50 wise tips and secrets that will change your life

Useful tips

There is only one life, we all go our own way and need tips that will help us pass it with dignity. Here are some life tips you should know to become successful and happy. 1. Remember something new every day

Not only will you keep your brain in shape and improve your memory, but you will also enrich your luggage with a large library of knowledge, including poetry, philosophical sayings and quotes.

Gradually try to reduce the level of attachment to material things

People burdened with material desires are more likely to suffer when they lose something or have it taken away from them (meaning something material).

Possessions begin to take possession of you, and not the other way around. Try to become a person with minimal needs and you will be much happier.

Develop an endless curiosity about the world around you

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Become an explorer and see the world as your own jungle. Stop often and observe the little things that happen around you and see them as something unique. Try something new often. Get out of your comfort zone. This world is still capable of pleasant surprises, so why not take advantage of it?

Remember people's names

This way people will feel appreciated. This is also very useful for you - especially if you need something from the person.

To make it easier to remember the name:

  • Introduce yourself and wait for the person to introduce himself.
  • Repeat the person's name in your head several times until you are sure you remember it.
  • Use the person's name in conversation as often as possible so you don't forget it.
  • If you still have problems, come up with a poem: “Lyudmila loves raspberries” or “Natasha loves porridge.”

Keep fit

Being fit means being healthy, confident and attractive. There are a huge number of free workouts and exercises on the Internet (and in particular on YouTube) - it would be a shame not to take advantage.

6. Focus on the present

The past cannot be changed, and the future is the result of your actions today. Learn from the past to succeed in the present and become successful in the future.

... even more specifically - live in the present moment

10 minutes ago is already the past.

Smile more often

Whenever a smile appears on your face, your brain releases serotonin, the happiness hormone. Smiling is a natural way to make yourself happy.

This is a very powerful tool that is used less and less as we get older.

Drink more water

Maintaining normal fluid levels is extremely important for overall health. Sugary sodas have ZERO nutritional value; it's like pouring sugar into a cup and diluting it with syrup.

Don't take everything too seriously

Learn to enjoy the little things and everything will become much easier. Enjoy your mistakes and failures, and be grateful that you have learned a lesson. And most importantly - do what you like! Life is not only business, there is a place for pleasures in it.

Tips for all occasions

© Andrew Poplavsky

Think positively

If you are in a bad mood, do your best to return to positive thinking as this is essential for your happiness and success.

read books

There is power in knowledge.

Don't forget about the Sun

Not only will you replenish your vitamin D stores, but your entire body will radiate warmth and life.

Help others

Here are 5 reasons for this:

1. Helping people has a ripple effect. By helping a person, you unwittingly motivate him to help someone else, and so on.

2. You strengthen your relationship with the person you helped.

3. You may be able to ask for a favor later when you need help.

4. Karma (if you believe in it).

5. Helping other people helps you grow and develop, which in the future can change you in ways you never imagined.

Set aside some time each day to think about problems.

This way you can manage your time as efficiently as possible and, if possible, avoid focusing on negative things. This in turn will make you happier.

Be honest

Lying most often leads to trouble. Being someone who is trustworthy is a great trait to maintain.

Sleep less, but enough

A person needs 7-8 hours of sleep, but you can switch to 5 hours of sleep. It can take up to 21 days to fully adapt to your new sleep cycle, so don't give up. Try to determine how much sleep you actually need and adjust accordingly.

Try to understand what your goals and dreams are.

Understand what your ideal life consists of and gradually begin to take steps to achieve this goal. The most rewarding thing in the world is overcoming difficulties and achieving a goal. We are happiest when we are growing and working on something that will make us better.

Start your day on the right foot

After waking up, set aside an hour for self-development (meditation, introspection, observation of nature, or something else). Do things that make you happy, optimistic, and excited so you can set a positive tone for your day.

