Quotes about Cunning In this life, it is not the smart who win, but the cunning. Interns There is a simple rule: when you show generosity, you should do it artlessly and simply - because if you say too much

Cunning is the way of thinking of very limited people and is very different from the mind that it resembles in appearance.


The trouble is that we try to solve the simplest questions cunningly, and therefore make them unusually complex.


Do you think that this person has fooled you and, and if he pretends to be fooled, then who is more fooled: he or you?


Cunning people despise knowledge, simpletons are amazed at it, wise people use it.


When dealing with constantly cunning people, you must always not lose sight of their goals. With such people it is better to say little and say what they least expect.


Cunning is not intelligence, but only the intensified work of instincts caused by the absence of intelligence.


Cunning is the talent of egoists and can only deceive fools who mistake glibness for intelligence, seriousness for prudence, shamelessness for talent, pride for dignity.


Dexterity in comparison with cunning is the same as dexterity of hands in comparison with cheating.


The trouble is that cunning helps only once, and then it always only gets in the way.


Cunning is the way of thinking of very limited people and is very different from the mind that it outwardly resembles.


Courtiers devote so much time to their cunning that they forget about the cunning of their enemies.


  • Some cunning people choose stupider wives for themselves, hoping to command them, and they are always mistaken.


And I’ll tell you, brothers: if scientists don’t lie, that first monkey that managed to give birth to a human was cunning!


People who are too cunning often make mistakes by imagining others to be smarter, or better yet, more cunning than they actually are.


There is only one step from cunning to trickery; the transition from the first to the second is very easy: if you add a lie to cunning, you get trickery.

Cunning is the weapon of fools!

And yet the most common point of view is that cunning is characteristic of those people who are not able to achieve their goal in simpler and more elegant ways. Statuses about cunning people who rarely turn out to be decent!

  1. Cunning is a thing that replaces intelligence for some people... although outwardly it seems that they are one and the same thing.
  2. Cunning allows you not only to hide what you are thinking about, but to find out what others are thinking about.
  3. A cunning remains a cunning as long as no one realizes about it.
  4. A trick becomes stupid when more than one person finds out about it...
  5. The fame of a liar destroys any innate cunning in the bud...
  6. What is cunning? Cunning is the weapon of the weak... and the mind of fools.
  7. The biggest trick is to make others think that you have fallen for their trick...
  8. The whole essence of any success comes down to understanding when to be cunning and when to be brave.
  9. The fox is a very cunning animal with a huge number of tricks... but it will never defeat an ordinary hedgehog.
  10. If you don’t know how to hide your thoughts, then don’t try to outplay those whose thoughts you don’t read.
  11. Cunning is the ability to place your empty head on someone else’s shoulders...
  12. The most cunning and insidious plans are always simple. Because only simplicity can deceive those who are ready to be deceived...
  13. The whole point of political cunning: obey small rules in order to break big ones!
  14. Only narrow-minded people boast of their cunning. Smart people don’t need cunning, or they carefully hide it...
  15. In the end, the most cunning one still turns out to be the one who has the most patience...
  16. Strong people are used to achieving everything with their own hands, smart people with their brains, and cunning people with the help of strong and smart people...
  17. Ultimately, the stupidest becomes the one who considered himself the most cunning...
  18. In order to be cunning and betray those who trust you, you don’t need much intelligence.

Funny statuses

If a girl has sparkles in her eyes, it means the cockroaches in her head are celebrating something! 20

- Girls, give me a lighter. — We don’t smoke. - And you don’t drink? - And we don’t drink. - Well, you give it! - And we don’t give it! 22

Choose expressions...on your face! 21

If you want to be right, don’t run to the left; if you want to be first, don’t sleep at the wheel. If you want a queen by your side, first try to become a king yourself. 15 — Funny statuses

Tra-ta-te, tra-ta-te, We are bringing with us a cat, a naked penguin, a black man from Sakhalin, Lady Gaga and a horse, that’s how it got me! 21

— What is your education? - Medical. 7 seasons of Dr. House. 19

Don't expect a miracle. Marvel for yourself! 31

The psychos have taken over the madhouse and are demanding a million helicopters and one dollar. 23

My character is golden, that’s why it’s HARD! 21

Only snowmen are contraindicated in a lot of heat. 12

If you choose candies only by the wrapper, you will never taste the most delicious ones! eleven

