Caption for a photo with a cat: quotes and statuses about cats and cats

Quotes about cats and cats with meaning

Want to know what other people say about cats? Here are 11 funny quotes about cats that show their importance in our lives in a funny and meaningful way.

  1. I was told that training cats is difficult. This is wrong. Mine trained me in two days. (Bill Dana)
  2. A happy arrangement: Many people prefer cats to other people, and many cats prefer people to other cats. (Mason Cooley)
  3. Perhaps one of the reasons we are fascinated by cats is that such a small animal can contain so much independence, dignity and free spirit. Unlike a dog, a cat's character never depends on a person's personality. She demands acceptance on her own terms. (Lloyd Alexander)
  4. Deep down, we are all driven by the same impulses. Cats have the courage to live with them. (Jim Davis)
  5. Everything I know I learned from my cat. When you are hungry, eat. If you are tired, take a nap in the sun. When you go to the vet, urinate on your owner. (Gary Smith)
  6. Cats choose us; we don't own them. (Phyllis Christina Kast)

  7. Cats instinctively know what time we should be at work in the morning and wake us up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off. (Ian Michael Nelson)
  8. If animals could talk, the dog would be a rude and outspoken guy; but the cat would have the rare talent of never saying an unnecessary word. (Mark Twain)
  9. No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape will ever completely remove his fur from your couch. (Dr. Leo Dworken)
  10. The problem with cats sharing a bed is that they would rather sleep on you than next to you. (Pam Brown)
  11. When my cats are unhappy, I am unhappy. Not because I care about their mood, but because I know that they are just sitting and thinking of ways to take revenge on me. (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

Statuses about cats with meaning

Sometimes it seems that my sister and I, like a cat and a dog, are so different, but on quiet family evenings you still realize that she and I are one.

I always wondered what my cat was thinking about.

The butterflies in your stomach all too quickly turn into cats scratching at your soul.

My cat is a sweet, affectionate, kind pet... When she asks for food.

God created the cat so that man would have a tiger to pet.

Anyone who cannot understand his cat cannot understand anything at all.

A cat will never make friends with someone who is not capable of loving her. Cats are never wrong about people.

Cats are happy creatures. They don't care about anything at all! (Henry Bates)

Cool statuses about cats and people

  1. When a beloved cat becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
  2. Happiness is like a cat sleeping on your lap. You can't force him to come to you and you can't force him to stay with you.
  3. Every cat wants to always be clean, from whiskers to tail.
  4. Something about a cat's purr hypnotizes me.
  5. A cat's hearing is designed so that a human voice can easily flow into one ear and out of the other.
  6. For a person to truly understand rejection, they must first be ignored by the cat.
  7. There is no more fearless explorer than a kitten.
  8. Since each of us is given only one life, why not live it with a cat?
  9. Cats are independent, which means they are smart.
  10. Grace wanted body and life, so she turned into a cat.
  11. When I play with my cat, who knows if she is having more fun with me than I am with her?
  12. If I prefer cats to dogs, it's because there are no police cats. (Read our list of cool dog photo captions).
  13. Cats are good masters if you remember your own place.
  14. My cat never laughs or complains, he always reasons.
  15. Cats are drawn to the kitchen like stones are drawn to gravity.

  16. Just watching my cats makes me happy.
  17. My cat knows the meaning of life, but does not want to share it.
  18. The cat will do what he wants, when he wants, and there is nothing you can do about it.
  19. Cats only pretend to be tamed if they see there is a bowl of milk for them.
  20. The only thing that worries the cat is what is happening right now.
  21. Even overweight cats instinctively know the main rule: when you get fat, take slender poses.
  22. You can't teach a cat to do everything you want.
  23. The cat is the only domestic animal that trains itself to use the toilet and does it very masterfully.
  24. I've seen scientists and cats, but cats are much better.
  25. Cats are inquisitive, but they hate to admit it.

Sad statuses about cats

There are two ways to forget about the hardships of life: music and cats.

You know, they say that when a person has something in pain, cats lie down on the sore spot... My cat sleeps exclusively on my head. I'm a little worried. He knows something...

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