What Economists Think About: Conversations with Nobel Laureates

My secret

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources. Lawrence Peter

The economy is breathing through holes in taxation. Barry Bracewell-Milnes

Economics is a way for lies to exist through the manipulation of statistics. Gennady Moskvin

The economy must be economical. Leonid Brezhnev

In economics, you can't understand anything until you understand everything.

In economic matters, the majority is always wrong. John Kenneth Galbraith

Without economic freedom there can be no other freedom. Margaret Thatcher

Ignorance of economic laws does not excuse one from responsibility. Savely Tsypin

In economics, everything affects everything, in more than one way. "A Dictionary of Economic Quotations"

In a market economy, every thing has a price, but nothing has a value. Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Economists were once asked: “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” And now we can ask: “It turns out that you are not that smart. Why are you so rich? Edgar Fiedler

Where there are three economists, there are five opinions. "A Dictionary of Economic Quotations"

Predicting economic averages is like telling a non-swimmer that he can wade a river because its average depth is no more than four feet. Milton Friedman

Economic eras differ not in what is produced, but in how it is produced, with what means of labor. Karl Marx

The economic problem: how to take away from everyone in order to give to everyone more. Henryk Jagodzinski

Political problems are insoluble, and economic problems are incomprehensible. Alec Douglas-Home

The pursuit of profit is the only way in which people can satisfy the needs of those whom they do not know at all. Friedrich Hayek

An economist is a good cartographer, but a bad navigator. Vincent Massey

Markets, like parachutes, only work if they are open. Helmut Schmidt

Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists. John Kenneth Galbraith

In two cases, new ideas are monstrously dangerous - when it comes to economics and when it comes to sex. Felix Rohatin

The private sector is the part of the economy controlled by the government, while the public sector is the part of the economy not controlled by anyone. James Goldsmith

The strong are dealt with by the weak, the smart are dealt with by the strong, and the government is dealt with by everyone. "Law of the jungle"

He who works all day has no time to earn money. John Davison Rockefeller

One of the most important parts of economics is knowing what not to know. John Kenneth Galbraith

Economics is the horse, politics is the cart. They must take their proper place - economics must come before politics, and not vice versa. Mohammed ibn Rashid al-Maktoum

A state economy is one in which everyone wants to eat, but no one wants to wash the dishes. Werner Fink

There are two methods in political economy: the European method is to postpone and the Russian method is to borrow. Don Aminado

The highest achievements of economic thought occur during periods of economic decline. "Buchwald's Law"

An elephant is a government-ordered mouse. Robert Heinlein

A planned economy is an extremely disciplined wastefulness. author unknown

The motives for economic behavior are essentially determined by the psychology of the crowd. Bernard Baruch

A planned economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy. Carey McWilliams

The fluctuations of the economy are comparable only to the fluctuations of economists. John Williams

The “normal state of the economy” exists only in economics textbooks. Joan Robinson

We have created such a strong economic foundation from which it is not easy to move the economy. S. Indoor

We give priority to that help that entails other help, more powerful and lasting. Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Ethics is not listed among the branches of the economy. Erakhmil Kugel

There are no free breakfasts. Paul Mallon in 1942

The government's economic views are extremely simple: “Everything that moves must be taxed. If it still moves after that, regulate it. And if it’s no longer moving, subsidize it.” Ronald Reagan

Those who rely only on the care of the state, let them think about the fate of the American Indians. Unknown American

The only function of an economic forecast is to make astrology look more respectable. John Kenneth Galbraith

We must win the war against poverty, even if it leads us to bankruptcy. Unknown American

Economic prosperity cannot be achieved by raiding the state treasury. Herbert Hoover

The fastest way to win the war against poverty is to stop pretending we're rich. Unknown American

This science is called political economy because it has nothing to do with either politics or economics. Stephen Leacock

To ensure that crime never pays off, it would have to be nationalized and ruined. Norman Colley

Economic control is inseparable from control over the entire life of people, because by controlling the means, one cannot help but control the ends. Friedrich August von Hayek

No matter how much you steal from the state, you still won’t get yours back. Anatoly Ras

Political economy: two words that must be separated due to complete incompatibility. author unknown

A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a crisis is when you lose your job. Harry Truman

A recession is when you have to tighten your belt. A crisis is when there are no longer any pants. Boris Pankin

If all economists are lined up in one line, they will still point in different directions. Arthur Motley

Fat cows are followed by lean ones, and lean ones are followed by a complete lack of beef. Heinrich Heine

Prosperity is when most people earn more money than they earn and spend more than they earn. author unknown

Which is better, “artificial prosperity” or natural poverty? Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Please find me a one-eyed economist. Otherwise all I hear is: “If you look from one side...”, “If you look from the other side...” Herbert Hoover

The world is in crisis, the politicians have wiped their noses tightly. It was as if a genie had come out of a vessel and turned his gaze to the present.

We are afraid to see reality, And we all live only for one day. But in business, it’s just a simple formality. We won’t go that far.

