Quotes from the novel “Oblomov” about Oblomov’s laziness for essays


Oblomov sat down and remained in the chair. Everything fell into sleep and darkness around him. He sat, leaning on his hand, did not notice the darkness, did not hear the clock striking. His mind was drowned in a chaos of ugly, unclear thoughts; they rushed like clouds in the sky, without purpose and without connection - he did not catch a single one. It was heartbreaking: life there calmed down for a while. The return to life, to order, to flow in the correct way through the accumulated pressure of vital forces was accomplished slowly. The tide was very cruel, and Oblomov did not feel the body on him, did not feel any fatigue, no need. He could lie like a stone for a whole day or walk, drive, move like a machine for a whole day. Little by little, in a difficult way, either submission to fate is developed in a person - and then the body slowly and gradually enters into all its functions - or grief will break a person, and he will no longer rise, depending on the grief, and on the person too. Oblomov did not remember where he was sitting, even whether he was sitting: he looked mechanically and did not notice how the morning dawned; I heard and did not hear how the dry cough of the old woman was heard, how the janitor began to chop wood in the yard, how there was knocking and rattling in the house, I saw and did not see how the landlady and Akulina went to the market, how a package flashed past the fence. Neither the roosters, nor the barking of the dog, nor the creaking of the gate could bring him out of tetanus. Cups rattled and the samovar hissed. Finally, at about ten o'clock, Zakhar opened the door to the office with a tray, kicked, as usual, with his foot back to close it, and, as usual, missed, but nevertheless held the tray: he had become skilled from long-term practice, and besides, he knew that he was watching from behind. Anisya knocks on the door, and if he drops something, she will immediately jump up and embarrass him. He arrived safely, burying his beard in the tray and hugging him tightly, all the way to the bed, and just had the intention of putting the cups on the table next to the bed and waking up the master - look, the bed is not rumpled, the master is gone! He started, and the cup flew to the floor, followed by the sugar bowl. He began to catch things in the air and shook the tray, others were flying. He only managed to keep a spoon on the tray. -What kind of misfortune is this? - he said, watching Anisya pick up pieces of sugar, cup shards, and bread. - Where is the master? And the master is sitting in a chair, and there is no face on him. Zakhar looked at him with his mouth open. - Why did you, Ilya Ilyich, sit in the chair all night and not go to bed? - he asked. Oblomov slowly turned his head towards him, absently looked at Zakhar, at the spilled coffee, at the sugar scattered on the carpet. - Why did you break the cup? - he said, then went to the window. Snow fell in flakes and thickly covered the ground. - Snow, snow, snow! - he repeated senselessly, looking at the snow that covered the fence, fence and ridges in the garden in a thick layer. - I fell asleep! - he then whispered desperately, went to bed and fell asleep in a leaden, joyless sleep. It was already past noon when he was awakened by the creaking of the door from the master's half; a naked hand with a plate stuck out of the door; the pie was steaming on the plate. “Today is Sunday,” the voice said tenderly, “they were baking a pie; Would you like to have a snack? But he did not answer anything: he had a fever.

Quotes from Oblomov from the novel “Oblomov”

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the main character of Goncharov’s novel of the same name. This image is unique in that it fully exposes an uncharacteristic negative quality in the field of literature, but the condition inherent in every person is laziness. Some people find the strength to overcome laziness and make laziness a periodic guest; for some, as in the case of Oblomov, laziness becomes a constant companion in life. Why does this happen, is there a way out of such a situation, and on whom does the result of such a confrontation depend? Goncharov gives answers to these questions, depicting all the consequences of such a life using the example of the nobleman Oblomov. Quotes from Oblomov from the novel “Oblomov” are collected in this collection.

Some people have nothing else to do but talk. There is such a calling.

Well, let these “some” move. And I can’t stand any changes!

All these are dead people, sleeping people, worse than me, these members of the world and society! Aren’t these dead people? Don't they sleep sitting all their lives? Why am I more to blame than them, lying at home.

Yes, debt is a demon, a demon that cannot be driven out by anything except money!

There is no business of their own, they are scattered in all directions, not directed toward anything. Underneath this comprehensiveness lies emptiness, a lack of sympathy for everything!

After all, this is not just love, because all life is like this... - it suddenly occurred to him, - and if you push away every case as a mistake, when will it be - not a mistake? What am I? It's like I'm blind.

Life is poetry. People are free to distort it!

