Whatever happens - go! About goals in quotes and aphorisms

2 Quotes and Aphorisms 04/10/2019

Today, dear readers, I would like to talk to you about such a complex concept as a goal. And not necessarily in its global manifestation. After all, goals can be different: large, such as a goal in life, and small, but no less important.

The goal is always development, moving forward. Of course, there are obstacles, difficulties, and obstacles along the way of this movement. And here it is very important not to give up, not to lose faith in yourself and continue to move forward. Let it be slow. The main thing is forward.

Today for you is a selection of very interesting and wise quotes and aphorisms about goals. They will be useful in achieving goals of any scale. And some of them will make you think and, perhaps, look at some things from a different angle.

To reach your goal, you must first go!

Doubting your abilities is an absolutely normal state for a person. Will I be able to? Will I be able to? – we ask ourselves. Motivational quotes and aphorisms for achieving your goals will give you confidence and strengthen your faith in yourself and your strengths.

“Half the people give up on their goal because no one told them, “I believe in you, you can do it!”

“There are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.”

“The only obstacle to our tomorrow’s achievements is our doubts today.”

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

“To reach the goal, you must first go.”

Honore de Balzac

“A bullet that whistles an inch from its target is as useless as one that never left the muzzle.”

James Fenimore Cooper

“Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.”

Paulo Coelho

“Give a man a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation.”

Johann Goethe

“Do you know what our most common mistake is? We give up quickly. We quickly abandon the goal, justifying it with the banal “what can you do, it’s not fate.” But sometimes, in order to get what you want, you have to try one more time. Knock, come back, try a second time... And even if it doesn’t work out again, don’t waste time on self-torture. You cannot dwell not only on what has been achieved, but also on what has not been achieved. To get to your goal, you must first walk.”

Elchin Safarli

“Whatever the goal, it cannot be achieved until a person casts aside fear and takes flight.”

Richard Branson

“Everyone gets tired on the way to their goal. Even the strongest. Only they, unlike the others, continue to walk toward the goal in silence, gritting their teeth.”

“The longer you go towards your goal, the closer it gets. Too many people give up one step before winning. Remember: others will take this step for you.”

“Whatever happens, go! You are getting closer and closer to your goal every day!”

No dreams - no goals

Any goal begins with a dream about it. But quotes and aphorisms about dreams and goals very wisely remind us that without decisive action and effort, our dreams will remain just dreams.

“A person needs dreams no less than air. However, dreams do not need to be breathed - they need to be turned into reality. Small steps, great efforts, overcoming hundreds of difficulties. The main thing is not to stop."

Elchin Safarli

“By choosing the wrong definitions of a dream, we follow a phantom goal along a false road that has no final destination.”

Marina Matisse

“Setting goals is the first step towards turning dreams into reality.”

Tony Robbins

“Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to realize it.”

Richard Bach

“If you don’t have a dream and a goal in life, then you have to work for someone who does.”

“Dream. Imagine the goal, and most importantly, how you achieve it. Visualize your path to achieving your goal step by step. And at the end, when you have reached your goal, imagine these sensations. These emotions will give you hope."

“Not a single ship leaves the port without a clear route. Your dream and goal are your route!”

“It’s never too late to set a new goal or have a new dream.”

“A goal differs from a dream only in the amount of paper used.”

“Yesterday is a dream, today is a goal, tomorrow is reality.”

“A goal without a plan is just a dream.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“The strong make a dream a goal, the weak make a goal a dream.”

“Steps turn dreams into goals.”

“Any dreams come true when desires turn into goals.”

“A goal is distinguished from a dream by action. Make your dream a goal and start acting!”

“- My goal is to realize my dream! - What is your dream? “I dream of achieving my goal someday.”

“Dreams are destined to come true. You just need to replace the words: “dream” with “goal”, “desire” with “task”, “aspiration” with “action”.

“Go to sleep with a dream, wake up with a goal!”

Tips for getting the most out of quotes

Motivation is a necessary element for achieving success. You can and should gain inspiration by re-reading motivational texts to achieve your goal. There are several tips and psychological techniques to get results:

  1. You can create motivational pictures to achieve your goal or download them. You can print them out and create a motivation board.
  2. Re-read inspirational sayings at least once a week. Create a list of your favorite quotes.
  3. When reading a self-development book, stock up on markers. Don't be afraid to highlight important ideas in books. This will help structure your knowledge and broaden your horizons.
  4. Create a separate note or buy a notepad to write down quotes. Reread them every morning as affirmations while you are having breakfast or driving to work.

For greater results, it is recommended to install an image on your desktop with a motivating statement. Gradually your thinking will change and become more positive. You will stop being afraid of mistakes and begin to perceive them as part of the work process.

The purpose of life is life itself!

When we set a goal for ourselves, our life changes a lot. It is filled with meaning, and we ourselves become somehow more energetic and collected. This is very accurately reflected in quotes and aphorisms about the purpose in life.

“When you start living with purpose, everything instantly falls into place. Living with purpose means doing what you love, what you are good at, and what you consider important to yourself.”

Jack Canfield

“In the life of every person there are two most important days: the first is when he was born, and the second is when he realized why.”

William Barclay

“If the whole purpose of our life consisted in our personal happiness, and our personal happiness consisted only in love alone, then life would truly be a dark desert... But praise to eternal reason, praise to protective providence! There is also a great world of life for man, besides the inner world of the heart - the world of historical contemplation and social activity.”

