15 most interesting facts about taxes. Why is the history of taxation so surprising?

Aphorisms and quotes about taxes

For society to tax itself into prosperity is like a person lifting himself by the handle of the bucket in which he stands. W. Churchill

The most incomprehensible thing in this world is the tax scale. Albert Einstein

I'm not happy with the current tax rates. They will destroy any incentive. W. Churchill

I was raised to believe that taxes are bad and purchasing power is good. W. Churchill

The British pay their taxes well, but they hate drill. The French do not mind drill, but avoid paying taxes. Both are ready to fight if they are convinced that this is the only way to survive. But in this case, the French will have a small budget, and the British will have a small army. W. Churchill

In this world, the only inevitable things are death and taxes. The only difference is that death does not get worse every time Congress is in session. Spark Matsunaga

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Gospel of Matthew, 22, 21

The road to civilization is paved with tax receipts.

There is not a single tax that does not lead to a reduction in accumulation. Any tax inevitably hits capital or income. David Ricardo

Taxation in any form is just a choice of evils. David Ricardo

There are no good taxes. Winston Churchill

My experience with taxation - and it is quite extensive - is that there is only one popular tax - the one that others pay. Thomas White

What angers people the most is that they pay more taxes than their neighbors. William Petty

In the matter of taxes, one should take into account not what the people can give, but what they can always give. Charles Montesquieu

Almost all production taxes ultimately fall on the consumer. David Ricardo

Security and property can only exist in a state where the tax rate does not change every year. Napoleon I

High tax rates do not redistribute income. They redistribute wealthy taxpayers. Some of them go to their yachts, others to poorer countries. Björn Berg does not live in Sweden. He lives in Malta. George Gilder

No fewer people are fleeing abroad from taxes than from dictators. James Newman

No one has ever gone bankrupt because they paid too much taxes on too much income. "L'Angle's Law concerning Accounting"

He [Bernard Shaw] was always complaining that the government deducted so much income tax from his earnings, and I often wondered whether he was really a socialist at heart. He seemed to me to be as Tory as most rich people. And he must have been rich after all, since he had to pay such a large tax. Alice Leyden, Bernard Shaw's housekeeper

Adults hate taxes the same way children hate brushing their teeth—and with the same childish myopia. Paul Samuelson

To collect more taxes than is absolutely necessary is to engage in legal robbery. Calvin Coolidge

The government is faced with an insoluble problem: how to get from us taxes that we cannot pay in order to spend them on things we do not need.

To rob a farmer in order to enrich himself is to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Louis XV

Today's political promises are tomorrow's taxes. American saying

Governments exist as long as those who pay too little taxes are able to defend themselves against those who pay too much taxes. Bernard Berenson

The people should not be deprived of what they really need in order to satisfy the imaginary needs of the state. Charles Montesquieu

The government always promises the people a chicken in every pot, and to begin with, they give a tax inspector for every chicken.

Developed ambition is rewarded with high taxes.

If you break the rules, you are fined; if you follow the rules, you are taxed. Lawrence Peter

I don't spend my money in Las Vegas or at the races. I entrust this matter to the government. Bob Hope

You may not even notice that everything is going well for you. But the tax service will remind you. Pierre Daninos

Do not overestimate your financial capabilities - leave this matter to the tax service.

We are not the taxpayers' bosses; They are our bosses. Coleman Andrews

We would like to see in our sons strength of character, courage and willingness to pay even more taxes than we pay.

Work hard and pay your taxes honestly. Thousands of workers in the state apparatus are counting on you. American saying

The Eiffel Tower is the pyramid of Cheops after taxes.

The harp is the after-tax piano. Tom Horgan (USA)

There can only be one thing worse than taxes: when there is nothing to pay taxes on. Thomas Dewar

Following the dollars that fell from the sky on you, a tax inspector crawls out of hell. "Ruane's Law"

Our country is now freer than ever - unless, of course, you are a taxpayer.

Our sacred patriotic duty is to erect a monument to the Unknown Taxpayer.

The only inevitable things in our lives are death and taxes—alas, not in that order. "20. 000 Quips & Quotes"

If the report agrees, it will alert the inspector, and if it does not agree, then even more so. Gennady Malkin

Falsified accounting statements are always balanced. James Fergeson

Why cheat when you can get creative with your reporting? Katherine Whitehorn

An auditor is a person who comes when the battle is over to finish off the wounded. "The Penguin Dictionary' of Jokes"

The auditor is not a police sleuth, but a watchdog.

Never overestimate your financial capabilities. Leave this matter to the IRS.

I don't have bodyguards, but I do have two well-trained tax consultants. Elvis Presley

Man is the only animal that can be skinned more than once. Jimmy Durant

Adults hate taxes the same way children hate brushing their teeth—and with the same childish myopia. Paul Samuelson

The most incomprehensible thing in this world is the tax scale. Albert Einstein

The art of collecting taxes is to pluck the goose, getting as many feathers as possible and as little squealing as possible. Attributed to Jean Baptiste Colbert

In a democracy, every taxpayer is completely free to choose politicians who are completely free to tax him.

Tax laws have created more criminals than any other piece of legislation. Barry Goldwater

My experience of taxation - and it is very extensive - suggests that there is only one popular tax - the one that others pay. Thomas White

The Eiffel Tower is the pyramid of Cheops after taxes.

