Beautiful statuses with meaning
For most of our users, it is very important that everything they publish on social networks, on the one hand, makes sense, and on the other, is understandable to everyone who visits the page. We offer new and cutting-edge statements that will be understandable to everyone who is endowed with the ability to think and analyze. On our website you will find many new statuses that will capture your imagination and become evidence that people are changing, and many for the better. Perhaps this applies to you too.
There is not a single man in the world who can be content with only the soul of a woman for a long time.
The most beautiful sunsets are not on the prairie, not in the savannah, or even on the ocean... The most beautiful sunsets are where you are young, in love and full of hope!
The best shot is a random shot. The best thoughts are your own. The best feeling is mutual. The best friends are true friends. The best person is for everyone.
Appreciate in a person exactly how he treats you. The most important thing is to understand whether he treats you at all.
A loved one should be reliable - like a control shot and the only one - like a last chance.
Happiness is when he, who will not be woken up even by alarm clocks, wakes up because I stopped hugging him.
The best teacher in life is experience, although he charges a lot, but he explains very clearly!!!
Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves.
A woman rarely forgives a man for jealousy, and never forgives the lack of jealousy.
They know how to speak beautifully... They know how to look after beautifully... They know how to deceive beautifully... So beautifully that time will pass - and you will again want to believe in another beautiful fairy tale...
Life itself is like the waves of the sea: at first, it seems that nothing is changing, but one day you notice how much pain the water has carried away.
Don't marry someone you can live with. Marry the one you can't live without.
Love is like a wild cat, try to play with it and it will scratch your heart until it bleeds.
People can live under the same roof, eat together, make love, but only engaging in idiocy together indicates spiritual closeness.
In life we are looking for a person whom we will love, who will love us, and with whom we will live. But sometimes it turns out to be three different people...
The main thing in life is FAMILY! A career doesn’t wait for you at home, money won’t wipe away your tears, and fame won’t hug you at night.
Over time, you will understand that all this pathos and glamorous clothes are not important. And you will bite your elbows because you lost the girl who loved you more than life itself...
Some people, in order to gain confidence, for some reason have to trample another person into the dirt instead of trampling something nasty in themselves!
Curled hair, a sweet smile on her face, a beautiful laugh... and no one knows that she is completely confused in herself...
We always have a second to ruin everything. And forever won’t be enough to fix everything...
A person should be with the one with whom his thoughts live!
If you love, then for real; if you hug, it’s tight; if you laugh, you will cry; if you speak, then to your eyes; If you give, then from the heart.
We love: coffee, tea, rain, autumn, smiles, sleepless nights on the Internet, morning snow. Everyone dreams differently, but dreams unite us.
The most terrible pain can be inflicted on a person only by the one who gave him the most happiness.
Love can be compared to the sea: some people like the feeling of a storm with huge waves of feelings, while others prefer calm, smooth water with a moonlit path to the horizon.
Don't marry someone you can live with. Marry the one you can't live without.
May your path be guarded by the sky, may your sleep be calmed by the moon. Know that wherever in the world I am. I need you. You are really needed.
Never make excuses. Not in front of those who love you, and especially not in front of those who don’t love you. The one who doesn’t love will never believe you anyway, and the one who loves will come up with an excuse for you.
In life we are looking for a person whom we will love, who will love us, and with whom we will live. But sometimes it turns out to be three different people...
And a man should leave as gracefully as he came... That is, forever...
Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you might wake up and realize that you've lost the moon while counting the stars.
Statuses written in original font
Symbols for contact – crosses, crosses, snowflakes, flowers
✗ ✘ ✕ ✖ x X ✣ ✤ ✥ ❖ ፠ ። ᠅ ✦ ✧ ҈ ҉ ☩ ☦ ☨ ༒ ༓ ✝ † ‡ ✞ ✟ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✠ ࿇ ✱ ✲ ✳ ✴ ✵ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❂ ❃ ❊ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❈ ❉ ❊ ❋ ≭
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Beautiful, funny statuses
Any girl becomes chic when she is with a man who knows how to light up her eyes and decorate her life!
