Quotes about work with meaning (200 quotes)

No time for hobbies, just to survive

A status about a hobby can have an ironic meaning when the person himself does not have a hobby and does not understand what it can bring into his life. Or he complains about fate and talks about his difficult life, using the term “hobby”. Choose:

  1. My hobby is to cheer myself up to survive and overcome difficulties in life.
  2. Everyone has their own hobby, mine is to convince myself how beautiful this world is.
  3. Yes, life is not an easy thing and you can’t do without obstacle racing, this is my hobby.
  4. My hobby is to step on the same rake, it works out well.
  5. My hobby is jumping over bumps out of the blue.
  6. Hobby: lying on the couch and not thinking about hobbies.
  7. Hobby: enjoying life.
  8. What other hobbies? And I just wanted to live...
  9. My hobby is overcoming difficulties; sometimes I come up with them for myself and overcome them.
  10. Life is a struggle, and therefore the corresponding hobby is to fight this life.
  11. My hobby is lying on the seashore and not thinking about anything, but somehow I abandoned it...
  12. I really want to live at least a day without work, hobbies, hobbies and difficulties - but it’s not possible yet.
  13. My hobby is to be proud of myself after yet another overcoming of life’s obstacles; I’m already all proud.
  14. Should I start collecting stamps or coins, otherwise it’s all work for my uncle, and I don’t even have time to think about my soul.
  15. Can I relax and relax and start crocheting or cross stitching? Otherwise it’s an eternal battle, we only dream of peace.
  16. A great art is to lie on the couch and do nothing, my husband is a master of this.
  17. Don't praise yourself for having a hobby, you just have time for it.
  18. Some people's life consists of nothing but roses and hobbies, but my life is full of difficulties and hardships, plowing and survival. And you say it’s a hobby...
  19. People are all different, for some people a hobby is a hobby, for me it’s a calming experience.
  20. To have a hobby, you need to put all your problems aside.
  21. My hobby is relaxing with friends, I think it’s not bad?
  22. If you have patience and hard work, then time for a hobby will appear before it appears.
  23. Shouldn't they send you to work for pennies somewhere else? And devote yourself entirely to your hobby - fishing?
  24. Don’t blame anyone that you don’t have talents and hobbies, you just didn’t notice them.
  25. Over the years, I feel more and more drawn to crocheting or cross-stitching - it’s beautiful, and there’s no boss over you.
  26. If you have a hobby, it means someone needs it...
  27. When troubles and difficulties fly one after another, let's let them pass us by, and let's do what we love - what we love.
  28. Life without a hobby becomes empty and monotonous, but you understand this only when you retire and say goodbye to your unloved job.
  29. Hobbies invigorate, mobilize, give time to dream, and most importantly, they instill confidence in ourselves, how talented we are.

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A collection of the best quotes and aphorisms about love. Quotes from great people about love are full of deep meaning and wisdom. They fully reveal the nature of love and provide answers to many questions regarding the relationship between a man and a woman. After reading this collection, you will learn how they treated love and what the great sages and philosophers of ancient times and the very recent past thought about it. Read with pleasure beautiful and wise quotes about love, in which you may find answers to your questions. If you liked this collection, be sure to tell your friends about it.

What is our life? Nice hobby!

A status about a hobby with meaning can relate to an unloved job or even the meaning of life. Choose your phrase:

  1. I love my job, I constantly tell myself, but every evening I run home to become truly happy - to take up a hobby.
  2. You have to somehow fall in love with your job or stop loving your hobby, otherwise there will be great dissonance.
  3. I run to work cheerfully and quickly, and back even faster, because at home I have a hobby waiting for me - cooking delicious and healthy food.
  4. Happiness is having a job you love, or at least a hobby outside of work.
  5. During my 8 hours at work, I dream about the weekend and my favorite pastime – fishing.
  6. Time flies at your favorite workplace, because all your thoughts are about weekends and hobbies.
  7. A hobby will save you from depression.
  8. You can only have fun working when your hobby and work are one and the same.
  9. There is no harmony with yourself and others - it’s time to change your job to a hobby.
  10. Work makes horses die, but hobbies make even the deadest nag blossom.
  11. Bring elements of a hobby into your work, and it will begin to delight you.
  12. There is no such thing as a bad job, it is just a favorite hobby, but there is no work.
  13. It’s such a blessing to take up a hobby that also brings in money.
  14. I skillfully combine work and hobbies - I cook deliciously, eat and sleep well, I am a night watchman.
  15. Work from the heart, as long as you still have enough soul for a hobby.
  16. Work is not a wolf, but a hobby will not wait.
  17. Find a job you love that also includes your hobby - art.
  18. Love your job or stop loving your hobby, otherwise it’s very difficult.
  19. Without love for your work, there will be no results, so I quit my job and do only what I love - drink beer and watch football.
  20. Happiness is knowing that you don’t have to go to work...
  21. What you love inspires you, work depresses you.
  22. A good job necessarily includes your favorite activity, for example, drinking tea for 3 hours with colleagues.
  23. I love my job! How I want to say these words, but I can’t lie - I hate her.
  24. Loving work means loving your boss, your team, and force majeure situations. Does anyone succeed in this?
  25. Shouldn't I go to the labor exchange and become a housewife?
  26. I work, I endure, I live, I work, but what about my hobbies?
  27. So that everyday work does not irritate and drive you crazy, find a minute at home for a hobby.
  28. I would go to the officials - there is a lot of time for hobbies: sit and cross-stitch, all the laws that should be adopted will still be adopted.
  29. Work should be fun, and for this it should be fully consistent with your hobby.
  30. My calling is to love, my hobby is to give love to others.
  31. With my salary, I should just devote myself to my favorite pastime - lying on the couch and smoking bamboo.
  32. Only a creative person whose hobby is writing romantic poetry can find advantages in work.
  33. If work is so lowly valued, can I devote myself to a hobby?
  34. Tired of suffering at work? Then look for a job you love, where there is room for your hobby.
  35. Hobby – relieving stress from unloved work.
  36. The evening after the shift is the way to the refrigerator and the sofa, and I really wanted to knit with knitting needles...
  37. The mystery of the Russian soul lies in the fact that a person is out of place doing an unloved job and practically for free, but stubbornly goes there every morning.
  38. Hobbies during a work shift are an additional incentive to love your job.
  39. When you boldly go to work, it means you don’t have a hobby.
  40. I don’t like to change my plans, I said, I’ll quit, which means I’ll quit only in 10 years, when I pay off the mortgage.
  41. I forgot about my hobby forever, now it’s work and family.

The hobby of building and living helps us

A status about hobbies and interests can have a philosophical meaning when a favorite activity pulls you out of problems and everyday problems:

  1. Don’t cheat on your hobby – after all, only a happy person can give happiness to others.
  2. You can limitlessly believe only in yourself, even when no one else believes in you.
  3. Don’t put off your hobby until later, when there is more money or the foundation of a family has been created - this will never happen.
  4. You should do what you love whenever your heart desires, and not when you are kicked out of work.
  5. You can admit to yourself that you have been doing something you don’t like all your life at any age. But you can change everything if you have no family and you are alone, otherwise - goodbye, hobby.
  6. There is no point in grumbling about life if you yourself made such a choice, but if you could have chosen not a job, but a hobby, then life would have become different - there would definitely be no family.
  7. Don't try to copy others, find your hobby and be true to it.
  8. When everyone around you says that there is not enough money, then quit your job, because no one will even notice that there is even less money, and you will become happier, doing what you have long dreamed of.
  9. If you don’t have a hobby, then you won’t lose it, and if you still have one, then try not to change it.
  10. Hobby – returning to oneself, the real one.
  11. What it means to be born under a lucky star is simply not to miss what was given to you from birth, your talents and abilities, to devote your life to it.
  12. Only doing what you love can make you dream and get closer to your dreams.
  13. My hobby gives me incentive to act; I am no longer afraid of being misunderstood or deceived.
  14. Don’t change your hobby, no matter how life provokes you to change it, promising money and material values.
  15. A hobby does not forgive betrayal, and can forever remain just a favorite pastime, or it can turn into your profitable business.
  16. Hobbies and dreams of money are incompatible things, but are work and money compatible?
  17. In pursuit of money, do not forget to live here and now, a hobby will help you with this.
  18. We are destroyed only by our own fear and lack of faith in ourselves. And so every person with a hobby could become a unique master of his craft.
  19. Being faithful to your hobby will help you not to change yourself, and what could be more important than honesty and sincerity?
  20. Always fill your soul with your passion, your favorite pastime, otherwise sadness, hopelessness and sadness will settle in.
  21. Let your hobby be invisible to others, the main thing is that you are happy when you do what you love.
  22. For some it’s awesome when there’s a lot of money, but for me it’s just doing what I love in silence.

