One day the scarlet sail will sparkle. Quotes from their book “Scarlet Sails”

Alexander Green wrote this famous story from 1916 to 1922 and dedicated it to his wife Nina.


1. She became for him that necessary word in the conversation of the soul with life, without which it is difficult to understand himself.


5. She knew how and loved to read, but even in a book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived.


11. But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own it is to own everything.


12. Let the clowns of art act - I know that fairies always rest in the violin and cello.


13. Full of anxious attention to the melancholy of the day, he lived it irritably and sadly: it was as if someone had called him, but he forgot who and where.


18. - Tom, how did you get married? “I caught her by the skirt when she wanted to jump out of the window from me.”


19. All happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it heaven?

Quotes from the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails” by Green: statements from the author and characters

Quotes from Assol, Longren, Gray from the text of Alexander Green’s work “Scarlet Sails”


I don’t want to know who you are, who your parents are and how you live. Why break the spell?


Let the clowns of art act, I know that fairies always rest in the violin and cello.


  • Full of anxious attention to the melancholy of the day, he lived it irritably and sadly: it was as if someone had called him, but he had forgotten who and where.


But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.


During the day, a person listens to so many thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would fill more than one thick book.


Now children do not play, but study. They study and study and never begin to live. All this is so, but it’s a pity, really, a pity.


  • This wonderful ship will sail quietly, without shouts or shots; a lot of people will gather on the shore, wondering and gasping: and you will stand there.


The ship will approach majestically to the very shore to the sounds of beautiful music; elegant, in carpets, in gold and flowers, a fast boat will sail from him.


He will put you on a boat, bring you to the ship, and you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars will descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival.

The sea and love do not tolerate pedants

Quotes from the book “Scarlet Sails”


You must be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you.


A huge sea gradually settled inside the little boy.


I drink to the anticipation of death called life!


Now children do not play, but study. They all study and study and will never begin to live.


The sea and love do not tolerate pedants.


This day began in black rays.

Happiness sat inside her like a fluffy kitten. "Scarlet Sails"

Quotes from the book “Scarlet Sails”

During the day, a person listens to so many thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would fill more than one thick book.


It’s hard for us to escape into a fairy tale like that; it would be no less difficult for her to get out of its power and charm.


- how did you get married? I caught her by the skirt when she wanted to jump out the window.


  • Silence, only silence and solitude, that’s what he needed in order for all the weakest and most confused voices of his inner world to sound clear.


After all, you will have to see a lot in the future not of scarlet, but of dirty and predatory sails; From afar, elegant and white, close up, torn and arrogant.


Let's say that "heaven" means happiness. But since the question is posed this way, all happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it heaven?


She knew how and loved to read, but in a book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived.

Greene Quotes

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes from the writer Alexander Green (1880 – 1932).

His works are distinguished by optimism and faith in miracles. This is unusual for Russian literature. Although Green's life was like that of a normal Russian writer - not easy.

Quotes are summarized by topic: life, human manifestations, relationships, life ethics, man, love, miracles, happiness, books, sea, women, fairy tales, children.

About life

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. It is within us and awaits only an external reason for expression of action.

But if we remembered, if we could remember everything, what kind of mind would withstand an entire life in a single moment, especially the memories of feelings, with impunity?

Sooner or later, in old age or in the prime of life, the Unfulfilled calls us, and we look around, trying to understand where the call came from. Then, waking up in the midst of our world, painfully coming to our senses and cherishing every day, we peer into life, trying with all our being to discern whether the Unfulfilled is beginning to come true?

There are a lot of coincidences. A person meets by chance, makes decisions by chance, finds or loses by chance. Every day is full of accidents. They do not change the main direction of our lives. But as soon as such an accident occurs that touches the basic person - be it instinct or a conscious principle - important changes in life begin to occur or a deep trace is left that will certainly make itself felt later.

She knew life within the limits set by her experience, but beyond the general phenomena she saw a reflected meaning of a different order.

Life in the form in which it now presented itself to him seemed unbearably, painfully disgusting. It was not death that frightened him, but the impossibility in case of death of healing the past.

There are things whose strength lies in their content. A whisper in the ear can sometimes shock you like thunder, and thunder can cause an outburst of laughter.

If you show a beautiful thing to people who do not understand beauty, it will certainly be haunted by flies of thoughts and crows of schadenfreude.

The sea and love do not tolerate pedants.

They lived a long time and died on the same day.

By the way, quotes about life

About human manifestations

Every person - not often, not artificially, but naturally, and only on a very good day, among other, just good days, there comes a need to look back, even to be the person you once were. It's akin to going through old letters.