We always rely on luck, on the countless depths of the earth. We fly in the clouds after our dreams, somewhere far away from reality.

But where will luck come from? After all, the village itself will not resurrect. The entire Central Black Earth Region is again overgrown with forests as of old.

There is no simple field base, the network of collective farms has been destroyed to dust. Only worn-out phrases such as “progress” and “global scope” float around.

It’s as if we completed the five-year plan ahead of schedule in three years at times, We rushed to Communism ahead of schedule, But the “system” failed here too.

We barbarically cut down the forest, selling it abroad for next to nothing, and buying it back as a commodity. This is the first gap out of many.

We are like children, naive, careless. We have oil and gas at hand, but nature’s reserves do not last forever and they need replacement now.

The state must be united

Thoughts, aphorisms, quotes. Business, career, management Konstantin Vasilievich Dushenko

Economic theory. Economists

See also “Experts and consultants” (p. 401)

The highest achievements of economic thought occur during periods of economic decline.

"Buchwald's Law"

There are two types of people who understand high financial politics: those who have a lot of money and those who have nothing. A millionaire knows perfectly well what a million is. For an applied mathematician or a professor of economics (living, of course, from hand to mouth), a million pounds is as real as a thousand, for they have never had either.

Cyril Northcote Parkinson


English publicist

An economist is a person who knows more about money than people who have money.

Frank Losch

(1895–1990), US senator

The ideas of economists and political philosophers - both true and false - are much more powerful than is commonly thought. (...) Men of action who consider themselves free from any ideological influences are usually just slaves of some deceased economist.

John Keynes

(1883–1946), British economist

In two cases, new ideas are monstrously dangerous - when it comes to economics and sex.

Felix Rohatin

(b. 1928),

American businessman

If it's not clear, it's math. If it doesn't make sense, it's either economics or psychology.

"A Brief Guide to Sciences"

The goal of studying economics is not to obtain a set of ready-made answers, but to acquire the knowledge necessary to not be deceived by economists.

Joan Robinson


British economist

Economists who take on practical responsibilities have to unlearn some of what they have learned.

E. Phelps Brown


British economist

Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists.

John Galbraith

(b. 1908),

American economist and diplomat

Economists are not threatened by unemployment because new problems constantly appear and old ones are never solved.

Warren B. Catlin


American economist

An economist is a good cartographer, but a bad navigator.

Vincent Massey


Canadian politician

For economists, the real world is often just a special case.

"Horngreen's Sighting"

Economists are like police officers or soldiers: they perform best when their help is least needed.

Shlomo Maital

(b.1942), Israeli economist

Oh, if economists could make them seen as modest, respectable people, no worse than dentists - how great that would be!

John Keynes

If economists really understood business, they would be rich people, not advisors to rich people.

Kirk Kerkorian

(b. 1917),


Economists were once asked: “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” And now we can ask: “It turns out that you are not that smart. Why are you so rich?

Edgar Fidler,

American economist

Please find me a one-eyed economist. Otherwise all I hear is: “If you look from one side...”, “If you look from the other side...”

Herbert Hoover

(1874–1964), US President

Where two or three economists gather, four or five opinions will be expressed.

English saying

If all economists were lined up, they would still be far from solving the problem.

George Bernard Shaw


English playwright

If all economists are lined up in one line, they will still point in different directions.

Arthur Motley


American entrepreneur and publicist

If a person keeps repeating: “All other things being equal...”, you are certainly dealing with an economist.

When an economist answers your question, you stop understanding the question.

An economist is a person who talks about things he doesn’t understand in such a way that you feel ignorant.

I trust him completely, even though he is an economist.

American trade unionist

George Meany


about Labor Minister John Dunlop

Whenever I asked the six leading English economists to give their opinion on any subject, I received seven opinions—two of them from Mr. Keynes.

Winston Churchill


British Prime Minister

There was no man smarter than Keynes, who made less effort to hide it.

R. F. Harrod

(1900–1978), British economist

Keynes's colleagues had long been suspicious of him because of his clear writing and thinking (...). With the “General Theory of Employment” he restored his scientific reputation. This is an extremely dark, poorly written and prematurely published essay.

John Galbraith

Many people like to quote Keynes's dictum that economists should be like dentists. But few people have noticed that dentists do not write “General Theories.”

Frank Hahn

British economist

Keynes's "general theory" is the economic theory of depression.

John R. Hicks


British economist

Hitler found a way to eliminate unemployment before Keynes had finished explaining how it was done.

Joan Robinson

We are all Keynesians today.

American economist Milton Friedman

(b. 1912) in 1965

I am a great friend of Israel. A country that can withstand Milton Friedman's economic advice need not fear just a few million Arabs.

John Galbraith

I didn't understand anything about math, so I had to think.

Joan Robinson

If there is one thing missing in economics, it is an effective means of communication between abstract theory and concrete applications.

Barbara Wotton


British economist

There is no crisis to which the scientific world would not respond with a seminar.

The more I studied economics, the less knowledge I had about it became compared to what I needed. And now, after almost fifty years devoted almost exclusively to economic research, I feel more ignorant than at the very beginning.