We are strong girls. And we'll take out the trash and brains. 10

A woman takes everything from a man. Even the last name..... 19

Everyone is given a chance... but not everyone is given a second! 9

Blueberry nights, strawberry days, vanilla thoughts, carrot dreams... 14

Loneliness is when you wait for someone to call... And the alarm clock rings! 13

Saying “love” is difficult, saying “I’m sorry” is even more difficult. Saying “tan holes magalanpiderbats” is a total bummer! 13

There are three types of guys: macho, schmuck and “mommy.” 28

In the morning, girls are divided into 4 types: - I won’t put on makeup, but I’ll sleep. I won’t put on makeup, but I’ll eat 3. I won’t sleep and I won’t eat, but I’ll put on makeup 4. I’ll be late everywhere, but I’ll sleep, eat and put on makeup! 21

Life is not about the days that have passed, but about those that are remembered. 15

Never be sad - smoke - let go. Never drink too much - then bad things happen. Never be stupid - avoid assholes. Never love - there is no love... 14

I look at the world with blue eyes, through rose-colored glasses - and everything is purple to me))* 22

Measure 7 times...before you brag)))) 34

Money is so tricky and infectious. I go outside and they follow me. I returned home, but they didn’t! 17

Money does not bring happiness, but it gives confidence in the future and strengthens the nervous system. 17

If a girl is stuck to you, then you need to tear her off! 19

Watermelon is a wonderful food. And he ate and drank and washed. 33

What a drunk woman has on her mind, a sober man will never succeed))) 34

Girls are divided into two categories: well dressed and well dressed... 25

There comes a time in every person's life when any paper becomes valuable. 16

██████████████ - erase with a coin and read my status... 27

If we are not on the Internet, then everyone thinks that we are not at home! 13

Women's tricks

When it comes to cunning, girls are always the first thing that comes to mind! That's who gets the most from the fame of the cunning. It’s not always deserved, true, but when has it ever embarrassed anyone? Statuses about women's cunning, the cunning of which little can compare with!

  1. The biggest trick of women is not to stop men from enjoying their cunning...
  2. Women are so insidious that they can even outsmart themselves...
  3. Stupid people replace their lack of intelligence with cunning!
  4. Cunning in people is infuriating because they consider themselves smarter than others...
  5. The cunning man is not the one about whom everyone says that he is cunning... the cunning one is the one whose cunning no one is aware of.
  6. Cunning people are destroyed by the illusion of permissiveness - they simply cannot stop in time and be content with what they have.
  7. A woman’s trick is to throw a tantrum and a scandal in any incomprehensible situation...
  8. Cunning is very often overrated or confused with foresight. In fact, a cunning person rarely sees beyond his own nose.
  9. The cunning is so unstable that sometimes it destroys itself.
  10. The illusion of kindness is more dangerous than any hopeless evil...
  11. To survive among the cunning people, you need to pretend to be one of them.
  12. Reason and strength are nothing against cunning. Because cunning people do not listen to the arguments of the smart and do not fear the wrath of the strong. That’s how they are built, until they get burned – they will consider themselves better than the rest...
  13. Reason does not exist separately from cunning. He who is smart is cunning, and he who is cunning is smart.
  14. The sly man will attack only when you relax and calm down.
  15. Smart people try to go against the system, and cunning people go around it.
  16. If an idiot thought he was cunning, then there would be trouble. He will definitely do something that he will regret for many years.

Cruelty on display is doubly terrible

A person who is capable of cruelty is not so narcissistic. He just doesn’t know how to express himself differently: statuses about people’s cruelty.