I really want to go where the sea and warmth are... And no worries!!! Sit on the seashore in the summer, watch the sunset and think about good things...
Headphones in her ears, a player under the pillow... He is again in her dreams, and kisses her ear.
He proposed marriage to me so beautifully... and then the alarm clock rang...
Someday I will sit in front of the computer, drink cognac and, lighting another cigarette, write to some people what I think about them... And the next day, I will write in the status that I was hacked.
Don't trust your heart - it's beating!
People like me don't cry. Not because it doesn’t hurt, but because the mascara will run...
I believe that a girl has the right to do whatever she wants. As long as it tastes good.
You can trust me with everything. Except chocolate.
Men who do not forgive women for their small shortcomings will never enjoy their great virtues.
Water will extinguish the flame, fire will melt the ice! I may not be perfect, but it will do for me!
You can trust me with everything. Except chocolate.
You had a chance to be the first, even the only one... Now please stand in line...
A smart man doesn't think about who came before him. He makes sure that there is no one after him.
They don’t remember about the girl they love - they think about her constantly!
Listening to gossip about myself, I just can’t understand: either I’m so bad, or they’re so good compared to me.
I will swim across the entire Pacific Ocean, cross half the globe, overcome cold and heat, just so as not to see you, damn it.
To maintain peace in the family, you need: Love, Tenderness, Patience, Respect, Understanding and... TWO COMPUTERS!
Why do we sleep under the same blanket today, when before everyone had their own? We are a family now... And a family should sleep under the same blanket...
Hmm... love? The soul is in a psychiatric hospital, the body is in bed, the heart is on sick leave, and the brain... and the brain is generally in shock...
I love caring, loving, responsible and reliable men!!! I generally love science fiction!
If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first!
My dear kitten, all pampered from the cradle! I endure all the whims, That's how I love you!
My mother taught me from childhood - if you do something, do it well and to the end. Therefore, I take out the brain efficiently and with love.
Somewhere deep inside me lives a tall and slender, athletic girl. But I always cover her mouth with chocolate cake so that she doesn’t get smart.
People come into my life... People leave it... And I just turn up the music in my headphones louder...
Looking for a prince! Maybe not on a white horse... Maybe on a gray donkey... The main thing is to believe in a fairy tale, like me!
Let's play hide and seek. If you find me, I'm yours. If not, then I'm in the closet.
If you went “to the left,” then you shouldn’t be surprised if I have to cross paths with you in those parts... I, too, really, won’t stay on the right...
A woman should look so smart that her stupidity will be a pleasant surprise.
She was such a fool as heaven never knew, but she had a figure and awesome eyes!
Life is like a big supermarket: take what you want, but don’t forget - the checkout is in front, you have to pay for everything.
I was told yesterday that I live in fantasies. I almost fell off the dragon.
Fell from the sky. I woke up - there were no wings, and the halo was cracked. I had to live like a person. It's a shame...
Men who say that you won’t please us with a gift, I hasten to please you - earrings made of gold and diamonds have never disappointed anyone.
Beauty is deceiving
Long statuses about life are powerful and at the same time touching sayings. They allow you to think, they allow you to get enough of meaning.
- Only the happy know that happiness is a process, not an end point. Therefore, it is important to have something to strive for.
- Don’t rush off the handle: look around, take a closer look, think about it, and only then act. But also never sit idle.
- You can't love for money or beauty. But it is also impossible to love for inner peace alone.
- If you're trying hard and still can't succeed, maybe you're just doing something wrong.
- Believing in immortality is much easier than realizing that everything needs to be done in one single life.
- Anyone who asks you for trust certainly does not intend to earn it. He once again hopes for beautiful words.
- You need to pay attention to every mistake. But no more than what is required by common sense.
Short beautiful statuses
Our statistics show us that most people like to write about love and life. On social networks, short thought forms are most welcome. Long and extensive reflections take a long time to read. And the modern generation values nothing more than time. We also value your time, which is why our collection includes a wide variety of short sayings. Although, of course, we also take into account the preferences of those who like to read and become engrossed. Come visit us. Our collection is your way to friends and acquaintances, to those who care about you and who care about you.