Vissarion Belinsky

“You need to set yourself a definite goal in life... Of course, you need to have enough common sense to set yourself tasks within your capabilities.”

Nikolay Ostrovsky

“If only people knew that the goal of humanity is not material progress, that this progress is inevitable growth, and there is one goal - the good of all people.”

Lev Tolstoy

“Striving forward is the purpose of life. Let your whole life be an aspiration, and then there will be highly beautiful hours in it.”

Maksim Gorky

“Our whole life is a striving for a goal. From beginning to end, it is presented in the form of a hierarchy of goals, some of which are subordinated to others as means. There are goals that are desirable not in themselves, but for the sake of something else: for example, you need to work in order to eat and drink. But there is also a goal that is desirable in itself. Each of us has something infinitely dear for which he lives. Everyone, consciously or unconsciously, presupposes a goal or value for which it is certainly worth living. This goal, or what is also the meaning of life, is an irremovable assumption, necessarily connected with life as such, and that is why no failures can stop humanity in the search for this meaning.”

Evgeny Trubetskoy

“You don’t have to be too moral, otherwise you risk indulging in self-deception. Your goal must be higher than morality. You have to be not just good, but good for the sake of something.”

Henry D. Thoreau

“The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal.”

Maksim Gorky

“To the extent that a man spends himself for a great purpose, to the same extent does he find the highest happiness in his work.”

Booker Washington T.

“Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing more than the desire for good.”

Lev Tolstoy

“Life is boring without a moral goal, it’s not worth living just to eat, the worker knows this - therefore, life requires a moral occupation.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

“First, don’t do anything without a reason or purpose. Secondly, don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit society.”

Marcus Aurelius

The goal must be useful, socially significant, attractive

Quotes and aphorisms about the purpose in life


To do something, you simply need to have a goal so that the actions have an achievement in the end result!


The goal you set must be carefully considered.


The goal must be useful, socially significant, and attractive.


What people usually call friendship is, in essence, only an alliance, the purpose of which is the mutual preservation of benefits and the exchange of good services; the most disinterested friendship is nothing more than a deal in which our pride always expects to win something. La Rochefoucauld


Life without a goal is like food without salt, you can eat it, but it’s not tasty. If a person has a goal, he will live a hundred years, but if there is no goal, he will barely open his eyes even for a day. The goal, what is the goal in our life - that's everything, as long as you strive somewhere and you have a goal, you live. Thank God for giving you a purpose in life - this is your main wealth. Maria Nogaeva


If selfish well-being is the only goal of life, life quickly becomes purposeless. Rolland


A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delight. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich


The purpose of life is self-expression. To manifest our essence in its entirety is what we live for. Wilde Oscar


The main goal should be divided into a number of intermediate ones.


Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything stops. The goal is lost, and the strength is gone. V. Hugo


To choose the right goal, you need to know a lot.


When selfish happiness is the only goal of life, life very soon becomes devoid of purpose.


When life's struggle has already turned into a conscious striving for a specific goal, then a person can already consider himself happy. D. Pisarev

Decorate your life with bright goals: a person is where he goes. Maria Berestova

Life goes breathless without an aim

What is a goal anyway? Is it really necessary for a person? Is it really impossible to live life happily without her? Wise quotes and aphorisms about purpose convince us that life without purpose is empty and uninteresting.

“A mind that has no definite purpose is lost; to be everywhere is to be nowhere.”

Michel de Montaigne

“A man grows as his goals grow.”

Friedrich Schiller

“To set all his forces in motion, a person needs to place before himself some noble goal that can inspire him.”

Joseph Ernest Renan

“Nothing in history is done without conscious intention, without a desired goal.”

Friedrich Engels

“It is inherent in the concept of a person that his final goal should be unattainable, and his path to it should be endless.”

Johann G. Fichte

“The purpose of the world is for reason to reign.”

Joseph Ernest Renan

“Whoever hits further than the target misses just as much as the one who misses the target.”

Michel de Montaigne

“I respect people who know exactly what they want. Most of the troubles around the world come from people not being clear enough about their goals. When they begin to erect a building, they spend too little effort on the foundation so that the tower can stand.”

Johann Goethe

“To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed.”

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

“By mistaking the means for the end, people are disappointed in themselves and others, due to which nothing comes of all their activities or the opposite of what they strived for.”

Johann Goethe

“To find your way, to know your place - this is everything for a person, this means for him to become himself.”

Vissarion Belinsky

“They will no longer reach the goal in time. She was left too far behind."

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“The goal of all the activities of the intellect is to transform some “miracle” into something comprehensible.”

Albert Einstein

“If people don’t laugh at your goals, then your goals are too small.”

Azim Premji

“Have a goal for your whole life, a goal for a certain time, a goal for the year, for the month, for the week, for the day, and for the hour, and for the minute, sacrificing the lower goals to the higher.”

Lev Tolstoy

A goal seems unattainable until it is achieved.

Setting a goal is half the battle. How to achieve it - that is the question. Quotes and aphorisms about achieving goals organize, inspire, and help not to give up at the first failure.

“The easier a goal is to achieve, the weaker the desire for it.”

Pliny the Younger

“Set only achievable goals for yourself.”

Quintus Horace Flaccus

“If you don’t have a goal, you don’t do anything, and you don’t do anything great if the goal is insignificant.”

