Flattery. Topical aphorisms about flattery

Aphorisms and quotes about flattery

Flattery: the art of telling others what they think about themselves. Ya. Ipokhorskaya

Flattery is the coin with which mediocrity pays for its career. V. Zubkov

Flattery is aggression on its knees. G. Branstner

Flattery is a counterfeit coin, kept in circulation only by our vanity. F. La Rochefoucauld

Cheating and flattery are blood relatives. A. Lincoln

Most men love flattery because they have a modest opinion of themselves; most women love it for the opposite reason. D. Swift

Flattery makes fools of everyone, each in its own way. Seneca

A flatterer is a person who tells you straight to your face what he would not dare say behind your back. Unknown author

People generally do not trust those who flatter them and dislike those who do not flatter them.

Flatterer: a person who exaggerates our merits to such an extent that he almost approaches our opinion of ourselves. Jonathan Swift

The flatterer wins our favor, even if we do not believe his flattery at all. Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

A flatterer is like a magician: go and guess in which hand he holds the truth, in which he holds the lie A. Lavrukhin

When I am flattered by someone who is flattered by everyone, I am truly happy. Samuel Johnson

I love flattery: it works better on me than whiskey, and is not so harmful to the stomach. Joyce Carey

He who rewards flattery begs for it. Thomas Fuller

No one flatters a flatterer.

I hate stupid flattery, which nullifies all my efforts to believe in her. Wilson Misner

To flatter a man, a smart girl asks him only questions that he can answer.

It often happens that, wanting to flatter one, they offend another. Seneca

If the king flatters the janitor, it means he is not paying him extra. Arkady Davidovich

All flatterers are henchmen. Aristotle

Flattery never comes from great souls, it is the lot of small souls who know how to become even smaller in order to enter the life sphere of an important person to whom they gravitate. O. Balzac

A flatterer is like a snake that licks its prey for a long time before swallowing it. P. Buast

Flattery is acceptable as long as there is no friendship with the one you are flattering; To flatter a faithful friend is a shameful deception. "Bhojaprabandha"

Flattery is a kind of pipe used to lure birds by imitating their voice. F. Bacon

Flattery is clothed in truly comic ugliness, but produces a tragic effect. What is most difficult to cure is ear disease. F. Bacon

Flattery is a product of a person's character rather than of evil will. F. Bacon

It is not difficult to get around a high-ranking person with the help of flattery, but it is even easier to deceive yourself by relying on him: hope deceives more often than cunning. L. Vauvenargues

Few people can resist the hidden flattery of enthusiastic attention. D. Woodford

Flattery. She elevates into virtue all the shortcomings of the greats of this world. K. Helvetius

Anyone who gives in to flattery is defenseless. A. Graf

Flattery is a counterfeit coin that only impoverishes the recipient. L. Dabrantes

The flatterer is the most dangerous of tame animals. Diogenes

No matter how crude flattery may be, at least half of it certainly seems to be true. F. Dostoevsky

To flatter is to tell a person exactly what he thinks about himself. D. Carnegie

The cuckoo praises the rooster Because he praises the cuckoo. I. Krylov

How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future, And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart. I. Krylov

A flatterer has an equally low opinion of himself and of others. J. Labruyère

A flatterer is a jealous and envious mind that seems to take pleasure in your elevation, but is actually tormented by your well-being. J. Labruyère

Only people with base souls can lavish praise on those about whom they spoke disdainfully before their rise. J. Labruyère

What is a flatterer? This is a flexible and forgiving mind that smiles servilely at your every look, screams at your every word and applauds your every action. J. Labruyère

If we did not flatter ourselves, we would not be spoiled by the flattery of others. F. La Rochefoucauld

Sometimes people think they hate flattery, when they only hate one form or another. F. La Rochefoucauld

No flatterer flatters as skillfully as selfishness. F. La Rochefoucauld

After all, every flatterer lives at the expense of the one who listens to him favorably. J. Lafontaine

Persons who want to lull our prudence in communicating with them with flattery use a dangerous drug, like a sleeping pill, which, if it does not put us to sleep, strengthens us even more in wakefulness. F. Nietzsche

Our ear for flattery is a wide open door, but for truth it is the eye of a needle. B. Pascal

Flattery is like a weapon depicted in a painting: it brings pleasure, but no benefit. Pythagoras

Just as ravens swoop down to peck out the eyes of the dead, so the flatterer steals the wealth of the foolish. Plutarch

