Life is Happiness. Mother Teresa Quotes

She was called the kindest, most loving and influential woman in the world. And her whole life is the most famous event of the 20th century. These words are about a small, fragile nun, an exceptional person whose achievements amaze with their greatness. Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize and was canonized as a saint. Phrases from her speeches are among the most quoted. And in many of her words people find answers to their life questions.

We invite you to read quotes, sayings and aphorisms from Mother Teresa about love, the meaning of life, good and evil, and family. There is so much depth and wisdom here...

Joy is a net of love for catching souls

Mother Teresa. Quotes, sayings about love


If you judge someone, then you have no time to love him.


Joy is a net of love for catching souls.


The most important medicine is tender love and care.


I know only one thing for sure: if people loved each other more, our lives would become much better.


Whatever you do, do it with love or don’t do it at all.


Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband and at your children - no matter who you smile at - it will help you to love people more.


The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.


God doesn't expect you to succeed, God expects you to try. In order for the lamp to shine, you need to constantly add oil to it. Create small things, but with great love.


It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not so easy to love those close to you.


We cannot do great things - only small things with great love.


Love should not and cannot be an end in itself, because in this case it loses its meaning and significance.


The proud are always offended. A humble person never gets angry because nothing offends him. The proud seeks special love for himself. A humble person loves himself, without expecting anything in return!


Love, and let love be as natural to you as breathing. Don't demand anything. Don't expect anything. If something comes to you, be grateful. If nothing comes, then it doesn’t need to come.


If you are disappointed in one person, do not punish another. All people are different. Don't lose your ability to trust, believe and love.


Spread love wherever you go - especially in your own home.


Love is a fruit that ripens at any time and that any hand can reach.


Love is the only thing in the world that becomes greater when shared with someone.


Love is an art, it requires training, just like acquiring any skill. Good doctors, musicians, artists, and athletes practice for hours to improve their skills and abilities. It's the same with love.


The hunger for love is much more difficult to satisfy than the hunger for bread.

Life is so beautiful, don’t ruin it. Life is your life, fight for it! Mother Teresa

A scary and common occurrence

One autumn day in 1946, she had to face a terrible scene, but one that fit well into the usual life of Calcutta. A woman who was dying of leprosy was brought to the hospital gates. This is a terrible disease, and her whole body was covered with scabs and gave off a foul odor. The disease is all the more terrible because usually the relatives of the sick person try to abandon the dying person. That woman was abandoned by her own son right in the middle of the street. Her body was eaten by ants and rats, but she was still alive. Nobody wanted to help her; the dying woman was not admitted to the hospital. And why, if she is doomed anyway? Sister Teresa, approaching her, could not stand the stench, she ran away and began to pray that the Almighty would give her the strength to help this woman. Then she returned, washed the beggar, and talked to her. The woman died with a smile on her lips.

Our lives would be empty without our loved ones

Mother Teresa. Quotes, sayings about life, the meaning of life


When you receive another blow from life, tell yourself: “Things could have been much worse,” and smile!


Don't forget that we need each other. Our life would be empty without our loved ones.


Life is Happiness. Life is a chance, don't miss it. Life is beauty, marvel at it. Life is a dream, make it come true. Life is a duty, fulfill it. Life is a game, so play it. Life is love, so love. Life is a mystery, solve it. Life is a tragedy, endure it. Life is an adventure, take it on. Life is life, save it! Life is happiness, create it yourself. Life is worth living. Don't destroy your Life!

A good deed does not necessarily mean financial assistance. Let it be just a smile. After all, a smile is a sign of peace. Mother Teresa

Calcutta at that time

Mother Teresa's journey began in India, a country known for its poverty. At the beginning of the last century, Calcutta was a city whose environment could horrify any resident of Europe. There were miserable shacks near the walls of luxurious palaces. In the bushes you could accidentally step on a dangerous poisonous snake. People were born and died on huge accumulations of garbage. For 16 years, in this environment, Mother Teresa taught the girls school subjects - history and geography.

But the nun’s missionary activity was not limited to this. In 1948, having received permission from Rome to become a free missionary nun, Mother Teresa left the walls of the monastery. She bought a cheap white sari with a blue border from the market and disappeared into the city slums. Mother Teresa decided to take on the most difficult mission - to help those who are dying to pass into another world.

Kind words are easy to say, but their echo lives long in human hearts

Mother Teresa. Quotes, sayings about good and evil


It’s not difficult to say kind words, but their echo lives long in human hearts.


