Nazi phrases. About the ideology of Nazism (quotes)

Adolf Hitler Quotes

Not loving anyone is the greatest gift that makes you invincible, because by not loving anyone, you are deprived of the most terrible pain.

Life is a queue for death, but some jump the queue.

As a Christian, I should not allow myself to be deceived, but I should be a fighter for truth and justice

I believe that it was God's will to send the young man to the Reich to grow up to become the leader of the nation and bring his native land back into the German state.

I will forever remain a Catholic

We will fight him on land, we will fight him by sea, we will fight him in the air, until, with God's help, we have rid the earth of his very shadow and freed the nations from his yoke. – Winston Churchill on Hitler

How lucky the authorities are that people never think.

Only a fanatical crowd is easily controlled.

I have no doubts. The fact that I left the Bürgerbrau-Keller earlier than usual was the intervention of Providence, preserving me for the fulfillment of my mission.

If Hitler invaded Hell, I would at least speak favorably of Satan in the House of Commons - Winston Churchill on Hitler

If you tell a lie long enough, loudly enough, and often enough, people will start to believe it.

Every generation must take part in the war.

No one will ask the winner whether he told the truth or not.

I believe that it was God's will to send the young man to the Reich to grow up to become the leader of the nation and bring his native land back into the German state.

Whoever chooses Hindenburg chooses Hitler; whoever chooses Hitler chooses war. – Ernst Thälmann on Hitler

He who wants to live must fight, and whoever in this world of eternal struggle does not want to participate in a fight does not deserve the right to life.

If you tell a lie long enough, loudly enough, and often enough, people will start to believe it.

At dinner, the Fuhrer remarked: in fact, it is an amazing thing, but such Christian peoples as the British and Americans, despite all their prayers, received such powerful blows from the Japanese, these notorious pagans. Obviously, God stands not for the saints in England and the USA, but for the Japanese heroes.

We will never meet a fox that would show any humane intentions towards a goose, just as we will never meet a cat who is inclined to make friends with mice.

Imbued with the desire to secure for the people of Germany great religious, moral and cultural values ​​based on the two Christian denominations, we have eliminated political organizations but strengthened religious institutions.

It would be ridiculous to identify the Hitler clique with the German people, with the German state. The experience of history says that Hitlers come and go, but the German people, and the German state remains. – Joseph Stalin on Hitler

The ancient world was so pure, bright and serene, because it did not know two great evils: the plague and Christianity.

The bigger the lie, the easier it is to believe it.

Secular schools are unacceptable because there is no religious instruction in them, and general moral education without a religious basis is built on air; therefore, any education of the individual must proceed from faith. ... We need believers.

Those who call Hitler the Antichrist or, conversely, a saint, are closer to the truth than intellectuals who have been arguing for ten terrible years that he is just a clown from a comic opera, about whom there is nothing to seriously talk about. – George Orwell on Hitler

Never before in history has any state been created through peaceful economic activity.

Evil threatens every person and even the child of our great nation. We must take steps to ensure the safety and security of our homeland.

About the ideology of Nazism (quotes)

Fascism is a lie told by bandits.

Ernest Hemingway

Fascism, in its essence, is an organization for selecting the most vile scoundrels and scoundrels for the enslavement of all other people... I use the terms “scoundrels” and “scoundrels” only because I don’t find stronger ones.

Maksim Gorky

A poor man, having nothing to be proud of, grabs at the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Racism is the snobbery of the plebeians.

Raymond Aron

There is no national science, just as there is no national multiplication table.

Anton Chekhov

A healthy nation is as oblivious to its nationality as a healthy person is to its bones.

Bernard Show

With stupid persistence, the fascist leaders are hammering into the heads of the deceived German people the criminal idea of ​​the unconditional superiority of the Germans over all “others.” Numerous observations of the psyche of criminal elements have shown that extreme contempt for “everyone else - not their own” is necessary for both a murderer and a professional thief to justify actions that run counter to the laws of human morality and nobility.

Vsevolod Pudovkin

When the Nazis came for the communists, I was silent, I’m not a communist. Then they came for the Social Democrats, I was silent, I’m not a Social Democrat. Then they came for the trade unionists, I was silent, I’m not a trade union member. Then they came for the Jews, I was silent, I’m not a Jew. And then they came for me, and there was no one left to protest.

Martin Niemöller

Hitler should have had exactly the mustache that he had. But look! The next one might have curls and sideburns!