Use the problem burning technique

Whenever fear or worry overcomes you, close your eyes and imagine writing down the worrying thought on a piece of paper.

Then imagine lighting the paper on fire and watching it turn to ash.

Better yet, write down your disturbing thoughts on real paper and burn them (just use safety precautions and don’t play with fire).

After this, you will have no problem getting rid of these thoughts.

An excursion into history: the views of philosophers of Ancient Greece.

PHILOSOPHICAL CONSCIOUSNESS is an effective alternative to ordinary consciousness.

In order to understand what the philosophical approach to life is , it is necessary to return to the past, to the origins of philosophy.

The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who invented the term "philosophy " was a mystic and ascetic. He began teaching his students mathematics only after they had not eaten anything for 40 days.

Pythagoras divided all creatures living in space into 3 classes:

  • Higher creatures (immortal Gods), who possess all the fullness of knowledge about the world;
  • Lower creatures (Fools) who lack the need to seek the truth;
  • Philosophers are an intermediate and evolutionary type of person who understands the limitations of human nature, because man is mortal. But he strives to get closer to the world of the Gods through the love of wisdom and the search for truth. Strives to modify and transform its nature.

Pythagoras and Plato believed that Man could become God. Man has every opportunity for this, since he contains an immortal soul.

Plato believed that before entering the human body, every immortal soul resided in the Valley of Truth, in the world of the Gods, where it directly contemplated the truth. But then she lost her original knowledge and now the task of the philosopher is precisely to remember it .

Plato's main thesis is anamnesis (Greek, recollection). He believed that true knowledge is the recollection of the knowledge that the human soul possessed in the divine world. Therefore, a philosopher is a person who is in constant transformation or transformation.

The theme of Christian transformation echoes Plato's theory. Therefore he is called a Christian before Christianity.

The Greeks believed that a person could achieve apotheosis (deification) in different ways:

  • Through heroic over-effort, like Hercules, Alexander the Great,
  • Through constant reflection, love for wisdom, like philosophers.

This is the key to understanding the philosophical attitude towards life, as an alternative to the everyday perception of life. The philosopher of Ancient Greece is a person who, through the comprehension of the highest truth, sought to establish an alternative to the ordinary type of perception of reality. If ordinary consciousness is built on stereotype and dogma, then philosophical consciousness is built on skepticism (doubt), irony and speculation.

Useful tips for all occasions

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Traveling is one of the most exciting and life-changing activities you can do. Observing another culture will broaden your horizons, while at the same time it will make you appreciate life more.

Who knows, maybe you will find a place that you love so much that you decide to move there. Imagine the positive impact a new environment could have on your life.

Rubber band method

Wrap a rubber band (for money, for example) around your wrist and “slap” it against your skin every time a negative thought enters your head.

This method will help you associate mild pain with negative thoughts. This may sound a little harsh, but it's actually not that scary. As a result, the number of positive thoughts will increase, and will far outweigh the number of slaps of the rubber band on the wrist.

Learn to ignore what other people say

Most people get upset when others say something unflattering about them, but there is an easy way to overcome this.

If someone called you a fire hydrant, would you be upset? Of course not. Obviously, you are not a fire hydrant, but a person. The same applies to words that are used to describe you, but you know very well that they have nothing to do with you.

Such people begin to look stupid in your eyes, so there is no point in reacting to them with anger. The only exception is when someone is telling the truth! In this case, you should thank the person for alerting you to a weakness that you can now work on.

Develop the ability to forgive

The ability to forgive is not given to everyone, and not everyone is ready to develop it in themselves.

You should not harbor anger or resentment against a person; forgiveness can heal a relationship.

25. Be the kind of person who makes others feel special.

Remain in the eyes and memory of people as a kind person, capable of empathy.

Learn to lucid dream

...or learn to realize that you are dreaming so that you can control it. In lucid dreams, you can do anything: fly, travel to other planets, party with celebrities, get close to the guy/girl from your dreams, and so on.