Words of encouragement and greetings may be short, but they have an endless echo.


I will never join the anti-war movement. Call me when there is a peace movement.


I don’t know exactly what awaits us after death, but I am convinced that the Lord will not ask how many good deeds you have done in life. He will ask how much love you put into what you did.


The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.


To defeat evil, we need love and compassion.

A child is God’s best gift to every family. Mother Teresa "About the Family"

Early years

The death of his father was a very difficult experience for the whole family. There are well-known quotes from Mother Teresa in which she recalls those times: “Yes, it was really difficult for us then. However, my mother taught us not to lose heart, to pray and help those who are even more difficult. And perhaps that is why, thanks to her faith, we could appreciate life and be a happy family even after the death of our father. Our house was known to many poor people in the area, and every day one of the poor people dined with us. And none of them left our house empty-handed.”

Already at the age of 12, Agnes decided that she would devote her life to serving the Almighty. But she did not want to live within the walls of a monastic monastery. The desire to save her own soul at all costs through seclusion and incessant prayer seemed to her no less selfish than constant vigil for material wealth. This attitude is evidenced by the famous quote from Mother Teresa: “The greatest poverty is the poverty of the heart.”

Having reached adulthood, the girl left the cozy parental home. She embarked on a missionary path, joining the Order of the Loreto Sisters. At the Sorbonne, Agnes studied the basics of medicine and already in 1929 she went to Calcutta. Since then, it could be seen in those places where human suffering can in no way be compared with the ideas about it that have formed in the minds of wealthy European residents.

I pray for all families that they will grow in holiness and love for each other

Mother Teresa. Quotes, sayings about family


To create a family, it is enough to love. And to save, you need to learn to endure and forgive.


I pray for all families that they will grow in holiness and love for each other.


If you want to make the whole world happy, go home and love your family. Loneliness and the feeling that no one needs you is the most terrible type of poverty.


Children can best learn to love and pray in the family by seeing their mother and father love and pray. When families fall apart and are separated, many children grow up unable to love and pray.


Father and mother are so busy with work and careers that they don’t have time to take care of their children, just talk to them. Everyone lives on their own. Is this family? Children from such a family go out onto the street so as not to feel unloved and rejected.


When the family is strong and loving, children see God's love in the love of their parents and, growing up, strive to make their entire country a place of love and prayer.


There are so many broken families around - the wife here, the husband there. Why did these families break up? I think because the husband and wife never prayed together. God had never seen them pray together. Family happiness cannot be built without prayer. Prayer strengthens and unites the family. After all, even in old age, no one is immune from temptation.


Think, maybe in your own family someone feels lonely, someone is sick, someone is worried... Are you ready to take on the troubles of your loved ones? Or do we put our own interests above all else?

From a material point of view, you have everything in this world, but your heart is sad; don’t worry about what you don’t have, just go and serve people: hold their hands in yours and express love; if you follow this advice, you will shine like a beacon. Mother Teresa


Quotes from Mother Teresa are the words of a person who knew what human suffering, illness, and death were. “Suffering helps us remember God and get closer to him,” the nun wrote. Mother Teresa's secular name is Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was born on August 26, 1910 in Macedonia. Agnes was the youngest of three children in the family of a construction contractor. She grew up as a talented and obedient girl - in the future she dreamed of becoming a writer, a music teacher, or a missionary. From childhood, Agnes was very religious - she sang in the church choir, and together with her mother, she took food and clothing to the sick in city hospitals.

The mother sought to teach her children compassion and love for others. She wanted the children to realize that they were lucky to be born in a warm and comfortable home, to have clothing and food. However, there are many people in the world who do not have all this. They have nothing to wear, no money for food or treatment. One of Mother Teresa's most frequently cited quotes is when she responded to a journalist who had watched her and other sisters tend to the dying. “I wouldn’t do this job for a million dollars!” - the journalist exclaimed. To which the nun replied: “For a million dollars, I wouldn’t do it either - only for the love of God.”

Help for the Dying

Mother Teresa cared for the terminally ill so that they could die gracefully. Here is a quote from Mother Teresa in which we can trace how important this mission was to her: “I wanted people who lived like animals to have the opportunity to die like angels. This is a beautiful death." At first, the townspeople believed that the nun wanted to challenge local beliefs. However, after she picked up a priest of a pagan temple dying of cholera and took him to the hospital, this attitude changed.

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