Many people know me, but only a few know who I really am.
People become close gradually, strangers instantly…….
We say, “I don’t know.” And there are so many answers in my head...
I love you. Maybe not at first sight. But until my last breath.
Gone! Where? Doesn't matter! For what? Doesn't matter. The main thing is to be happy!
A woman’s heart is like a deep ocean full of secrets...
Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows; happiness is a state of mind.
And may God grant everyone to be with someone with whom the heart does not seek others.
Alas, happiness was not given to us for long.
You say: “Time is passing.” Mad Men. This is what you are going through.
Freedom is when you can leave, but you stay.
If a guy treats a girl like a princess, it means he was raised by a queen...
Well, I fell in love again! And again, it seems, into myself...
Headphones in your ears and the music drowns out, and no one is needed, because it’s better this way.
You can doubt everything, but this will not change your living conditions.
He is my tears and my laughter, he is my strength, he is the best!
You haven't lost until you quit the game.
Smile at a passerby and let him dream...
Happiness is like health: when you don’t notice it, it’s there.
God created you as an expensive original, don't become a cheap copy.
Headphones in her ears, Player under the pillow... He is again in her dreams and kisses her ear.
I know you want to forget what happened, it’s not easy for me, believe me, the door is closed behind me...
I want something new, something bright that will brighten up these gray days.
I would love to be better! But it couldn’t be better!!!
The hardest thing in life is knowing which bridge to cross and which to burn.
No matter how hard you try, you won’t be good to everyone... So just BE YOURSELF!
Let's cross out the past. There is a stunningly beautiful future ahead.
Truly great is the man who has managed to master his time!
Life is not measured by the number of sighs, but by the moments when you take your breath away.
There is no need to be important, it is important to be needed...
When it rains, it's so convenient to hide your tears...
When people say “Thank you for being you,” it’s priceless.
My conscience is clear because I never use it...
He who illuminates the lives of others will never be left without light.
Even if you are an angel, someone may not like the rustling of your wings.
Why are your eyes burning so bright? Because you are fire!
It doesn't matter how you fall, it matters how you get up!
If they want to throw you off your pedestal, it means you have already achieved something!
Something needs to change in my life, preferably everything.
I pour the tea stronger... And I continue to live...
Boundaries, like fears, most often turn out to be simply illusions.
Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of his beloved knows it...
It's never too late, never too early to change all your plans if necessary.
I can’t please you with anything: everything is fine with me!
To the one who has found the meaning of life, please do not touch or hide it with your hands!
He is my tears and my laughter, he is my strength, he is the best!
Remind your loved ones that they are dear to you!
Having taught me to live by you, do not ask me to live without you.
But... there are kilometers between us. There is something between us, and that’s already good.
Just because we broke up doesn't mean we won't get married!
The girls' lives are like chess, they get rid of pawns for the sake of the king.
Take the first step and you will understand that not everything is so scary.
A person should be with the one with whom his thoughts live!
Having taught me to live by you, do not ask me to live without you.
It's never too late, never too early to change all your plans if necessary.
I know you want to forget what happened, it’s not easy for me, believe me, the door is closed behind me...
My eyes get high... when yours are jealous...
The sunset is beautiful when you believe in the dawn...
All great stories have great female leads.
Of all the paths leading to a woman's heart, pity is the shortest.
I would like a table with a view of the dream please...
Many people know me, but only a few know who I really am.
He who knows how to wait always gets the best.
I love you so much that I am ready to scrawl these words on the hood of your car.
Headphones in her ears, a player under the pillow... He is again in her dreams, and kisses her ear.
Fate is fate, but the choice is yours!
About life
Not everyone's life turns out the way they want it. But what can you do, such is fate. Share the most beautiful status about life with your friends - they will appreciate it!
- Life is actually very short. But death... it is endless!
- You blew it all... love doesn't last forever, in case you didn't know that.
- My sweetness dies where your audacity crosses all boundaries!