Flattery is like a thin shield, painted with paint: it is pleasant to look at, but there is no need for it. Plutarch

Whoever listens to flatterers inevitably loses independence, evaluating himself and his actions not according to his own understanding, but following the flattering speeches of others. D. Pontano

What you cannot achieve with valor, you can achieve with flattery. Publilius Syrus

Flatterers, flatterers! Try to maintain the posture of nobility even in meanness. A. Pushkin

No one is more susceptible to flattery than that ambitious person who wanted to be the first, but could not become one. B. Spinoza

Flattery makes friends, but truth makes haters. Terence

A flatterer flatters only because he has a low opinion of himself and others. L. Tolstoy

We always like flattery when it concerns qualities that we lack. Tell a fool that he is very smart, and a rogue that he is the most honest man in the world, and they will embrace you in their arms. G. Fielding

We must beware of opening our ears to flatterers and allowing them to flatter us. Cicero

Flattery is an assistant to vices. Cicero

Flatterers are like friends, like wolves are like dogs. D. Chapman

They flatter in order to dominate under the guise of submission. N. Chernyshevsky

Flattery is a base coin... it is pocket money for everyone: custom and general consent have so decisively put it into circulation that people have ceased to notice its falsehood and legitimately accept it. F. Chesterfield

They flatter those they fear. A. Chekhov

He who loves to be flattered is worth a flatterer. W. Shakespeare

We deceive no one so cleverly and bypass us with flattery as we do ourselves. A. Schopenhauer

The flatterer wins our favor, even if we do not believe his flattery at all. M. Ebner-Eschenbach

All flatterers are, as a rule, liars. I. Engel

Flattery is incompatible with loyalty. Erasmus of Rotterdam

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Quotes about flattery, hypocrisy and hypocrisy

At the first meeting, he shakes hands, and flatters, and fawns, but turn away - he’s no longer the same, he reeks of meanness. Abay

Fools are caught by flattery. M. Andersen-Nexo

All flatterers are henchmen. Aristotle

Praising people to their faces is a sign of flattery. Aristotle

Brazen hypocrisy inspires respect in people accustomed to serving. O. Balzac

Lack of taste is one of those flaws that are inseparable from bigotry. O. Balzac

Flattery never comes from great souls, but falls to the lot of small souls who know how to become even smaller in order to enter the life sphere of an important person to whom they gravitate. O. Balzac

We cling to praise and honor to the same extent that we doubt our success in life. A. Bergson

We listen with pleasure to those who tell us about our morals, but we do not like to be reminded of our responsibilities. E. Bork

Every fool will find an even greater fool to admire him. N. Boileau

Flattery is a product of a person's character rather than of evil will. F. Bacon

Flattery is a kind of pipe that is used to attract birds by imitating their voice. F. Bacon

Sometimes we even love such praises, the sincerity of which we do not believe. L. Vauvenargues

Many people love to flatter, but few know how to praise; Excessive praise is more dangerous than caustic abuse. P. A. Vyazemsky

Praise to an unworthy person does not elevate the praised, but humiliates the praiser. P. A. Vyazemsky

Flattery is a breeding ground for crime. D. Gay

What offends us about flattery is not the praise itself, but its insincerity. K. Helvetius

We accept well-deserved compliments with indifference and listen with gratitude to those to which, as far as we know, we have no right. O. Goldsmith

Subservience is more dangerous than hatred. B. Gracian

Anyone who gives in to flattery is defenseless. A. Graf

Those who are absent are praised without flattery. J. Gresse

Sugary praise does not honor either the one who says it or the one to whom it applies. F. Grimm

Flattery is a counterfeit coin that only impoverishes the recipient. L. Dabrantes

Modesty is sometimes hypocritical, but simplicity is never. J. d'Alembert

Praise, like gold and diamond, has value only when it is rare. B. Johnson

They are not hypocrites for the sake of pleasure. S. Johnson

The flatterer is the most dangerous of tame animals. Diogenes

There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness and nothing easier than flattery. F. M. Dostoevsky

Flattery from beautiful lips is a bait that catches the heart of even the wisest. F. Klinger

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. C. Colton

How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future, and the flatterer will always find a corner in the heart. I. A. Krylov

I consider unnecessary praise to be poison. I. A. Krylov

What is a flatterer? This is a flexible and forgiving mind that smiles servilely at your every look, screams at your every word and applauds your every action. J. Labruyère

