Proverbs about silence. Proverbs about silence What you need to eat in silence proverb

Proverbs and sayings about silence

The theme of the collection is Proverbs and sayings about silence:

  • Silence is gold.
  • Kind silence is not the answer?
  • There is no shame in remaining silent when you have nothing to say.
  • Keeping silent is like sitting in the garden.
  • Don't be afraid of a lying dog, but be afraid of a silent one.
  • A vat of meat, but no taste. Keep quiet about food now.
  • The temptation is great - and the conscience is silent.
  • It is not the dog that bites that barks, but the one that is silent and wags its tail.
  • Don’t argue, keep quiet: if you make me angry, I’ll lie worse.
  • Don’t say you’re full, but keep silent and wait it out.
  • We will remain silent, and the stones will cry out.
  • Don't move your lips silently!
  • The dog barks, the nightingale is silent.
  • The word is silver, silence is gold.
  • The work is silent, and the shoulders groan.
  • They beat you, so be quiet and remember.
  • It's good to sing together, but talk separately.
  • You will be silent before the judge and before death.
  • Whoever is born screams; whoever dies is silent.
  • The silent dog is not a servant in the yard.
  • The silent dog stealthily grabs.
  • The silent dog (non-barking) - and even that one, enduring it, will bark.
  • The belly is like a judge: and is silent, but asks.
  • Silence is a burden to a talkative person.
  • By the way, if you remain silent, you will say a big word.
  • When money speaks, then truth is silent.
  • Grief will not be silent.
  • Where money speaks, conscience is silent.
  • Keep quiet, old man: the old lady will give you money (that is, you’re lying).
  • Be silent, if God has not given you reason!
  • Be silent (Lie down) when you kill God!
  • Keep quiet - you'll pass for smart.
  • To remain silent will not let things end.
  • Silence is a golden word.

Proverbs and sayings about silence and refraining from talking.

Smart quotes about silence (200 quotes)

Silence sometimes means the harshest criticism. It is deep, like Eternity. Conversations are small, like Time. Phrases from famous people, quotes about silence and restraint, statements about life, youth and beauty, smart quotes about silence are collected in this collection on our website.

The only person I listen to with my mouth open is my dentist.

Silence can be the most serious charge. Menander

Silence is such an interesting subject that one can talk about it for hours. Jules Romain

Silence is the gold of the tongue-tied. Sergey Fedin

Be silent, my tongue, there is nothing more to talk about. Publius Ovid Naso

Silence is the gold of the poor in spirit. Sergey Fedin

Conversation reveals one's primacy, and attention makes friends. That's why conversation is silver and silence is golden. M. Prishvin

Silence is disgusting because it equates the wise and the stupid. Sergey Fedin

Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own. Benjamin Franklin

Don't let your thoughts speak. William Shakespeare

Pauses - drops of silence. Sergey Fedin

He who sows evil reaps repentance. The one who remains silent in noisy disputes is wiser than talkers, at the word of the quick. Saadi

The gold of silence can also be counterfeit. Sergey Fedin

The dust of dead words has stuck to you: wash your soul with silence. Rabindranath Tagore

What cannot be spoken about must be kept silent about.

Be verbose within the limits of silence.

One should be talked about, another should be kept silent. Homer

While the thought matures, the tongue remains silent.

Love is one of the evils that cannot be hidden; one word, one immodest look, sometimes even silence gives her away. Pierre Abelard

Talkativeness is a lack of silence.

Success in any field consists of work, play and keeping your mouth shut. Albert Einstein

If you want people to remain silent about something, be the first to be silent. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The gold of silence casts silver in the platinum of thoughts.

Where there are few words, they have weight. William Shakespeare

Silence does not need an interpreter.