Yes, in words you punish yourself, throw yourself into the abyss, give up half your life, and then doubt will come, a sleepless night: how gentle you become towards yourself, careful, caring, how far you see ahead!

Self-love is the salt of life!

I poisoned myself and poisoned you, instead of being simply and directly happy.

Either I didn’t understand this life, or it’s no good.

What truth, and how simple it is!

I only shy away from the role of an amateur: it is a dubious and difficult role! - Study! You can exercise when you have a goal. What is my goal? She doesn't exist.

- The goal is to live.

It is difficult to be smart and sincere at the same time, especially in feeling.

After all, she loves him, he thought in horror, she said it herself: as a friend, she says; Yes, this is a lie, maybe unconscious... There is no friendship between a man and a woman.

Yes, passion must be limited, strangled and drowned in marriage.

What is it that they all seem to have conspired to hurry up and live?

After all, there are such donkeys who get married!

When you don’t know why you live, you live somehow, day after day; you rejoice that the day has passed, that the night has passed, and in your sleep you plunge into the boring question of why you lived this day, why you will live tomorrow.

Love is a very difficult school of life!

It’s not for nothing that they say that women cannot be trusted: they lie both with intent - with their tongue, and without intent - with their gaze, smile, blush, even fainting...

Isn't love a service?

Memories are either the greatest poetry when they are memories of living happiness, or burning pain when they touch dried wounds...

But you can love a mother, a father, a nanny, even a little dog: all this is covered by the general, collective concept “I love”, like an old... robe.

Passion! All this is good in poetry and on the stage, where actors walk around in cloaks, with knives, and then go, both the murdered and the murderers, to have dinner together...

I am in love with you and I say that without this there is no direct love.

The memories are nothing but shame and hair tearing.

There is no friendship between a man and a woman.

You can love a mother, a father, a nanny, even a little dog: all this is covered by the general collective concept “I love.”

Stolz and Olga - love as friendship

Particular attention to the analysis of the theme of love in the novel “Oblomov” by Goncharov requires the history of the relationship between Olga and Stolz - two old friends who understood each other well and for a long time, admired each other and had similar views on the world. It is not surprising that after breaking up with Oblomov, Olga finds solace in her relationship with Stolz. Andrei Ivanovich is the complete opposite of Oblomov - a man who embodied a girl’s dreams of an ideal lover, with whom every new day can be made different from the previous one, who does not need to be pulled along with her and whom she will admire for the rest of her life. However, having married Stolz, the girl often yearns for what she found in Oblomov and what is not in Andrei Ivanovich - dreaminess and poetry, so important for Olga. Their relationship remains the tender love of two friends who understand each other perfectly, but do not give each other a complete feeling of happiness.

Oblomov is of noble origin

"Nobleman by birth." He has 300 serfs: “Three hundred souls.”

Ilya Ilyich is the owner of a family estate, which he has not been to for 12 years: “twelfth year in St. Petersburg”

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lives in St. Petersburg on: “Gorohovaya Street”

His age is not exactly known

He is “a man about thirty-two or three years old.” Oblomov has an attractive appearance, he evokes sympathy: “of average height, pleasant appearance”

He has gray eyes, but they are somehow empty: “with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in his facial features.”

Oblomov leads a passive way of life, he is rarely outside the house, so his face seems colorless:

“Ilya Ilyich’s complexion was neither ruddy, nor dark, nor positively pale, but indifferent or seemed so, perhaps because Oblomov was somehow flabby beyond his years: perhaps from lack of exercise or air, or perhaps both."

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the summary of I. Goncharov’s novel, which talks about two sides of Russia in the 19th century.

Carelessness is Oblomov’s constant state; his personal belongings also acquire this characteristic: “From the face, carelessness passed into the poses of the whole body, even into the folds of his dressing gown.” Sometimes his state of carelessness changed to boredom or fatigue:

“Sometimes his gaze darkened with an expression as if of fatigue or boredom; but neither fatigue nor boredom could for a moment drive away the softness from the face, which was the dominant and fundamental expression, not only of the face, but of the whole soul.”

Oblomov's favorite clothing is a dressing gown

“... Made of Persian material, a real oriental robe, without the slightest hint of Europe, without tassels, without velvet, without a waist, very roomy, so Oblomov could wrap himself in it twice.”

His robe was significantly worn, but Oblomov is not embarrassed by this: “it lost its original freshness and in places replaced its primitive, natural gloss with another, acquired one, but still retained the brightness of oriental paint and the strength of the fabric.”

