Don't interfere with someone else's family quotes. Why do people like to pry into other people's lives?

Some have completely lost their human appearance

  1. Hey girl, you don't fit into my general picture of the world, so please go somewhere far away!
  2. As soon as one *time* disappears from your life, it immediately becomes wonderful!
  3. Having bad people around is just as bad as having bad habits.
  4. If something always goes wrong in your life, believe me, I definitely have nothing to do with it.
  5. I live the way I want, and I don’t care about anything else!
  6. I will still emerge victorious. You know, I’m not at all used to losing.
  7. The biggest misconception is to always do everything right.
  8. I don’t live in the past, I immediately forget the insult. Therefore, all your phrases will not bring me any harm.
  9. Time will pass and everything will be forgotten. Only the result will be visible. Believe me.
  10. I don't need you, so you can go all fours!
  11. You know, I loved even your flaws. And you did this like this:(.
  12. I don't care about my shortcomings. I'll be happy with them too :D.
  13. I won't say that I'm not like everyone else. The same, but much better))).
  14. I don't need excessive modesty. I'll just ask you to shut your mouths if I have to!
  15. You ruined everything yourself. This meant that you no longer needed me. I don't want to invent something unnecessary for myself.
  16. Tomorrow may not come. And you throw around such words!
  17. When I feel bad, I usually sit alone, and when I feel good, all my friends stick around. Question: why do I need them at all?
  18. Only time will tell who was a true friend and who just wanted to get to know you better.
  19. You are not a friend at all, you are just a crack. From which gossip comes.
  20. If you start pleasing people just to get them to love you, there won't be enough time.
  21. Just because I can laugh at myself doesn’t mean you should laugh at me too...
  22. There are never too many friends. And more often than not, they don’t exist at all.
  23. People who know how to live better for me! Do you really have nothing better to do?
  24. If you suddenly decide to go on a diet, the worst thing is to make excuses to those who knew about this very diet...
  25. Dear, I know who a real woman is, and who a real man is, I also know.
  26. Sometimes random passers-by are much kinder and more merciful than the best, it would seem, friends.

Quotes about intervention

Francois de La Rochefoucauld. Maxims and moral reflections

It is much easier to show wisdom in the affairs of others than in your own.

Paulo Coelho. Alchemist

He who interferes with someone else's Fate will never pass his own.

Mikhail Vladimirovich Genin

How difficult it is to remain silent when you are not asked.

John Steinbeck. The Grapes of Wrath

. no one dares to meddle in someone else's life. Let the person decide for himself. Helping him is possible, but pointing him out is not.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Anna Karenina

He was angry with everyone for interfering precisely because he felt in his soul that they, all of them, were right.

H.G. Wells

No passion in the world can compare with the passionate desire to edit someone else's manuscript.

Lauren Myracle. Bouquet

True love is determined by fate and it is dangerous to interfere.

love inevitability, fate, fate intervention

Bernhard Schlink. Summer deceptions

I can't stand it when someone else decides for me whether I feel good or what I need.

Mikhail Litvak. Sperm principle

Someone else will do everything for your happiness, provided that you remain unhappy.

happiness man, people interference

Oleg Roy. Web of Lies

There is no need to interfere in other people's lives. Every person has the right to make mistakes themselves and figure them out for themselves.

mistakes people, people life interference

Stop “interpreting” my actions. It's time to come to terms with the fact that I'm just living for myself

Everyone claims that they don't want to know anything about someone else's life. Nevertheless, everyone follows each other on social networks: the status is about people, those who get involved in life.