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Nationalism is a childhood disease of humanity. Like measles.

Albert Einstein

I free people from the aggravating limitations of reason, from the dirty and degrading self-poisonings of the chimeras called conscience and morality, and from the demands of freedom and personal independence that only a few can enjoy.

Adolf Gitler

The assumption that all people are equal is simply ridiculous... What an irony that the rude Russian peasants who now wear the uniform of generals are judging me...

Goering (during the Nuremberg trials)

Nationalism is a thirst for power mixed with self-deception.

George Orwell

A crazed hooligan has attacked Western civilization, but it can be dealt with. It is a matter of spiritual discipline and steadfastness. You shouldn't be deceived. There has never been a single invincible barbarism.

Thomas Mann

The combination of reactionary ideas with revolutionary feelings results in the fascist personality type.

Wilhelm Reich

If the fate of the vanquished were in my hands, I would let the common people and even some of the leaders go in peace... but I would hang all the intellectuals and hang the professors three feet higher than everyone else.

Victor Klemperer (about those who condoned fascism)

If one fine morning we discovered that from now on all people are of one nation, one faith and one race, then before lunch we would have invented new prejudices.

George Aiken

People, I loved you! Be carefull!

Julius Fucik (the words that end the book “Report with a Noose Around His Neck,” written by a hero of the Resistance in fascist dungeons)

Hitler about Russia of the future

The rulers of modern Russia, Hitler writes in “My Struggle,” are swindlers and criminals, moreover, heavily stained with blood. They took advantage of a fortunate confluence of tragic circumstances, took a huge country by surprise, carried out savage reprisals against its leading elite, and established a harsh tyranny. The unspoken leaders of this clique of swindlers, thieves and murderers are Jews.

German propaganda leaflet

Hitler planned to replace this Bolshevik tyranny with National Socialist tyranny. In European Russia, after the victory of the Reich, only workers loyal to the new government should have remained. There was no place for all the Slavs who were against German domination over them in the new Russia (more precisely, in the Reichskommissariats of Ostland, Ukraine, Muscovy, Don-Volga). They had to be exterminated or driven out to Siberia.

Quotes by Joseph Goebbels (150 quotes)

Paul Joseph Goebbels is a German politician, one of the closest associates and loyal followers of Adolf Hitler. Since 1926, Gauleiter of Berlin and since 1930 head of the propaganda department of the NSDAP, he made a significant contribution to the growing popularity of the National Socialists in the final stage of the Weimar Republic. On April 30, 1945, after Hitler's suicide, in accordance with the Fuhrer's political will, Goebbels replaced him as Chancellor of Germany. After being in office for one day, he committed suicide with his wife, after poisoning his six children. Goebbels became a household name and is still associated with cynical, shameless propaganda. Quotes from Joseph Goebbels are collected in this section of our website.

For a lie to be believed, it must be terrifying.

Everything that is ingenious is simple, and everything that is simple is genius.

Everything that is ingenious is simple, and everything that is simple is genius. The little man likes to hide his insignificance behind complex things.

The more monstrously you lie, the sooner they will believe you. Ordinary people are more likely to believe big lies than small ones. This corresponds to their primitive soul. They know that in small things they themselves are capable of lying, but they will be ashamed to lie very much. A big lie will not even occur to them. That is why the masses cannot imagine that others are capable of lies that are too monstrous.

The more monstrous the lie, the more willingly the crowd believes it.

We do not seek the truth, but the effect.

Courage is courage inspired by spirituality. The tenacity with which the Bolsheviks defended themselves in their pillboxes in Sevastopol is akin to some kind of animal instinct, and it would be a deep mistake to consider it the result of Bolshevik convictions or upbringing. Russians have always been like this and, most likely, will always remain like this.

The worst enemy of any propaganda is intellectualism.

Peace is the parent of all great thoughts.

Any significant person wants something and, moreover, is ready to use any means to achieve his goal.

If you tell a big enough lie and repeat it, people will eventually believe it.

If you tell a big enough lie and repeat it, people will eventually believe it.

Propaganda is always addressed only to the masses, and not to the intelligentsia, so its level should be oriented towards the perception abilities of the most limited among those whom it is intended to influence.

Peace is the parent of all great thoughts.

Property obliges and binds tightly.

Propaganda can and must, especially during war, abandon humanism and aesthetics, no matter how highly we value them, since in the struggle of a people we are talking about nothing else but its existence.

Property obliges and binds tightly.

Give me the media, and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.

