Believe in yourself tattoo. Motivational phrases in Latin with translation

Tattoos with slogans, quotes and other inscriptions are more popular and relevant among young people and adults than ever. For example, “Only forward”, “Never look back”, “Follow your Heart”, and many more options. One of the most intriguing is the “My life my rules” tattoo, or in the English version it is the “my life my rules” tattoo.

Forearm tattoo

It sounds bold and bold, suitable for girls and boys, and in general can be considered universal. It is not surprising that many people want to fill themselves with this particular slogan.

Lettering tattoo

Why do so many people prefer to decorate their bodies not with drawings, patterns and abstractions, but with inscriptions? How often can you find phrases like “Never give up” or “Enjoy every moment” on your hands, feet and necks?

Sometimes there are phrases in Russian that are also quite bold and life-affirming, for example “happiness”, “born in 1999” or “don’t play with me”, or simply dates, significant numbers and names of relatives. And tattoos in Latin or hieroglyphs deserve a separate article.

Why do they make tattoos in the form of inscriptions, if the pictures can be so beautiful? Firstly, not everyone has a life slogan, and if you do have one, then carrying it literally on your skin is an honor.

It is quite possible that during the course of life, learning its lessons and difficulties, learning one’s own destiny, a certain wisdom was revealed to a person. He understood something very important, sacred to himself. I always want to carry this wisdom with me, and of course, a person goes to a tattoo artist to imprint important words.

Often a tattoo helps in life. The correct inscription will help you not to stray from your chosen path, adhere to your own moral laws, not betray yourself, and not give up. A tattoo motivator is great, you always have it with you!

In addition, the inscription can accompany a beautiful drawing, and then the tattoo will be a real work of art. So the inscription is a good choice!

The meaning of the tattoo “My life is my rules”

You can put a lot of meaning into the “My life, my rules” tattoo, and everyone will have their own, individual and unique meaning. What does this phrase mean?

Initially, the expression “My life, my rules” defined the assertion of a person’s own rights to personal life, without taking into account forced social values ​​and a set of rules for existence in society. Homosexuals tried to build this kind of life position in 1970.

At the demonstration they carried banners with such inscriptions. Now we can say that they did it quite well. And at the moment, the expression has a kind of constancy and is the motto of homosexuals.

One of the options is that you do not intend to “dance to someone else’s tune.” After all, how many laws and canons society, the system, the country are trying to ascribe to us. People who blindly and stupidly follow these laws are more like a gray herd that is so easy to control. A person who one day decides to be free and live according to his conscience, without following the “herd,” writes his own rules and lives by them.

This principle is adhered to by brave and strong-willed people, because resisting the system and swimming “against the tide” through life, living by your own rules is not easy. But if you have decided that you will live your free life, then this inscription is for you!

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation

The Latin inscriptions used for tattoos are distinguished by their deep meaning, which not everyone understands. Therefore, the meaning of individual statements requires certain clarification. Below we will look at popular phrases in Latin about love, life and family, and also look at tattoo designs for guys and girls.

Motivational phrases in Latin with translation

  1. Vivere est vincere. To live means to win. This is a wonderful motivational tattoo inscription in Latin, suitable for purposeful guys and girls who are used to being the first in everything.
  2. Audaces fortuna juvat. Destiny helps brave. If you are looking for beautiful phrases in Latin, then this expression will become not only a body decoration for you, but also an excellent motivational message.
  3. Corrige praeteritum praesens rege cerne futurum. Correct the past, manage the present, provide for the future. The Latin quote says that in the future you should not make the same mistakes that were made in the past.
  4. Primus inter pares. First among equals. This symbolic inscription in Latin is suitable for a person who is a leader by nature, fluent in the art of oratory and the gift of persuasion, which helps him lead people.
  5. Carpe diem. Live the moment. If you live in the moment and believe that every fleeting moment should be lived to the fullest, then this is one of the best Latin tattoo ideas for you.
  6. Descensus averno facilis est. The path to hell is easy. This phrase suggests that a person will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
  7. Omnia quae volo adipiscar. Whatever I want, I will do. An excellent motivational message that is perfectly suited for persistent, courageous and determined people who achieve their goals at any cost.
  8. Actum ne agas. What you're done with, don't come back to. The meaning of this quote is that you should not “step on the same rake”, no matter what it concerns: work, relationships, love, etc.
  9. Mea vita, mea leges. My life my rules. This statement is perfect for those who value their opinion above others and are ready to take responsibility for themselves.
  10. Esse quam videri. Be, not seem to be. This Latin inscription tattoo is an excellent option for people who do not accept the “masks” that many “wear” in order to impress others.
  11. Educa te ipsum. Educate yourself. This phrase suggests that changing the world for the better should, first of all, start with yourself.
  12. Deus ipse se fecit. God created himself. This phrase advises not to create an idol for yourself and to be who you really are.
  13. Hic et nunc. Here and now. A quote suitable for people who are easy going, seek adventure and enjoy life.
  14. Incedo per ignes. I walk among the lights. A person who has painted this sentence on his body can be described as a courageous person who is not afraid of difficult situations.
  15. Victoria aut morte. Victory or death. This statement suggests that a person is not satisfied with borderline situations: all or nothing.
  16. Fortunam suam quisque parat. Everyone makes their own destiny. The meaning of this tattoo in Latin is that everyone is responsible for how they live and what surrounds them.
  17. Sua cuique fortuna in manu est. Everyone has their own happiness in their hands. This phrase carries the same meaning as the inscription above.
  18. Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. This phrase can be understood as follows: someone who wants to achieve something favorable in their life has to “go over their heads.”
  19. Vive ut vivas. Live to live. Each person determines his own priorities and meaning in life.
  20. Crede in te ipsum. Believe in yourself. A motivational tattoo in Latin that will guide a person on the path of truth when achieving their goals.
  21. Nosce te ipsum. Know yourself. This phrase suggests that you should not teach other people what you have not learned yourself.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation about love

