Inscriptions in Spanish: expressions and phrases for tattoos with translation and photos

A tattoo inscription in Spanish always looks tempting and attractive. Unlike English, it is not the most widely spoken language on Earth, so few people will be able to understand the meaning of the phrases. In the article we will analyze beautiful phrases in Spanish for tattoos, get acquainted with their translation, and also look at the works of artists from all over the world in the photo.

Tattoo inscriptions in Spanish with translation

With the help of Spanish tattoos, you can confess your love to a loved one, reflect your mood in life, or gain motivation that helps you in life. Below we will look at various Spanish expressions that are popular among body art lovers around the world.

“Dream” in Spanish – “Sueño”

  • Never give up. Nunca te rindas. An excellent motivational phrase for a tattoo that will help you achieve your goals.
  • Born to be happy. Nacido para ser feliz. This tattoo in Spanish is suitable for a romantic girl who approaches life with an open soul.
  • Dreams Come True. Los sueños se hacen realidad. Various Spanish catchphrases are popular among tattoo lovers. This expression is no exception.
  • Beautiful. Hermosa. Words that are suitable as a tattoo for any girl.
  • Forever. For now. All people put different meanings into this tattoo. Therefore, what it will mean for you is a mystery to us.
  • My heart. Mi corazon. A simple but deep expression can be tattooed either as an independent tattoo inscription, or supplemented with any words that are suitable in meaning.
  • Every man for himself. Cada uno a lo suyo. The modern world is cruel. Anyone who believes can also have this Spanish expression tattooed on their body.
  • We drink, sing and love. Bebemos cantamos y amamos. This inscription tattoo perfectly reflects the life of the Spanish people.
  • My life my rules. Mi vida mi reglos. This phrase in Spanish will find its place on the body of a person who lives according to his own established rules.
  • Everything that happens is for the better. Todo lo que pasa es para major. Quote in Spanish, suitable for people who believe in destiny.
  • Follow your dreams. Sigue el sueño. A parting message reminding a person to never give up when pursuing a dream.
  • Nothing is impossible. No hay nada inpossible. A motivational expression that says that a person can achieve a lot on his own. A wonderful tattoo for purposeful people.
  • I believe in my star. Creo en mi Estrella. Every person has something that helps him live. In this case it is a star.

Spanish on Skype

Tattoos are extremely popular now. Both boys and girls make beautiful drawings and inscriptions on their bodies. But, unfortunately, tattoos do not always look attractive on the body. Sometimes they simply spoil a person's appearance. To prevent this from happening, you need to approach the issue of choosing a tattoo as carefully as possible. And it doesn't matter whether it's small or big. If you have already decided to get a tattoo, make sure that it matches you and the proportions of your body. In this article we will talk about the most common tattoos - inscriptions in a foreign language. Tattoos - inscriptions in Latin letters - have long been very popular among boys and girls. It looks aesthetically pleasing on almost any part of the body. Guys, as a rule, get inscriptions on their arms, chest and back. And the favorite place on the body of girls is the feet. Inscription tattoos on the foot look quite sexy, especially if the inscription is written in an elegant font. But what kind of inscriptions do tattoo lovers and amateurs tattoo on their bodies? Most often, these are inscriptions in English, German and Spanish. It is these languages ​​that are full of “catchphrases” with deep meaning. For example, in Spanish there are a lot of sayings that are ideal for a tattoo. Below are some of them.

  • “Ángel mío, estate conmigo, tú ve por delante y yo te sigo” - this phrase in Spanish is translated as “Be with me, my angel, go forward, I will follow you.” This phrase can perfectly describe a girl’s feelings for her lover. What better proof of love for a man than a tattoo with such meaning? Especially if the guy is also a fan of tattoos.
  • “Cada uno a lo suyo” - this saying has a rather simple, but at the same time deep meaning. “To each his own” is an ideal phrase for a person who has gone through many difficulties and trials in his life, but in the end achieved something on his own, without the help of others.
  • “Mi vida mis reglas!” - an expression that can be translated into Russian as “My life is my rules” cannot be compared in popularity with any other. Moreover, tattoos with a similar meaning are popular in all languages. This inscription is usually written by independent people who control everything that happens in their lives. As a rule, guys get such tattoos more often than the fair sex.
  • "Con Dios". It's no secret that the Spaniards are people who are very sensitive to faith in God and adherence to all religious traditions. However, the saying, which literally translates as “With God,” can also be found on the bodies of representatives of other nationalities. And this does not necessarily mean that the bearer of the tattoo is an avid believer. Rather, he simply believes in a certain force that constantly accompanies him through life.
  • “Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor” - the famous expression of the famous Spanish poet Pedro Calderone de la Barca is filled with people who extol love more than anything else. “If love is not madness, it is not love” - what could be truer than this statement!
  • Tattoos with expressions in Spanish are the best way to express your attitude towards love, faith in God and life in general.