  1. There is no need to compare me with anyone. And there is no need to interfere in my life at all.
  2. He is mine, period. And I don't care what your opinion is.
  3. There is only one life, and I am not going to waste it trying to please all of you.
  4. It’s so cool to realize that you live for yourself and are not trying to please anyone.
  5. Or maybe I don’t want to earn millions, I don’t want to achieve the most handsome guy, and I don’t even want to lose weight either!
  6. I'm real, you know? I will never remain silent if something really worries me!
  7. If you think that I want to please you, then you are very, very mistaken!
  8. I don't believe in luck, I don't gossip, I don't smile falsely. Only you losers do that.
  9. Your problem is that you speak when no one asks you!
  10. You need to look at things soberly. And if you are a poop person, then you don’t have to blame someone else for it.
  11. I will only tolerate whims if I have a child. But I won’t tolerate them from guys or girlfriends.
  12. Take your eyes off your smartphones and understand: life exists regardless of likes on Instagram.
  13. Don’t let it bother you what I wear, what time I come home, or who I love...
  14. You know, I don’t listen to your advice for one simple reason: I don’t want to be like you!
  15. Your gossip, of course, is all entertaining, but there is a very big difference between reality and your imagination.
  16. You would be better off going to a book and reading something instead of understanding my personal life...
  17. In order to have a lot of money, you don’t need much intelligence. But self-confidence - yes, it is necessary.
  18. You are all ordinary people to me. I don’t want to spoil my opinion of you, that’s why I don’t listen to what you say!
  19. There is so much gossip about me that it’s no longer interesting to listen to them...

Envy and intent

If, in the opinion of others, you live well (it doesn’t matter at all that you yourself don’t think so), then envious people will certainly be interested in the details of your life.

The most ingenuous ones will ask questions in a poisonous tone that, in their opinion, may offend you. This is the safest type of envious person; you can see them right away.

And there are completely nasty and worthless people who will try to get into your soul and inspire confidence, so that they can then play dirty tricks behind your back. They will talk to you flatteringly and affectionately - be afraid of them! This kind of envy can kill.

How to respond to the curiosity of others

It entirely depends on your character, worldview and mood at the moment. You can remain silent, you can verbally besiege the person, coldly mentioning that you are not inclined to discuss such issues with strangers or are not in the mood to talk about this topic. Sometimes people who pry into other people's lives are sincere in their tactlessness. Who exactly asks such questions is also of great importance.

If, for example, a housemate asks tactless questions, then it would be more appropriate to answer politely and briefly about nothing, but it would be better to provoke her to answer with leading questions. She may have asked you specifically to boast about her grandson’s excellent studies or her son-in-law’s new car.

You can always say goodbye quickly, citing going to the store or preparing dinner. Don't spit in the well - you may need a reference from your neighbors. And if a stranger asks insensitive questions, then it is better to ignore him and interrupt communication.

If at work your colleagues are eagerly interested in your personal life, do not reveal yourself. Always separate the concepts of home and work. Never bring your problems to your work team. In any conflict, and they are inevitable, everyone will remember you.

If you are an independent and free person, then interest in you will remain constant. Therefore, if one fine day you do not want to hear mind-blowing gossip about yourself and marvel at the perverted imagination of others, it is better to start harmless gossip about yourself. This way you will protect yourself, and others will not have to attribute their vices to you. As they say, the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.

And remember that no one has the right to violate your personal boundaries with inappropriate and insensitive questions.

The status “people meddle in other people’s lives” will significantly upset all your offenders. But instead, they will amuse you.

It's a pity that there are no instructions for life

Statuses “please don’t meddle in my life” – if you have no choice but to express your indignation. Remember that this can always be done beautifully!