Silence can be the most monstrous lie. Robert L. Stevenson

A stupid thought that comes to mind is the best reason for silence. Ilya Gerchikov

The trouble is when a person does not have enough intelligence to say well, or common sense to carefully remain silent. Jean de La Bruyère

If “silence is golden,” then golden words are diamonds. Ilya Gerchikov

He who does not know how to speak cannot be silent. Publius Syrus

The right to remain silent gradually became a duty. Mikhail Mamchich

Silence is a sign of voicelessness. Ilya Gerchikov

Do you remember the anxious city, the blue haze in the distance? Silently you and I walked this false road. Alexander A. Blok

When silence is golden, publicity is more valuable than gold. Konstantin Kushner

A minute of silence is a unit of measurement for eternity. Konstantin Kushner

It's so good to be without words. Innokenty F. Annensky

First, think three times, and then shut up. Henri Renier

It is difficult for a reasonable person to have a long conversation with fools. But to remain silent all the time is beyond human strength. Theognis

Silence can kill. Ivan Masalitin

If you are ignorant and silent, then you behave smartly, but if you are smart and silent. that's stupid. Theophrastus

Silence is golden, that's why I'm getting rich. Bashir Zugumov

People learn how to speak, but the main science is how and when to remain silent. Lev N. Tolstoy

What to talk about with a person with whom there is nothing to keep quiet about!? Mikhail Genin

He who obeys his tongue often remains silent.

Sitting silently in the corner, biting his tongue, is better than those who are not used to holding their tongues. Saadi

One who is silent cannot be deprived of his speech. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

To remain silent is to believe in yourself. Albert Camus

Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say something stupid. But sometimes silence is stupidity.

How difficult it is to remain silent when you are not asked. Mikhail Genshin

Asking for silence is too weak a means to achieve silence. Johann W. Goethe

Know that the best answer to fools is silence. Unsur Al-maali

A man is more silent than a woman: a lover forgets all his words, and a married man does not have time to get a word in.

In general, a phrase, no matter how beautiful and deep it may be, affects only the indifferent, but cannot always satisfy those who are happy or unhappy; That is why the highest expression of happiness or unhappiness is most often silence. Anton P. Chekhov

The people can forgive writers a lot, but they cannot forgive silence at a time when their fate is being decided.

Of all efforts, the most difficult is the abstinence of the tongue. It is the most necessary thing. Lev N. Tolstoy

Taciturn people always impress. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

It takes a person two years to learn to speak and sixty years to learn to keep his mouth shut. Lion Feuchtwanger

Tact is the rare ability to remain silent when two friends are arguing and you know that they are both wrong. Hugues Allen

The best answer to a fool is silence. Persian proverb

If you want people to remain silent about something, be the first to be silent. Seneca Lucius Annaeus

Before you say anything, think, and then remain silent.

Silence is the polish of fools and the cunning of a wise man. Alexander Pope

He who knows how to remain silent hears many confessions; for who will reveal himself to a talker and a gossip? Francis Bacon

Silence is sometimes more significant and sublime than the noblest and most expressive eloquence, and in many cases indicates a high mind. Addison Joseph

Consent to silence is obtained by shouting. Valery Afonchenko

There is nothing more creative than the power of silence. Ernst Heine

We are all good at silence; Our women were especially taken by this: some exalted Russian maiden is so powerfully silent that even in a prepared person such a sight can produce a slight shiver and cold sweat. Ivan S. Turgenev

People willingly remain silent unless vanity prompts them to speak. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The one who remains silent in noisy disputes is wiser than talkers, at the word of the quick. Muslihaddin Saadi

Silence is the refuge of a simple soul that has experienced the full depth of human sorrow. Hugo Victor Marie

Silence is the best weapon against unfounded attack. Unknown author

Why remain silent if you were created to speak? Alexander Fursenko

When you have nothing to say, don't say anything. Unknown author

Remoteness is not measured by distance. Sometimes more secrets are hidden behind the fence of a garden than behind the Chinese Wall, and silence protects the soul of a little girl more reliably than the endless sands of the Sahara protect a lonely oasis. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

People would rather agree to denigrate themselves than to remain silent about themselves. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

A woman's silence still needs to be earned. Tamara Kleiman

It is better to discover your mind in silence than in talking. Arthur Schopenhauer

Silence is gold, which buys the silence of others. Lech Konopiński

Silence is the beginning of wisdom. In silence the Word began to sound. Pythagoras of Samos

There would be something to remain silent about, but there would always be something to say. Unknown author

Words of love grow numb when separated. William Shakespeare

Silence is a shield from many troubles, and chatter is always harmful. Brant

Silence enters into all languages ​​of the world. Yuri Bazylev

People talk a lot and very loudly in order to say as little as possible. This is a very noisy silence. The only things that are truly significant and interesting are the behind-the-scenes deals, which are not mentioned in a single word. Franz Kafka