- I'm deeply unhappy. I am smart, beautiful and worthy. But no one really loves people like that. The most sincere thing I expect from people is envy...
- Don't get into my soul. My personal nightmares live there, they don’t concern you...
- And I believe... I believe that one day we will be close again.
- I'm sitting at home, dying. Very boring. Who is also bored, write!
- And let fate be unfair, but life is a game - play beautifully!
- We are all drug addicts. Seriously. We are addicted to positive emotions... All our lives we do nothing but look for their sources.
- If a person is not attracted to you, then it is better to leave him alone.
- Every accident has its own purpose, every case has its own meaning.
- When a man is interested, he can be very creative. So don’t be under the illusion that circumstances are hindering him.
- Don't expect things to get better or easier. It won't. It will always be difficult. Just be happy here and now!
- Happiness is contagious. The happier you are, the happier those around you are.
- Ask for advice only from someone who knows how to overcome himself.
- Tomorrow there will be what should be, and there will be nothing that should not be. Don't make a fuss!
- You can forgive a person for everything except his absence.
- Marriage is a relationship where one is right and the other is the husband.
- Time will pass and life will show that everything was only for the better...
- And sometimes I feel bad, I just pretend that everything is fine.
- What is wealth? Wealth is the health of a mother, respect from a father, the loyalty of friends and the love of a dear person.
- The only thing we do flawlessly is make mistakes in people...
- The main reason that prompts us to systematically look into the future is the desire to understand the consequences of current decisions.
Beautiful statuses are long
The past is a train, but it has already left. The future is an ordinary dream, but it remains to be seen whether it will come true. The present is the gift of life. Therefore, you need to live in the present, with hope for the future and with the experience of the past.
Why do we leave, abandon men? We don’t just leave without any reason! We do not abandon the caring, strong and gentle. We don’t abandon the cheerful, rebellious, faithful and loving people... The shape and color of your eyes is not important to us! We are leaving those who are tyrants and weaklings, infantile, boring, stupid, fools. We leave when we fall out of love and are bored, when you cheat on us indifferently! We don’t just leave without any reason. We never abandon worthy men!
The past is a train, but it has already left. The future is an ordinary dream, but it remains to be seen whether it will come true. The present is the gift of life. Therefore, you need to live in the present, with hope for the future and with the experience of the past.
If you are modest, they will trample you!!! If you are violent, they will demolish you!!! If you are smart, they will drive you away! Be kind and they will laugh! If you are a sinner, you will be condemned! And the blooming ones will be crushed!!! If you're clean, they'll make you dirty! Well, the evil ones will be cursed. Who to be - I don’t know? But, playing with fate, I repeat again and again: I WILL ONLY BE MYSELF!!!
I am a girl of the generation of black and white photographs, glossy magazines and delicious smells... A girl of the generation of smart books, well-groomed hands and beautiful phrases... A girl of the generation “NO! or yes..." I listen to what I love, I act as I want...
I will be happy... I promise... But for this... We need your smaller copy to run into our bedroom in the morning, climb onto the bed, start jumping and shouting: good morning, mom, dad! You will go for a walk with a copy, and I will stand in the kitchen and prepare breakfast for my loved ones!
You know how I want to cry without you... What's the point? If you are not with me... You know how I want to love you without memory, because you are my happiness, I breathe only with you - but alas... You know how I want to cling to you tightly and not let go anywhere, but you can’t... Why don’t you my? No answer! Do you know how I feel when I see you, no... And you asked what I want from you - no, so why aren’t you my dear... After all, I can’t live without you... After all, I’m happy only when you nearby because “I love you”
The best shot is a random shot. The best thoughts are your own. The best feeling is mutual. The best friends are true friends. The best person is for everyone.
It was a wonderful dream, in this dream I am in love with you, you gave me new dreams, the hope of new beauty. Looking into your eyes for a moment, I was able to see the wonderful world in which you and I, together, holding hands, walk. Let's go where there is no sadness, where there are no tears, and no melancholy. You and I were flying in the clouds and now we found each other. Holding your hand tenderly, I hear my heart beating in my chest, you hug me tightly to enter a new world with me. Where there are no tears and no sadness, in which you and I, together, holding hands, walk.