A flatterer flatters only because he has a low opinion of himself and others. J. Labruyère

A set of epithets is bad praise; Facts praise a person, not the manner in which they are told. J. Labruyère

Flattery is a counterfeit coin, kept in circulation only by our vanity. F. La Rochefoucauld

No flatterer flatters as skillfully as self-love. F. La Rochefoucauld

Ostentatious simplicity is subtle hypocrisy. F. La Rochefoucauld

Hatred and flattery are pitfalls against which the truth is broken. F. La Rochefoucauld

Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue. F. La Rochefoucauld

Only a few are intelligent enough to prefer useful censures to false praises. F. La Rochefoucauld

As soon as a fool praises us, he no longer seems so stupid to us. F. La Rochefoucauld

If we did not flatter ourselves, we would not be spoiled by the flattery of others. F. La Rochefoucauld

We usually praise with all our hearts only those who admire us. F. La Rochefoucauld

Some reproaches sound like praise, but some praise is worse than slander. F. La Rochefoucauld

More flies drown in honey than in vinegar. J. Lafontaine

Among the fools there is a certain sect called hypocrites, who constantly learn to deceive themselves and others, but more than others than themselves, and in reality they deceive themselves more than others. Leonardo da Vinci

A decent person almost always becomes insensitive to praise and honor over time. D. Leopardi

Cheating and flattery are blood relatives. A. Lincoln

All pretense, no matter what source it comes from, acts in a repulsive manner. D. Locke

A successful person should never think that he is loved for his own qualities. Lucan

He who knows how to flatter also knows how to slander. Napoleon I

Praise from the lips of people worthy of praise is pleasant. Nevius Gnaeus

Hypocrisy is an easy craft, every scoundrel is good at it, but only noble hearts can and dare to speak frankly, sincerely, with all their hearts. S. Petofi

Better an obvious enemy than a vile flatterer and hypocrite; This is such a disgrace to humanity. Peter I

Flattery is like a weapon depicted in a painting: it brings pleasure, but no benefit. Pythagoras

Only an ignoble person is capable of praising to his face and slander behind his back. Pythagoras

Hypocrisy is measuring actions not in front of your own conscience, but in front of others. M. M. Prishvin

Those who are respected are never flattered, because respect honors, flattery mocks. Publilius Syrus

You always begin to despise a little those who agree with your opinion too easily. J. Renard

People usually try to invest their praises more profitably, just as they invest money - with the expectation of interest. J. Renard

A hypocrite is always a slave. R. Rolland

Praise corrupts those who like it. J.-J. Rousseau

Flattery, they say, is the food of fools, yet how many smart people are ready from time to time to taste at least a sip of such food. D. Swift

Reproach from bad people is the same as praise. Seneca the Younger

The speeches of flatterers have an effect long after they have already been heard. Seneca the Younger

O power of flattery, how far do you extend and how vast are the limits of your power! M. Cervantes

Only an extremely cowardly and extremely empty person can find pleasure in praise, which he knows very well that he does not deserve. A. Smith

No one, of course, falls for flattery like people overwhelmed by conceit. B. Spinoza

The great evil is hypocrisy, servility, opportunism. Know how to recognize this many-sided evil, be intolerant and irreconcilable towards it. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Flatterers are the worst of enemies. Tacitus

A flatterer flatters only because he has a low opinion of himself and others. L. N. Tolstoy

A person who is unusually absent-minded in a circle of subordinates is never absent-minded with superior persons. I. S. Turgenev

Flatterers exact from those below them the same tribute that they themselves pay to those above them. G. Fielding

We always like flattery when it concerns qualities that we lack. Tell a fool that he is very smart, and a rogue that he is the most honest man in the world, and they will embrace you in their arms. G. Fielding

Flattery is an assistant to vices. Cicero

The one most accessible to flatterers is the one who flatters himself and admires himself the most. Cicero

They flatter in order to dominate under the guise of submission. N. G. Chernyshevsky

They flatter those they fear. A. P. Chekhov

Flatterers are like friends, like wolves are like dogs. D. Chapen

Of all the varieties of hypocrisy, the most decent is false modesty. N. Chamfort

Flattery is a bellows that inflates vices. W. Shakespeare

He who loves to be flattered is worth a flatterer. W. Shakespeare

There is nothing worse than being praised by a scoundrel. R. Schumann

All flatterers are, as a rule, liars. I. Engel

Flattery is incompatible with loyalty. Erasmus of Rotterdam

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