Whoever said “A” will say “B” if you don’t torture him.

You see, I’m in a special mood today—I want to cry and laugh at the same time. I want to run to people and tell them how much I still love them. And then you want to bury yourself in the pillow so as not to see or hear anyone.

That night, all the best of human hearts was revealed to him and the impossible seemed simple.

A person often does not notice how by his actions he makes an unfavorable impression for himself, while at the same time not wanting to do anything bad.

The whole point is that stupidity expressed by one person takes on the appearance of something serious if it is repeated by a hundred other fools.

People are stupidly gullible. All advertising in the world is based on three principles: “Good, a lot and for nothing.” Therefore, you can give poorly, little and expensively.

I turned around with an unpleasant feeling of dependence, which everyone experiences when the owners become unceremonious.

Where the weak hate, the strong destroy.

Hatred is the highest degree of inhumanity, transformed into passion.

About relationships

These human relationships of yours are so complex, painful and mysterious that sometimes the thought arises: isn’t loneliness the real, yet accessible happiness.

She became for him that necessary word in the conversation between the soul and life, without which it is difficult to understand oneself.

She, muttering something to herself, smoothed out his tangled gray hair, kissed his mustache and, plugging his father’s furry ears with her small thin fingers, said: Well, now you don’t hear that I love you.

More than once I have observed this complete absorption of one being by another. I have never been able to establish where the true beginning of this commitment is, so strong that there is not even a desire for possession - a meeting, a look, a hand, a voice, a laugh, a joke - are already a relief, so powerful among the obsession that has stopped a whole life with a single being that joy is equal salvation.

I felt her personality so vividly that I could talk to her when I was alone, without feeling strange or absurd.

I saw you in a dream and came to take you to my kingdom forever. You will live there with me in the Rose Deep Valley.

The more you do for a person, the closer he becomes to you.

About life ethics

You must be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you.

The main thing must be talked about right away, or it will fall asleep like a wave poured with oil from a ship.

I always want to be just myself. What could be more modest?

If the desire is strong, the fulfillment will not slow down.

Be kind to each other. From evil comes evil.

Who are we not to forgive each other’s offenses, even if God forgives us our sins.

Never be afraid to make mistakes—you don’t have to be afraid of passions or disappointments. Disappointment is a payment for something previously received, sometimes it may be disproportionate, but be generous. Just be careful not to generalize your disappointment and don’t color everything else with it. Then you will gain the strength to resist the evils of life and correctly appreciate its good sides.

About a human

People are not understood. You have to understand it to see how much is invisible.

All people dream because they are people.

What, honey? Is the human heart defenseless?! But when protected, it is devoid of light, and there are few hot coals in it, not even enough to warm your hands...

In the difficult hours of his life, nothing restored the strength of his soul more than these lonely wanderings. Silence, only silence and solitude—that’s what he needed in order for all the weakest and most confused voices of his inner world to sound clear.

A person is lonely when he doesn't love anyone. Because love is like a thread that ties us to a loved one. This is how we make a bouquet. People are flowers, and flowers in a bouquet cannot be alone.

During the day, a person listens to so many thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would fill more than one thick book.

Man has power over the past, present and future.

By the way, quotes about a person

About love

If love is great, everything must be silent, all other considerations. Let others judge our actions as they wish, if there is this eternal justification. Neither the difference in position nor the condition should stand in the way and interfere. You have to believe the one you love - there is no higher proof of love.

I was in the same country. Love reigns there. At least they don’t build temples for her. Children are not forced to sing praises. They just love it there. Slowly and modestly. Naive and a little funny. It’s ordinary - after all, they don’t imagine how you can live without knowing love.

Two loves, one nascent, the other long ago flared up with a passionate fire, merged together, like a small forest river and a big river.

An insult to love is an insult to me.

By the way, quotes about love

About miracles

But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.

I come to the one who is waiting and can only wait for me, but I don’t want anyone else but her, maybe precisely because thanks to her I understood one simple truth. It is about doing so-called miracles with your own hands. When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle, if you are able. He will have a new soul and you will have a new one.

Bring into your life that world, the sparkles of which have already been given to you by a generous, secret hand.

Oh happiness

Happiness sat inside her like a fluffy kitten.

Any happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it heaven?

Alarm clocks are the executioners of happiness.

By the way, quotes about happiness

About books

I read two books - one was in my soul, the other in my hands.

I love books, I love holding them in my hands, skimming through titles that sound like a voice behind a mysterious entrance or naively reveal the content of the text.

She knew how and loved to read, but in a book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived.