Quotes about business and activity

The purpose of man is intelligent activity. Aristotle

Each person should preferentially take on what is possible for him and what is decent for him. Aristotle

Action is a living unity of theory and practice. Aristotle

It is better to do a small part of the task perfectly than to do ten times as much poorly. Aristotle

Give me a foothold and I will move the earth. Archimedes

All human skill is nothing but a mixture of patience and time. O. Balzac

Each person has a certain type of activity that makes him useful to society and at the same time brings him happiness. M. Barres

One of the needs, deeply rooted in human nature, is the desire for freedom of choice of activities and their diversity. A. Bebel

Not doing is not living. He who does not carry within himself the source of life, that is, the source of living activity, who does not rely on himself, always expects everything from the external and random. V. G. Belinsky

In ancient times, the richest countries were those whose nature was most abundant; Today the richest countries are those in which people are most active. G. Buckle

The greatest pleasure is to do what others think you cannot do. W. Bagejot

There are no great things without great obstacles. F. Voltaire

Action is not created for thought, but thought is created for action. F. Voltaire

Man is created for action. Not acting and not existing are the same thing for a person. F. Voltaire

Great things require tireless persistence. F. Voltaire

What a man does is what he is. G. Hegel

There is nothing more destructive and unbearable in the world than inaction and waiting. A. I. Herzen

Only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to battle for them every day. I. Goethe

Wanting is not enough, you have to act. I. Goethe

Anyone who holds a cause dear must be able to stand up for it, otherwise he is not worthy of showing himself in anything. I. Goethe

Unreasonable activity, no matter what it is aimed at, always ends in bankruptcy. I. Goethe

No power makes a person great and wise, as does the power of labor - collective, friendly, free labor. M. Gorky

A person must do some kind of work all his life - all his life! M. Gorky

You have to love anything you do in order to do it well. M. Gorky

It is much more difficult to turn words into deeds than deeds into words. M. Gorky

A person who does not know what he will do tomorrow is unhappy. M. Gorky

To live, you need to be able to do something. M. Gorky

Everyone should be great in their work. B. Gracian

To waste is to commit suicide. C. Gounod

One thing, constantly and strictly performed, organizes everything else in life, everything revolves around it. E. Delacroix

Small things produce small people. B. Disraeli

A good deed, if it is truly good, is worth more than a million kind words; but sometimes the word is the deed, and then it is worth a lot. I. Zeime

The soul of a person lies in his deeds. G. Ibsen

Difficult does not mean insurmountable. M. I. Kalinin

Our main task is not to direct our gaze and attention to what is in the foggy distance, but to do things that are immediately in front of us. T. Carlyle

Blessed is he who has found his work; let him not seek any other bliss. He has a business and a purpose in life. T. Carlyle

Anyone who, even as an adult, knows how to speak only in words and not in deeds, has no right to be considered a human being. J. Komensky

It often happens that a person who does not want to do what needs to be done hides behind loud words. N. K. Krupskaya

No phrases, but we need action. V. I. Lenin

To get to more, you need to start with less. V. I. Lenin

Trying to do everything at once means doing nothing. G. Lichtenberg

People's actions are the best translators of their thoughts. D. Locke

If you do something good with difficulty, the labor will pass, but the good will remain, and if you do something bad with pleasure, the pleasure will pass, but the bad will remain. M. V. Lomonosov

Thoughts and deeds should go hand in hand. What good are ideas if you don't put them into action? D. Mazzini

In our society, efficiency becomes a virtue that all citizens should have; it becomes a criterion for correct behavior in general. A. S. Makarenko

Conversation and words are needed, but they are only the beginning, the whole essence of life is in deeds, in the ability to move from words to deeds, in their coordination. D. I. Mendeleev

Our best deeds are those that are done out of good will and in accordance with natural inclinations. C. Montesquieu

A person’s exceptional happiness is to be engaged in his constant favorite activity. V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko

There is no need to count years: people live longer. The point is not in years, but in deeds - these are the ones that need to be counted. Ovid