It is a great misfortune to not have enough intelligence to express one's thoughts well, and not to have enough prudence to remain silent. This is the reason for all impudence. Jean de La Bruyère

I learned silence from the eloquent, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; but strangely enough, I do not feel the slightest gratitude towards these teachers. Kahlil D. Gibran

Silence and modesty are qualities that are very suitable for conversation. Michel de Montaigne

The silent fool will finally be confused with the silent sage. Jean Baptiste Moliere

When eyewitnesses are silent, legends are born. Ilya Grigorievich Erenburg

It is not the beauty of every woman that is gold, but intelligence and silence. Menander

If silence with a person is difficult for you, then this is not your interlocutor.

Silence is the greatest of human sufferings; the saints were never silent. Blaise Pascal

Silence does not always prove the presence of intelligence, but it does prove the absence of stupidity. Pierre Buast

If you already put water in your mouth, then at least don’t spit on anyone afterwards. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

As long as a person is silent, you don’t know what he is hiding. Don’t say that the forest is empty - Perhaps the tiger is sleeping in the thicket. Saadi

He was a polyglot of silence. Valery Afonchenko

Silence seals speech, and timing seals silence. (Solon)

If you are not well-mannered and are silent, then you are well-mannered, but if you are well-mannered and silent, then you are well-mannered. Theophrastus

When everyone is silent, gold depreciates. Gennady Malkin

As long as a person does not speak, his gift is unknown, his vice is hidden. Saadi

I don’t want to talk bad about people, but you can’t remain silent all your life.

For an ignoramus there is nothing better than silence, but if he knew what was best for him, he would not be an ignoramus. Saadi

Silence, how often you have to pay for you in gold. Boris Krutier

I prefer to remain silent rather than agree or disagree with what I do not know. J.Kazot

Silence is the great art of conversation. William Hazlitt

There are things you shouldn't talk about, even when you want to condemn something. Miguel de Unamuno

Silence seals speech, and timing seals silence. Solon

It’s better to remain silent seven times than to blurt out once. Unknown author

Silence is golden, but only when you can't come up with a decent answer. Muhammad Ali

Silence is the virtue of fools. Francis Bacon

People are silent when there is something to think about!

A fool and a braggart cannot keep secrets, Caution is truly beyond praise, A secret is a prisoner if you protect it. You are a prisoner of the secret, you just blurted it out. Ibn Sina

People learn how to speak, but the main science is how and when to remain silent. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Sometimes silence is more expressive than any speech. Charles Montesquieu

Great souls endure suffering in silence. Friedrich Schiller

To keep your mouth shut, you need to have teeth. Konstantin Kushner

And a fool, when silent, may seem wise. Parable

Sometimes silence in a room is like thunder. Marina I. Tsvetaeva

The sage remains silent, knowing that the candle burns through his tongue. Muslihaddin Saadi

Silence is the refuge of a simple soul that has experienced the full depth of human sorrow. Victor Marie Hugo

We agreed on a lie and parted, and now - goodbye. I understood the character of a person: his treasure is silence. He who calls his son “Living” is lying. But the one who called the child: “Dying” has never been more truthful. Abul-Ala al-Maarri

Learning to remain silent is more difficult than learning to speak. Philip Leonidov

I see, but I am silent. Elizabeth's motto

If I hide my secret, she is my prisoner; if I let her out, I am her prisoner.

An amateur is a person who thinks twice before remaining silent and who knows how to remain silent in several languages ​​at once. Evan Esar

It is better to remain silent and appear a fool than to speak up and dispel all doubts.

It is safer not to bite your tongue, but to hold it behind your teeth. Unknown author

- Do you hate it too? - I hate what? - An awkward silence. Why do people have to say some nonsense just to feel at ease? - Don't know. Good question. “Only then do you realize that you have found a truly special person, when you can just shut up for a minute and enjoy sharing the silence with him.”

Silence is a sign of agreement not to help. Valery Afonchenko

He who does not know how to remain silent until the time comes to speak and act is not a real person. Thomas Carlyle

Silence is the most perfect expression of contempt.

Silence is the great art of conversation.

