Stanislav Lem "Solaris" Arrival At nineteen zero-zero onboard time I went down the metal steps
I can’t understand why people, having already left me once, meddle in my life again?
I locked the door to my heart, sealing it and writing “NO ENTRY.”
Aphorisms and quotations from works of Western literature - Andersen G. * Asprin R. *
Aphorisms and quotes by Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes, (1588–1679), English materialist philosopher, author of legal concepts
The child’s self-confidence, his level of self-esteem and psychological health depend on the parents.
Reading philosophical literature is not only fashionable, but also useful. Sayings of thinkers help
Portal for schoolchildren. Self-preparation Since childhood, we have all heard a lot of familiar and significant
First sayings The first person on Earth to mention the devil was Eve. And the Lord said
How inscriptions are created There are many ways to decorate walls with inscriptions. You can purchase a ready-made kit that is attached