Top 22 quotes about design and design thinking. Selection from Magazine

Massimo Vignelli

“The life of a designer is a constant struggle. Fight against ugliness. Just like a doctor fights a disease. For us, visual illness is something that we have around us, and what we are trying to do is somehow cure the environment through design.”

We hope these quotes have inspired your creativity! If so, then it's time to test your ideas in practice.

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Quote 10

Design is a plan for organizing elements to achieve a specific purpose / Charles Eames

Charles Eames (1907 - 1978) was an American architect and designer. Together with his wife Ray Eames, they became one of the most famous designers in America, as they completely changed the attitude of their compatriots to furniture design, architecture, and photography. One of the Eameses' most famous inventions is the ergonomic chaise lounge chair. You can judge how popular it is by the following fact - enter the word “chair” into the search bar of a site with stock photos and almost everyone will have an Eames chaise lounge chair. Here he is…

A modern version of the Daw Eames chair

All the people discussed have achieved a lot in life and fully revealed their creative potential. Their statements fill and inspire, and also make you think about how difficult the path of a person who has chosen creation as his mission is!

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Quote 3

Everything seems impossible until it is done. / Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) - President of South Africa from 1994 to 1995. In 1993 he received the Nobel Peace Prize. A man with a truly amazing destiny. A fighter for the freedom of his people. In his youth he was recognized as a terrorist and sentenced to life imprisonment. He served 27 years, did not break and continued to defend the rights of South Africans, becoming the first black president of this country in 1994. He had a huge amount of charm and charisma and, as he himself said, he sincerely forgave his offenders.

USSR postage stamp 1988 (public domain)

Quote 1

Good design makes the viewer want to know more. / Alexander Isley

Alexander Isley is an American graphic designer, our contemporary. Born in 1961. Author of original publications, scientific research and founder of his own design studio.

Screenshot of Alexander Isley Inc website

Quote 7

There are three reactions to a design: yes, no, and “WOW!” “Wow” is what we should strive for. / Milton Glaser

Milton Glaser (1929 - 2020) - American graphic designer, creator of New York Magazine. Remember the I love New York logo, which has gained wild popularity and even those who never planned to go to America have a T-shirt with it? (For example, mine). So, this is his doing!

Screenshot of Milton Glaser's website

Quote 6

Only crazy people think they can change the world, and only they do it. / Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) is another personality who requires no introduction. Entrepreneur, inventor, industrial designer. The man who created the history of the development of information technology. He is called the "father of the digital revolution." Founder of Apple, CEO of Pixar. Not an ordinary person, whom we are always used to seeing in the same worn jeans and black turtleneck.

This man still inspires us.

Quote 5

Creativity is the entertainment of the intellect. / Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) is a man who requires no introduction, physicist, theorist, Nobel Prize laureate, extraordinary personality. A scientist who ordinary people associate primarily with the theory of relativity. But he was interested not only in science, but also in philosophy and history. Author of popular publications on these topics.

One of the most popular photographs of the scientist, which became a meme.

Quote 8

An important aspect of any creativity is not to be afraid to fail! / Dr. Edwin Land

Edwin Land (1909 - 1991) - American inventor, founder of Polaroid. A man of incredible intelligence. Only Nikola Tesla has more patents than him.

The same Polaroid camera that many of my peers dreamed of

Quote 4

Creativity is a combination of discipline and childlike spontaneity. / Robert Greene

Robert Greene is an American writer, author of best-selling books on psychology. His books are translated into different languages ​​and are known all over the world. Some of the most popular are “48 Laws of Power”, “Laws of Seduction”, “Game Master”

Screenshot of the author's books on

Quote 9

Creativity requires courage / Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse (1869 - 1954) - French artist and sculptor. A man who brought his revolutionary vision of painting. In terms of his contribution to art, he is compared to Pablo Picasso. The founder of Fauvism - the first avant-garde style in painting. Fauvism is translated from French as “wild”. Its characteristic features are:

  • Bright colors
  • Simplified forms and space
  • Lack of linear perspective

Dance (1910). Henri Mathis

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