Someone said: At first you are silent because you have come up with a reason to be offended... Then it will be awkward to break the silence. And then, when everything is already forgotten, we will simply forget the language in which we understood each other. Oleg Tishchenkov

Silent women have a reputation for mastering the art of conversation. Magdalena the Impostor

SILENCE is the most perfect expression of contempt. George Bernard Shaw

You have a priceless gift of silence! He makes you a great teammate.

Silence is one of the most difficult arguments to refute. Josh Billings, Henry Wheeler Shaw

Modest silence is the best argument in a dispute with management.

Most often it is much easier not to tell anyone that you have problems. Chuck Palahniuk

With silence you can not only say a lot, but also do a lot. Effendi Mansurovich Kapiev

- Observe the act of abstinence against sounds. - What? - Shut up. Supernatural

Thoughtlessness is rarely silent. Howard W. Newton

He who shouts in anger is funny, but he who is silent in anger is terrible. Abay Kunanbaev

I can not speak at the moment. I'm leading a meeting of the deathly silence club. Daria

Silence sometimes means the harshest criticism. Charles Buxton

The more a person is silent, the more he begins to speak intelligently. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Silence is the ghost of the mind. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

At the most important moments of our lives, we are surrounded by silence. We are silent when we look at a person with love and when we are sad about him. Ernst Heine

Shh... Your eyes better ask for forgiveness.

A silent person rarely makes mistakes. Only if he speaks. Vladislav Grzeszczyk

Silence is not a sign of soullessness at all. Only that which is empty from within rattles.

Silence is golden when you can't find a decent answer.

SILENCE is the only way for an ignoramus to prove at least that he is not a fool. Paul Decourcel

Silence sometimes brings people closer together than talking.

Let the order in the universe change.

It’s so painful to listen to this silence, You’re just silent, and I’m waiting for something.

Better than those who are not used to keeping their mouth shut. Muslihaddin Saadi

He who does not know how to be silent is not able to speak. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Silence is the only thing made of gold that women do not recognize.

He who obeys his tongue often remains silent. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

In the beginning there was the word. And then there was silence. Stanislaw Jerzy Le

The most unpleasant silence is where many people are silent. Mariam Petrosyan

The fruit of the tree of silence is peace. Arabic proverb

Silence is golden... unless, of course, it is meanness. Absalom Underwater

I said nothing. I know how to swallow grievances and pretend that everything is fine. Yulia Shilova

Pisces are silent out of politeness. They don't want to interrupt each other. They are caught anyway, but not by word of mouth. Dmitry Arkadin

Hearing silence in response is the most painful thing for a woman. It’s better to let him say that he’s fallen out of love. It’s better to push him away with an offensive word and shout: “I’m tired of your love!” Anything but silence. It kills. Elchin Safarli

Silence is gold. Unless, of course, it's disgusting. Absalom Underwater

By taking water into our mouths, we quench the thirst of the censors. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

When a woman who has something to say is silent, the silence is deafening. Anna and the king

Silence is the most reliable answer to any contradictions dictated by insolence, vulgarity or envy. Johann Georg Zimmermann

Sometimes it is easier to achieve an answer by remaining silent than by asking questions. Paulo Coelho

Each seal of silence has its own imprint of voice. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

If a man is silent, it doesn't mean anything. He's just too lazy to talk.

— Sometimes the best statement is silence. - And the best advice for yourself is your own. Memoirs of a Geisha

It is better to remain silent and seem like a fool than to open your mouth and completely dispel doubts. Mark Twain

Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things. Omar Khayyam

The only thing worse than the seal of silence is the silence of the seal. Konstantin Kushner

Silence is the loudest sound. Often, when two people are silent, this silence is much more significant than the conversation. Orhan Pamuk

It's good to be silent... it's not good to speak!

You must be able to remain silent about everything that matters only to you alone. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

There are thousands of tricks to get women to talk, but there is none to silence them. Guillaume de Boucher

Sadness comes out in silence and tears. Martha Ketro

By silencing a person, you have not yet convinced him. John Morley

Sherlock: Shut up, everyone! Not a sound, not a word, not a single breath! I think! Andersen, look to the side - you're distracting! Andersen: What? Is my face distracting? Lestrade: Everyone freeze and be quiet. Andersen, turn away. Sherlock Holmes

Keep silent! Let the facts speak! It is not for nothing that man was given two ears and one tongue. Ernst Heine

Sometimes, it is better to remain silent and seem like an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it. Supernatural

He knew so much that you could remain silent with him on any topic. Mikhail Genin

Sometimes you have to shut up to be listened to. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The most important of the arts is the art of eloquent silence.