Ilya Ilyich fell in love with the robe because it is as “soft” as its owner:

“The robe had in Oblomov’s eyes a darkness of invaluable merits: it is soft, flexible; the body does not feel it on itself; he, like an obedient slave, submits to the slightest movement of the body.”

Oblomov’s favorite pastime is lying on the sofa, he has no good reason for this - he does it out of laziness:

“For Ilya Ilyich, lying down was neither a necessity, like that of a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like that of someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like that of a lazy person: it was his normal state.”

In Ilya Ilyich’s office there are many things that their owner does not need - they were purchased and placed because it was customary: “he looked at the decoration of his office so coldly and absentmindedly, as if he was asking with his eyes: “Who brought it here and set it up?” all this?"".

There is no order in the house rented by Oblomov - dust and garbage are evenly placed on all objects: “On the walls, near the paintings, a cobweb, saturated with dust, was molded in the form of festoons; mirrors, instead of reflecting objects, could rather serve as tablets for writing down some notes on them in the dust for memory. The carpets were stained."

Ilya Ilyich’s days always follow the same scenario - he doesn’t get up for a long time, lies on the sofa and all morning intends to get up and do a bunch of things, but constantly postpones his intention: “he intended to get up, wash himself and, after drinking tea, think carefully about something - what to figure out... For half an hour he lay there, tormented by this intention, but then he decided that he would still have time to do this after tea, and he could drink tea, as usual, in bed, especially since nothing prevents him from thinking while lying down.”

Some time later, the Oblomovs were rich and wealthy, but then things worsened; why this happened, the Oblomovs themselves do not know: “he became poor, grew smaller, and finally, unnoticed, got lost among the old noble houses.”

Oblomov often likes to call his servant Zakhar to him, almost always these are empty requests, sometimes Ilya Ilyich himself does not know why he called Zakhar: “Why did I call - I don’t remember! Go to your room for now, and I’ll remember.”

From time to time, Oblomov’s apathy subsides, he reprimands Zakhara for the mess and garbage in the house, but the matter does not move beyond reprimands - everything remains in its place: “...dust causes moths? Sometimes I even see a bug on the wall!”

Ilya Ilyich does not like change, the need to move upsets him terribly, he tries to delay this moment as much as possible, ignores the request of the owner of the property to speed up the move: “they say they promised for a month, but you still won’t move out... we’ll let the police know.”

Fear of changing your life

He himself is aware of such intolerance to change: “...I can’t stand any changes.” Oblomov cannot stand the cold: “Don’t come, don’t come: you’re coming from the cold!”

Dinner parties and large gatherings seem to Ilya Ilyich a boring and pointless activity: “Oh my God! The boredom must be hellish!”

Oblomov doesn’t like to work: “work from eight o’clock to twelve, from twelve to five, and at home too - oh, oh.”

Penkin’s characterization of Oblomov: “...an incorrigible, carefree sloth!” Oblomov believes that work should not be too tiring: “Write at night... when can I sleep?”

Oblomov's acquaintances are surprised by his inactivity. Taranyev speaks about Ilya Ilyich’s laziness: “It’s almost twelve o’clock, and he’s lying around.”

Tarantiev deceives Oblomov and often takes money from him: “... he snatched the banknote from Oblomov’s hands and quickly hid it in his pocket.” Several years ago, Oblomov tried to go into the service and became a collegiate secretary. The work was difficult for him: “... running around, bustle began, everyone was embarrassed, everyone knocked each other down.”

Due to his laziness and absent-mindedness, service became hell for Oblomov, he barely served for two years and left the service, considering this type of activity unsuitable for him: “Ilya Ilyich suffered from fear and melancholy in the service, even under a kind, condescending boss.”

Ilya Ilyich often makes mistakes in his work; once he mixed up the addresses and sent the necessary documents not to Astrakhan but to Arkhangelsk. When the mistake became clear, Oblomov was worried for a long time, because he realized the irresponsibility of his action: “although he and everyone else knew that the boss would limit himself to a remark; but my own conscience was much stricter than the reprimand.”

The only person who can stir up this sloth is his childhood friend Andrei Stolts: “Stolts’s youthful heat infected Oblomov, and he burned with a thirst for work.”