Phrases in Spanish with translation for tattoos

When choosing a phrase to get a tattoo in Spanish, try to make sure that it is translated correctly by a native speaker, and not by using popular online services. After all, mistakes made in the inscription will not be so easy to correct.

  • Always be yourself. Siempre sé tú mismo.
  • Life is a game. La vida es un juego.
  • May the force be with me. Que la fuerza venga conmigo.
  • Suffering passes, but love is eternal. El sufrimiento pasa, pero el amor es eterno.
  • When you stop dreaming, you stop living. Deja de soñar, deja de vivir.
  • You cannot tear out a single page from life, but you can throw the entire book into the fire. No puedes arrancar una sola página de la vida, pero puedes tirar todo el libro al fuego.
  • Only the broken-hearted know the truth about love. Solo con el corazón roto saben la verdad sobre el amor.
  • The best way to make your dream come true is to wake up. La mejor manera de cumplir un sueño es despertarse.
  • I'm looking to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life. Miro hacia el futuro porque es allí donde voy a pasar el resto de mi vida.
  • Life is the most exciting opportunity. La vida es la oportunidad más emocionante.
  • Expect the best, prepare for the worst. Espera lo mejor, prepárate para lo peor.

Stylistic design options for a tattoo in the form of a phrase in Spanish

Features of the Spanish language are expressiveness and emotional coloring. It can sound loud and rough, or, on the contrary, melodic and pleasant to the ear. This duality allows you to design tattoo inscriptions in different styles.

As a rule, phrases about love, cheerfulness and positivity sound soft and beautiful in Spanish. Experienced artists note that people who get tattoos with this message choose cursive fonts with monograms and floral patterns for design. Inscriptions with philosophical meaning are often complemented with futuristic drawings, while choosing a simple font. Most often these are block letters, or a European font, with angular letters and thin joints.

Phrases about God and spirituality sound loud and energetic in Spanish, so such inscriptions are typed using a Gothic font, or they give preference to rough letters with sharp corners, complementing them with gloomy drawings and religious symbols. Using a beautiful font, you can make a minimalist tattoo without additional design. To make it look beautiful, you need to know which part of the body to place it on.

Quotes in Spanish with translation for tattoos

Beautiful quotes in Spanish are great for both women and men. After all, in this language you can talk about a lot: about love, about life, about faith, etc. Below is the TOP 5 of the most interesting and best Spanish sayings.

About love

Beautiful words about love in Spanish are great for confessing your feelings to your other half. Below are the best quotes suitable for tattooing.

  • You are my life. Eres mi vida.
  • You are my sun. Tu heres mi sol.
  • I go crazy about you. Estoy loco por ti.
  • It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved. Es mejor amar y perder que nunca amar.
  • Life without love is life without sun. La vida sin amor es vida sin sol.

About life

Spanish quotes about life remind you to enjoy every day you live. By applying similar phrases to your body, you can show others your mood, goals and attitude towards life. We invite you to familiarize yourself with selected expressions that are suitable as a motive for Spanish tattoo inscriptions.

  • Life. La vida. This inscription is suitable for those people who want to show the deep meaning of a tattoo in one word.
  • That is life. Así es la vida. These Spanish words indicate that a person is ready to accept and overcome any challenges in life.
  • Life is Beautiful. La vida es bella. A great phrase in Spanish that will suit an open and cheerful person.
  • Enjoy the little things, they make life beautiful. Disfruta las pequeñas cosas, hacen la vida hermosa.
  • Life is short, so enjoy it to the fullest. La vida es corta, así que disfrútala al máximo.