Levying exorbitant taxes is a path that causes robbery, enriching the enemy, leading to the death of the state. Xunzi

A good citizen demands more good roads, good schools, good hospitals and less taxes. author unknown

The taxman is someone who is more concerned with how you spend your money than with how the government spends it. author unknown

A taxpayer is someone who works for the government, but who is not supposed to be audited by government agencies. R. Reagan

Revelry is the tax that genius pays to evil. Honore de Balzac

Today's political promises are tomorrow's taxes. American saying

The suffocating taxes established by the state are, first of all, taxes on conscience, because without deceiving, without being cunning, a person cannot survive. Zufar Fatkudinov

The best means of collecting taxes is that which facilitates labor and trade the most. Francois Voltaire

In the matter of taxes, one must take into account not what the people can give, but what they can always give. Charles Montesquieu

The economy is breathing through holes in taxation.

In this world, the only inevitable things are death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin

The taxpayer is the government's employer.

Taxpayers are victims of the war on poverty. Unknown American

In a democracy, we, thank God, decide for ourselves how to pay taxes - in cash, by check or by money order. American saying

A citizen should pay taxes with the same feeling with which a lover gives gifts to his beloved. Novalis

Taxes are the price we pay for the opportunity to live in a civilized society. Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

A good citizen demands more good roads, good schools, good hospitals and less taxes.

The road to civilization is paved with tax receipts.

City land has the best tax increases. Charles Warner

Welfare State: A state where everyone prospers except the taxpayer. Imogen Fay

Politics is the art of constantly finding justifications for new taxes. Harold Nahr

In the matter of taxes, one should take into account not what the people can give, but what they can always give. Charles Montesquieu

The government promises the people a chicken in every pot, and to begin with, they give a tax inspector for every chicken. Maxim Zvonarev

Developed ambition is rewarded with high taxes. Unknown American

Work hard and pay your taxes honestly. Thousands of workers in the state apparatus are counting on you. Unknown American

I am proud to pay taxes in the United States. True, I would be no less proud for half the amount. Arthur Godfrey

When filling out your tax return, do not forget to write “State” in the “Dependents” column.

Congress is faced with an insoluble problem: how to get from us taxes that we cannot pay in order to spend them on things we do not need. Unknown American

No fewer people are fleeing abroad from taxes than from dictators. James Newman

Only those who do not pay taxes receive thirty pieces of silver. Others receive much less. Vladislav Grzeszczyk

The tax department will deal with what the house is rich in. Urszula Zybura

Unspeakable Wealth: Income not reported on your tax return.

Death is the most convenient moment to take a tax from the rich. David Lloyd George

With current taxes, you can marry for love.

Thank God we don't pay taxes on our debts.

Many of us would like to be so rich that we can no longer pay taxes.

More on the topic:

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  • Expenses - quotes and aphorisms about expenses


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  • Chupacabras July 23, 2021 at 06:06

    In the future, along with the further development of knowledge and moral qualities and a deeper awareness of the duties of citizens towards the state, we can expect tax evasion to become increasingly rare.

Dog in service at the tax office

It is important to mention that even animals were brought on the side of the Swedish tax authorities. So, in the 1970s in Stockholm, a dog named Siv Gustavson was officially registered in municipal service, who could masterfully bark in all possible voices to attract the attention of dogs of any breed. The job of the four-legged policeman was that, accompanied by an observer, the dog walked through the streets, constantly barking at everything and using all his abilities. Naturally, the troublemaker was responded to by the barking of other dogs, based on the location of which vigilant inspectors identified tax evaders for pets.

Relentless Italian financial police

Another interesting fact about taxes should be noted.
Thus, for many years, Italian doctors have noted that the total number of stress, nervous breakdowns and heart attacks on the Apennine Peninsula increases every year in waves at the same time - as June 18 approaches. For many Italians, this date was fatal, since this day is the deadline for filing an income tax return, also known as Form 740. The Italian financial police are among the most rigid in the world. Its employees with enviable tenacity pursue all malicious defaulters, no matter in which city in the country the latter would try to hide. So, quite recently, among those under investigation for suspected tax evasion were Silvio Berlusconi himself, who is a television magnate and former prime minister of the country, and Tesare Romiti, the president of the FIAT automobile concern. The harsh financial guard even deprived the world-famous film actress Sophia Loren of the Italian order, since the star had friction with the law regarding tax debt.

Al Capone's tax debt

It is quite remarkable that one of the most famous gangsters and villains of all time named Al Capone, along with his criminal gang, killed more than 912 people. The bandit was also involved in pimping, smuggling and drug distribution, but despite all his atrocities, he constantly got away with it. As a result, the police were able to bring the gangster to trial only for tax evasion and put Capone in prison for a long time. And if it were not for the debt to the state, it is quite possible that the villain would continue his criminal activities for a long time. So interesting facts about taxes may be like this.

The insidious administrator

There is a known curious case that occurred in the early 2000s in one of the Kirovochepetsk canteens (Kirov region). So, a tax inspector arrived at the enterprise and, during an inspection, discovered that all the entries were missing in the cash book. When the vigilant tax officer picked up the cash register tape, the administrator immediately snatched the paper from his hands and tried to stuff it into her mouth to eat it in front of the amazed inspector. But he resolutely entered into a fight with the insidious administrator and tried to take the tape back, but was severely bitten on the finger and still retreated. The characteristic teeth mark served as the basis for initiating a criminal case and the “predator” was offered a choice between paying 200 minimum wages and 5 years in prison.

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