Beat the villain every time! Remember, if someone takes away your rights, you have the right to destroy them.

I'm not afraid of losing my head: I'm afraid of losing face.

Propaganda loses its power as soon as it becomes obvious.

In war, the most humane method is the one that achieves its goal most quickly.

Give me the media, and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.

Courage is courage inspired by spirituality. The tenacity with which the Bolsheviks defended themselves in their pillboxes in Sevastopol is akin to some kind of animal instinct, and it would be a deep mistake to consider it the result of Bolshevik convictions or upbringing. Russians have always been like this and, most likely, will always remain like this.

I'm not afraid of losing my head: I'm afraid of losing face.

Courage is courage inspired by spirituality. The tenacity with which the Bolsheviks defended themselves in their pillboxes in Sevastopol is akin to some kind of animal instinct, and it would be a deep mistake to consider it the result of Bolshevik convictions or upbringing. Russians have always been like this and, most likely, will always remain like this.

Take history away from the people, and in a generation they will turn into a crowd, and in another generation they can be controlled like a herd.

Dostoevsky was several daring steps ahead of his time. You follow him with fear, distrust, shock - but you follow him anyway. He doesn’t let go, you have to follow him... You should just call him unique. He came from nowhere and does not belong to any place. And yet he always remains Russian.

Any significant person wants something and, moreover, is ready to use any means to achieve his goal.

I'm not afraid of losing my head: I'm afraid of losing face.

Jurisprudence is the corrupt girl of politics.

Take history away from the people, and in a generation they will turn into a crowd, and in another generation they can be controlled like a herd.

Any significant person wants something and, moreover, is ready to use any means to achieve his goal.

Man was and remains an animal. With low or high instincts. With love and hate. But he always remains an animal.

The critic must be ready and able, at any moment and at the first request, to take the place of the one he criticizes and carry out his work productively and competently; otherwise, criticism turns into an arrogant, self-sufficient force and becomes a brake on the path of cultural progress.

It's simply indescribable. Bolshevism appears in the world as a disgusting mixture of empty rhetoric and poverty, stubborn doctrine and a complete lack of constructive thinking, magnificent socialist stages and the most bitter social decline. This is mass betrayal in the truest meaning of the word.

The goal of the national revolution should be a totalitarian state that penetrates all spheres of public life.

We pour out a cold shower of denials.

Bolshevism is the dictatorship of the worst.

The worst enemy of any propaganda is intellectualism.

Bolshevism is the dictatorship of the worst.

We pour out a cold shower of denials.

The middle strata create mediocre political figures; there is no need to talk about their political caliber. All the petty bourgeoisie remained in the Bürgerbräukeller beer hall, where, in fact, they always stayed. As for that drop of intelligence that set them in motion, they completely drank it away during 12 years of the sweet life.

A dictator does not need to follow the will of the majority. However, he must be able to harness the will of the people.

One gets the impression that every quarter of a century America necessarily takes part in some kind of war in Europe in order to be able to freely and cheaply profit from everything it needs, for example, cultural achievements.

Property obliges and binds tightly.

The dictatorship of the socialist idea in the state is our future.

The goal of the national revolution should be a totalitarian state that penetrates all spheres of public life.

Today, even the most radical measures cannot be called radical, and the most total war is not total enough.

Ribbentrop is a partner with far from gentlemanly manners. He confuses politics with the champagne trade.

Ribbentrop is a partner with far from gentlemanly manners. He confuses politics with the champagne trade.

You come to the bitter conclusion that the military leadership of the Soviet Union consists of people of a class higher than our own.

The goal of the national revolution should be a totalitarian state that penetrates all spheres of public life.

America grew up on what was brought from Europe, and besides, Americans are obsessed with a passion for money; So they are trying to take possession of the results of scientific research and creativity here without paying a cent for it. They have only one decent opera house in the whole country - the Metropolitan Opera, and even that one is closed, and their leaders still have the audacity to declare that we (and in our person - European culture) threaten them! They are dragging their people towards savagery! Meanwhile, we have to live with them in this crazy world!

A people without religion is like a person without breath.

The Jewish question is more complex than it appears. But capitalist and Bolshevik Jews are not the same thing.

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth.

My party is my church.

Have the courage to live in danger!

Any significant person wants something and, moreover, is ready to use any means to achieve his goal.

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth.

Man was and remains an animal. With low or high instincts. With love and hate. But he always remains an animal.