Religious tattoos are just as popular as other Spanish expressions. Most often, such inscriptions are printed as a body amulet, protecting a person from the influence of negative thoughts and actions of other people.

  • Every step is with God. Cada paso con Dios. This phrase is suitable for believers who want to be under the supervision of God.
  • I walk with God. Camino con dios. The text is similar to the statement above. The meaning, in general, remains the same.
  • Under the wing of an angel. Bajo el ala de un ángel. A beautiful phrase that can become a person’s body talisman.
  • Bless and save. Salvame y guárdame. The most common inscription, often written by believers hoping for protection “from above.”
  • My angel is always with me. Mi angel siempre esta conmigo. / My angel will be with me. Mi angel estar conmigo. These Spanish tattoos will look great on both male and female bodies. The phrase can be used as a talisman against the evil eye, damage and various life failures.

Themes and meanings of Spanish aphorisms

People who want to get a tattoo in the form of an inscription in Spanish will not have a difficult time finding an expression or aphorism that will help show their own inner world. These could be lyrical reflections on love, or witty and sarcastic statements about the meaning of life, lofty reflections on the role of man in this world, ironic remarks about the values ​​of modern society.

Everyone can find something close and dear in Spanish that coincides with their own ideological positions.

Having chosen a philosophical thought you like, it is better to check the correctness of its spelling and translation several times in trusted sources. The fact is that in the Spanish language there are a lot of cognates (words with a common root base, but differing in sound, spelling and meaning); an incorrectly chosen word can significantly change the original meaning of the expression.

Did you know? A special feature of the Spanish language is its relative ease of reading and writing. Basically, words are read the same way they are written. This feature of the language allows you to read Spanish fluently even for those who do not speak it.

Aphorisms in Spanish with translation

Aphorisms are expressions with deep meaning. Such tattoos are a wonderful choice for those who value individuality and unpredictability in people. For long inscriptions typed in Spanish, it is better to choose large areas on the body that allow the required spacing between letters to be maintained. Otherwise, in the future you risk getting black, unreadable bars. Remember this.

  • Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. La vida se mide no por la cantidad de respiraciones que tomamos, sino por los momentos que nos quitan el aliento.
  • A friend is someone who knows everything about you but still loves you. Un amigo es alguien que sabe todo sobre ti, pero de todos modos te ama.
  • We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Todos estamos en una zanja, pero algunos de nosotros estamos mirando las estrellas.
  • Keep people at arm's length. Mantenga a las personas a distance.
  • Vain people never hear anything but praise. La gente vanidosa nunca escucha nada más que elogios.

Men's phrases with translation

Tattoo inscriptions in Spanish is a good solution for men. Capacious and deep statements will perfectly emphasize the strength of character and highlight aspirations, bringing to the fore the main life positions.

Representatives of the stronger half choose quotes that talk about the ability to overcome difficulties. Among them, the sayings No hay nada impossible - “nothing is unattainable” and Vivir significa luchar - “to live means to fight” are very popular.

Assertiveness and the ability to achieve your goals will be emphasized by the saying El que la sigue la consigue, which can be translated as “if you didn’t succeed the first time, try again.” One can highlight one’s exclusivity and self-sufficiency with the phrase Más vale estar solo que estar mal acompañado, meaning “it is better to be alone than in a bad environment.” Confident guys get a tattoo with the inscription Seamos realistas, pidamos lo imposible - “be realistic, achieve the unattainable.”

Men, like girls, are subject to romantic feelings, and often they strive to proclaim their love to everyone. A suitable option is a male tattoo with the expression Te quiero mas que ayer pero menos que mañana, which translates as “I love you more than yesterday, but I will love you less than tomorrow.”

Tattoo inscription in Spanish on the inside of the arm for men

Men's tattoo Spanish inscription on the wrist

Men's tattoo phrase in Spanish on the shoulder

Spanish lettering tattoo on the upper back for a man

Tattoo inscription in Spanish on the shoulder blade for men

Men's tattoo phrase in Spanish on chest

The touching inscription Dejame estar contigo sounds very tender - “let me be with you,” which will remind you of nobility and sincere aspiration for a long time.

Tattoo lettering in Spanish: photo

In the presented photo gallery you can familiarize yourself with the different styles used to apply Spanish inscriptions.

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