Denny Diderot

“If you set out for your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

“Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make his own path, like the stars, calmly, not in a hurry, but constantly striving towards the intended goal.”

Johann Goethe

“Through the achievement of great goals, a person discovers in himself a great character, which makes him a beacon for others.”

Georg Hegel

“To improve the morals of his time is the goal to which every writer should strive, if he does not want to be only an “entertainer of the public.”

Honore de Balzac

“Achieving the highest virtues is the goal of man. You should not set yourself any limits in achieving them.”

Grigory Skovoroda

“Directness does not provide the shortest path to the goal.”

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“To achieve a goal, efficiency is needed no less than knowledge.”

Pierre Beaumarchais

“To be one step away from the goal or not to approach it at all is, in essence, the same thing.”

Gotthold E. Lessing

“Knowing the goal you are striving for is prudence, achieving this goal is correctness of vision, stopping at it is strength, going further than the goal is audacity.”

Charles Duclos

“When it seems to you that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change the plan of action.”


“The secret of success is persistence in achieving your goal.”

Benjamin Disraeli

“To achieve a goal, it makes sense to do exactly what will have the greatest impact on the result.”

Nikolai Latansky

“The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achieving a goal. The antidote to this is to think every evening that you can do better tomorrow.”

Ingvar Kamprad

“I cannot control the direction of the wind, but I can always set the sails in such a way as to achieve my goal.”

Oscar Wilde

Quotes about achieving goals (242 quotes)

The best motivation in life is the wise sayings of great and famous people - leaders, scientists, successful entrepreneurs. Their quotes about achieving a goal in a person’s life will become your motto and will help you not to lose faith in your own strengths and make your dream come true. If you want to achieve significant heights in life, you cannot hope and expect that plans will come true on their own. The path to success must begin with setting a goal, defining a plan of action and, of course, motivation. At a minimum, it is necessary to answer the question: what is the greatest goal of your life? Statistically, people who move forward according to a plan are more likely to achieve success. Remember that the whole world lies at your feet, it is important to correctly define your goal and strive to achieve it every day. Quotes about achieving goals are presented in this collection.

Each person individually and everyone together has, one might say, a certain goal, in pursuit of which they choose one thing and avoid another.


If you have a long journey ahead of you, don’t try to look beyond the horizon; you’ll trip over the first stump. Place a pole, place it neither far nor close, so that there is a perspective and the pole is clearly visible. Walk towards her slowly, but confidently and with dignity. When you get there, rearrange it again and go. The main thing is the inexorability of movement.

Nikolay I. Leonov

Free trade is not a principle, but a means to an end.

Benjamin Disraeli

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

He who believes in his luck is lucky.

K. Goebbel

If you want to achieve the goal of your aspiration, ask more politely about the road you have lost your way.

William Shakespeare

I use any means to achieve my goal.

Leonardo da Vinci

Satisfaction comes from effort, not from achieving a goal.

Gandhi Mahatma K.

If you work towards your goals, then those goals will work for you.

D. Ron

I am constantly in the process of achieving my goal and I am very happy about it. The difference is that other people need to sleep, but I always said that I would sleep in the next world.

Jared D. Leto

Often what you strived for - after achieving the goal - becomes something to which you are absolutely indifferent.

Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin)

Happiness lies in the joy of achieving a goal and the thrill of creative effort.

Franklin Roosevelt

You must treat yourself today as a person who has achieved success.

D. Ron

If work is just a means to an end, it cannot be of high quality.

Eckhart Tolle

If you want to achieve a goal, don't try to be subtle or smart. Use rough methods. Hit the target immediately. Go back and hit again. Then hit again, with a strong shoulder blow.

Winston Churchill

Lies, lies, lies... Lies for salvation, lies for atonement for guilt, lies for achieving a goal, lies for a career, prosperity, orders, apartment... Lies! All of Russia was covered with lies like a scab.

Vasily Shukshin

Not only advisable, but also necessary.

Cicero Marcus Tullius

Without great obstacles there can be no great achievements!


The best motivation for a man to achieve any heights and goals will always be a worthy woman next to him.

Unknown author

It is impossible to talk about any great achievements and successes as long as there are unfortunate children on earth.

Albert Einstein

Start every morning by reading the list of the richest people. If you're not there, get to work.

R. Orben

Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets.

P. Bauet

People ask me: how to stay active? It's very simple. Count your achievements and dreams in your mind. If your dreams are greater than your achievements, then you are still young. If it's the other way around, you're old.

Shimon Peres

Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is a process, not a result; it is an effort, not a triumph. Success is a personal standard, it is achieving the maximum of what we can while becoming the best we can be.

Zig Ziglar

Don't betray your goal! Change your tactics and strategy to achieve it.

Olexa Dovbush

Success is being on time.

M. Tsvetaeva

Set yourself only achievable goals.

Horace Quintus Horace Flaccus

Remaining yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

To dream means to strive for happiness, believing that no matter how difficult its achievement may be, everything will be exactly as you dream!

Unknown author

Many envy the result, but few envy the path to achieve it. Unknown author

The result justifies the action.


Each time you need to jump off a cliff and grow wings on the way down.

Ray Bradbury

Most people never achieve anything in life because they spend all their time and energy achieving other people's goals.

Natalia Grace

Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material wealth, all great discoveries and inventions, as well as all achievements.