Alfred Marshall


English economist
This text is an introductory fragment.
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Social cognitive theory (social learning theory) is a scientific and experimental methodology within the framework of the behaviorist approach, revealing the dependence of human behavior on a number of internal processes (for example, drives, motivations, needs),

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Economics and Economists FLUCTUATIONS IN THE ECONOMY ARE COMPARABLE ONLY TO THE FLUCTUATIONS OF ECONOMISTS. (John Williams)* * *When you listen to economic wizards talk about recession, it seems that everything will get better as soon as everything gets worse. (Russell Baker)* * *Please find

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From the book Organization Theory: Author's Cheat Sheet Author unknown

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The surest way to double your money is to fold it in half and stick it in your wallet. Frank Hubbard.

Competition is centralized planning carried out by many independent individuals. Friedrich Hayek.

Saving: the ability to live immediately after payday with the same money as before payday. Arkansas resident.

We have created such a strong economic foundation from which it is not easy to move the economy. S. Indoor.

Capitalism is what people do if left alone. Kenneth Migout.

The private sector is the part of the economy controlled by the government, while the public sector is the part of the economy not controlled by anyone. James Goldsmith.

Competition is the life of trade and the death of traders. Elbert Hubbard.

Fraud: a good deal running into a bad law. Alfred Capus.

A planned economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy. Carey McWilliams.

People you never see kill in war and rob on the stock exchange. Alfred Capus.

The strong are dealt with by the weak, the smart are dealt with by the strong, and the government is dealt with by everyone. Law of the jungle.

Saving is for the poor; There is a tax exemption for the rich. Christian Bovey.

Shareholders are stupid and arrogant people. Stupid - because he buys shares, arrogant - because he still wants to receive dividends. Karl Furstenberg, financier.

A state economy is one in which everyone wants to eat, but no one wants to wash the dishes. Werner Fink.

A planned economy is an extremely disciplined wastefulness.

Broker: A person who moves your money from stock to stock until it's gone. Woody Allen.

Who knows, doesn't say; whoever speaks does not know. "Stock Broker Rule";

An elephant is a government-ordered mouse. Robert Heinlein.

The fastest way to win the war against poverty is to stop pretending we're rich. Unknown American.

Don't say: we started from scratch; everything can end at zero. Tadeusz Gitzger.

Save water - dilute it!

Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell. Frank Borman.

Economists were once asked: “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” And now we can ask: “It turns out that you are not that smart. Why are you so rich? Edgar Fiedler.

A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a crisis is when you lose your job. Harry Truman.

Fat cows are followed by lean ones, and lean ones are followed by a complete lack of beef. Heinrich Heine.

The first rule of business is do unto others as they would like to do unto you. Charles Dickens.

Political economy: two words that must be separated due to complete incompatibility.

Cautious Businessman: A man who takes money from the stock market and goes to Las Vegas with it. Robert Orben.

Business is the art of extracting money from someone else's pocket without resorting to violence. Max Amsterdam.

Capitalism exists thanks to women. If wives didn't spend more than their husbands earned, everything would collapse.

The pursuit of profit is the only way in which people can satisfy the needs of those whom they do not know at all. Friedrich Hayek.

Prosperity is when most people earn more money than they earn and spend more than they earn.

Which is better, “artificial prosperity” or natural poverty? Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Saving is a way to spend money without any pleasure. Arman Salakru.

Trade has never ruined a single nation. Benjamin Franklin.

Business is often something like killing your beloved children so that your other children can succeed. John Harvey-Jones.

There are no free breakfasts. Paul Mallon in 1942.

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of goods; The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of misery. Winston Churchill.

Capital is the part of wealth that we sacrifice to increase our wealth. Alfred Marshall.

In economic matters, the majority is always wrong. John Kenneth Galbraith.

In business, no chance is lost: if you ruin it, your competitor will find it.

Money cannot buy one thing: poverty. Here you need to turn to the help of the stock exchange. Robert Orben.

Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man, and communism is the opposite.

It's easiest to save when you're broke.

Forecasting economic averages is like telling a non-swimmer that he can wade a river because its average depth is no more than four feet. Milton Friedman.

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources. Lawrence Peter.

We must win the war against poverty, even if it leads us to bankruptcy. Unknown American.

October is one of the most dangerous months of the year for trading on the stock exchange. The remaining dangerous months are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February. Mark Twain.

No matter how much you steal from the state, you still won’t get yours back. Anatoly Ras.

Economy does not consist in saving, but in selection. Edmund Burke.

Competition produces the best quality products and brings out the worst qualities in people. David Sarnoff.

Business is a combination of war and sport. Andre Maurois.

Ignorance of economic laws does not excuse one from responsibility. Savely Tsypin.

Let us admit our lack of culture and go to school for capitalism. Peter Struve in 1894.

Birthmarks of capitalism... Where are you, my dears. Tamara Kleiman.

Where there is no competition, you sleep better, but live worse.