Studying was difficult for Oblomov - his parents often made him concessions and left him at home while the educational process was not completed. Oblomov never tried to correct this state of affairs; the level of his education suits Ilya Ilyich: “... between science and life there lay a whole abyss, which he did not try to cross. His life was on its own, and his science was on its own.”

From constant idleness and immobility, Oblomov begins to experience various deviations in the functioning of his body’s systems: “The stomach hardly cooks, there is heaviness in the pit of the stomach, heartburn is tormenting, breathing is heavy.”

He does not like to read books or newspapers - his detachment from life suits Oblomov. This task is too tedious for the lazy Oblomov: “the pages on which the books were unfolded were covered with dust and turned yellow; it is clear that they were abandoned a long time ago; The newspaper number was last year.”

The parents dreamed of the day when their son would gain a position in society and receive a significant promotion, but at the same time they did not understand that an uneducated person would never achieve this; they seriously thought that this could happen by chance or some kind of fraud:

“They also dreamed of an embroidered uniform for him, imagined him as a councilor in the chamber, and even his mother as a governor; but they would like to achieve all this somehow cheaper, with various tricks.”

Zakhar's attempts to stir up his owner do not lead to anything good. Oblomov fights off the servant: “Oblomov suddenly, unexpectedly jumped to his feet and rushed at Zakhar. Zakhar rushed away from him as fast as he could, but on the third step Oblomov sobered up completely from sleep and began to stretch, yawning: “Give me... kvass.”

Stolz and Oblomov are connected by childhood memories - Andrei cannot see how aimlessly his friend’s days pass: “Everyone is busy, but you don’t need anything.”

Stolz manages to activate Ilya Ilyich. He drags Oblomov out into the world, where Ilya Ilyich at first feels out of place, but over time, this feeling passes. Stolz encourages his friend to go abroad together. The friend agrees. Oblomov enthusiastically starts preparing: “Ilya Ilyich already had his passport ready, he even ordered a traveling coat for himself and bought a cap.”

Oblomov's love for Olga

Ilya Ilyich’s falling in love became the reason for refusing the trip - the new feeling does not allow Oblomov to leave the object of his adoration, even for a short time:

“Oblomov did not leave in a month or three.” Oblomov's move is finally taking place.

Ilya Ilyich does not experience stress at the same time - his thoughts are occupied by Olga Ilyinskaya: “Tarantiev moved his entire house to his godfather, to an alley on the Vyborg side.”

Oblomov fell in love for the first time. He is embarrassed by his feelings, does not know what to do and how he should behave towards his beloved: “My God, how pretty she is! There are such things in the world! - he thought, looking at her with almost frightened eyes.”

Oblomov is a sensual, impulsive person, succumbing to emotions, he confesses his love to Olga: “I feel... not music... but... love.”

Oblomov is not known for his bravery - in difficult situations he flees. This seems better to him than saying or doing something out of place: “without looking back, he ran out of the rooms.”

Ilya Ilyich is a conscientious person, he worries that his actions or words could provoke unpleasant experiences among those people who are dear to him: “he was tormented by the fact that he scared and insulted her.” Oblomov is a very emotional person, he is not used to hiding his feelings “... not I'm ashamed of my heart."

The emerging Love for Olga became the reason not only for his physical, but also mental activity. He begins to actively read books because his beloved likes to listen to retellings of books, and visits the theater and opera. He behaves like a true romantic - he takes walks in nature, gives Olga flowers: “He is with Olga from morning to evening; he reads with her, sends flowers, walks along the lake, in the mountains.”

Inactivity and fear of change played a cruel joke on Oblomov. The uncertainty that arose between Oblomov and Ilyinskaya became painful for the girl. Olga is afraid that Oblomov will not keep his word and not marry her, because he always has many excuses for postponing the wedding. Oblomov can’t even decide to ask the girl’s hand in marriage. This leads to a break in the relationship: “I loved the future Oblomov! You are meek and honest, Ilya; you are gentle... dove; you hide your head under your wing - and don’t want anything more; you are ready to coo under the roof all your life.”

Oblomov returns to his usual life. Passivity and the absence of any activity other than lying on the couch and eating food have a bad effect on his health - Oblomov receives an apoplexy: “they bled and then announced that it was an apoplexy and that he needed to lead a different lifestyle.”

Despite everything, Oblomov does not change his habits. Ilya Ilyich perceives Stolz’s arrival with enthusiasm, but no longer succumbs to his persuasion to change his life. He is happy: he fell in love with the mistress of the house, who does not demand anything from him and takes care of him like a child: “Don’t make vain attempts, don’t persuade me: I’ll stay here.”