Claude Bristol

Many people live in hope for the future, and such people are always dissatisfied. They hope for quick success - winning the lottery or something like that.

I know goals are important. And money is important. But the main thing is this: money is a means to an end, not the end itself. And what happens to you now is just as important as what you plan for the future. So even though my calendar is filled months in advance, I teach

tried to live for today.

Richard Branson

The world belongs to optimists, pessimists are just spectators.

F. Guizot

He who is everywhere is nowhere.

Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The secret of success is to know something that no one else knows.

A. Onassis

The greatest achievement in the world was originally just a dream.

James Allen

When your children achieve something, it is much more important than your own achievements!

Unknown author

Some people live to achieve a goal, but what happens when the day comes and the goal is achieved? Can you imagine that the goal will be achieved? And then what? Maybe those who believe that the goal is life are right, and life is the most precious thing, and everything that serves life is moral.

Letters to my son

You can be invincible if you do not enter into any battle in which victory does not depend on you.


In serious matters, one should care not so much about creating favorable opportunities as about not missing them.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The only obstacle on the way to our tomorrow's achievements is our doubts today.

Franklin Roosevelt

If you want to achieve a goal, you must “see it happening” in your mind before you actually achieve it.

Zig Ziglar

Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential to achieving success in life, in all areas of life. The good news is that everyone can develop them!

Zig Ziglar

There are people who live without any purpose, they pass through the world as if they were blades of grass in a river, they don’t walk, they are carried along.

Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The only way to get to the top of the ladder is to take it one step at a time. And in the process of this ascent, you will suddenly discover in yourself all the necessary qualities, skills and abilities needed to achieve success, which you seemingly never possessed.

Margaret Thatcher

Money as such has no meaning. They are just a tool to achieve certain goals, and you need to understand what they can do and, most importantly, what they cannot do.

Bruce Lee

Let it be our highest goal to speak as we feel, and to live as we speak.

Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Anyone can give up - it's the easiest thing in the world. But to continue, even when everyone around you accepted and would forgive you for your defeat - this is where real strength lies.

I want it. So it will be.

G. Ford

Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to make it come true. However, you may have to work hard for this.

Richard Bach

No goal is so high as to justify unworthy means to achieve it.

Albert Einstein

No one really knows how you feel, what you really strive for, or what you actually try to do to achieve certain goals. Hell, I myself don’t even know what I’ve been striving for all this time. The only thing I knew was that I didn't want to be just part of a huge system called "society."

Johnny Depp

The ultimate goal of any human activity is to achieve peace.

Sigmund Freud

It is bad if the authorities test their strength through insults; it is bad if respect is acquired by horror; With love you will achieve what you want much sooner than with fear.

Pliny the Younger

If you try, you have two options: it will work or it won’t. And if you don't try, there is only one option.

If work is just a means to an end, it cannot be of high quality.

Eckhart Tolle

Be modest, disarming, and downplay your virtues and achievements. Save your cruelty and ability to be menacing for those cases when it is really necessary.

Donald Trump

To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing. Go.

Honore de Balzac

The easier a goal is to achieve, the weaker the desire for it.

Pliny the Younger

Before celebrating a victory, make sure you have achieved it. Serge Goodman

Nothing helps you master the art of swearing like assembly and operating instructions.

Gennady Moskvin

Any significant person wants something and, moreover, is ready to use any means to achieve his goal.

Paul Joseph Goebbels

You will never cross the ocean if you are afraid of losing sight of the shore.

H. Columbus

The desire to succeed without hard work is similar to the desire to harvest where you did not plant the seeds. David Bligh

I never set goals for myself. American culture is entirely based on the category of goal and how to achieve it. But I'm an Englishman from Australia, and goals limit us.

Hugh Jackman

Wealthy people see a goal and take responsibility for achieving it, personally invest in this work, approach problems creatively and do not blame anyone if something goes wrong. The main thing is to understand that your well-being and well-being depend on your own decisions.

Dmitry Vasilievich Breytenbicher

Plans are just a set of intentions. If they do not immediately develop into concrete actions aimed at achieving your goals. But it is important to remember that every minute spent on planning will later save a huge amount of time and money.

Dmitry Vasilievich Breytenbicher

To swim against the current, a fish must be strong; even a dead fish can swim with the current.

John Crow Ransom

Something pure does not become worse if bad people take care of it; in general, it is the lot of the good.

Pliny the Younger

Defeat is just one of the options for the development of events that must be discarded as unnecessary.

Joan Landen

Decisiveness: Persistence in achieving a goal that you approve of. Stubbornness: persistence in pursuing a goal that you do not approve of.

Ambrose Gwyneth Bierce

The starting point of any achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in your memory. Weak desires produce weak results, just as a small amount of fire produces a small amount of heat.

Napoleon Hill

Concentrate all your efforts on achieving what you want so that you don’t have time to fear what you don’t want.

Napoleon Hill

We are born to be persistent, because only through persistence will we know what we are truly worth.

Tobias Wolf

To achieve success, you need to do only 2 things: clearly define what you really want, and then pay the required amount for it all.

Nelson Bunker Hunt

If the goal is legal, the means are also legal.

Unknown author

Define your goals! Work to achieve them! Direct your thoughts, control your emotions, act, and you will become the true creator of your destiny. You will find the answers you need if you look for them.

Napoleon Hill

I don't believe in luck, Sam "Luck" is the label that mediocrity places on the achievements of geniuses.