By the way, quotes about books

About the sea

Sea! When you say this word, it seems that you are going out for a walk, looking at the horizon. Sea…

Let us assume that there lives a person who has never heard the word “ocean”, has never seen it, has never suspected the existence of this blue country. They told him: “there is an ocean, it is here, nearby; pass by and you will see him.” What would hold this person back at that moment?

By the way, quotes about the sea

About women

Achieving a goal and giving it up—not every woman could do that.

I liked her like a warm wind in my face.

By the way, quotes about women

About fairy tales

We love fairy tales, but we don't believe in them.

It is difficult for us to escape into a fairy tale like that; it would be no less difficult for her to escape from its power and charm.

About children

Now children do not play, but study. They study and study and will never begin to live.

A huge sea gradually settled inside the little boy.

By the way, quotes about children

About miscellaneous

I don't know of anything uglier than being judged by visibility. Among the main imperfections of our thinking apparatus is the powerlessness to overcome the limits of appearance.

A story, one half of which lay in the shadow of day, and the other in the light of night.

Nothing can bring us so suddenly closer to someone else’s life than a telephone - leaving us invisible, and immediately, at our request, removing us, as if we were not speaking at all.

Repeatedly repeated deception took the form of a gesture, a word, a face, a landscape, and, like a law, left behind decay.

There is only one way to joke well: to make toys out of people.

Having answered as it should, that is, meaningless in essence and decently reasonable in form.

The thought flies, but the words come at a pace. This is the whole drama of the writer.

As you can see, the subject matter and content of the quotes are quite specific. Few writers make statements about miracles, fairy tales, the sea. And he writes about people, life, love and relationships in a somewhat unusual way.

Quotes about Green

  • A. Akhmatova: Translation from an unknown person (by the way, quotes from Akhmatova)
  • V. Rozhdestvensky: Green’s life was hard, cruel, and at times almost hopeless, but nothing could break the innate optimism and tireless courage in this extraordinary man. Obviously, it was for this faith in people, for his ardent, albeit somewhat naive, romanticism that Gorky loved his stories, which seemed completely far from the real situation. And wherever it was necessary, he defended Green from reproaches of being “unlocal,” affectionately and ironically calling him a “useful storyteller” and a “necessary dreamer.”
  • V. Ketlinskaya: The writer is sunny and, despite his difficult fate, happy, because through all his works a deep and bright faith in man, in the good principles of the human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the feasibility of dreams victoriously runs through.
  • Y. Olesha: Sometimes they say that Greene’s work is an imitation of Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce. How can you imitate fiction? After all, you have to invent it! He does not imitate them, he is equal to them, he is as unique as they are.
  • K. Paustovsky: If Green had died, leaving us only one of his prose poems, “Scarlet Sails,” then this would have been enough to place him in the ranks of wonderful writers who disturb the human heart with a call to perfection. (by the way, quotes from Paustovsky)
  • D. Granin: When the days begin to gather dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it on any page. This is how the windows in the house are cleaned in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood.
  • D. Bykov: We know England as Dickens invented it. Turgenev invented Russian hunting (when you go hunting and see the people’s grief). And Green put Crimea on the literary map. The same thing Iskander did with Abkhazia.

Next, you can move on to other collections of quotes:

  • Kuprin quotes
  • Bunin quotes
  • Gorky quotes
  • quotes from Tsvetaeva
  • Platonov quotes
  • Andreev's quotes

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Alexander Green. Scarlet Sails

Perhaps, under other circumstances, this girl would have been noticed by him only with his eyes, but here he saw her differently. Everything moved, everything smiled in him.


  • Of course, he did not know her, or her name, or, especially, why she fell asleep on the shore; he was very pleased with this. He loved paintings without explanations or captions.


The impression of such a picture is incomparably stronger; its content, bound by words, becomes limitless, confirming all guesses and thoughts.


A man of action, he was mentally ahead of the course of events, regretting only that they could not be moved as simply and quickly as checkers.


In this respect, Assol was still that little girl who prayed in her own way, babbling in a friendly manner in the morning: “Hello, God!”, and in the evening: “Farewell, God!”


In her opinion, such a short acquaintance with God was completely enough for him to remove misfortune.

Every feature of Assol was expressively light and pure

Quotes about Assol from the work “Scarlet Sails”


She knew how and loved to read, but in a book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived.


In this respect, Assol was still that little girl who prayed in her own way, babbling in a friendly manner in the morning: “Hello, God!”, and in the evening: “Farewell, God!” In her opinion, such a short acquaintance with God was completely enough for him to remove misfortune.