I’d rather be silent, thought Alice, Better be silent, everyone thought. Alice in the Wonderland

For the ignorant there is nothing better than silence; but if he knew what was best for him, he would not be ignorant. Muslihaddin Saadi

Silence is the best way to answer meaningless questions. Dmitry Yemets

He who obeys the tongue is very often forced to remain silent. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Only you know how to be so sensually silent. Vladimir Vishnevsky

Do not be afraid of the one who shouts in anger, but fear the one who is silent in anger. Abay

During a breakup, you can endure any cruel words, but nothing destroys you more than silence. Silence is the end. Silence is like a shot in the dark, you are trying to determine who it is, you are flattering yourself with illusions that it is not you. After some time, you begin to bleed, not once, slowly, but in your heart you still cherish the hope that you can still try to do something. Luca Bianchini

Silence is a great poison for the heart. Paul Charles Joseph Bourget

“I have often regretted what I said, but rarely regretted that I was silent. Abu-l-Faraj ibn Harun

If you don't know, shut up! You know - keep quiet!

How insignificantly few are there who are able to keep their mouths shut!

Quotes about silence

Don’t judge what you don’t know about - the rule is simple: Keeping silent is much better than saying nothing. — Nosir Khisrow

Silence is not a sign of soullessness at all. Only that which is empty from within rattles. - William Shakespeare

Where there are few words, they have weight. - William Shakespeare

Don't make the furnace too hot for your enemies, otherwise you will burn yourself in it. - William Shakespeare

The success of a witty word depends more on the ear of the hearer than on the tongue of the speaker - William Shakespeare

The most important thing in communication is to hear what was not said. -Peter Drucker

The sage keeps his mouth closed, he knows that even a candle burns out with his tongue. — Chuang Tzu

You can walk thousands of kilometers, read many books, hear countless words, and not find what you are looking for. Or you can stop searching, “stop” and listen to the Heart. Having heard it, you find everything you were looking for in your own sigh. — Amu Mom

Why do people tend to avoid loneliness? Because when alone, only a few enjoy pleasant company. — Carlo Dossi

Truly he is glorious and great who holds his tongue in anger. — Rasul Gamzatov

What makes a person human is more what he keeps silent about than what he says. — Albert Camus

Fearing ridicule, I buried my best feelings in the depths of my heart: they died there. -Mikhail Lermontov

By humility and silence we overcome anger. If someone offends you with a word, do not respond. By silence you disarm a person. — Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

Remember, silence is sometimes the best answer to questions. — Dalai Lama XIV

Be in silence more often to hear yourself.

The quieter you become, the more you hear. — Ram Dass

I love silence. Silence is a special state of peace and soul. Without silence, beauty cannot be understood. Everything great happened in silence. — Evgeny Leonov

When you feel bad, listen to nature. The silence of the world is more soothing than millions of unnecessary words. — Confucius

You will never complete your journey if you stop to throw a stone at every yapping dog.

The Vedas say that the most terrible type of weapon, the arrows that deeply wound, are words. Because time cannot even help, our memory is so susceptible to vibrations. We heard, and it is very difficult to pull out these arrows. They have a tip like an arrow. It goes in there easily, but you can’t pull it back out. Therefore, in relationships, the most important asceticism or limitation is the asceticism of speech. — R. A. Narushevich

..Be able to understand what is said without sound. Hearing with your eyes is the science of love.. - Shakespeare, Sonnet 23

Don’t judge what you don’t know about - the rule is simple: Keeping silent is much better than saying nothing. — Nosir Khisrow

The true strength of a person is not in impulses, but in unshakable calm. - Lev Tolstoy

I love simple things - books, solitude, or being with someone who understands you. — Daphne du Maurier

“Bad silence is better than good grumbling.” in books

“In the forest there is the silence of an abandoned den...”