Those who rely only on the care of the state, let them think about the fate of the American Indians. Unknown American.

Markets, like parachutes, only work if they are open. Helmut Schmidt.

If you save a little every month, then after a year you will be surprised how little you have accumulated. Ernest Haskins.

A stock speculator is a person who studies the future and acts before it arrives. Bernard Baruch.

Commerce? It's very simple. It's other people's money. Alexander Dumas son.

We give priority to that help that entails other help, more powerful and lasting. Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

A recession is when you have to tighten your belt. A crisis is when there are no longer any pants. Boris Pankin.

You should refrain from speculating on the stock exchange in two cases: if you do not have funds, and if you do have them. Mark Twain.

Never smile at reporters. Once your company suffers a loss, you will see your smile on the financial stripe. Alan Sugar.

It is very difficult to save money if your neighbor lives beyond his means.

Happiness is when your shares double in value in a year. Ira Koblef.

There is nothing more beneficial to the people than free trade, and nothing more unpopular. Thomas Macaulay.

: Instead of promoting the development of an economy based on the principles of industrial productivity, the commercial form of society reproduces an economy of a speculative nature, depriving determined entrepreneurs, and especially innovators, of initiative.

Henryk Jagodzinski:

The economic problem: how to take away from everyone in order to give to everyone more.

Joan Robinson:

The “normal state of the economy” exists only in economics textbooks.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk:

The world should not be frightened by nuclear weapons, it should be frightened by economic growth.

Evgeny Primakov:

If the plane is in distress, the autopilot will not be able to cope with the emergency situation. Only the personal skill of the pilot can save the ship. Same with the economy. The autopilot does not operate in extreme conditions. When contradictions accumulate and a crisis breaks out, automatic control is canceled in all countries. It’s not even cancelled, it’s just impossible. Self-regulation of the economy is disappearing as a factor.

Evgeny Primakov:

We all relied on the market, but the market itself cannot solve the problem of transferring the economy to an innovative track.

V.F. Yanukovych:

Economics is a woman who needs to be caressed and loved.

V.F. Yanukovych:

Economics is such a sensitive woman who cannot be approached just like that, without reason.

IN AND. Lenin:

An economist must always look forward, towards the progress of technology, otherwise he will immediately find himself lagging behind, for whoever does not want to look forward turns backwards to history.

IN AND. Lenin:

Politics is the most concentrated expression of economics.

I.V. Stalin:

Economics must tell the truth.

George W. Bush:

You see, without the package of tax cuts, there would still be a deficit, but it would not have been possible to simulate - no, not to simulate, it’s called something else - in general, to give the impetus that occurred in our economy as a result of the tax cuts.

Anatoly Wasserman:

A crisis is evidence that some parts of the economy are developing at sharply different speeds and are no longer connected to each other.


Speakers of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
Shiv Vikram Khemka Deputy Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, SUN Group “Russian companies have a great future ahead if they can continue to do what they are doing now, that is, hire the best specialists, train and attract young people.”

Alexey Mordashov General Director, Severstal OJSC “Today, trade and international trade is probably one of the most accessible tools for accelerating growth, which we all need so much.”

Li Yuanchao Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China "Economic cooperation between China and Russia is an important driving force for the sustainable and stable growth of the world economy."

Lord Mandelson Chairman, Global Counsel LLP; European Commissioner for Trade (2004-2008) “To ensure further growth in income levels, Russia needs a new economic model, implying a reduction in the share of the public sector while increasing the number of private enterprises, reducing dependence on hydrocarbon resources, and diversifying production.”

Anton Siluanov Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation “The most important thing is to continue the economic course that Russia has pursued in recent years. “Under no circumstances should the budgetary, monetary and credit policy be weakened; the Russian economy should not be plunged into a state of uncertainty.”

Alexey Ulyukaev Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “They often talk about the contradiction between growth and stability. It seems to me that these are two sides of the coin: growth should be stable, and stability should not be an obstacle to growth.”

Clay Williams President, CEO, National Oilwell Varco “The next big challenge for the market, which can also be seen as a great opportunity, will be the use of unconventional resources, and Russia is actively introducing new technologies in this area, as well as using creative approaches.”

Paul Eric Shotil Managing Partner, EEMA Region, McKinsey. “Given that Russia is devoting more and more resources to the development of fields in the Arctic, innovation and high technology must play a key role, which will help reduce costs and begin exploitation of fields as soon as possible.”

Sergey Kravchenko Regional President for Russia and the CIS, Boeing “In order for the middle class to develop in Russia, people must have interesting professional jobs. (…). Russia has an unprecedented opportunity to become one of the world’s hubs for the export of intellectual services.”

David Gray Managing Partner, PwC Russia “We need to find new sources of growth. These sources are small and medium-sized enterprises, small German, Finnish and, of course, Russian companies.”

Roman Starovoyt Head, Federal Road Agency “If we answer the question of who is faster - business or the state, I believe that if the state does not create favorable conditions, then no matter how effective the business is, we will not be able to achieve the goal.”