There are two girls in it, two Assols, mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity. One was the daughter of a sailor, an artisan, who made toys, the other was a living poem, with all the wonders of its consonances and images, with the mystery of the proximity of words, in all the reciprocity of their shadows and light falling from one to another.


He will put you on a boat, bring you to the ship, and you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars will descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival.


Every feature of Assol was expressively light and pure, like the flight of a swallow. Dark eyes, tinged with a sad question, seemed somewhat older than the face; his irregular, soft oval was covered with that kind of lovely tan that is inherent in healthy white skin. The half-opened small mouth sparkled with a gentle smile.


The girl recalled her life. There was a lot of boredom and simplicity. The loneliness of the two of us sometimes burdened her immensely, but that fold of inner timidity had already formed in her, that suffering wrinkle with which there was no way to bring or receive revival...


They laughed at her, saying: “She’s touched, she’s not herself”; she got used to this pain; the girl even had to endure insults, after which her chest ached as if from a blow...


She says how big but quirky her conversation is. You listen - as if everything is the same as what you and I would say, but she has the same thing, but not quite so...


Everything she saw, what she lived, what was around, became a lace of secrets in the image of everyday life...


Assol felt at home; I greeted the trees as if they were people, that is, by shaking their wide leaves. She walked, whispering now mentally, now in words: “Here you are, here is another you; there are many of you, my brothers! I'm coming, brothers, I'm in a hurry, let me in. I recognize you all, remember and honor you all.”


Gray lifted this long-dreamed face up by the chin, and the girl’s eyes finally opened clearly. They had all the best of a person.

Scarlet Sails: quotes, aphorisms, sayings from the book

  • Tom, how did you get married? I caught her by the skirt when she wanted to jump out of the window from me.


So, by chance, as people who can read and write say, Gray and Assol found each other on the morning of a summer day full of inevitability.


There are many words in the world in different languages ​​and different dialects, but with all of them, even remotely, you cannot convey what they said to each other that day.


Partially reassured by the fact that the toy was intact, Assol slid down the cliff and, coming close to the stranger, looked at him with a searching gaze, waiting for him to raise his head.


After all, you will have to see a lot in the future not of scarlet, but of dirty and predatory sails; From afar, elegant and white, close up, torn and arrogant.


  • “Boats,” said Assol, shaking her basket, “then a steamer and three more of these houses with flags.” Soldiers live there.


During the day, a person listens to so many thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that it would all fill more than one thick book.


She became for him that necessary word in the conversation between the soul and life, without which it is difficult to understand oneself.


Now children do not play, but study. They all study and study and will never begin to live.


Any happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it heaven?

The story “Scarlet Sails”: quotes, phrases, aphorisms, expressions

Tell me why they don't like us? Eh, Assol, do they really know how to love? You have to be able to love, but they can’t do that.


“No profession other than this could so successfully fuse into one whole all the treasures of life, preserving intact the subtlest pattern of each individual happiness.”


– Now children do not play, but study. They study and study and never begin to live. All this is so, but it’s a pity, really, a pity.


“I don’t know how many years will pass, but in Kaperna one fairy tale will bloom, memorable for a long time.”


- Every happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it paradise?


“She knew how and loved to read, but she also read books mostly between the lines, just like she lived.”


– During the day, a person listens to so many thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would fill more than one thick book.


– But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own it is to own everything.


“One morning, in the distance of the sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you.


This wonderful ship will sail quietly, without shouts or shots; a lot of people will gather on the shore, wondering and gasping: and you will stand there.


The ship will approach majestically to the very shore to the sounds of beautiful music; elegant, in carpets, in gold and flowers, a fast boat will sail from him.

Quotes from the book Scarlet Sails

But since the question is posed this way, all happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it heaven? Discuss


When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant of a miracle, give him this miracle if you are able.


No profession other than this could so successfully fuse into one whole all the treasures of life, preserving intact the subtlest pattern of each individual happiness.


But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own it is to own everything.


Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel (original surname Bobel; June 30 (July 12), 1894, Odessa January 27, 1940, Moscow) Russian writer and playwright.

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But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness.

Quotes about dreams and miracles from the story “Scarlet Sails”


I realized one simple truth; it consists of making miracles with your own hands.


But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.


Mysterious shades of light create dazzling harmony among the squalor.


It is difficult for us to escape into a fairy tale like that; it would be no less difficult for her to escape from its power and charm.


I was in the same country. Love reigns there. At least they don’t build temples for her. Children are not forced to sing praises. They just love it there. Slowly and modestly. Naive and a little funny. It’s ordinary - after all, they don’t imagine how you can live without knowing love...

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