  1. Happiness can only be your own. And you don’t even need to look at someone else’s!
  2. I am friends with whoever I want. Finally I realized it!!!
  3. You can think whatever you want about me. As long as it doesn't bother me, of course...
  4. The difference between you and me is that I don't pay attention to a person's past. His present is more important to me.
  5. Understanding your life is much easier. But to start acting in your own - this is more difficult!
  6. Instead of telling gossip about me, you would go and get a job for me. They could even find a normal guy :D.
  7. I really achieved everything honestly. And I don't care whether you believe it or not.
  8. It’s rare that someone can sincerely admire, help, say “thank you.” But those people who do this, know: you are the best.
  9. I would like this world to be a better place, but I just feel like killing all those who say even one bad word about me :D.
  10. The best advice I've ever heard: forget all the advice and live the way you need to.
  11. Have the courage to make a choice. And he didn’t even try to please anyone!
  12. Hey, you, yes, you, what are you telling everyone about me? You know my number, call and tell me personally.
  13. I advise everyone who says that I am somehow different to just knock their heads against the wall a little. You can do a lot!
  14. You can't know how I'll get better simply because you've never been me.
  15. Don't forget that while you are discussing me, your husband, your children and your life also need attention.
  16. Thank you, of course, for such attention to my person, but I’ll figure it out somehow without you.
  17. Remember, you also need to pay attention to your life. And not just spy on someone else.
  18. Why do you think that I will allow myself to be given advice? I don’t even let my mother get that close to me.
  19. I’ll sort out my problems, don’t worry about the main thing. Don't worry too much.
  20. I understand that my life is quite interesting. Just don’t come up with extra stories for it.
  21. People often tell me, “behave this way or that way, and what will people think?” So I’ll tell you that I don’t care. What will they think?
  22. I just don't see the point in what you're saying. That's why I'm not too worried about it.
  23. Hmmm. I would be sorry to spend so much time discussing someone. Even if it's for yourself :D.
  24. Please, I ask you, make your life at least a little more interesting. Maybe at least then you’ll stop interfering with mine!
  25. It's not that bad. So many people envy me!
  26. I'm not ready to just blame myself for anything. Moreover, in what you came up with for yourself.
  27. I'm not going to prove anything to you. And not because you are wrong and I am right, but because I simply don’t need it.

“Don’t meddle in my life” statuses will help you get rid of ill-wishers on social networks.

Why do people meddle in other people's lives: 7 main reasons

But they are very surprised when an ill-wisher visits their page and starts writing offensive and sarcastic comments.

Don’t feed gossipers bread – let them discuss someone else’s personal life. They revel in this observer position: they get the sweetest pieces of the “neighbor’s pie”, the very first news, intrigues, heated quarrels.

They will be sarcastic, slander and ridicule, or they will sympathize, support and give advice.

People receive almost physical pleasure: this process is accompanied by emotional arousal, the release of hormones, excitement, a surge of energy, and a sense of power.

A couple of friends have separated and are dividing property? An excellent opportunity to analyze their marriage in detail.

The neighbor cheated on his wife with the nanny? Oh, what a bastard, but where was she looking! A young colleague deceived her elderly sponsor? So it was clear to everyone that she was with him for the money.

There can be many reasons why people interfere in other people's lives:

1. Low self-esteem

. Other people's problems brighten up the existence of those who consider themselves losers and unpopular individuals.

2. Problems in the family, at work, with health, as well as dissatisfaction with appearance and, in general, fate

. People are driven by the desire to make sure that others - rich, educated, famous, beautiful - live worse than they do. You read bad news and your soul immediately becomes lighter and more optimistic.

3. Envy and bad education

. It was simply not explained to people that poking one’s nose into other people’s affairs is bad manners.

4. Character traits

. An extroverted nature and an influential person, accustomed to being in the center of events, have little life of their own. She has an almost physiological need to insert advice into the personal space of her comrades and colleagues.

5. The desire to receive bright emotions

. Often, discussing fresh gossip causes awe, ecstasy, excitement, and the release of pleasure hormones.

6. Lack of a full life, filled with events and impressions

. It’s easy to compensate if you immerse yourself in someone else’s life. The squabbles and quarrels that take place behind the neighbor’s wall can be more interesting than a Brazilian TV series.

7. Banal boredom

. Sometimes people simply have nothing better to do – for example, in the workplace.

It’s much more pleasant to spend time cleaning up other people’s bones than preparing an annual report. Moreover, if the group of women is older (the weaker sex has cravings in their blood).

In our country, the concept of personal boundaries is very blurred. In both decorous English and American society, only those closest to you (say, parents, best friends, spouses) can ask intimate questions.

The same applies to face-to-face discussions, advice, and criticism. In our country, any passer-by, even the station toilet cleaner, can give out their weighty five kopecks. And she really doesn’t give a damn about all these personal boundaries, intimate zones and other people’s freedoms.

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