  1. If a person tries, and you don’t even thank him, be sure that you are cruel in your own way.
  2. So what if you're beautiful? I will not look at this, but will only look at the actions. And they are not so great!
  3. Just don’t say that I was offended again for no reason. You know why, and it was especially cruel.
  4. Only a cruel person can tell a woman that she is ugly if he was not asked about it.
  5. Try, tell me that I'm fat, and you won't just know what cruelty is. You will feel it.
  6. It is forbidden. Well, you can't be around a person you're afraid of. Don't choose the cruel ones.
  7. A cruel friend is not such a problem, especially if you watch how she treats men :D.
  8. It's only in movies that cruel guys are so handsome. But in reality they are alone...
  9. You hurt my soul, but you are so cruel that you didn’t even notice it. It’s okay, then I’ll be cruel...
  10. And the cruel can be happy. Because happiness is a decision, not some kind of fate or karma.
  11. When your family members are cruel, it is doubly unpleasant. After all, you can’t just stop communicating with them.
  12. I just want to believe that all cruel sick people who will definitely be cured.
  13. I have cried so much in my life because of cruel people that with a calm soul I would have killed them... lost them in general.
  14. How can you not understand that thinking about the past all the time is as cruel as enduring name calling?
  15. I immediately realized that you were cruel. It's just that sometimes your tongue speaks faster than your brain thinks!
  16. Cruel people are like potatoes. They rot in the heat. Therefore, you need to treat them coldly.
  17. If you have too many abusive people in your life, change something. I don't know what, but definitely.
  18. Yes, you can hardly prove anything to a cruel person, but if we remain silent, they will simply crush us...
  19. I know why your conscience doesn’t torment you, dear. Yes, because you simply don’t have it!!!
  20. If I have a daughter, I will teach her not to fall in love with scoundrels. This is the only way out I see!
  21. I'm heartless. I'm cruel. I am angry. And all because she was once too kind to people.
  22. Don't let cruel people break you. Believe me, a lot depends on your decision.

Cunning and deceit

Everyone knows that cunning always goes hand in hand with deceit. But sometimes you have to cheat a little yourself... for the sake of kindness and justice, of course! Statuses about deceit for good!

  1. There are two categories of people whose cunning knows no bounds: women and politicians.
  2. Life is arranged in such a way that the winner is usually the one who outwitted the rest.
  3. You can achieve much more with cunning and a kind word than with fists and a kind word.
  4. The most tricky things turn out to be simple if you understand them well. The true trick is in simplicity.
  5. There is a border between everyday cunning and deceit... and those who cross this border no longer have the right to sympathy.
  6. If you doubt everything, you will stop trusting even yourself...
  7. If I can’t win, I’ll at least outwit...
  8. The best illustration of the fact that cunning is no match for intelligence is chess. How many strong female chess players have there been in history?
  9. The devil's biggest lie is to convince others of his absence...
  10. A cunning person who can hide his cunning from everyone can do anything!
  11. Most cunning people, placing their nets everywhere, do not even realize that they themselves are bait.
  12. You don't have to be smart to seem smart. You don't have to be strong to appear strong. But to appear cunning, you need to be cunning!
  13. Cunning people make mistakes precisely because they consider themselves smarter than others.
  14. Remember one simple trick: no matter how perfect the lie is, you still won’t be able to deceive everyone.
  15. Why does human cunning appear where we are talking exclusively about other people’s affairs and concerns...
  16. Cunning is a very twofold thing. It exists only where stupidity coexists with reason.

Quotes about cunning

The Simpsons

- Why did you give Lisa a pony?
- She stopped loving me. - I don't love you either. Give me a moped! In this life, it is not the smart who win, but the cunning.

Agatha Christie. Autobiography

In ninety-nine cases, women behave like fools, but in the hundredth case they turn out to be more cunning than men.


We were able to outwit the fox, which makes us incredibly cunning!

Niccolo Machiavelli

Hide what you say, find out what others say, and you will become a true prince.

Water for Elephants! (Water for Elephants)

The world runs on tricks. Everyone plays. And this is where live talent is important. A gift from birth, something that no diploma can give you.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld. Maxims and moral reflections

The surest way to be deceived is to consider yourself more cunning than others.

Dmitry Yemets. Tanya Grotter and a ring with a pearl

Time is tricky. It will catch up with everyone and show everyone.


— Hearing the rabbit’s cry, the fox rushes towards him. but no help.

Alexander Zorich. Quick fire

Anyone who is not afraid to appear a fool will fool anyone.