He who does not burn smokes. This is the law. Long live the flame of life. N. A. Ostrovsky

The most important thing in every task is to overcome the moment when you don’t feel like working. I. P. Pavlov

The less dissolved your inner life is, the more inextricably linked your thoughts, words and deeds are. N. I. Pirogov

Smart and energetic people fight to the end, but empty and worthless people submit without the slightest struggle to all the minor accidents of their meaningless existence. D. I. Pisarev

A statue is painted by his appearance, but a man by his deeds. Pythagoras

The more important you consider it, the more accurately you will accomplish it. Plautus

A good start is half the battle. Plato

Every task is difficult unless you want to do it; every task is easy if we undertake it with full conviction of its fruitfulness and necessity. G. V. Plekhanov

How many things were considered impossible until they were accomplished. Pliny the Elder

Not many of us understand how big a small thing can be. Ch. Pollock

What's worth doing is worth doing well. N. Poussin

A lucky person is a person who has done what others were just about to do. J. Renard

The results of your deeds will be appreciated by others; Just try to keep your heart pure and just. D. Ruskin

For a struggling person, defeat is not shameful. J. Romain

In almost all things, the hardest part is the beginning. J.-J. Rousseau

If you don’t act, the ward will be of no use. Sh. Rustaveli

What is done hastily does not last long. Saadi

Without struggle, valor fades. Seneca the Younger

The greatness of some things lies not so much in their size as in their timeliness. Seneca the Younger

The actions we take must be proportionate to our strengths. Seneca the Younger

Each of us is the son of our own deeds. M. Cervantes

Every person should be judged by his deeds. M. Cervantes

The best way to perform a position is when you are not afraid of losing it. V. Soloukhin

Great things don't happen overnight. Sophocles

As soon as you imagine that you are unable to do a certain task, from that moment on it becomes impossible for you to carry it out. B. Spinoza

When two people do the same thing, the result is not the same. Terence

Blessed is he who has adorned his fleeting life with a series of glorious deeds. A. K. Tolstoy

He who is happy with everything, but does not want to change good for better, will lose everything. A. N. Tolstoy

Great, true deeds are always simple and modest. L. N. Tolstoy

An ounce of action is worth more than a pound of preaching. E. Hubbard

Every person is born for some kind of work. Everyone who walks the earth has responsibilities in life. E. Hemingway

The trouble is for those who have taken upon themselves the task that they have no strength to carry it out. N. Khosrow

Great and good deeds always unite people. S. Zweig

Human activity is fruitless and insignificant when it is not inspired by a lofty idea. N. G. Chernyshevsky

No provision justifies inaction; you can always do something that is not completely useless; you should always do everything you can. N. G. Chernyshevsky

There is nothing more disastrous for people, both in private and in public life, than to act indecisively, alienating friends and being timid in front of the enemy. N. G. Chernyshevsky

Speed ​​is the soul of every business. F. Chesterfield

Actions are determined by their goals: that work is called great, which has a great goal. A. P. Chekhov

A business or occupation that does not contain difficulties, that does not require full effort of the mind and will, is unworthy of a person. W. Channing

The contemplative life is very joyless. We need to take more action. N. Chamfort

Neither in his physical life nor in his social life should a person lay claim to what he is not capable of. N. Chamfort

Nothing makes life more bearable than activity directed towards one goal. F. Schiller

A fool is the one who abandons the matter halfway and looks on from the sidelines with his mouth agape. this will come out. F. Schiller

Even the most refined physical or moral virtues cannot atone for the social sin of participating in consumption without participating in production. B. Shaw

Activity is the only path to knowledge. B. Shaw

When we stop doing, we stop living. B. Shaw

The one who knows how, does it; the one who doesn’t know how, teaches. B. Shaw

If a person takes on two things that are directly opposite. each other - one of them he will certainly fail. Aesop

A thought is a flower, a word is an ovary, an action is a fruit. R. Emerson

The reward for a good deed is in its very accomplishment. R. Emerson

Every noble deed clears its own path. R. Emerson

A personality is characterized not only by what it does, but also by how it does it. F. Engels

The moment I find myself unable to fight, may it be given to me to die. F. Engels

Let the one who does it bear the consequences of his deeds. Aeschylus

It’s not a difficult matter to get your foot into a paved trail; it is much more difficult, but also more honorable, to pave the way yourself. Yakub Kolas

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