Scientists also believe that in many lucid dreams a person is able to communicate with the subconscious.

Visualize in your mind every day what you need or want.

It has been proven time and again that if you focus on something, you will eventually get it. If you constantly complain, you may encounter more unpleasant things that will make you complain more.

So spend a little time every morning imagining yourself achieving what you want. The key to this exercise is focus, so choose a quiet environment where you won't be disturbed.

Meditate daily for at least 20 minutes

Just sit somewhere, preferably in nature, focus on your breathing and try not to think about anything. You may find it boring or simply impossible to think about anything, but you will learn and get used to it. After meditation you will feel great.

Learn to control your mind.

Although the human mind can be described as a stream of consciousness, this does not mean that you cannot decide where to direct that stream. By meditating and getting rid of negative thoughts, you will learn to control your mind.

1. Learn to control your emotions

The only person who can make you unhappy is you! Be aware of this so that the next time you experience a negative emotion, you can find the strength to overcome it.

2. Take speed reading lessons

Books are full of information that can expand your knowledge, vocabulary, and you as a person. Speed ​​reading is an easy way to get this information faster so you have more time to do other things.

3. Relax!

Yes, work is important and it pays to be productive, but you also need to find time to relax, preferably every day. Otherwise, you will burn out faster than a candle without oxygen. Also, don't forget to reward yourself for a job well done.

Work on making a good first impression

Practice a firm handshake and the ability to carry on light conversation (which usually accompanies a first meeting). People won't know what to think of you if you have nothing to say other than "My name is _______, nice to meet you."

Wise advice for life

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Learn to look into your eyes

Looking to the side (especially downward) is a sign of feelings of inferiority and insecurity. Instead, look the person you're talking to straight in the eyes so they can see that you're listening and interested (even if you're not).

Do you know those people who look into your eyes as if they can look into your soul?

This is not a hereditary characteristic; this look requires practice. Try to hone your look in the mirror. You will realize that you have it in you when it becomes scary to continue looking at yourself.

Be mysterious

You don’t need to tell everything about yourself, be sure to leave out some important details. There is something both alluring and fascinating about a person that no one knows completely about.

Come up with a life mantra

For example, “Carpe Diem” (“Live in the moment”, “Seize the day”) or “Live life to the fullest”, but not a cliché. Make it something that really matters to you so you can stick to it. Make sure the mantra is not too specific so that it can be used more often, but not too general so that it becomes less personal.

Find a hobby that you're really good at.

Make it something you can practice often enough to get good at. For example: magic tricks, table tennis, making short films and juggling, riding a unicycle. It can be anything, but it's better to choose:

1) What you are truly passionate about

2) What you can demonstrate at any time in any company

Keep your brain sharp

Same job, same places where you eat. While this may seem commonplace, it's not the most stimulating lifestyle for your brain. Try something you DON'T know how to do!

Buy a complex construction set, master the art of Sudoku, or go study another specialty.

Read something inspiring right before bed and when you wake up.

This will set you up for both sleep and the rest of the day. Read anything from a famous speech to your favorite self-help book. Try to read something that can really perk you up, especially in the morning, so you can leave the house glowing with energy.

Do what you love

Many people spend their entire lives trying to make as much money as possible so they can afford to do what they really want.

We only live life once, so why don't you spend it doing something you truly love? But first you need to figure out what exactly...

Choose your friends wisely

Do your friends share your values? Do they encourage you when you talk about your goals and dreams, or do they mock you?

Friends who (even if not on purpose) generate negative thoughts in you will only interfere with your ability to live peacefully. Getting rid of such friends and finding the right ones is a difficult task! Don't let anyone stop you from being who you can be.

Don't burn bridges

Maintain relationships with people even if you think you will never see them again. For example, if you quit your job, don't be rude to your boss! You may meet him/her again later in life. Besides, there is already too much hatred in this world.