Truly clever people pretend all their lives that they abhor cunning, but in fact they simply reserve it for exceptional cases that promise exceptional benefits.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Cunning is a very important virtue of a person [although some consider it a flaw and a vice], thanks to which he can solve various kinds of problems and tasks without resorting to straightforward decisions and actions, which are not always effective or even appropriate.
Moreover, not only people have cunning, but also many other living beings, who, with the help of this quality, mislead their victims and enemies in a variety of sophisticated ways and thus achieve certain goals. True, people are still much better at doing this - we are intellectual creatures, so we have many more ways to outwit each other and sometimes even ourselves. In general, people have different attitudes towards this quality, or better yet, skill - some condemn it, this is mainly done by those people who themselves do not know how to be cunning, or by those who like to be cunning themselves, but do not like being cunning with him. And someone simply loves cunning, because it helps him in life. Be that as it may, you and I, as smart people, must understand that life does not ask our opinion about its laws - we either learn to live by them and use them, or we become their victims. Therefore, cunning should in no case be condemned or ignored - it must, firstly, be studied in order to understand it correctly, and secondly, it must be used correctly. This is what we will talk about in this article. To begin with, I want to say that good or bad, successful or not, but from time to time all people are cunning. You are unlikely to meet absolutely honest and straightforward people in this life. It's just that some of them do it so poorly that they seem very straightforward and completely unsophisticated. In reality, even such people in special situations resort to cunning, as much as possible for them, in order to use it to obtain certain benefits for themselves or to protect themselves from something. After all, even children, when they want something or don’t want something, resort to cunning to influence adults. So if suddenly someone tells you that being a cunning person is bad, that you need to be honest and open with everyone and always use only methods that other people understand to achieve your goals, then do not take this position seriously. You can agree with it in order to outwit the one who is trying to outwit you by making such cunning statements, but just do not believe in it. Below I will explain to you why this should not be done.

What is cunning

First of all, let's find out what cunning is. It must be said that it is quite difficult to give the most accurate and at the same time generalized definition of this concept; nevertheless, it is multifaceted and rich. You cannot reduce cunning to just one course of action, thanks to which people can distort facts and purposefully mislead each other to achieve their goals, and then call it something. Still, there are quite a lot of tricks. However, there is a general definition of cunning that, from my point of view, is the most accurate. Cunning is a person’s ability to use various methods, methods, techniques that he, as an individual, possesses, and/or that he can acquire, which he can learn, to achieve his goals in an indirect way. Not a bad definition, you agree. Although not very complete, it is still very informative.

More specifically, cunning is a deception that can be used to distort facts or misinterpret them in order to mislead other people and benefit from it, or to protect themselves from something; it is also flattery, which allows you to win over a person, gain his trust and then begin to manage his behavior in your own interests; This is also deceit when, under the guise of good intentions, a person commits a malicious act. It’s not for nothing that they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Folk wisdom has been forged over centuries. Also, when we talk about cunning, we can in some cases also mean betrayal, when a person you trusted stabs you in the back for some personal gain. This can be a very cunning move on his part if he has planned it long and carefully. A person’s ability to adapt to circumstances and change his point of view to a completely opposite one, thus showing flexibility of mind, is also a manifestation of cunning. The ability to use human weaknesses to your advantage is also a trick. Bribery or unobvious intimidation, in the form of various hints, is also a good method of cunning, with the help of which a person can induce other people to take the actions he needs. To do this, he may need the ability to bluff, as in playing cards, when it is very difficult to understand a person, or better yet, to read. Hypocrisy is also one of the sides of cunning. People can say one thing and do another, which is quite common in our lives. Even innovative thinking in certain situations can be classified as cunning, when a person comes up with something unusual and new in order to solve the problem facing him in the most convenient way for him, but at the same time, not always acceptable for other people. You see how many different tricks we can collect in such a concept as cunning.

Taking into account the above, we can say that the basis of the cunning is a lie, but I think that this would not be a completely correct conclusion. A cunning person is not just a liar and a deceiver, and sometimes not even a liar at all, he is much more - he is a master who knows how to achieve his goals in a wide variety of ways that other people may not fully understand or even completely understand. After all, sometimes cunning can be more like wisdom than a lie, when a person picks up the key to other people - not so much by deceiving them, but by exerting hidden influence on them, in order to convey to them some important information or encourage them to do the right thing. including actions for themselves. So, taking into account the above, we can supplement the above definition of cunning with the following statement: cunning is the skill through which a person uses the tools that he possesses by nature and that life provides him with, to consciously achieve his goals indirectly, sophisticatedly and more parts in ways that are not obvious to other people. At the same time, as you see, cunning is partly an innate, instinctive quality. However, to a much greater extent it develops in a person as he acquires various knowledge and skills.