During life, people lose a lot: love, virginity, teeth, favorite toys, and all this hurts, but the most painful thing is to lose the people who loved you and were with you since childhood. This pain will never fade away in your heart.
Don't get into your soul, don't savor: 'Who? With whom? When? And why??? ' After all, life is alien - the forest is dense, you can trip yourself. And don’t judge people - you are not Gods!!! And don’t envy, because envy is so black... Everyone has their own path!!! And everyone has one life!!!
I want to sit on a bench, climbing up with my legs... For the wind to blow my hair and play with the strands... For a ray of sunlight to get tangled in my hair... I want to freeze, to have goosebumps on my skin... I want someone to hug and warm me, to snuggle and didn’t let go...
It's like being from heaven. Free, like a bird fluttering. All unearthly, like the wind, mischievous, shy, but friendly. A little proud, like fire, you know? It's like nature in Paris - you never know. Silent, she says everything through dance. Will charm you with a smile and soft blush.
This summer I also want to quit. No, don't smoke. Stop loving you. I will put all our nights and holidays in a large box, cover it with tape, cover it with gold paper, and throw it away. I will tie all our stars and promises in a knot, stuff our letters and kisses into little boxes, put our walks in the park and vacation in the mountains, our fire and old photos into large bags.
I will be happy... I promise... But for this... We need your smaller copy to run into our bedroom in the morning, climb onto the bed, start jumping and shouting: good morning, mom, dad! You will go for a walk with a copy, and I will stand in the kitchen and prepare breakfast for my loved ones!
I don't understand why people hate mornings so much. After all, what could be bad in the gentle tones of dawn, in the clean air that gives so much energy, in the morning singing of birds - what?? This is so wonderful!
I don't knock on a closed door! In response, I silently close mine. I don't impose. The world is huge - and there is certainly someone there who is happy receiving my communication, my look and my smile. I'm not jealous. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and even more so he is not worth my nerves or attention.
You can’t kill first, then whisper: I didn’t do it on purpose. You can’t betray all the time, then pray: I’ll correct myself - for sure. You can’t come back and pretend that everything remains the same. After all, life does not stand still. You always have to pay for everything...
I am proud to fall on my knees, even if I love you madly, will go to someone else, leave without regret, and won’t even leave a glance. I’ll start joking, even laughing, but I won’t show my sadness to anyone. Let them say that you can’t command your heart, but know that I will even command my heart!!!
Sometimes there are moments when you simply don’t know how to survive until the evening. All you can think about is how to quickly come home, undress and crawl under the covers with your head. And most importantly, you believe that the blanket will limit you from everything that is happening around you.
If you are modest, they will trample you!!! If you are violent, they will demolish you!!! If you are smart, they will drive you away! Be kind and they will laugh! If you are a sinner, you will be condemned! And the blooming ones will be crushed!!! If you're clean, they'll make you dirty! Well, the evil ones will be cursed. Who to be - I don’t know? But, playing with fate, I repeat again and again: I WILL ONLY BE MYSELF!!!
Phrases about relationships
1. There is a dragon inside each of us. The main thing is that your significant other can cope with it.
2. Imagine what would happen if none of us wasted on chance, and always followed our feelings
3. Sometimes I really want to believe that everything is in God’s hands, and someday he will definitely organize a meeting for us with the love of our life.
4. Everything should change as often as possible, except for your partner, he should change as rarely as possible.
5. Anyone who receives a “good morning” message in the morning is incredibly happy.
6. You don’t need a translator to smile and be happy.
7. I would like to never let people dear to my heart leave my life, but this cannot be avoided.
8. The mood does not always have to be good; family life cannot be imagined without quarrels.
9. For a good life, I need him and life itself.
10. Give joy, if you want, selflessly, but never give too much of it for nothing.
New beautiful statuses
Perhaps you just need status. Beautiful, of course, original, but not that inventive. But it also happens that you intend to simply blow up the Internet with your apt statements. It is important for you that they are not just magnificent in terms of expression, but also new, such that no one else has yet. In this case, you should look through our pages. We are no less pretentious than you and strive to ensure that our resource is able to satisfy the needs of even our most capricious users. Are we up to this challenge? Without a doubt! Come in and see for yourself.