Robert Anson Heinlein

Exceptional people, creators, intellectual giants are not restrained by the majority. In fact, it is they, the minority, who bring the entire free society up to the level of their achievements, rising higher and higher.

While the majority was gradually realizing the value of the car, a talented minority offered society an airplane. The concept of selfishness

Ayn Rand

Dreams are like stars... you may never reach them, but if you reach for them, they will lead you to your destiny.

Gail Deavers

Great careers, great achievements are born from the meeting of character, genius and luck.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Happiness lies in the joy of achieving a goal and the thrill of creative effort.

Franklin Roosevelt

It’s not without reason that people came up with the phrase: “This should be celebrated! " By celebrating your achievements, you reinforce the connection between success and reward in your subconscious. Subsequently, you will unconsciously strive for new successes in order to receive rewards. Your subconscious will help you overcome laziness and begin to motivate you to conquer new heights.

Christina Kashkan

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

Unknown author

Praise yourself for what you have already achieved and don't get discouraged.

Salma Hayek

If you want to be better than others, then get ready to do what others don't want to do. Mike Phelps

If you are not ready to work, then you are ready to lose.

Mark Spitz

The sleeper will get nothing but dreams.

Serena Williams

The teacher said, “Seeing good in front of me, I run forward as if I’m afraid to fall behind. Seeing evil in front of me, I run away as if I had stepped foot into boiling water.” I have heard such words and seen such people. “I live in solitude in order to achieve my goal, and I follow what is necessary in order to prevent my truth.” I have heard these words, but I have never met such a person.

Confucius (Kun Tzu)

If you're not going to go all the way, why are you even doing it?

Joe Namath

There may be people more talented than you, but you will not find excuses if someone works harder than you.

Derek Jeter

Practice. Learn. Always be prepared.

Derek Jeter

Achieving your goals requires patience and enthusiasm. Think globally - but be realistic.

Donald Trump

The goal of every good action is to love what is worthy of love, to hate what is worthy of hatred, to enjoy what is worthy of pleasure, and to enjoy what is beneficial. What is bad is to use what you should enjoy, enjoy what you should use, hate what you love and love what you hate.

Lorenzo Pisano

If you want to have little time, then do nothing.

It’s easier to do something well right away than to explain later why it was done poorly. Longfellow

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; In fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed.

F. La Rochefoucauld

A mind that has no definite purpose is lost; to be everywhere is to be nowhere.

Michel de Montaigne

If you want to start a new life, you must not only close the door to the past, but also lose the key to it. Endlessly returning to the past is psychological masturbation.

Irina Rodnina

Each of us always has a choice: to concentrate on the next obstacle or to shift our attention to the final goal. Many people spend a lot of time constantly struggling with problems instead of taking real steps towards achieving their goals.

If you work for the present, your work will come out insignificant; one must work with only the future in mind.

If you want to achieve the goal of your aspiration, ask more politely about the road you have lost your way.

William Shakespeare

When a person has many directions to go, in general, he has nowhere to go.

Ilf Petrov

Random successes have never led anyone to victory.

The biggest mistake is experiencing a mistake.

It is not those people who do not achieve their goal who are deprived of insight, but those who pass by it.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Victory goes not to the one who is compliant, but to the one who is stronger.

Successful people know what they want, unsuccessful people know what they don’t want.

You will never solve all your problems if you have too much free time. Make sure you never have any free time.

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Believing in yourself is an essential condition for achieving success. Believe, be sure to believe that everything will work out for you and you will achieve your goal.

The decision to move forward so as not to become a victim of circumstances.

By persistently overcoming all obstacles and without being distracted, you can surely achieve your chosen goal or arrive at your intended place.

Some people strive so passionately and persistently for the object of their desires that, fearing losing it, they do everything in their power to really miss it.

Jean de La Bruyère

With the proper choice of allies, victory in any conflict can be guaranteed.

If you want to achieve maximum effectiveness, you must use your power openly and honestly.

If you can't win fairly, just win!

You have found yourself a devoted friend, if, having risen, he has not become acquainted with you.

Jean de La Bruyère

A person lacks the wisdom to rest on his laurels.

Daniel Defoe

We judge ourselves by what we are able to achieve; others judge us by what we have achieved.

Henry W. Longfellow

When we strive for something, this something appears to us in an exclusively positive light; but now the goal has been achieved, and now only the negative aspects of our enterprise are striking.

Jonathan Swift

Even if I achieve nothing, even if my calculations are wrong, even if I burst and fail, it’s all the same - I’m going. I'm going because I want to.

Fyodor M. Dostoevsky

Feed your mind with great thoughts because you can never go higher than you think.

Benjamin Disraeli

To achieve your goal, efficiency is needed no less than knowledge.

Pierre Beaumarchais

Winning is not the most important thing; that's the only thing!

Without great obstacles there can be no great achievements!


Most writers consider the truth to be their most valuable asset - which is why they use it so sparingly.

Mark Twain

Remaining yourself in a world where everyone is trying to change you is the highest achievement.

Ralph W. Emerson

Small offenses entail punishment, major ones - rewards.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Making a mistake is also an achievement. Thomas R. Dewar

A dollar can't fly between your ass and the sofa.

Bill Gates

True success grows from the ruins of your failures!

Vadim Zeland

It is better not to make decisions than to make and not implement them. The decision made must be implemented.

