniature 15th century (right)

Parable 7. Cheerful hero of the day

“Everyone knows that many desert monks are distinguished by longevity. One day a young man came to one of them with congratulations: “Happy hundredth anniversary to you, father!” I hope that next year we will celebrate your hundred and first birthday together. “I hope so too,” answered the hero of the day, “I see that your health is not bad.” Shouldn’t let you down!”

“Jonah coming out of the belly of the whale” miniature 13th century.

Proverb 9. No queue

“The souls of the righteous crowd at the gates of heaven. Suddenly a magnificent procession approaches them - they are carrying a deceased nobleman. A certain commoner reproaches the gatekeeper: “And you have no justice here!” Just as they are honored on earth, so here they are brought in without a queue. “So from your brother,” the gatekeeper answers him, “many go to heaven, and from the nobles - one in a thousand.”

“Scheme of temperaments associated with the seasons, as well as the ages of a person” miniature 15th century (left); “Archangel Michael lifts up the souls of the righteous to God” miniature 13th century (right)

Parable 3. Left hungry

“The toothless old man and the boy sat next to each other and cried. They asked the old man: “Why are you crying?” “I have no teeth,” he answered, “and nothing to chew with.” This boy ate everything and left me hungry. Then they asked the boy: “Why are you crying?” “While I was chewing,” he complained, “the old man swallowed the pieces whole and left me hungry.”

“Death came for the girl” miniature 15th century.

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