Let's now see what innate and acquired cunning are - what is the difference between them? But there is a difference, and a significant one. Innate cunning is an intuitive pattern of behavior that allows a person to distort reality mainly with the help of very primitive lies and adapt to circumstances instinctively in order to defend their interests. That is, his resourcefulness, ingenuity, dexterity, flexibility, cunning and everything else that allows him to reach his goal indirectly is determined primarily by the innate qualities of a person. Knowledge in this case plays an insignificant role. Typically, innate cunning manifests itself in very clumsy lies and purposeful demonstrative behavior, when, for example, a child lies to his parents, and for them his lie is obvious, or tries to influence adults by staging a concert with hysterics, or pretends to be sick, trying to use his behavior mislead parents in order to achieve some concessions on their part. And so on. All these little children's tricks, which, by the way, many adults use in their behavior, are a manifestation of innate cunning. It can also be called animal cunning, because the essence of man is rooted in the animal world, where instincts reign, and not knowledge and intellect. Therefore, such cunning manifests itself instinctively and impulsively, but at the same time people may well be aware of why they behave in a certain way, that is, for what purpose they are being cunning. The goal, in general, is always the same - to satisfy one’s physiological needs, including the issue of safety, and various desires.

As for the cunning acquired, or as I prefer to say, developed by a person, it is already based on his existing knowledge, experience, skills and, in general, ideas about life and people, thanks to which he skillfully manipulates reality. Life experience, scientific knowledge, personal experience - all this allows us to improve our skills in cunning, dodging, twisting, adapting, and thus finding ways to achieve our goals. Naturally, the more developed a person's intellect, the more cunning he can be, simply because he may have more knowledge about life and be able to use it more skillfully. Therefore, a very smart person can fake reality so beautifully that it will be almost impossible to distinguish this fake from the original, that is, from the conventional truth, the truth. In general, the better a person understands something, in some area, the more cunning he can be in this area. After all, he has a lot of details in front of him, a lot of data, which he is well versed in and from which he is able to construct any plausible reality. And it will be very difficult to catch him in a lie, since he will be able to find a completely justified answer to any of your remarks, the authenticity of which will be very difficult to verify, which means it will be difficult to catch a person in a lie if you do not understand his field as well , just like him. Therefore, if someone tells you that he can create a perpetual motion machine, and you don’t understand much in physics, then you will either have to believe this person and then you will quite possibly get hooked on him, or not, but prove the impossibility of creating such an engine , it will be very difficult for you, or even impossible.

At the same time, I want to note that such a distortion of reality, when a person is cunning, does not always harm other people. Sometimes cunning allows you to make the world better, or the life of an individual. For example, when a woman, with the help of her feminine cunning, encourages her husband to do something for the sake of the family, influencing his male Ego, and a man gives his beloved woman a compliment in order to instill self-confidence in her and thus help her become better, then what the difference is the methods by which people perform similar operations with the consciousness of other people, the main thing is that their goals are noble. So there is a difference between cunning and cunning. If a person is cunning, this does not mean at all that he is bad or dangerous. He may well turn out to be a kind and wise person, without any bad thoughts or goals harmful to other people.

All our knowledge and skills, both acquired and innate, together represent a suitcase with a tool, the role of which is various opportunities, which can only be used if you practice them. The more often a person uses it, and for a variety of purposes, the better the trick will be. For example, if a person does not know how to lie, but the situation requires him to lie, then he will do it ineptly, as, for example, children do - they usually lie very badly, so their lies are often recognized by adults and are often punished. But a person who is accustomed to lying, and especially one who has been taught to do this, and this is still taught in some places, will do it so skillfully that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to catch him in a lie. The same is true with flattery. Some people can’t even really give a compliment to another person, because they simply haven’t learned how to give compliments, while others know how to flatter very beautifully, and even in cases where it is obvious to everyone that a person is flattering, he is still perceived very well thanks to this flattery. That is, it is not enough to want, you also need to be able to do something in order to achieve your goals in roundabout ways, then this skill can be called cunning.