The fact that Pshenitsyna (Oblomov’s new love) is not a noblewoman does not allow him to admit the true reasons for his refusal to leave St. Petersburg: “Leave me completely ... forget ...”

Stolz is periodically interested in the fate of Oblomov. On his last visit to his friend, Andrei learns terrifying news - Oblomov lives with Pshenitsyna as his wife, they have a child together. Oblomov realizes that he will not live long and asks his friend to take care of his son: “... this child is my son! His name is Andrey, in memory of you.”4.7 (93.33%) 3 votes

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the main character of the famous novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”. The novel is part of a trilogy with the works “An Ordinary Story” and “The Precipice”. Ivan Goncharov very accurately and in detail was able to describe the portrait of the main character: his appearance, clothes, behavior, character, attitude towards others. The quotation portrait of Ilya Oblomov presented below will reveal the character’s character in more detail.

Ilya Ilyich’s complexion was neither ruddy, nor dark, nor positively pale, but indifferent or seemed so, perhaps because Oblomov was somehow flabby beyond his years: perhaps from lack of exercise or air, or maybe that and another. In general, his body, judging by the matte, too white color of his neck, small plump arms, soft shoulders, seemed too pampered for a man.

…Of course, you; You’re all sitting at home: how can you clean up in front of you? Leave for the whole day, and I’ll clean it up...

...His movements, even when he was alarmed, were also restrained by softness and laziness, not without a kind of grace..." "... He will sit, cross his legs, support his head with his hand - he does all this so freely, calmly and beautifully...

gentleness, which was the dominant and basic expression.

... Without these whims, he somehow did not feel the master above him.

...Is it you, Ilya? - said Andrey. - And I remember you as a thin, lively boy...

He was a man about thirty-two or three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in his facial features.

In general, his body, judging by the matte, too white color of his neck, small plump arms, soft shoulders, seemed too pampered for a man.

...Most of all he was afraid of imagination, this two-faced companion, with a friendly face on one side and an enemy face on the other, a friend - the less you believe him, and an enemy - when you fall asleep trustingly under his sweet whisper...

...Ilya Ilyich also received many soft, velvety, even passionate glances from the crowd of beauties...

The thought walked like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, sat on half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glowed throughout the whole body. From the face, carelessness passed into the poses of the whole body, even into the folds of the dressing gown.

Oblomov, a nobleman by birth...

Strange man! The more complete her happiness was, the more thoughtful and even... timid she became...

Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years without a break.

...the waist rounded, the hair began to grow mercilessly, the age turned thirty...

...Some people have nothing else to do but talk. There is such a calling.

To the question Help please. We need quotes from the work of Oblomov. given by the author Sound combination