German Gref President, Chairman of the Board, Sberbank of Russia “One of the key challenges for the Russian economy is the diversification of the economy of innovation.”

Vladimir Yakunin President, JSC Russian Railways “In general, infrastructure development is a way out of the current situation of economic stagnation, because infrastructure must develop at a faster pace than all other sectors of the economy.”

Cesare Ragaglini Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian Republic to the Russian Federation “We focus on the future - this is a constant in our relations. Our hope - to create a single space from Lisbon to Vladivostok - obliges us to work seriously not only in the economic, but also in the political direction.”

Laurent Vigier Chief Executive Officer, CDC International Capital “Partnerships with international investors are the key to Russia's potential, which can only be unlocked by increasing cooperation with the rest of the world.”

Roland Nash Senior Partner, Chief Investment Strategist, Verno Capital “The investment climate in Russia for the implementation of infrastructure projects in the next 15 years could become one of the most favorable in the world.”

Oleg Deripaska Chairman of the Board, General Director, UC RUSAL “We believe that even in today’s conditions […] growth is possible, but we [the business] need support.”

Maria Chertok

Director, Charities Aid Foundation in Russia (CAF Russia) “There is still enormous potential for business to take a more strategic position in relation to social development and take on the role of research and development.”

Ding Xuedong Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, China Investment Corporation “There is great complementarity between the Russian and Chinese economies. We are long-standing economic partners, and as a long-term investor, we pay attention to the potential of the Russian economy, and therefore we continue to invest in Russia.”

Alexey Yakovitsky General Director, VTB Capital “This [short-term] capital is being replaced by longer-term capital, from other regions of the world, with a different understanding of risks. This is precisely the capital that Russia needs much more now, taking into account the priorities of economic growth associated with long-term investments.”

Safety Quotes (250 Quotes)

Since childhood, people hear about how to behave in order to stay safe. This is talked about thousands of times, but many still end up in trouble. Schoolchildren complain that at school and at home they are really bombarded with stories about safe behavior, however, many of them still get injured at home, awkwardly putting their fingers under a sharp knife, and some even die without bothering to look left and right when crossing the road. The issue of safety in schools, at home and on the street will exist as long as humanity lives on Earth, so this collection contains quotes about safety that are very easy to remember and understand.

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

You have to pay for security, and pay for the lack of it.

I love it when someone touches my skin, strokes me, looks into my eyes, is interested in me, because then I feel a sense of security and feel cared for.

Until someone runs first, the rest do not feel the danger.

- I can't sit still! “But that’s what you’ll do, because that way you’ll be safe.” “Which means nothing to me if you’re in danger!” -What are you talking about? I'm not in danger. On my side is Damon, that same selfish psychopath! - Very comforting...

The one who is safest is the one who is alert even when there is no danger.

Do you want people to travel normally? Remove the airbags, attach a machete at neck level, and everyone will drive at 3 mph.

Strengthen the ship with two anchors.

- Why would a man marry a man? - For security reasons.

You cannot feel safe around a person who has nothing in his soul except what others put into it.

Anyone who is confident in his own safety is absolutely defenseless.

If your neighbor is on fire, trouble threatens you too.

Sometimes it seems that bed is the safest place.

Looking danger into the eyes with courage and composure is the best way to protect yourself from it.

People care only about their own safety and do not even understand that by doing so they are leading the human race to destruction.

It concerns me when my neighbor's wall is on fire.

Not everything can be hidden behind a high fence.

Safety is when everything is known in advance, when nothing can happen to you; security is the negation of life.

Nothing hurts your sense of security more than being attacked in your own home.

Change your attitude towards the things that bother you, and you will be safe from them.

The feeling of security makes a person careless.

He who trades his freedom for safety gains neither

A life safety teacher watches disaster films with the words: “I told you so.”

The safety of everyone is maintained by the mutual vulnerability of everyone.

Everything has changed dramatically for us, and nothing can be returned back. Perhaps everyone should build a refuge within themselves - in the depths of their soul.

Those who are willing to give up their freedom to gain short-lived protection from danger deserve neither freedom nor safety.

No passion is completely safe.

In general, we live in an age when one cannot be surprised by anything and when one must be prepared for everything, excluding good.

Only the weak are sent on a safe journey.

There are no guarantees in life, there are only probabilities.

Everyone is ready to give up a piece of their freedom for the feeling, the illusion of security. And as a result, we have a completely deranged population obsessed with safety, security, crime, drug addiction and germs!

There are many ways to overcome dangers if a person is at least willing to say and do something.

He who trades his freedom for security receives neither one nor the other.

The feeling of security makes a person careless.

The green fairy who lives in absinthe wants your soul, but you are safe with me.

Those who are able to sacrifice fundamental freedoms in exchange for momentary security deserve neither freedom nor security.

Try not to shoot yourself. Don't shoot each other. And most importantly: don't offend me.

The normal person is satisfied with a world of partial security, while the neurotic seeks absolute security.

Not a single living soul in the entire institute. Talk to the demons at the entrance and exit. Do you understand the situation? Living souls should not enter, and all others should not leave. Because there was already a pre-tsendent, the devil escaped and stole the moon. A widely known precedent, even reflected in cinema.