Wisdom, I believe, should also be classified as one of the tools of cunning, when a person acts in a given situation the way he needs to act, that is, according to his mind, and not the way he is used to doing before or how he manages to act , so to speak, impulsively, automatically. Wisdom for me means first of all calmness, and then prudence, knowledge and experience. Therefore, a wise person, as a rule, is also cunning, because he knows that different roads lead to the same goal, and the shortest road is not always the best. And the main thing is that a wise person almost never follows his emotions and feelings, which primitive his behavior. Let’s say, if your tongue itches, tell someone the truth about yourself, but you shouldn’t do this, so as not to offend the person or make an enemy, then a wise person will not do this, no matter how much he would like to ease his soul in this way . But an unwise person will give free rein to his emotions and say something that may cause him problems in the future and which he may regret. So in this sense, restraint, calmness, prudence, the ability to find the right, and not the simplest and most obvious solutions to certain problems and tasks, while influencing other people in such a way that they will only be happy about it - this is a manifestation of wise cunning.

But you know what, friends, I still believe that a person’s beliefs play the main role in cunning. If you treat this ability, this quality, skill, tool, normally, with understanding and even with respect, then cunning in you will develop very actively. And if you are too moralized, prejudiced against cunning, consider it a vice, evil, or even the lot of weak people, then you yourself will suppress this innate predisposition in yourself to act in a variety of ways, creatively, dexterously, inventively, flexibly, in order to more often achieve something positive for you result in life, to which life itself often calls each of us. Therefore, in order to be cunning, you must first want to be that way, and then develop the necessary skills in yourself.

A cunning man - what is he like?

Let's now define for ourselves the image of a cunning person in order to understand what he should be like. Any person who somehow tries to be cunning can be called cunning - misleads people by distorting various information for this purpose, hides something, exaggerates something, minimizes something, tries to deceive other people in some way, tries to manipulate them. If all these attempts to influence other people are obvious to them, then I do not consider it a trick. I believe that this is simply an attempt to be cunning, because if a person is obvious in his intentions, he is not cunning, he is trying to be cunning. And a cunning person, from my point of view, is, first of all, a person who understands who is in front of him and uses precisely such techniques of influencing his interlocutor, partner, and audience that do not betray his cunning. I think this is a very important point in this matter. Here is a simple example of how important this is, I show it on myself, so to speak. I often had to deal with people who, with their rather primitive attempts, tried to deceive me and thus revealed their cards and showed their ill will towards me. I perceived their cunning as aggression against me, and in some cases, as stupidity, since the person thus turned me against himself and closed for himself the opportunity to benefit from cooperation with me. I don’t think anyone will like it if they trick him, especially in a way in which the trickster wants to cause some harm or damage to another person, other people.

However, cunning in itself is neither good nor bad, because it can be good for one person and bad for another. It can also be good for everyone. In other words, everything is relative. But if you want to be a truly cunning person, you must be able to select different keys for different people, that is, with each person you need to be able to be cunning in different ways. If you apply the same methods of behavior to all people, trying to outwit them, then your cunning will be revealed and it is possible that you will be punished for it. It’s very easy to make enemies in this way, and even more so to undermine your credibility. And without trust, you cannot surround yourself with reliable people. So as you can see, cunning, especially low-quality cunning, has a rather high price.

In general, cunning people try not to conflict. This is why cunning is needed so that without conflicts, without aggression, without head-on confrontation, you can achieve what you need. Like that fox from Krylov’s fable, she said the right words to the crow, played on her vanity, and she let the cheese out of her beak. Finely done, you will agree. Cunning people work even more subtly - they can influence a person so much that he will do everything for them, and even be satisfied, and will not consider himself deceived or used. At the same time, it is worth noting that a cunning person does not necessarily have to cause harm to other people, even if he deceives them. After all, the goals achieved with the help of cunning can be different. For example, you can use cunning to convince a child to finish his porridge on a plate, or you can use it to pull money out of the pockets of citizens, as did the great schemer Ostap Bender from the famous novel. If we talk about such things as politics, business, war, then you can’t do without cunning, and at the same time, this cunning can be quite harmful, hostile, aggressive and even fatal for opponents and enemies. But in this case, the cunning is painted exactly the color that is necessary for conducting the corresponding activity. It is unlikely that the same war can and should be humane, and business and politics honest. These types of human activities exclude any decency, honesty, humanity. Therefore, to be cunning in order to succeed in these types of activities means to be adequate to what you do.