the best answer is
I am in love with Stolz, so to begin with his words: * Self-love is almost the only engine that controls the will.
*Love is less demanding than friendship, it is even often blind, people love not for their merits. But for love you need something, sometimes trifles, that cannot be defined or named. *Friendship is a good thing when it is love between a young man and a woman or a memory of love between old people. But God forbid if it is friendship on the one hand, and love on the other. *Is consciousness really a justification? *That’s when all the forces in your body begin to play, when life begins to play around you, and you see what your eyes are closed to now, you hear what you cannot hear: the music of the nerve will begin to play, you will hear the noise of the spheres, you will listen to the growth of grass. Wait, don’t rush, it will come on its own! *There is no person who cannot do something, by God no! *Man was created to arrange himself and even change his nature, but he grew a belly and thinks that nature sent him this burden! You had wings, but you untied them. Ilyusha Oblomov: *Oh, if only I could experience this warmth of love and not experience its worries! *After all, there are such donkeys who get married! * Happiness, happiness! How fragile you are, how unreliable! Blanket, wreath, love, love! Where's the money? What to live with? And you must be bought, love, a pure, lawful good. *there is no peace in love, and it keeps moving somewhere forward, forward... *No, they love only once! *Love is a very difficult school of life! *Some people have nothing else to do but talk. There is such a calling. Olga: *Nothing is needed, no one demands it! Why do I need your life? You do what you need to do. This is a trick of crafty people to offer sacrifices that are not necessary or cannot be made, so as not to make the necessary ones. * Tears, although you hid them; It is a bad trait in men to be ashamed of their hearts. This is also pride, only false. It would be better if they were sometimes ashamed of their mind: it makes mistakes more often. *I thought that the heart is not mistaken. Goncharov: *The trick of the nearsighted: she sees well only under her nose, and not into the distance, and therefore she often falls into the same trap that she set for others. *Cunning is like a small coin that cannot buy much. Just as you can live with a small coin for an hour or two, so with cunning you can cover up something, deceive, change it, but it will not be enough to survey the distant horizon, to bring together the beginning and end of a large, main event. *When a question or bewilderment arose in her mind, she did not suddenly decide to believe him: he was too far ahead of her, too taller than her, so that her pride sometimes suffered from this immaturity, from the distance in their minds and years. *Love does not forget a single detail. In her eyes, everything that touches her favorite object is an important fact. In the mind of a loving person, a complex fabric is woven from observations, subtle considerations, memories, guesses about everything that surrounds the loved one, what is happening in his sphere, what has an impact on him. In love, one word is enough, a hint... what a hint! a glance, a barely noticeable movement of the lips in order to form a guess, then move from it to a consideration, from a consideration to a decisive conclusion, and then suffer or bliss from one’s own thought. The logic of lovers, sometimes false, sometimes amazingly true, quickly erects a building of guesses and suspicions, but the power of love even faster destroys it to the ground: often one smile, a tear, many, many two or three words are enough for this - and goodbye to suspicions. This type of control cannot be lulled or deceived by anything. A lover suddenly takes into his head something that another would never even dream of, sometimes he does not see what is happening under his nose, sometimes he is insightful to the point of clairvoyance, sometimes he is short-sighted to the point of blindness. *Strange man! The more complete her happiness was, the more thoughtful and even... timid she became. Answer from Neuropathologist

[guru] No problem. There's a lot here. link

Answer from Victoria Nikitina

[guru] Oblomov: After all, there are such donkeys that get married! Well, brother, you are even more Oblomov than I am. Stolz: It’s tricky and difficult to live simply! Self-love is almost the only engine that controls the will.

Reply from Drizzle


What am I really? - he said out loud with annoyance. - You need to know your conscience: it’s time to get down to business! Just give yourself free rein, and... - Zakhar! - he shouted. - Well, stop lying down! - he said, - you have to get up... But by the way, let me read the headman’s letter with attention again, and then I’ll get up. - Zakhar! “Are your legs so withered that you can’t stand?” You see, I'm preoccupied - just wait! Have you stayed there yet? Find the letter that I received from the headman yesterday. Where are you taking him? -You never know anything. There, in the basket, look! Or did it fall behind the sofa? The back of the sofa has not yet been repaired; Why should you call a carpenter to fix it? After all, you broke it. You won't think about anything! - How clean you are everywhere: dust, dirt, my God! Look, look in the corners - you’re not doing anything! “Do you understand,” said Ilya Ilyich, “that dust causes moths?” Sometimes I even see a bug on the wall! - I have fleas too! - Zakhar responded indifferently. - Do you really think that's good? After all, this is disgusting! - Oblomov noted. - Only about money and care! - Ilya Ilyich grumbled. — Why, little by little, you don’t file your bills, and all of a sudden? - Someone has come! - said Oblomov, wrapping himself in a robe. - And I haven’t gotten up yet - it’s a shame and that’s all! Who would it be so early?

“Is consciousness really a justification?”

“- I didn’t believe him, I thought that the heart is not mistaken.

No, he’s wrong: and how disastrous it is sometimes!”

“I don’t know whether I’m guilty or not, whether I should be ashamed of the past, whether I should regret it, whether I should hope for the future or despair...”

“I know that love is less demanding than friendship,” he said, “it is even often blind, they love not for merit - that’s all true. But for love you need something, sometimes trifles, that cannot be defined or named...”

“No, my life began with extinction. It's strange, but it's true! From the first minute I became conscious of myself, I felt that I was already fading away! I began to fade away over writing papers in the office; then he died out, reading truths in books that he didn’t know what to do with in life, he died out with his friends, listening to talk, gossip, mockery, angry and cold chatter, emptiness, looking at friendships maintained by gatherings without a goal, without sympathy; ... Even pride - what was it spent on? To order a dress from a famous tailor? To get into a famous house? So that Prince P* shakes my hand? But pride is the salt of life! Where did it go? Either I didn’t understand this life, or it’s no good, and I didn’t know anything better, I didn’t see anything, no one showed it to me. You appeared and disappeared like a comet, brightly, quickly, and I forgot all this and went out..."