A good goal can impart value only to those means that are sufficient and actually lead to the goal.

David Hume

You should be proud of your achievements, not your jewelry.

Tina Kandelaki

Scientific research has overtaken spiritual development. We have guided missiles and unguided people.

Martin Luther King

The goal must be useful, socially significant, and attractive.

Making a name on records is not a thing, of course someone can do it, but there is a huge difference between how you do it and whether you achieve self-respect.

Kurt Cobain

The greatest achievement of the 21st century has been cowardice, hypocrisy and fear of public opinion.

Sergey Minaev

There are many ways to kill a cat, you don't have to feed it oil.

Margaret Mitchell

Fate is usually hiding around the corner. Like a pickpocket, a whore, or a lottery ticket seller; three of her most human incarnations. But what she never does is come to the house. You have to go after her yourself.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

It is human nature to value and desire above all else what he cannot achieve.

Sigmund Freud

The starting point of any achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in your memory. Weak desires produce weak results, just as a small amount of fire produces a small amount of heat.

Napoleon Hill

The goal you set must be carefully considered.

Concentrate all your efforts on achieving what you want so that you don’t have time to fear what you don’t want.

Napoleon Hill

The starting point of all achievements is desire.

Napoleon Hill

When I turned 12, one of my friends bet another guy a bag of candy that I wouldn't amount to anything. I don’t know whether this dispute was resolved and in whose favor.

Stephen Hawking

Sometimes a blow misses its target, but intention cannot miss.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

When you are resilient to what people say about you and unafraid of any challenge, you can harness the power of love and use energy creatively to achieve abundance and growth.

Deepak Chopra

Any “good times” are always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back.

Donald Trump

Do not think, no matter how great you are, that you have achieved everything and comprehended everything.

Yusuf Balasaguni

The goal you set must match your capabilities.

Whoever wants to achieve greatness must, as Goethe said, be able to limit himself. Whoever, on the contrary, wants everything, actually wants nothing and will achieve nothing. Hegel

I have what I have because I sacrificed a lot.

Cristiano Ronaldo

We usually quickly forget about our successes and focus on failures. This is wrong, we must always remember our achievements - they give us the strength to take new milestones.

Alexander Sviyash

Reason shows us the goal, and passions lead us away from it.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

If a person throws a spear at a target all day, he will eventually hit it.

M.T. Cicero

The goal of every good action is to love what is worthy of love, to hate what is worthy of hatred, to enjoy what is worthy of pleasure and to use what is beneficial. What is bad is to use what you should enjoy, enjoy what you should use, hate what you love and love what you hate.

Lorenzo Pisano

The past and present are our means, only the future is our goal.

B. Pascal

If you don't have a goal, you don't do anything, and you don't do anything great if the goal is insignificant.

Denis Diderot

Just as peace is the end of war, so idleness is the end of employment.


When we strive for something, this something appears to us in an exclusively positive light; but now the goal has been achieved, and now only the negative aspects of our enterprise are striking.

J. Swift

A good goal can impart value only to those means that are sufficient and actually lead to the goal.

D. Hume

To be just one step away from the goal or not to get closer to it at all is, in essence, the same thing.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Each person individually and everyone together has, one might say, a certain goal, in pursuit of which they choose one thing and avoid another.


Man and, in general, every rational being exists as an end in itself.

I. Kant

The slowest man, unless he loses sight of his goal, walks faster than the one who wanders aimlessly.

G.E. Lessing

To achieve your goal, efficiency is needed no less than knowledge.

Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

Achieving the highest virtues is the goal of man. You should not set any limits for yourself in achieving them.

G.S. Pan

If you don't have a goal, you don't do anything, and you don't do anything great if the goal is insignificant.

D. Diderot

Sometimes a blow misses its target, but intention cannot miss.

J-J. Rousseau

Do not deviate from your goal for a single day - this is a means of extending time, and, moreover, a very sure means, although it is not easy to use.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Reason shows us the goal, and passions lead us away from it.

J-J. Rousseau

True science knows neither likes nor dislikes: its only goal is truth.

W. Grove

The purpose of life is self-expression. The highest duty is duty to oneself.

O. Wilde

High goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

If a person is healthy and has a goal, he does not think about whether he is happy or not. Sometimes he doesn't even think about whether others are happy or not.

J.B. Show

The goal can only be achieved when the means itself are already thoroughly imbued with the own nature of the goal.

F. Lassalle

An end that requires wrong means is not a right end.

K. Marx

I respect people who know exactly what they want. Most of the troubles around the world come from people not being clear enough about their goals. When they begin to erect a building, they spend too little effort on the foundation for the tower to stand.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Have a goal for your whole life, a goal for a certain time, a goal for the year, for the month, for the week, for the day and for the hour and for the minute, sacrificing the lower goals to the higher ones.

L.N. Tolstoy

Satisfy all the desires of a person, but take away his purpose in life, and see what an unhappy and insignificant creature he appears.

K.D. Ushinsky

Purpose in life is the core of human dignity and human happiness.

K.D. Ushinsky

Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make their own way

like the stars, calmly, not rushing, but constantly striving towards the intended goal.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

We are fascinated by everything in which our ideal, goal and object of our desires and our love are manifested.

N.G Chernyshevsky

You have to aim above the target to hit the target.

RU. Emerson

Our life is a journey, our idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything has stopped. The goal is lost, and the strength is gone.