  1. Mea vita et anima es. You are my life and soul. Many people like to dedicate tattoos of Latin inscriptions to their other half. If you are confident in your feelings and experience true love, you can please your loved one with a tattoo.
  2. Amor est vitae essentia. Love is the essence of life. The meaning of this Latin inscription is that life cannot be lived to the fullest without experiencing love.
  3. Dum spiro amo atque credo. As long as I breathe, I love and believe. This is one of the most popular Latin phrases for tattoos, as it is suitable for application as paired inscriptions.
  4. Finis vitae sed non amoris. The end of life, but not of love. This Latin quote with a deep meaning says that love is eternal: a person continues to be loved even after he has passed away.
  5. Una vita – unus amor. One life one love. One of the most popular Latin inscriptions used as matching tattoos for couples in love.
  6. Jucundissimus est amari sed non minus amare. It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself. This saying says that in a harmonious relationship, both people should give their all, and not just the one who loves.
  7. Crede cor vestrum. Listen to your heart. Under various circumstances, you should not only rely on your mind, but also listen to your inner voice.
  8. Cor meum in aeternum. Forever in my heart. A phrase that is suitable for declaring your love to a girl or guy.
  9. Coniuncte in perpetuum. Together forever. This sentence is popular in all languages, and is often used as paired inscriptions.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation about family

  1. Solum mater digna amatu. Only a mother deserves love. This is one of the most popular phrases for tattoos dedicated to the mother.
  2. Familia omnibus praestat. Families First. An excellent Latin phrase for a tattoo that reflects a person’s life priorities.
  3. Familia mea arx mea est. My family is my castle. An expression that says that nothing is more important to a person than the support of his family.
  4. Liberi mei vita mihi sunt. My children are my life. A wonderful expression that is suitable for dedicating to your children.
  5. Meus filius vita mea. My son is my life. The birth of a long-awaited son can be immortalized with this meaningful phrase.

Latin tattoos about life with translation into Russian

  1. Qui estis. Stay who you are. Often, in pursuit of dreams, we forget about who we really are. This phrase in Latin will remind you that you should not give up your own self when achieving certain benefits in life.
  2. Facta sunt potentiora verbis. Acts are stronger than words. The meaning of this phrase in Latin is that you should not be unfounded, it is better to prove your words in action.
  3. Ira initium insaniae est. Anger is the beginning of madness. The meaning of the Latin phrase with translation into Russian is that in conflict situations you should not succumb to angry emotions: you must maintain a sober mind and not commit rash actions “in a state of passion.”
  4. Nil permanent sub sole. Nothing lasts forever under the sun. This quote says that nothing is eternal, everything has its limit.
  5. Bene vobis. All the best. A positive wish that reflects a person’s positive attitude in life.
  6. Nata sum ut felix essay. Born to be happy. I think that this proposal does not require further clarification.
  7. Omnia tempus habent. Everything has its time. There is no need to rush or hesitate: everything goes on as usual.
  8. Vita est praeclara. Life is Beautiful. This Latin phrase is perfect as a tattoo for a cheerful girl or guy.
  9. Cum Deo. With God blessing. A Latin expression for believers, which can become a kind of amulet for a person.
  10. Anima mea. Soul. A word that carries a special meaning for a person.

Font categories

For a beautiful inscription tattoo, not only the meaning is extremely important, but also the font, that is, the style of the letters. In general, tattoo fonts can be divided into the following categories:

  • Handwritten - elegant, calligraphic, as if written with pen and ink by someone’s skillful hand. They look great especially on women's bodies.
  • Textured - more unusual, artistic fonts. These could be, for example, cracked letters, or bleeding, or three-dimensional. It always looks unusual and catchy.
  • Hieroglyphic - look like hieroglyphs or ancient runes, but the letters can be Latin or Cyrillic. It looks like a hieroglyph from afar, but if you look closely, you can make out the text. This is very original!
  • Gothic fonts are very suitable for tattoos. They look stern, a little sad and majestic, especially good for phrases about life.
  • Old Slavonic fonts are perfect if you want a tattoo in Russian. This font will emphasize your cultural identity and nationality, and also looks beautiful.

When choosing a tattoo, especially an inscription, you need to take your time and give yourself time for the idea to take root in your mind. And listen to your intuition, because it definitely won’t deceive you!

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When is the phrase “to err is human” used?

This aphorism is pronounced in cases where it is necessary to explain the reason for any mistake of a particular person. However, it often happens that people hide behind this phrase, attributing their reluctance or inability to the fact that we are all not without sin. Of course, everyone has the right to make a mistake, however, if a person does not strive to conscientiously fulfill his duties - in work or in any other area of ​​​​life, this phrase does not justify him at all. You can’t blame everything on your imperfections and go with the flow, without making any efforts to progress, develop and change for the better.

Yes, indeed, it is common for every person to make mistakes, but it is always necessary to strive to ensure that there are as few of these mistakes in life as possible.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your collarbone?

How severe the pain will be during a tattoo creation session depends on the individual pain threshold of a particular person. The image on the collarbone is more noticeable compared to other areas of the body, where the fat layer is thicker and the distance between the skin and the bone is much greater.

It's connected with:

  • a large accumulation of nerve endings located on the collarbone;
  • minimal skin thickness;
  • maximum sensitivity (due to the lack of constant contact of the skin on the collarbones with aggressive external irritants).

To minimize the client’s discomfort, tattoo artists suggest that they first apply a local anesthetic to the area of ​​the future tattoo (the most common painkiller is Emla).

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