“He was too far ahead of her. Too taller than her, so her pride sometimes suffered from this immaturity, from the distance in their minds and years. »

“He looked in the mirror again. “They don’t like people like that!” - he said."

“...and if you push away every case as an error, when will it be - not an error? »

“Oh, these love poems never end well! »

“I thought that I would revive you, that you could still live for me - but you died a long time ago”

“I cry not about the future, but about the past...”

“I need something else, but I don’t know what”

“Then, little by little, silent indifference took the place of living grief.”

“She would still yearn for her failed love, mourn the past, bury the memory of him in her soul, then... then, perhaps, she would find a “decent match,” of which there are many, and would be a good, smart, caring wife and mother , and would consider the past a girlish dream and would not live, but endure life. After all, everyone does it! »

“The only salvation is to run quickly! »

“Shame for the past, torture of pride for the present false position tormented her... Unbearable!”

“... but in essence they do not love anyone and are kind only because they are not evil.”

“all this is good in poetry and on the stage, where actors walk around in cloaks and with knives, and then the dead and the murderers go to dinner together.”

“He was silent and listened in horror to her tears, not daring to interfere with them. He felt no pity for her or for himself; he was pathetic himself."

“She was somewhat languid, but seemed so calm and motionless, like a stone statue. It was that supernatural peace when a concentrated plan or an overwhelmed feeling suddenly gives a person all the strength to restrain himself, but only for one moment. She looked like a wounded man who pressed his hand over the wound to say what was needed and then die.”

“Although love is called a capricious, unaccountable feeling, born like a disease, it, like everything, has its own laws and reasons. And if until now these laws have been little studied, it is because a person struck by love has no time to watch with a learned eye how an impression creeps into the soul, how it fetters the senses as if in a sleep, how the eyes first go blind, from what moment the pulse , and behind him the heart begins to beat stronger, as from yesterday suddenly there is devotion to the grave, the desire to sacrifice oneself, how little by little one’s self disappears and passes into Him or Her, how the mind unusually becomes dull or unusually refined, how the will surrenders to the will of another, as the head bows, the knees tremble, tears appear, fever..."

“Memories are either the greatest poetry when they are memories of living happiness, or burning pain when they touch dried wounds...”

“Yes, you can’t live as you want, that’s clear,” some gloomy, obstinate voice began to say in him, “you will fall into a chaos of contradictions that the human mind alone cannot unravel, no matter how deep, no matter how daring!” Yesterday you wished, today you achieve what you want passionately, to the point of exhaustion, and the day after tomorrow you blush that you wished, then you curse life, why did it come true - after all, this is what comes from independent and daring steps in life, from a willful “I want.”

“... In our country this is also called a career. But how little of a person is needed here: his intelligence, his will, his feelings - why is this? Luxury And he will live out his life, and many, many things will not move in it... And meanwhile he works from twelve to five in the office, from eight to twelve at home - unhappy!

“-... In their story you can hear not “invisible tears”, but only visible, rough laughter, anger...

What else is needed? And it’s great, you yourself spoke out: this is seething anger - a bilious persecution of vice, laughter of contempt for fallen man... that’s all!

No, not all! - Oblomov said, suddenly inflamed, - portray a thief, a fallen woman, an inflated fool, and don’t forget the man right there. Where is the humanity? You want to write with one head! - Oblomov almost hissed. - Do you think that thoughts don’t require a heart? No, she is fertilized by love. Extend your hand to a fallen person to lift him up, or weep bitterly over him if he dies, and do not mock him. Love him, remember yourself in him and treat him as yourself - then I will begin to read you and bow my head before you ... "

"Oblomov" as a novel about love

In the novel “Oblomov,” Goncharov reveals different, to some extent opposite, incarnations of love - based on friendship, adoration, and even his own fantasies. The author's subtle analysis of contrasting but complementary images of love allows the author not only to reveal unexpected sides of the characters, but also helps the reader to better understand the essence of this great feeling both in a brilliant novel and in his own life.

A description of Oblomov’s love story for Olga, Oblomov’s adoration for Pshenitsyna and the love relationships of other characters will be useful to 10th grade students when writing an essay on the topic “The Theme of Love in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”.”