V. Hugo

Anyone who wants to achieve a lot must set high standards.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

To set all his forces in motion, a person needs to place some noble thing in front of him.

a goal that can inspire him.

J-E. Renan[/su_note]

It is equally difficult for a poet, a senator and a shoemaker to admit that he is not the ultimate goal of the universe and the meaning of all things. A. France

What you have achieved cannot mean more to others than to yourself.

L. Wittgenstein

Truly serious pursuit of any goal is half the success in achieving it.

Wilhelm Humboldt

When the path from the means to the end is not too long, the means become no less tempting than the end itself.

B. Russell

The end cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the means determine the nature of the end. O. Huxley

The goal itself can often be a means to achieving a further goal.

F. Brentano

Only one third is achieved through abuse, while love and concessions achieve everything.

Jean Paul

Once we finally lost sight of the goal, we redoubled our efforts.

J. Santayana

The goal can only be achieved when the means itself are already thoroughly imbued with the own nature of the goal.

A. Bergson

When you reach a goal, you realize that the path was the goal.

P. Valerie

No amount of results or achievements can correct the wrong direction.

Lev Tolstoy

The goal can only be achieved when the means itself are already thoroughly imbued with the own nature of the goal.

Ferdinand Lassalle

Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation.

I. Goethe

On the way to our goal, each of us faces many difficulties and obstacles. Sometimes it takes time to gain strength and move on. In such situations, do not be upset - they happen to everyone


Often, the wisdom and experience of older generations helps us get back on our feet. It’s good if a person has a mentor or just close people who are ready to support at the right time. Also, the aphorisms of the great, recognized by millions of people, help to tune in to achieving the goal.

Every day I work towards achieving a goal is a dream. The main thing is the process, not the end result. Dean Koontz

Through the achievement of great goals, a person discovers in himself a great character, which makes him a beacon for others.

Georg Hegel

Let every mistake teach you a great lesson: every sunset is the beginning of a very, very bright and big dawn...

Sri Chinmoy

If you have a problem, try to solve it. If you can't solve it, then don't make a problem out of it.


Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make their way like the stars - calmly, slowly, but continuously striving towards their intended goal.

I. Goethe

If you want to, but you can’t, it means you don’t really want to.

Mark Twain

Miracles happen when you risk everything for a dream that no one but you can see. You just have to believe.

Clint Eastwood

Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make bad decisions to see who is with you when everything falls apart. Paulo Coelho

The slowest man, unless he loses sight of his goal, walks faster than the one who wanders aimlessly.

G. Lessing

The height of the mountain you climbed is determined by the depth of the hole you climbed out of.


What you believe in and expect with all your soul and all your heart will definitely happen.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Having conquered pride, a person becomes pleasant. Having overcome his anger, he becomes cheerful. Having overcome passion, he becomes successful. Having overcome greed, he becomes happy.

Arabic wisdom

The end cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the means determine the nature of the end.

Aldous Huxley

You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller by stretching upward.

Maksim Gorky

We must call for, rather than wait for, inspiration to get things started. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration rarely breeds action.

Frank Tibolt

Achieving your goals requires patience and enthusiasm. Think globally - but be realistic.

Donald Trump

Whatever your goal is, you can achieve it if you are willing to work hard. Oprah Winfrey

The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achieving a goal. The antidote to this is to think every evening that you can do better tomorrow.

Ingvar Kamprad

Never, ever let others convince you that something is difficult or impossible.

Douglas Badler

Goals should be clear, simple and written down on paper. If they are not written down on paper and you review them every day, they are not goals. These are wishes.

Robert Kiyosaki

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed

La Rochefoucauld

Follow your dreams with confidence. Live the life you want to live

Henry David Thoreau

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today

Chinese proverb

How few people have their own goals. And how many people make other people’s goals their targets.

Stas Yankovsky

Determination of purpose is the starting point of all achievements

Clement Stone

A person can achieve everything that he is able to comprehend and accept with his mind

Napoleon Hill

No goal is so high that it justifies unworthy means to achieve it.


To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

To set all his forces in motion, a person needs to place in front of him some noble goal that can inspire him


Through the achievement of great goals, a person discovers in himself a great character, which makes him a beacon for others Hegel

The nature of the means must be the same as the nature of the goal, only then can the means lead to the goal. Bad means are only suitable for bad ends.

N. Chernyshevsky

The goal in life is life itself.

I. Goethe

The main sign of talent is when a person knows what he wants.

Peter Kapitsa

Don't be afraid of the future. Look at him, do not be deceived about him, but do not be afraid. Yesterday I climbed onto the captain's bridge and saw waves as huge as mountains and the bow of a ship that was confidently cutting them. And I asked myself why the ship overcomes the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? And I realized that the reason is that the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always get where we want.

Winston Churchill

You need to set yourself tasks that are higher than your strengths, firstly, because you never know them anyway, and secondly, because strength appears as you complete an unattainable task. B. Pasternak

I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles?

Does the end always justify the means, as the famous expression goes? This moral aspect has always caused heated debate. Quotes and aphorisms of great people about achieving goals claim that even the greatest undertaking can be destroyed by unworthy methods of achieving it.

“Let no one deviate a single step from the honest path under the plausible pretext that it is justified by a noble goal. Any wonderful goal can be achieved by honest means. And if you can’t, then this goal is bad.”