Keep a diary

This is a great way to organize your thoughts and track your growth over the years. Most people always think about recent events before going to bed, so why not document those thoughts in an organized way? This will allow you to look back and see how your way of thinking has changed over time.

Where to find the truth?

Few people know how to properly organize their lives in order to become happy and harmonious individuals. Those who know these secrets step by step move towards the goal that they clearly imagine in detail. And, as a rule, they manage to build their life exactly the way they dream of.

The majority of the population needs advice and tips from ancient sages. These are mainly representatives of Eastern culture. As a rule, their formulations in a slightly modified form are passed on by humanity from generation to generation. And they remain more than relevant today.

Lifestyle Tips

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Strengthen your abs

Compared to any other muscle group in the body, the abs are the most important. This is the core of your body, its central point. Your ability to balance depends almost entirely on the strength of your abdominal muscles, and balance is vital to any physical activity.

Learn to use your subconscious/intuition

When you spend time in silence every day, listen not to words, but to the feeling that speaks to you and tells you what to do. Do not confuse your reasoning and thoughts with the subconscious. If you are able to trace where a particular thought came from, it means that it did not come from your subconscious.

Develop a charismatic personality

Start visualizing yourself as a very charismatic person. Try to learn a few jokes, tricks and sleight of hand. Most importantly, believe that you already have strong charisma, even if you fail to become the main star of any party. Faith is the first step! Reality will come soon after.

Notice the beauty of the insignificant little things

As cliché as it may sound, there is so much beauty in the world that we rarely appreciate. Take five minutes every day to put things aside. Clear your mind and focus on something in the space in front of you - nature or any object.

Study all the smallest details of the object and try to appreciate its complexity. This may take some practice.

Get rid of unnecessary trash

There is a lot of garbage in our lives that we don’t need and don’t bring any benefit. Among such garbage, certain people, emotions and habits can be identified. Take time to evaluate the components of your life to decide what needs to be done. Know how to say no.

You are what you eat

How often have we heard this phrase, but most do not realize its meaning. Your body consists only of the food you fill it with. If you like to eat junk food, then you agree that your brain, skin, and heart will not receive the necessary nutrients.

Limit your time for online activities

Have you ever logged into VKontakte, Facebook and/or TikTok and suddenly 6 hours of your time disappear somewhere?

The Internet is a great tool, but some sites can bog you down, causing you to waste a lot of time that could be spent doing something productive.

For those who can't help themselves, there are extensions for Chrome and FireFox that allow you to set a certain amount of time to spend on websites. Every minute you spend on sites is tracked and once you reach the limit, accessing those sites will no longer be possible.

Remember the 10,000 hour rule

If you want to learn anything in life, you need at least 10,000 hours of practice. Have you ever spent 10,000 hours on something you don't want to master, like social media? Do something that will benefit you for life!

Don't compare yourself to others

Everyone is born with different strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, do not adhere to the standards of others, but at the same time:

  • Compare yourself to others

Use the success of others as motivation to continue to grow and learn. Competition is powerful medicine and can be used to your advantage. Strive to strike a balance between comparing yourself to others and not comparing yourself.

  • Recognize the duality of every truth

As you may have noticed, the above points contradict each other, however, both are true. This is an example of how most great truths have some degree of duality. Life is not absolute, try to apply the same principle to your beliefs - don't be stubborn.

Comprehension of life

Each person experiences what is happening in his own way, perceives certain events in his own way and evaluates life as such.

The wise and powerful of this world have said a lot about life. For example, according to Wilson Misner, life is not easy, and the first hundred years will be especially difficult.

Charles Baudelaire once called life a hospital in which patients dream of moving to the next bed.

Helen Keller expressed confidence that the best things that happen to a person in life cannot be touched or seen, but only felt with the heart.

That all life consists of a series of small steps, says Hota Kotb. And Lucille Bol expressed the idea that everything falls into place in the lives of those people who know how to love themselves.

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