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Parents believed that learning to read and write was a very exhausting and unnecessary activity. They wanted their son to receive his diploma as quickly as possible, without putting much effort into it. At the age of thirteen, “the father and mother sat the spoiled boy down with books.” It cost them tears, whims and cries. He was sent to the village of Verkhlevo, to a boarding school.

The son did not have any particular zeal for learning. When he came home, he tried to use any excuse to stay on the estate as long as possible.

“He came to his mother sad. She knew why. I secretly sighed about being separated from him for a whole week.”

His parents encouraged his every request. They were looking for an excuse for their weak-willed behavior. The reasons why the boy remained on the estate were varied. The problem for them could be heat or cold, parent's Saturday, a holiday, or the upcoming preparation of pancakes. Mother and father did not think about the negative features of such upbringing. The adult Ilya Oblomov will have to face the consequences of excessive parental love more than once.

Playfulness and curiosity

Little Ilya grew up as an active child. When he saw that the adults were busy, he instantly tried to hide from their care.

“He so passionately wanted to run up to the gallery surrounding the house to look at the river from above.”

They caught up with him, and he again tried to escape to the dovecote, into the ravine, or into the birch forest, where goblins and werewolves could be found. That's what the nanny said. It happened that she spent the whole day in turmoil and running after her pupil.

Oblomov grew up inquisitive.

“He becomes quiet, sits next to the nanny, looks at everything so intently. Observes all the phenomena taking place in front of him.”

He asks her why there is light and darkness, notices that a shadow is formed from a horse harnessed to the reins on the ground, compares the sizes, realizing that the barrel is many times larger than the footman carrying it on a cart.

Going out for a walk outside the yard, while the governess is hiding in the cold, the baby closely watches the beetles, catches dragonflies, and places them on a straw. He will jump into a ditch, start peeling the roots, and eat them instead of sweet apples.

“Not a single detail, not a single feature escapes the child’s attention. The picture of home life is etched into the soul, saturating the child’s mind with examples, unconsciously imposing the program of the child’s fate on the life around him.”

The habits of parents and loved ones who shaped the character of little Ilya.

The Oblomov estate believed that craft does not ennoble a person at all.

“Ilya’s relatives endured labor as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but they could not love.”

The boy's father preferred only to observe the servants and relatives, ask them about their activities, and give instructions. Mother could talk for hours with the footmen, the residents of the house. She loved to be in the garden and watch the fruits grow.

“The main concern of the family was the kitchen and dinner.”

Everyone got together and heatedly discussed cooking. This was followed by rest. “Silence reigns in the house. It’s time for afternoon nap.” A similar state took possession of everyone. Sniffling and snoring could be heard from all corners of the house.

“Ilyusha watched everything.

It’s rare that someone will raise their head, look senselessly, turn over on the other side in surprise, spit out of sleep, chew their lips, and fall asleep again.” At this time, the adults did not care at all that little Ilya could be left completely unattended.

His relatives were always in a carefree mood; they did not strive to improve their lives, but rejoiced at what was sent to them. Their life flowed like a quiet river. If something went wrong in the house or collapsed, it was rarely repaired. It was easier for people to talk about christenings, weddings, and the beliefs associated with them. They discussed all kinds of recipes, went to visit, played cards. This lifestyle of loved ones left an indelible mark on the formation of the character and habits of young Oblomov. Gradually, as the boy grew older, general laziness took possession of him.

Oblomov and Pshenitsyna - love as adoration

Agafya Pshenitsyna, the owner of the apartment in which Oblomov lived at that time, helps Oblomov recover from mental shock. A quiet, calm, economic woman becomes for Oblomov the ideal of that feminine principle, which he gleaned from childhood memories in Oblomovka and, perhaps, compared with his mother. It is Agafya who creates around Ilya Ilyich the atmosphere of the long-awaited and desired “Oblomovism”, calm, half-asleep family happiness, peace and creation, as if frozen in place and interrupted only by those very “Oblomov” rituals - meals and holidays.

Pshenitsyna treats Ilya Ilyich with adoration, she is ready to do anything for the sake of her husband, for the sake of his mental comfort and peace of mind - even contrary to the doctor’s instructions about the need to follow a diet, Agafya continued to prepare Oblomov his favorite dishes, as if further fencing him off from real problems and enveloping him in sleepiness web of “Oblomovism”. Depicting Pshenitsyna’s care, the author reveals such a problem of love as excessive adoration, leading to the unconscious “killing” of the object of love - both mentally and physically.

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