Take history away from the people, and in a generation they will turn into a crowd, and in another generation they can be controlled like a herd.

The critic must be ready and able, at any moment and at the first request, to take the place of the one he criticizes and carry out his work productively and competently; otherwise, criticism turns into an arrogant, self-sufficient force and becomes a brake on the path of cultural progress.

A people without religion is like a person without breath.

The goal of the national revolution should be a totalitarian state that penetrates all spheres of public life.

Have the courage to live in danger!

“Believe in the future. Then you will be a winner!”

Property obliges and binds tightly.

The Jewish question is more complex than it appears. But capitalist and Bolshevik Jews are not the same thing.

I'm not afraid of losing my head: I'm afraid of losing face.

Bolshevism is the dictatorship of the worst.

The state and the party must pass into one another and form something third, on which will be the imprint of our essence.

Everything that is ingenious is simple, and everything that is simple is genius. The little man likes to hide his insignificance behind complex things.

Dostoevsky was several daring steps ahead of his time. You follow him with fear, distrust, shock - but you follow him anyway. He doesn’t let go, you have to follow him... You should just call him unique. He came from nowhere and does not belong to any place. And yet he always remains Russian.

The British throughout the world are known for their lack of conscience in politics. They are experts in the art of hiding their crimes behind a facade of decency. They have done this for centuries, and it has become so much a part of their nature that they themselves no longer notice this trait. They act with such good manners and such absolute seriousness that they convince even themselves that they are an example of political innocence. They do not admit to themselves their hypocrisy.

It's simply indescribable. Bolshevism appears in the world as a disgusting mixture of empty rhetoric and poverty, stubborn doctrine and a complete lack of constructive thinking, magnificent socialist stages and the most bitter social decline. This is mass betrayal in the truest meaning of the word.

You come to the bitter conclusion that the military leadership of the Soviet Union consists of people of a class higher than our own.

One people, one country, one leader!

Beat the villain every time! Remember, if someone takes away your rights, you have the right to destroy them!

Jurisprudence is the corrupt girl of politics.

Property obliges and binds tightly.

It is good to have guns and bayonets, but it is much more important to have the hearts of the nation.

The lie must be primitive - then people will certainly believe it.

If you tell a big enough lie and repeat it, people will eventually believe it.

We pour out a cold shower of denials.

Courage is courage inspired by spirituality. The tenacity with which the Russians defended themselves on the lines is akin to some kind of animal instinct, and it would be a deep mistake to consider it the result of convictions or upbringing. Russians have always been like this and, most likely, will always remain like this.

Ribbentrop is a partner with far from gentlemanly manners. He confuses politics with the champagne trade.

For a lie to be believed, it must be terrifying.

The goal of the national revolution should be a totalitarian state that penetrates all spheres of public life.

Today, even the most radical measures cannot be called radical, and the most total war is not total enough.

If a lie is repeated a thousand times, it eventually becomes the truth.

It's simply indescribable. Bolshevism appears in the world as a disgusting mixture of empty rhetoric and poverty, stubborn doctrine and a complete lack of constructive thinking, magnificent socialist stages and the most bitter social decline. This is mass betrayal in the truest meaning of the word.

Beat the villain every time! Remember, if someone takes away your rights, you have the right to destroy them!

We will not even mention the so-called social achievements of the Soviet government, which, in comparison with ours, can only cause laughter or shock. This is hardly a matter of taste, but one may be surprised by the fact that Bolshevik propaganda was significantly successful in isolating the majority of Russian workers and peasants from the outside world, foolishly and methodically convincing them that they lived in an earthly paradise. Independent judgment requires the possibility of comparison. For them this was out of the question. The workers and peasants of the Soviet Union are like a man imprisoned for a quarter of a century in a dark dungeon, who can easily be convinced that a kerosene lamp is actually the Sun.

Our enemies claim that the Fuhrer's soldiers marched like conquerors across the lands of Europe - but wherever they arrived, they brought prosperity and happiness, peace, order, reliable conditions, jobs, and as a result a decent life. Our enemies claim that their soldiers came to these same lands as liberators - but wherever they arrive there is now poverty and suffering, chaos, desolation and destruction, unemployment, hunger and mass death. And all that remains of their so-called freedom is a life that no one would dare call decent even in the darkest corners of Africa.

In war, the most humane method is the one that achieves its goal most quickly.

Ribbentrop is a partner with far from gentlemanly manners. He confuses politics with the champagne trade.