Never make your safety dependent on the nobility of another person.

You have to pay for security, and you have to pay for its lack.

Even if the government provides its subjects with a certain kind of security, it acts towards them in exactly the same way as the robber did when he imposed taxes on those who wanted to travel safely on the roads.

With all my heart I want those people to get to know you better, and then you will be safe. Just like me in your arms.

For a citizen, political freedom is peace of mind based on the conviction of one’s safety.

How much personal freedom are we willing to sacrifice on the altar of security?

An angry person never feels safe.

... no security system can withstand the stupidity of its own employees.

If all Americans want is safety, they can live in prison.

With the arrival of children, it becomes obvious that their safety comes first.

Wherever there is life, there is danger.

Never make your safety dependent on the nobility of another person.

Seeking power for peace and security means climbing a volcano to shelter from a storm.

It's like she's looking for a safe place in her mind.

No one feels safer than someone who lives in a castle in the air.

- So we're safe again? - In safety? Of course not! There is still a lot of stuff out there ready to destroy your world. But! If you want to pretend you're safe just so you can sleep at night, then yes, you're safe, but you're not really.

The feeling of complete security is the most dangerous.

There are no cameras, no patrols, no dogs. Billions are spent on national security, and what, just one stunted fence? So much for the war on terrorism.

Suspicion, if kept to yourself, is the mother of security.

Only what we are sure of is safe. Only it is acceptable. The unknown... is fraught.

The most important thing is not to skimp on safety.

Every time we encounter the unknown, we take risks. Every time we are forced for some reason to push away the security of the familiar, family and home. And there is a concept that this push is probably for the better. That what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Unless, of course, he kills.

Security is a process, not a result.

... But everything has its price. And the price for safety is a boring life. The price for freedom is always risk.

Every year, pigs kill more people than sharks, which shows how good people are at assessing risk.

Many are unable to exist on their own. It scares them. Loneliness doesn't bother me at all. It gives me a feeling of security.

The more money saved on security, the more magnificent the funeral.

Do you feel like your world is safe? It's an illusion. Excellent lies told to protect you. Enjoy the last moments of a peaceful life. For I have returned to exact vengeance.

Safe ships are beached ships.

- Is it safe here? “It’s as safe for a person in the world of vampires as to fuck a port whore without a condom...

A fly that does not want to be swatted feels safer on the firecracker itself.

The safest place on an airplane is the black box.

The biggest danger in life is taking too many precautions.

Safe ships are ships beached.

Security is a category immeasurably higher than greatness.”

Safety is only an illusion when evil is on the hunt.

Caution is a principle that brings safety, but rarely happiness.

I like it when it snows. I feel safe.

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

Business class passengers are asked to fasten their seat belts, while others are asked to fasten their seat belts.

Security is my worst enemy. She lulls my reflexes and my initiative.

Can we agree on a minimum safe distance or should I seek an injunction?

Safety is when everything is known in advance, when nothing can happen to you; security is the negation of life.

Seeking power for peace and security means climbing a volcano in order to shelter from a storm.

Absolute security is the same abstraction as a line without thickness or a point without area.

Years of long peace give a feeling of security. Typically false.

He is best protected from danger who remains vigilant and in visible safety.

The biggest danger in life is taking too many precautions.

The meek are safer, but they are slaves.

The cunning hare has three holes.

People are designed by nature in such a way that, being safe, they like to keep an eye out for dangers that threaten others.

99% of safety in the mountains is the habit of taking your brains with you and using them regularly.

A boat is safer in a harbor than at sea, but that's not what it was built for.

“I know where the safest place in the world is.” - Where? - Behind your back.

An angry person never feels safe.

If you have a pure heart, you are safe.

Only the weak are sent on a safe journey.

All the will of God. Deacon Anatoly drove all winter on bald tires.

The only completely safe life is death.

I was looking for a safe landing place and soon made the mistake of finding it.

There are many people concerned about the safety of nuclear power plants. And not wearing a seat belt in the car.

None of the modern world problems can be solved by force; there is no global power, technological power, military power that could guarantee complete security...

Everyone is ready to give up a piece of their freedom for the feeling, the illusion of security. And as a result, we have a completely deranged population obsessed with safety, security, crime, drug addiction and germs!

Safe place. A quiet, warm place to relax and recover. When all is said and done, isn't that what we want? A safe place in the house... Or in someone's heart.

A fly that does not want to be swatted feels safest on the firecracker itself.

All teenagers are a little rebellious and want to live separately. But I think that in the end everyone would not mind returning to their parents in the safety that they provide.

There are just periods when I stop distinguishing between what is safe and what is not. Until the ground disappears from under my feet.

Love is the most enduring force in the world. This creative force is the most powerful tool available to humanity in its quest for peace and security.

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

You have to pay for security, and pay for the lack of it.

I love it when someone touches my skin, strokes me, looks into my eyes, is interested in me, because then I feel a sense of security and feel cared for.