Charles Dickens

“No goal is so high as to justify unworthy means to achieve it.”

Albert Einstein

“Some Jesuits argue that every means is good, as long as it reaches the goal. Not true! Not true! It is unworthy to enter a clean temple with feet defiled by the mud of the road.”

Ivan Turgenev

“If a person makes something vain, that is, unimportant, insignificant, his goal, then this is not an interest in the matter, but an interest in himself.”

Georg F. Hegel

“The height of madness is to set yourself the goal of destroying passions.”

Denny Diderot

“High goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved.”

Johann Goethe

“An end that requires wrong means is not a right end.”

Karl Marx

“People must be valued according to the goals they set for themselves.”

Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay

“The purpose of our earthly existence is to cultivate humanity, and all the low needs of life only serve it and should become reason, subtle feelings - art, attractions - noble freedom and beauty, motivating forces - love of humanity.”

Johann G. Herder

“The goal must be happiness, otherwise the fire will not burn bright enough, the driving force will not be strong enough—and success will not be complete.”

Theodore Dreiser

“The end cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the means determine the nature of the end.”

Aldous Huxley

Statuses about purpose in life

Do you want to see your future? So you need to move on with your life!

The purpose of life is the search for perfection, and the task of each of us is to bring its manifestation in ourselves as close as possible...

It’s not enough to have a goal in life, you need to be able to shoot accurately

You shouldn’t look for meaning in life, you need to look for purpose in life...

In life, don’t try to seem like someone to others. Strive to show yourself who you really are.

Without a goal in life, you can do nothing at all, you can only vegetate and wait for the end.

People waste time on vanity instead of just living.

If there is a goal in life, then there will be means to achieve it.

If life is devoid of purpose, then it is just an extended moment of death that lasts a lifetime.

Is the goal a process or a result?

Having achieved your goal, you must immediately set the next one. This is what wise quotes and aphorisms about goal and result say. They subtly notice that most often the whole point is in the process of achieving success. It seems to me that there is definitely something in this...

“A plucked flower must be given as a gift, a poem that has been started must be completed, and the woman you love must be happy, otherwise you shouldn’t have taken on something you can’t do.”

Omar Khayim

“Often, after achieving your goal, you realize that you are not satisfied.”

“Only when a person achieves his goal does he realize that the best thing in his life is the path he took for this goal.”

“The path makes us happy, not the goal!”

Dan Millman

“Great minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires.”

Washington Irving

“You should set yourself two goals in life. The first goal is to achieve what you have been striving for. The second goal is the ability to enjoy what has been achieved. Only the wisest representatives of humanity are capable of achieving the second goal.”

Smith Logan

“There are few things in this world that are unattainable; if we had more perseverance, we could find a way to almost any goal.”

Francois La Rochefoucauld

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become by achieving your goals.”

Zig Ziglar

“Set big goals because they are easier to achieve.”

Friedrich Schiller

“If you lower your goals, then even if you achieve them, you will still feel disappointed. Imagine what will happen if you fail? Therefore, it is much better to fail at incredibly high expectations than to achieve low goals.”

Grant Cardon

“Why does the ship defeat the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? I realized that the reason is that the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always get where we want to go.”

Winston Churchill

About success and purpose

We set goals for ourselves. We ourselves define the concept of success. We don't choose where we start in life, but we can choose what kind of person we want to become.

The secret of success is consistency of purpose.

Believe that you can, and you're halfway there

Luck always accompanies determination.

I’m offended... I’m wrong... I move on - I smile... I want to cry, I don’t give up! Everything is fine! I'll break through!

Happiness is like a butterfly: if you chase it, you will never catch it, but if you forget about it, it will immediately settle in your soul.

What did you do today to achieve your goal?

Dreaming, having a goal and believing in its fulfillment is wonderful. But this is not enough to obtain the desired result. Purposefulness, self-confidence and the understanding that failure does not at all equal final defeat are the key to success. This is exactly what our selection of quotes and aphorisms about the pursuit of goals is about.

“He who sets clear goals for himself and strives unwaveringly to achieve them is destined for success. This is the law of the Universe."

Cecil Blount

“Goals should be clear, simple and written down on paper. If they are not written down on paper and you do not review them every day, they are not goals. These are wishes."

Robert Kiyosaki

“If there is a goal, there will be a way!”

“No matter any obstacles, I will go towards my goal.”

Karl Marx

“Each attempt creates a crack in the wall behind which the target is located.”

“Keep going towards your goal while enjoying the process.”

“Focus on what's most important. You will reach your goal faster."

“If everyone in the world gave up at the first failure, not a single goal in the entire history of mankind would be achieved.”

Diana Mashkova

“The mere fact that you have achieved something - set a goal and achieved it - means a lot. This is real life without any “could, would have done, would have achieved...”

Chuck Palahniuk

“Procrastination is the first enemy on the path to your goals.”

“Most people who strive for a goal are able to make one big effort rather than stubbornly follow the chosen path; Because of laziness and inconstancy, they often lose the fruits of their best endeavors and allow themselves to be overtaken by those who set out on the journey later than they did and walked more slowly, but without stopping.”

Jean de La Bruyère

“A truly serious pursuit of any goal is half the success in achieving it.”

Wilhelm Humboldt

“Is there a goal? Run to her! Does not work? Go to her! Does not exceed? Crawl to her! Can not? Lie down and lie in her direction!”

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