If someone else likes your beloved, this is not a reason for jealousy. So you made the right choice. This is a reason to be proud - someone’s dream is in your hands.
Life is a game. Everyone plays it, but not everyone wins, because the prize is death...
He is married. He gives me flowers and soft toys, indulges my whims, worries when I’m gone until late. He is ready to do anything for me. And he really loves me. In short, thank you dad, you are the best!
Princess girls only exist in fairy tales. In fact, we also smoke, drink vodka and reinstall Windows ourselves. And we believe in love. Mostly on weekends...
I guess I just miss someone’s gentle hand, kind, loving look and power over the whole world.
I once gave him advice on how to make peace with a girl, how to look after her beautifully, and now I’m dating him... and, damn it... he’s perfect!
Questions are just waiting to be answered. With whom you are? Where are you? There is a cigarette in the ashtray. Portraits of us together last summer lie in fragments.
I want a person who, when I, offended, turn around and start leaving, will grab my hand and won’t let go...
My intentions are always honest, pure and absolutely fair. For me.
My love will come to you by mail, in beautiful handwriting I will write “I love you!” “, the letter, you will read on a dark night, and you will immediately understand everything that I want to say...
I want a person who, when I, offended, turn around and start leaving, will grab my hand and won’t let go...
let's build our love on the basis of trust, a little attitude on the walls, understanding on the roof, jealousy on the tip of the roof and windows, it is also needed...
September means coffee with cinnamon, multi-colored maple leaves, like part of a child’s drawing, warm, delicate buns with vanilla and a subtle smell of smoke.
Don't judge us guys. We were kind once... You will remember how you treated the first one. Which became a bitch...
There is one such good saying - “Trust, but verify”... it’s a pity that sometimes the results of the test are such that you immediately remember another one: “The less you know, the better you sleep.”
Someday we will leave the entrances at the same time, see each other, drop everything and get married.
Trust is one of the main secrets of love... Don't trust other people's words... Believe your heart...
When people love each other, they are ready to fly and crash together! You took off with me... but only I crashed...
Tell me a couple of hundred fairy tales: about war, princesses and eternal May... I really want your funny stories. Call me for tea.
Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing.
How difficult it is to inhale nicotine air, Each time dissolving in sugar dreams. And dreams disappear like a flame from a match... And I will never get rid of this bad habit
He said that he would get me a star from the sky... We went out onto the balcony, he took a glass of water and said: “Look into the glass. You see, there is heaven in it. All these stars for you, my dear!”
I ask you to forgive me, desperately, who I offended by accident. And also those whom on purpose. After all, I won’t improve, I know for sure.
According to statistics, all respondents have doors tightly closed in their hearts. The abandoned have this habit: not to trust any of the people.
It’s better to be someone in this life than not to be in this life.
I just want to be happy... It’s rare to encounter trouble! I just want to be loved... Not to be alone... I just want not to shed tears... from the grief of bereavement... I just want to hold roses... And feel their scent!
It's the morning of a new day. For breakfast, your kiss and hot tea. You know, honey, I love you and believe me, it means a lot.
Men who say that you won’t please us with a gift, I hasten to please you - earrings made of gold and diamonds have never disappointed anyone.
what did you find in her?? - I don’t know... probably the meaning of life and the mother of my future children...
If you love, then for real; if you hug, it’s tight; if you laugh, you will cry; if you speak, then to your eyes; If you give, then from the heart.
When you find what you have been looking for for so long, fate will not let you take it just like that.
A loved one should be reliable - like a control shot and the only one - like a last chance.
Questions are just waiting to be answered. With whom you are? Where are you? There is a cigarette in the ashtray. Portraits of us together last summer lie in fragments.