Of course, it will be much better for you and the people around you if you use your cunning not to the detriment of other people, not necessarily to their benefit, but at least not to the detriment. Provided, of course, that your type of activity allows you to do this. Good in this world must triumph, no matter under what guise. Still, if a person uses cunning to take advantage of other people, causing them obvious harm and causing them serious damage, then an atmosphere of mistrust is created around him. People in such an atmosphere begin to suspect each other of dishonesty, they look for a catch in everything, and because of this, tension, stress, aggression, and hostility arise. Everyone suffers from this. So not everything is so simple in this world, friends, everything in it has its own price. Cunning must be used carefully, using it only in cases where it is impossible to act more openly and honestly. I would even say this - cunning is needed when it helps out, and does not allow someone to be destroyed without special need. This is not so much a question of morality as it is a person’s basic understanding of what kind of people he wants to live around and how he wants to be treated. Because if he cheats with those with whom he shouldn’t do it, then they are unlikely to love him for it.

How to become cunning

Well, I left the most interesting, or better yet, the most delicious, for last, so to speak, for dessert. If you agree with everything I said above, if you understand what cunning is and why it is needed, then you are probably interested in the question of how to become cunning. And we will look at it now. So, speaking about how to become a cunning person, you should first understand the main thing - each person is cunning in his own way, it’s just that someone can be more cunning than everyone else, and someone is not very strong in this art. In other words, cunning is inherent in us by nature, but it is necessary to develop it in yourself in order to become even more cunning, or better said, to become more cunning in accordance with the world around you and the people around you. And to do this, you must first of all, as I said above, get rid of internal brakes. It is very important. You need to look at cunning neutrally, under no circumstances condemn it, not see in it evil and a manifestation of weakness. In most cases, when I helped people become more cunning, it was their internal negative beliefs about cunning that prevented them from developing their cunning. Knowledge and skills are trifles, prejudices regarding certain things, in our case, regarding cunning, are what is important. They need to be dealt with first. As a matter of fact, this is why I have piled up so much text on top, to explain to you what role cunning plays in our life, so that you treat it correctly.

Then, when you get rid of internal inhibitions, you need to develop the flexibility of thinking so that you can maneuver in difficult situations, rather than acting straightforwardly. Do you know how we train this thinking with some people? We take a topic for discussion and identify several points of view on it, well, let’s say five, or no more than three if the topic is complex. Then we start communicating on this topic from all these points of view at once. That is, first a person discusses with other people, that is, with me, the chosen topic, adhering to one point of view, and I, accordingly, adhere to the opposite point of view, so that the communication is similar to an argument, and we convince each other of the correctness of our position, then we both immediately change our points of view to completely opposite ones, or rather, we do this simultaneously in parallel correspondence, then we change our view on the issue under consideration to some other opposing points of view and communicate in this way. This is one of the techniques for developing flexibility of thinking, the essence of which comes down to the fact that people learn not only to look at different things from different angles, but also to discuss these things from different angles, and even convince the interlocutor of what he convinced some time ago their. In this way, a person’s thinking expands and becomes more flexible, one might even say soft, independent of any specific beliefs. And such thinking contributes very well to the development of cunning, since cunning people often change their views on certain things in such a way as to adapt to circumstances. It is difficult to understand a cunning person precisely because you never know what he is like and what can be expected from him in the next moment, while he clearly understands how it is beneficial for him to think and act in each specific situation, with each specific person. And unpredictability, by the way, is one of the characteristic signs of complex systems, that is, in our case, it is a sign of a complex, and therefore more effective mind, which a person must have if he wants to be cunning.

The next thing you need to learn to become cunning is, of course, the ability to lie. But you need to be able to lie, not just to lie - that’s what all people do now, but to lie correctly, competently, intelligently, beautifully, aesthetically. And I’ll tell you, oh how difficult it is to do, because few places teach this. Most people learn the ability to lie from life, which, you know, often severely punishes the truth. And in order to learn to lie correctly, you need to develop imagination and fantasy in order to compose such fairy tales that you yourself will be happy to believe, without forgetting the truth that these are just fairy tales. This cannot be explained in a nutshell, so I will devote a separate article to this topic. Well, you yourself, of course, can learn something on this topic. In general, you need to learn to lie, lie, deceive in order to become cunning.