From the book Selected Works.
T. I. Poems, stories, stories, memoirs by the author Berestov Valentin Dmitrievich “In the forest, the silence of an abandoned den...” In the forest, the silence of an abandoned den, Dry pine needles conceal the step. There is joy in getting lost in three pines, sitting on a stump and not looking

VI. "In silence the rooster crows..."

From the author's book
VI. “In silence the rooster crows...” In the silence the rooster crows - Through the painful night Dawn - away from sin - I can’t stand it in the dark. My soul wants freedom at night - so is it time? The soul rushes fruitlessly, Like behind a wall of wind. It's getting light - glimpses in the window, And, pale angel

author Shestakov Dmitry Petrovich

XXIII. “My lot is vague silence...”

From the book Stubborn Classic.
Collection of poems (1889–1934) by the author Dmitry Petrovich Shestakov XXIII. “My lot is vague silence...” My lot is vague silence And in the frozen window of a bare birch there is a swaying, half breathing, half asleep. My lot is gloomy leisure and an unrequited dream, all about some wondrous south, where beauty blooms. Jan. 7

“Be silent... Your silence is sacred...”

From the book Works of the author Lutsky Semyon Abramovich
“Be silent... Your silence is sacred...” Be silent... Your silence is sacred, The basis of the word is dumbness. But at some hour let it be removed, That which has sealed the lips. To listen to angelic singing, Earthly music of the wilderness, Keep deep languor, The destiny of the ascetic soul. Overcome delight and grief, B

The longer the silence...

From the book Anti-Soviet Soviet Union by the author Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich
The longer the silence... Soviet literature came closer to the ideal to which it had instinctively strived since its inception. Written and unwritten rules of behavior for writers and the rules by which they compose have been developed and brought to the point of absurdity.

3.6. Bad good

From the book Metaphysics stalemate by Girenok Fedor
3.6. Bad Good There is no reason for there to be good in the world. There are no reasons, but goodness happens. If there were reasons, then there would be good people. But there are no good people. Why? Because being kind is unnatural. It's natural to be angry. People are evil, but good happens. And this good is bad.

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 21 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that a bad word does not stick. From a letter: “My mother often told my brother: “The prison is crying for you.” And these words stuck firmly with him. I know for sure that my brother is a good and kind person, but he’s been in prison all his life. Natalya Ivanovna! You wrote that there are such days and

So that a bad word does not stick

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer, author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna
So that a bad word does not stick. From a letter: “My mother often told my brother: “The prison is crying for you.” And these words stuck firmly with him. I know for sure that my brother is a good and kind person, but he’s been in prison all his life. Natalya Ivanovna! You wrote that there are such days and

7.17. Is silence golden?

From the author's book
7.17. Is silence golden? If after talking with a doctor the patient does not feel better, this is a bad doctor. Sometimes I wonder: is medicine an art or a science? We love to heal the soul, Russians love to talk. And it is right. But at the same time, we do not treat the patient as

“There is silence in the stuffy air...” (excerpt)

From the book Universal Reader.
2nd grade author Team of authors “In the stuffy air there is silence...” (excerpt) In the stuffy air there is silence, Like a premonition of a thunderstorm, The fragrance is hotter than roses, The voice of a dragonfly is louder... Chu! Behind the white, smoky cloud Thunder rolled dully; The sky is girded with flying lightning

What follows is silence

From the book Reader's Diary.
Russian literature in 2007 by Andrey Nemzer Further - silence On the centenary of Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov. June 18 (July 1), 1907 – January 17, 1982Reading Varlam Shalamov is scary, not reading is shameful, and discussing it is triple ashamed. It would be worth putting an end to this and silently remembering the martyr who spent many years in hell and


From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 126 (2007 2) author Day of Literature Newspaper
Alexander Daletsky IN THE SILENCE OF GREATNESS YESTERDAY FROM SEVASTOPOL I am storming with fever. The soul is broken by the boat Among the serenely sweet Moscow, which is far from sensitive. My voice spews out a roar, Salty splashes from my eyes. My heart is now

A good name is better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2. It is better to go to a house of mourning for the dead than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will apply it to his heart. 3. Lamentation is better than laughter; because with a sad face the heart becomes better. 4. The heart of the wise is in

From the book The Explanatory Bible.
Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander 1. A good name is better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2. It is better to go to a house of mourning for the dead than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will apply it to his heart. 3. Lamentation is better than laughter; because with a sad face the heart becomes better. 4.

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