Until someone runs first, the rest do not feel the danger.

- I can't sit still! “But that’s what you’ll do, because that way you’ll be safe.” “Which means nothing to me if you’re in danger!” -What are you talking about? I'm not in danger. On my side is Damon, that same selfish psychopath! - Very comforting...

The one who is safest is the one who is alert even when there is no danger.

Do you want people to travel normally? Remove the airbags, attach a machete at neck level, and everyone will drive at 3 mph.

Strengthen the ship with two anchors.

- Why would a man marry a man? - For security reasons.

You cannot feel safe around a person who has nothing in his soul except what others put into it.

Anyone who is confident in his own safety is absolutely defenseless.

If your neighbor is on fire, trouble threatens you too.

Sometimes it seems that bed is the safest place.

Looking danger into the eyes with courage and composure is the best way to protect yourself from it.

People care only about their own safety and do not even understand that by doing so they are leading the human race to destruction.

It concerns me when my neighbor's wall is on fire.

Not everything can be hidden behind a high fence.

Safety is when everything is known in advance, when nothing can happen to you; security is the negation of life.

Nothing hurts your sense of security more than being attacked in your own home.

Change your attitude towards the things that bother you, and you will be safe from them.

The feeling of security makes a person careless.

He who trades his freedom for safety gains neither

A life safety teacher watches disaster films with the words: “I told you so.”

The safety of everyone is maintained by the mutual vulnerability of everyone.

Everything has changed dramatically for us, and nothing can be returned back. Perhaps everyone should build a refuge within themselves - in the depths of their soul.

Those who are willing to give up their freedom to gain short-lived protection from danger deserve neither freedom nor safety.

No passion is completely safe.

In general, we live in an age when one cannot be surprised by anything and when one must be prepared for everything, excluding good.

Only the weak are sent on a safe journey.

There are no guarantees in life, there are only probabilities.

Everyone is ready to give up a piece of their freedom for the feeling, the illusion of security. And as a result, we have a completely deranged population obsessed with safety, security, crime, drug addiction and germs!

There are many ways to overcome dangers if a person is at least willing to say and do something.

He who trades his freedom for security receives neither one nor the other.

The feeling of security makes a person careless.

The green fairy who lives in absinthe wants your soul, but you are safe with me.

Those who are able to sacrifice fundamental freedoms in exchange for momentary security deserve neither freedom nor security.

Try not to shoot yourself. Don't shoot each other. And most importantly: don't offend me.

The normal person is satisfied with a world of partial security, while the neurotic seeks absolute security.

Not a single living soul in the entire institute. Talk to the demons at the entrance and exit. Do you understand the situation? Living souls should not enter, and all others should not leave. Because there was already a pre-tsendent, the devil escaped and stole the moon. A widely known precedent, even reflected in cinema.

Never make your safety dependent on the nobility of another person.

You have to pay for security, and you have to pay for its lack.

Even if the government provides its subjects with a certain kind of security, it acts towards them in exactly the same way as the robber did when he imposed taxes on those who wanted to travel safely on the roads.

With all my heart I want those people to get to know you better, and then you will be safe. Just like me in your arms.

For a citizen, political freedom is peace of mind based on the conviction of one’s safety.

How much personal freedom are we willing to sacrifice on the altar of security?

An angry person never feels safe.

... no security system can withstand the stupidity of its own employees.

If all Americans want is safety, they can live in prison.

With the arrival of children, it becomes obvious that their safety comes first.

Wherever there is life, there is danger.

Never make your safety dependent on the nobility of another person.

Seeking power for peace and security means climbing a volcano to shelter from a storm.

It's like she's looking for a safe place in her mind.

No one feels safer than someone who lives in a castle in the air.

- So we're safe again? - In safety? Of course not! There is still a lot of stuff out there ready to destroy your world. But! If you want to pretend you're safe just so you can sleep at night, then yes, you're safe, but you're not really.

The feeling of complete security is the most dangerous.

There are no cameras, no patrols, no dogs. Billions are spent on national security, and what, just one stunted fence? So much for the war on terrorism.

Suspicion, if kept to yourself, is the mother of security.

Only what we are sure of is safe. Only it is acceptable. The unknown... is fraught.

The most important thing is not to skimp on safety.

Every time we encounter the unknown, we take risks. Every time we are forced for some reason to push away the security of the familiar, family and home. And there is a concept that this push is probably for the better. That what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Unless, of course, he kills.

Security is a process, not a result.

... But everything has its price. And the price for safety is a boring life. The price for freedom is always risk.

Every year, pigs kill more people than sharks, which shows how good people are at assessing risk.

Many are unable to exist on their own. It scares them. Loneliness doesn't bother me at all. It gives me a feeling of security.

The more money saved on security, the more magnificent the funeral.

Do you feel like your world is safe? It's an illusion. Excellent lies told to protect you. Enjoy the last moments of a peaceful life. For I have returned to exact vengeance.

Safe ships are beached ships.