In addition to lying, in order to become a cunning person, you need to have a very broad outlook, since the more you know about life and especially about people, the easier it will be for you to choose the most suitable method of influencing this or that person or influencing one or another life situation. Knowing a lot of useful things, you will not rush like a tank to achieve your goal, but will be like water, bending around the obstacles in front of you and flowing through narrow cracks in order to achieve your goal without unnecessary resistance. For example, if you are used to solving all conflicts with people with the help of shouting and/or fists, but have no idea about other methods, then you simply cannot be cunning, that is, you will not be able to use those techniques that you do not know about or that you can't think of it. The last skill [to invent] indicates that for cunning you need to have good imagination and creative thinking, which I already said above, in the context of another skill [the ability to lie], which you need to actively develop in yourself. Well, to acquire the necessary knowledge, you need to regularly receive it from quality sources, I emphasize, from quality ones. Always remember that the more you know, the easier it will be for you to choose the right technique, methodology, model of behavior, and arguments with which you will be cunning for a given situation. I really hope that my website will become one of these high-quality sources from which you will draw useful knowledge about life and people. I will make every effort for this.

The next point is thinking. Above I wrote about flexible and creative thinking, now I’ll talk about thinking in general. Cunning people - they know how to think, they know how to think, they know how to reason, they know how to ask questions and find answers to them. And it is precisely the ability to ask questions and search for or even come up with answers to them that is the basis of thinking. I have a special program for teaching thinking, or one might also say, a program for developing thinking, which consists entirely of questions from both the teacher and the student. Such communication, using practically only questions, greatly accelerates the brain, forces it to work to its fullest, forces a person to really think, and not just sort out all sorts of patterns in memory. Having learned to think, to think, with the help of this training program, a person will be able to improvise in complex, unfamiliar situations, coming up with the most unusual and cunning ways to solve the problems and tasks facing him. A person with well-developed thinking, believe me, will be able to outwit anyone, if you do not take into account such an error when the scythe lands on a stone.

Well, the ability to play on the weaknesses of other people is also of great importance for that person who wants to become cunning. To do this, of course, you need to be able to find these weaknesses and then select appropriate methods of influencing them. To learn this, you need to study psychology. I will definitely write a separate article about the ability to identify human weaknesses and influence them, as well as other useful ways of learning cunning. So don't go too far from my site.

In the meantime, finally, I would like to say once again about why a person needs to be cunning, so that you can finally get rid of all the internal inhibitors that prevent you from achieving your goals with the help of this skill. Sometimes people come to me who, to put it simply and generally, ask me to prepare them for life. Usually these people learn about me from someone who has already worked with me and knows how, what and why I teach. This rather simple and at the same time desperate request - to prepare a person for life, essentially means that he wants to learn something that he was not taught anywhere, neither at school, nor at the institute, if he studied there. Life sometimes makes such strict demands on us that sometimes you have no choice but to master skills that are not entirely popular in our society, but at the same time vital. And you are looking for where and how this can be done. This is how some people come to me, or to other specialists who can teach them something important for life.

And life, as we know, often bites people, and sometimes it hurts a lot. So they want to be different, they want to change, and in particular they want to become smarter. Without urgent need, people are not interested in such things as cunning. They are either not interested in it at all, and they live as it happens, without trying to become more adapted to life, or they have some prejudices about cunning. I really hope that you, dear readers, read this article not for the sake of interest, or not only for the sake of it, but also because you have a need to, firstly, understand what cunning is, and secondly, develop it in yourself. Because only in this case will it, this article, be useful to you, and right now you will begin the necessary actions to become a more cunning, and therefore more adapted to life, person.

Aphorisms about cunning

Women's wisdom, combined with women's cunning, gives an effect that no higher education can give.

I can be modest, I can be cool, Like an angry shepherd, sometimes dangerous, Too curious or indifferent, The center of the universe or suddenly unnecessary... I don’t like quarrels - this is not necessary, But if they get you, I’ll bite with poison! I will open my soul to those who are kind to me, but I don’t need those who are not very kind. I can close myself off, just not communicate... One thing I can’t do is to pretend cunningly!

Men's cunning compared to women's - so, amateur performances...

There are such quiet pools that even devils prefer to avoid them...)))

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