The country is inhabited by a mixture of races that cannot be called a people.

In November 1934, Chinese Marshal Chai-Kang-Shi released information that in Kiangsi Province the Communists had killed one million people and taken away all the property of six million.

Russians are not a people in the generally accepted sense of the word, but a rabble that displays pronounced animal traits. This can rightfully be applied to both the civilian population and the army.

You have to hit it so hard that the pieces fly off.

It was the Jew who invented Marxism. It was the Jew who, for decades in the past, tried to spark world revolution through Marxism. It is the Jew who leads Marxism in all countries of the world today. This Satanism could only originate in the brain of a nomad without people, race or country.

Today, even the most radical measures cannot be called radical, and the most total war is not total enough.

You come to the bitter conclusion that the military leadership of the Soviet Union consists of people of a class higher than our own.

The middle strata create mediocre political figures; there is no need to talk about their political caliber. All the petty bourgeoisie remained in the Bürgerbräukeller beer hall, where, in fact, they always stayed. As for that drop of intelligence that set them in motion, they completely drank it away during 12 years of the sweet life.

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The strength of the people is nothing other than the unanimity and internal connections of this people. (Speech 02/26/1934 in Munich)

In its views, opinions and decisions, national socialism does not at all proceed from the interests of an individual or of all abstract humanity. First of all, we think about the welfare of our people. (Speech 02.10.1933 in Hameln)

Our power is only that which we have found and strengthened in the hearts of our people. (Speech 07/13/1934 in Berlin)

I am sure that people value nothing more highly than their freedom and a decent life. (Speech 09/18/1922 in Munich)

If the people need anything, it is not parliamentary leaders. Our people need leaders who have the determination to do whatever they deem right in the sight of God, the world, and their own conscience. (Speech 04/27/1923 in Munich)

If the liberal worldview deifies the individual (i.e., it declares its supposedly equal attitude towards each individual), and is ready to sacrifice an entire people, then national socialism has as its goal precisely the preservation of the people. (Speech 02.10.1933 in Hameln)

We want to establish a people's state in place of a multi-party state! (Speech 02/20/1933 in Cologne)

It is necessary to provide the people with the opportunity to officially express their opinion about us at least once a year. (Speech 02/26/1934 in Munich)

We are creating a new organization for the formation of political will. This organization will be built on the idea of ​​authority, the idea of ​​leadership from bottom to top. Only such an organization can serve the interests of the entire people. (Speech 06.11.1933 in Elbing)

If it suddenly seems to any people that they will be able to withstand the struggle for existence without making any purposeful efforts and without showing courage, then let them not complain when they are overcome by need and suffering. (“Adolf Hitler’s Program”, call for elections 07/31/1932)

A people speaking the same language, having a single culture, having experienced one common history that shaped its destiny, such a people cannot but strive to achieve unity in its leadership. (Proclamation 09/01/1933 in Nuremberg)

We are one people, and we want to live in our own single state! (Speech 10/16/1933 in Munich)

Our national revolution has three main tasks, which in no way contradict the interests of the rest of the world: First: ... Building a people's state that strictly maintains the balance of interests of various social classes and estates, preserving the concept of property as the basis of our culture. Second: Solving the most difficult social problem by returning the million-strong army of our unemployed, worthy of all sympathy, back to production. Third: Restoring stable and authoritative government leadership based on the trust and will of the nation; leadership that will once again restore our great people's ability to fulfill their responsibilities to the world. (Speech 05/17/1933 in Berlin)

It is precisely because we are nationalists that we respect the national feelings of other peoples. Our national pride lies not in despising others, but in respecting and loving our people! (Speech 08/01/1923 in Munich)

Not hatred of other nations, but love for your nation! (Speech 10/24/1933 in Berlin)

He who feels his people behind him also feels his responsibility not to frivolously waste the blood of this people. He will unswervingly and first of all think about respecting the interests of the people in matters of peace, work and culture. (Speech 02/26/1934 in Munich)

I know what war is. I was a soldier and saw everything with my own eyes, unlike so many other statesmen who never experienced this themselves. And I, of course, reject war. But I reject her not as a traitor, a traitor and a coward, but as a decent German who honestly fulfilled his military duty at the front and wants to remain decent to the end. Therefore, I will equally not leave to the mercy of fate either the German people’s right to life or their right to honor. (Speech 06.11.1933 in Elbing)

The meaning of our political struggle lies ... not in the conquest or subjugation of other peoples, but in the preservation and provision of our own people. (Speech 02.10.1933 in Hamelin)