- Is it safe here? “It’s as safe for a person in the world of vampires as to fuck a port whore without a condom...

A fly that does not want to be swatted feels safer on the firecracker itself.

The safest place on an airplane is the black box.

The biggest danger in life is taking too many precautions.

Safe ships are ships beached.

Security is a category immeasurably higher than greatness.”

Safety is only an illusion when evil is on the hunt.

Caution is a principle that brings safety, but rarely happiness.

I like it when it snows. I feel safe.

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

Business class passengers are asked to fasten their seat belts, while others are asked to fasten their seat belts.

Security is my worst enemy. She lulls my reflexes and my initiative.

Can we agree on a minimum safe distance or should I seek an injunction?

Safety is when everything is known in advance, when nothing can happen to you; security is the negation of life.

Seeking power for peace and security means climbing a volcano in order to shelter from a storm.

Absolute security is the same abstraction as a line without thickness or a point without area.

Years of long peace give a feeling of security. Typically false.

He is best protected from danger who remains vigilant and in visible safety.

The biggest danger in life is taking too many precautions.

The meek are safer, but they are slaves.

The cunning hare has three holes.

People are designed by nature in such a way that, being safe, they like to keep an eye out for dangers that threaten others.

99% of safety in the mountains is the habit of taking your brains with you and using them regularly.

A boat is safer in a harbor than at sea, but that's not what it was built for.

“I know where the safest place in the world is.” - Where? - Behind your back.

An angry person never feels safe.

If you have a pure heart, you are safe.

Only the weak are sent on a safe journey.

All the will of God. Deacon Anatoly drove all winter on bald tires.

The only completely safe life is death.

I was looking for a safe landing place and soon made the mistake of finding it.

There are many people concerned about the safety of nuclear power plants. And not wearing a seat belt in the car.

None of the modern world problems can be solved by force; there is no global power, technological power, military power that could guarantee complete security...

Everyone is ready to give up a piece of their freedom for the feeling, the illusion of security. And as a result, we have a completely deranged population obsessed with safety, security, crime, drug addiction and germs!

Safe place. A quiet, warm place to relax and recover. When all is said and done, isn't that what we want? A safe place in the house... Or in someone's heart.

A fly that does not want to be swatted feels safest on the firecracker itself.

All teenagers are a little rebellious and want to live separately. But I think that in the end everyone would not mind returning to their parents in the safety that they provide.

There are just periods when I stop distinguishing between what is safe and what is not. Until the ground disappears from under my feet.

Love is the most enduring force in the world. This creative force is the most powerful tool available to humanity in its quest for peace and security.

Every time we encounter the unknown, we take risks. Every time we are forced for some reason to push away the security of the familiar, family and home. And there is a concept that this push is probably for the better. That what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Unless, of course, he kills.

Security is a process, not a result.

... But everything has its price. And the price for safety is a boring life. The price for freedom is always risk.

Every year, pigs kill more people than sharks, which shows how good people are at assessing risk.

Many are unable to exist on their own. It scares them. Loneliness doesn't bother me at all. It gives me a feeling of security.

The more money saved on security, the more magnificent the funeral.

Do you feel like your world is safe? It's an illusion. Excellent lies told to protect you. Enjoy the last moments of a peaceful life. For I have returned to exact vengeance.

Safe ships are beached ships.

- Is it safe here? “It’s as safe for a person in the world of vampires as to fuck a port whore without a condom...

A fly that does not want to be swatted feels safer on the firecracker itself.

The safest place on an airplane is the black box.

The biggest danger in life is taking too many precautions.

Safe ships are ships beached.

Security is a category immeasurably higher than greatness.”

Safety is only an illusion when evil is on the hunt.

Caution is a principle that brings safety, but rarely happiness.

I like it when it snows. I feel safe.

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

Business class passengers are asked to fasten their seat belts, while others are asked to fasten their seat belts.

Security is my worst enemy. She lulls my reflexes and my initiative.

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

You have to pay for security, and pay for the lack of it.

I love it when someone touches my skin, strokes me, looks into my eyes, is interested in me, because then I feel a sense of security and feel cared for.

Until someone runs first, the rest do not feel the danger.

- I can't sit still! “But that’s what you’ll do, because that way you’ll be safe.” “Which means nothing to me if you’re in danger!” -What are you talking about? I'm not in danger. On my side is Damon, that same selfish psychopath! - Very comforting...

The one who is safest is the one who is alert even when there is no danger.

Do you want people to travel normally? Remove the airbags, attach a machete at neck level, and everyone will drive at 3 mph.

Strengthen the ship with two anchors.

- Why would a man marry a man? - For security reasons.

You cannot feel safe around a person who has nothing in his soul except what others put into it.

Anyone who is confident in his own safety is absolutely defenseless.

If your neighbor is on fire, trouble threatens you too.

Sometimes it seems that bed is the safest place.

Looking danger into the eyes with courage and composure is the best way to protect yourself from it.

People care only about their own safety and do not even understand that by doing so they are leading the human race to destruction.

It concerns me when my neighbor's wall is on fire.

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