One cannot hope to create a long-term union of European states if the nations included in it are not equal in their rights. (Speech 10/24/1933 in Berlin)

Those who pit nations against each other are a real international gang, devoid of roots. These people are everywhere, but they are nowhere at home. (Speech 11/10/1933 in Berlin)

The same elements that pushed the German people into civil war in 1918 are today pitting the nations of the world against each other. (Speech 11/06/1933 in Kiel)

A man is only one who protects himself and others as a man should. Also, the people are only those who are capable, if necessary, to act as a single people to face any challenges. (Speech 04/27/1923 in Munich)

The National Socialist Movement became the German Reich, became the German state.

I created... a completely new movement. A movement that, from its very inception and despite all the phenomena of decay in the reality surrounding it, again created a national community. (Speech 11/10/1933 in Berlin)

One thing... is the first task of our movement: it strives to revive in every person a national sense of unity and cohesion. (Speech 04/17/1923 in Munich)

If the citizens of the state are people who honestly work to the best of their ability for the good of society, then each of them has a real right to demand that his state protect him in old age from need and worries. Only in this case is the state able to fully fulfill its social obligations. (Speech 04/24/1923 in Munich)

The organization of a political movement still remains a phenomenon of a formal order, even if everything is organized brilliantly, and the movement itself stands for a just cause. Only people give true value to any movement. People who, guided by the meaning of this movement, bring its ideas to life. (Speech 05/01/1934 in Berlin)

All for one and each for all! (Speech 09/07/1934 in Nuremberg)

The greatest mission of the national socialist movement is to build bridges between people belonging to different professions and occupying different social positions - between all those who make up our people. (Speech 05/27/1933 to the German population of Danzig)

The global idea of ​​the advent of a century of liberalism is replaced by the international idea of ​​Marxist socialism, which, in turn, ends in a communist dictatorship. (Speech 09/05/1934 in Nuremberg)

I know my people and I want to tell our intellectuals only one thing: Any state built on ideas understandable only to a narrow circle of intellectuals is weakly built! (Speech 08/01/1923 in Munich)

At the same time, we constantly come across two famous slogans - “freedom” and “democracy”, used, I would say, as a sign. In the structures that hold real power, “freedom” means their ability to rob the broad masses of the population, without any restrictions, and without encountering any serious resistance. (Speech 07/28/1922 in Munich)

And what, strictly speaking, is all this liberalism, “our” press, what is the stock exchange and what is Marxism and Freemasonry? Tools of financial Jewry. (Speech 04/13/1923 in Munich)

Thousands of elderly pensioners, representatives of the middle class, scientists, war widows are forced to sell their last valuables for worthless pieces of paper... And the last crumbs of national wealth belonging to the entire German people, “playfully”, pass into the hands of insatiable parasites, burying themselves absolutely everything... Millions of people who saved their entire lives in order to live like a human being at least in their old age were cynically deceived and deprived of everything! (Speech 08/21/1923 in Munich)

Everything that was great, lofty and holy has been trampled into the dirt. (Speech 03/27/1924 in Munich)

There was a complete substitution of all concepts: What was previously good began to be considered bad, and what was bad suddenly turned into good. The hero became despised, the coward became revered; conscientiousness turned out to be punishable, negligence was rewarded. Nothing awaited a decent person except ridicule; the one who had fallen, on the contrary, became a role model. Strength began to cause condemnation, weakness – admiration. The full value of the human personality ceased to mean anything. Its place was taken by quantity, number, i.e. Inferiority and inferiority triumphed. The degree of shamelessness in slinging mud at the historical past has become comparable only to the degree of carelessness in renouncing the historical future for one’s people. (Speech 01/30/1934 in Berlin)

Why Hitler didn't like Russians

Hitler always spoke about the Slavs not so much with hatred as with contempt. He was an Austrian, after all, and in Austria-Hungary the dominant nations always looked down on their Slavic subjects.

In general, the Fuhrer did not talk as much about the Slavs as is attributed to him. Many of Hitler's words about Russians are fabrications of Soviet propaganda. The Fuhrer directed all his rage and oratorical talent not at the Russians, but at the Jews (who, as he believed, secretly ruled the Soviet Union).

Hitler on the podium
What did Hitler say about the Russians? Not much. “Inferior race”, “untermenschen” - what else can you say: simply inert and ignorant work animals for smart and enterprising owners.

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