Memories are priceless...An article written by my clients.

Quotes about memories

Remembering past suffering when you are safe gives pleasure. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Beautiful memories are like lost jewels. Paul Valéry

Nothing hurts more than broken memories. Unknown author

What does the Ninth Symphony mean in comparison with the tune? which is sung in duet by a street organ and a memory! Karl Kraus

When I was younger, I remembered everything - both what was and what was not. Now I'm getting old and soon I'll only remember the latter. Mark Twain

Longing for what has been lost is not as painful as longing for what has not happened. Minion McLaughlin

Most of us live in a world that no longer exists. Mason Cooley

He who lives by memories dies forgotten. Sylvia Cheese

If we remember with emotion the one we loved, it is not he himself, but our memories that excite us. Vladislav Tatarkevich

How touching are the memories of memories! Jerzy Lec

Dreams and memories - the future and the past - are just decorations of the present. Ilya Shevelev

Old memories give rise to new thoughts. Anatoly Rybakov

You can close your eyes to reality, but not to memories. Jerzy Lec

Only that which remains in memory is that which never ceases to cause harm. Friedrich Nietzsche

Memories are a walk through the cemetery of unfulfilled hopes. Ivan Sharapov

Memories are the lives of those who live. Arkady Davidovich

You need to learn to store memories, and not carry them around like a heavy load. Wilhelm Schwöbel

He who carries his lantern behind his back casts a shadow in front of him. Rabindranath Tagore

Memories are the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. Jean-Paul Richter

The only bank where you can invest all your savings is memories. This bank will never fail. Evgeniy Yevtushenko

The music of life will fall silent if the strings of memories are cut off. Jerome K. Jerome

The memory of joy collides with suffering and sounds pitiful. Wilhelm Fischer

The crown of thorns of sorrow is the memories of happy days. Alfred Tennyson

Memories?.. These are phantom pains. Alexander Kruglov

The weight of memories pulls to the bottom of the glass. Stanislav Golman

Moments of Memories

Cool and short quotes about memories - both good and bad and all sorts!

  1. Memories are the only thing left when it all ends.
  2. Forgotten moments are moments that you did not live.
  3. A person is immortal exactly as long as at least one memory of him lives.
  4. Living life is much more valuable than wandering through the labyrinths of your own memory.
  5. I would try to remember you if I hadn’t forgotten...
  6. The smallest fragments are usually those of the most beautiful memories...
  7. Some things are best never remembered... like your own youth!
  8. It's easy to be sad about what happened. And you try to be sad about something that didn’t even happen!
  9. The world of memories is a world that no longer exists because we lived it.
  10. If you live solely by memories, then there will be no one to remember you...
  11. Memories of what was lost are the real scars of the soul.
  12. Remembering the bad can be useful if you begin to forget what happiness is.
  13. There are moments in which you want to stay forever...
  14. The closer the end, the greater the burden of memories.
  15. Live while you're young! Burn through these moments! Then at least there will be something to remember.
  16. Few things can compare in price to a good memory...
  17. The main thing is to remember! And how and what you remember depends only on you...
  18. Live when you want to live. Otherwise, there will be nothing to even remember.

Quotes of great men

Memories are a walk along a sunny lawn, mined by one’s own stupidity and meanness. Vladimir Shoikher

The more memories you have, the less room you have for dreams. Janusz Wasilkowski

Life is the period between dreams and memories. Grigory Yablonsky

Life is more than unreal: it is a memory of the unreal. Emil Cioran

Life passes in our absence: we are always between memory and hope. Marie Dudefant

Memories are the wealth of old age. Faina Ranevskaya.

Memoirs are written not to inform the reader, but to protect their author. Dean Acheson

Old age's favorite pastime is faking memories. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Memoirs are memories of intentions. Gennady Malkin

Everyone needs memories: they scare away the wolf of insignificance from our threshold. Saul Bellow

Perhaps the fear of death is nothing more than a memory of the fear of birth. Yu. K. Olesha

Sweet memories are like lost jewels. Francoise Giraud

Some memories are more real and better than anything a person can ever experience. Willa Kader

Memories are what make us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget. Erich Maria Remarque

Loneliness cannot be filled with memories; they only make it worse. Gustave Flaubert

Memories are like islands in an ocean of emptiness. Mikhail Shishkin “Venus Hair”

When our pain has already passed, the memory of it is already enchanted by memories. Jane Austen "Persuasion"

In every person's life, there will probably be moments with memories of which he does not want to part. Wilkie Collins "Moonstone"

The memories are so ridiculous. Some of them are quite vague, others are absolutely clear, others are too painful and you try not to think about them, and some are so painful that you will never forget them. Anna McPartlin "Wrap the Moon for Me"

My memories are dear to me. That is all I have. This is the only true value... Clifford Simak "All the Traps of the Earth"

Memories are magical clothes that do not wear out from use. R. Stevenson

We all need memories to know who we are... From the movie “Memento”

Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. J.-P. Richter

After all, memories are not as constricting as a living being, although sometimes memories torment the soul! Alexandre Dumas "The Three Musketeers"

What is it like to live when you have nothing, not even memories to bother you in the middle of the night? From the cartoon "Lilo and Stitch"

There is no use remembering the past if those memories cannot help in the present. Charles Dickens "David Copperfield"

Memories are not yellowed letters, not old age, not dried flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry... K.G. Paustovsky

You can't live only on memories. From the movie “Forbidden Love” (The Edge of Love)

The memory of the happiness experienced is no longer happiness, the memory of the pain experienced is still pain. J. Byron

Keep only good memories of your soul

Human memory is a unique storage

, which contains our soul memories, our experiences, our past impressions. Sometimes it’s so nice to get some past event out of your memory and plunge into it again. Then our feelings come to life, our hearts begin to beat faster, and it’s as if we are returning again to those days that have long since sunk into the past. Our memories are a unique opportunity to live some moments of our life again, experiencing the same feelings and emotions.

One can only envy those people who have a good memory, because they are able to remember everything down to the smallest detail and often simply amaze others with their ability to remember details. But sometimes such abilities are not at all beneficial to the person himself. Admit it, have you at least once in your life encountered people who remember only negative events?

and completely refuse to preserve positive moments, good memories of the soul in their memory. At every opportunity, they pull out negative memories from the depths of their memory, and each time they mentally return to past unpleasant situations, experiencing negative emotions again and again. Such people always have some scary stories in reserve, heard on TV or from friends. It seems that they purposefully remember only what can upset or make them suffer again.

If you ask such a person what good things he remembers from his life, he will only wrinkle his forehead, but is unlikely to be able to extract at least a few good memories from his memory. But was there really nothing good in their life? This simply cannot be. Every person’s life consists of multipolar events

. It contains both pleasant and not so pleasant memories. They are woven into our lives and form the fabric of our lives. However, is it really necessary to keep bad memories in your memory? Is this burden so important that you carry it with you throughout your life, periodically taking it out, blowing the dust off it and experiencing negative emotions again and again?

What happens to us when we remember a past event that caused us pain? A person is able to experience the past so vividly that all feelings and emotions come to life.

and it turns out that the person again finds himself involved in a situation many years ago.
If at the same time he experienced negative emotions, then each time he returns to his memories, he will experience them again and again. Again and again, destructive changes will occur in his body, caused by the feelings that he experiences.
Over time, this can lead to serious health problems, and, most importantly, a deterioration in overall vitality. Let everything go as it should in ordinary life, but a person, being in the power of the past, suffers and experiences mental pain. Can you imagine what it's like to constantly experience suffering? A person becomes gloomy, he ceases to distinguish the colors of life.

On the contrary, if a person is able to remember only the good, he looks at life with optimism and believes that everything will work out in the best way. You need to learn to keep in your memory only pleasant, positive, good memories of the soul. They are able to charge us with positive emotions, give us joy, and inspire us for future deeds. Good memories of the soul are a constant source of energy within you

, from which you can recharge at any time. Such memories are needed, they decorate our lives and make it richer. People who have made it a rule to remember only the good and not to remember the bad do absolutely the right thing, because they do not dwell on the negative, but look boldly and optimistically into the future. Good memories of the soul allow you to fill your consciousness with light, and, most importantly, preserve positive impressions about your life, which will allow you to say to yourself in old age: “I lived a happy life. There was so much good in her!”

Don't fill your memory with garbage, don't store in it what you need to get rid of. If you find yourself tending to remember only the bad, be sure to restructure yourself. Don't harbor grudges or anger towards anyone. Just give up these memories. Something pleasant is probably happening to you. Focus on this. Concentrate on positive events and consciously store them in your memory.

If you have a computer, then you clearly monitor what is stored in its memory. You delete unnecessary files from your hard drive so that they do not take up space there. Do the same with your negative memories. Just delete them from your memory. Don't go back to them, stop bringing them into the light of day. You have many other pleasant and useful things that should be preserved.

Do you remember the bad things? Is it necessary to do this? How do you think? Do you have good soul memories in your memory? Share your opinion with us, we will post it on the website.

Best Quotes

You shouldn't try to get rid of memories, you need to learn to live with them. From the movie "1408"

Getting rid of memories is like robbing yourself. Sometimes memories are all we have, and they taste sweeter than any fruit. Margaret Brenton "Pearls of the Damned"

Memories smooth out old wrinkles, time adds to them. Hesse Ludwig Otto

In our today's sadness there is nothing more bitter than the memory of our yesterday's joy. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Remembrance is a kind of encounter. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Memories are magical clothes that do not wear out from use. Robert Louis Stevenson

If a person were suddenly deprived of the ability to forget, his memories, immediately falling on him with all their weight, would instantly bury him under them. Krachkovsky V.

Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. Jean Paul Richter

There is no greater torment than remembering a happy time in misfortune. Dante Alighieri

Man was created to seek order, to bring clarity to his short period of time, to build the future on the past - otherwise, why does man need memory, why do he need memories? Johann Gottfried Herder

No one is eternal in the world, everything will go away, But a good name lives forever. Saadi

Remembering is the same as understanding, and the more you understand, the more good you see. Maksim Gorky

If remembering is beneficial, no one will be forgotten. Benjamin Disraeli

I prefer to be remembered for the things I have done for others rather than for the things others have done for me. Thomas Jefferson

If you lose interest in everything, then you lose your memory. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Memory weakens if you don't exercise it. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Don't give me anything to remember: I know how short memory is. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

Only those who do not need a monument deserve a monument. William Hazlitt

It is not without reason that they say that those who do not really rely on their memory find it difficult to lie well. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

In nothing do I find such happiness as in a soul that preserves the memory of my good friends. William Shakespeare

Blessed is he who honors his ancestors with a pure heart. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Remember the main thing

The better the memory, the more memories, and good memories should be shared! Interesting and mysterious quotes about memory and memories - share your mood with your friends.

  1. A person's memory makes him who he is. All those moments of life that you carry in your head are you!
  2. There is no need to get rid of memories... you need to be friends with them! And if it doesn’t work out, then it’s better to quarrel than to forget...
  3. It is worth remembering the past when it is pleasant and awakens a craving for life.
  4. Everyone remembers the very song they want to sing, right? Or the very day you want to live? But in addition to this, we will always remember the very moment that makes us want to die...
  5. The worst is remembered, but the best is forgotten. That's how memory works...
  6. Remember this moment, enjoy it... What if you never have this opportunity again?
  7. And why the hell do you need these memories that drag you down? Move forward, don't live in the past!
  8. You can wallow in your own memories for a long time... but it won’t change anything!
  9. It’s not the wine that intoxicates, it’s the memories that intoxicate... thanks to them for that.
  10. I don’t want to remember bad things, but I don’t remember good things...
  11. Shitty memories too! Without them, we would not be able to appreciate moments of happiness.
  12. You can remember good things as much as you like, but only bad memories make us who we are.
  13. We used to love to dream... but now we can only remember.
  14. You can’t just go and forget a person... one day the memories of him will still seep through your walls, and it will become as bitter as it once was.
  15. Do not look back. All the moments are lived, but the memories are forgotten - you can’t go back there. Better open your eyes wider and look ahead! After all, there will be something that you have not yet had time to live, and not just pitiful pictures of memory...
  16. The best and worst moments of our lives are ourselves. Through these moments we can trace our essence.
  17. A sad memory doesn't have to be bad. Good memories can also cause sadness, if only because they are just memories...

Beautiful quotes

Remembrance is a kind of encounter. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

And I love our memories with you... they are beautiful!

Take care of your relationships, otherwise you will take care of your memories later...

In Russia we love not those holidays that are memorable, but those after which nothing can be remembered.

Wednesday and a woman are easily forgotten when they are not needed, but they are kindly remembered when they are interested. Ishkhan Gevorgyan

By the eternal flame of love one involuntarily recalls lost hopes.

A student in his first year loves to study, in his second year he loves to learn to love, in his third year he learns to love, and in his last year he remembers what he loved in the beginning?

Only with your last love will you remember all the words of love. A.V. Ivanov

I wanted to drink love from these eyes and not eat everything else.

When a woman declares that there are no worthy men on the horizon, this is not a problem of absence, but of her psychology. There are always many more worthy men than you can love in one life, and a woman downplays this number out of fear of an affair. Maria Arbatova - writer and journalist

What Russian doesn’t like it quickly, a lot and for free!

Love is when you don’t know what, you don’t know how, you don’t know why, you don’t know why, and most importantly, you know that you will never know - you can only feel it, and then you don’t know what.

Love to a certain extent is not love. Ilya Shevelev

Nothing warms the heart like love for one's neighbor. Nothing empties your pocket more than loving your neighbor. Boris Shapiro

Men love with their eyes - with their ears! A.V. Ivanov

People are so little interested in other people that even Christianity tells us to do good out of love for God. Cesare Pavese

A lover's closet should not be for furniture.

Love and hate are causeless phenomena located at opposite ends of human feelings. Aron Vigushin

A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore. Honore de Balzac

But that’s how love is and that’s how the world works. He who deserves happiness has no luck in anything, but a fool is denied nothing. Pierre de Ronsard

Siempre me voy a enamorar de quien de mi no se enamora, y es por eso que mi alma llora. I always fall in love with someone who doesn't love me, and that's why my soul cries.

It is always much more pleasant when we are remembered by the actions that we did for someone, and not by the actions that someone did for us. – Jefferson T.

Memories from frequent contact do not wear out like magic clothing. – Stevenson R.

We often forget joys, but we always remember sorrows. – Lermontov M. Yu.

Memories make you who you are today.

How can you live if you have nothing, not even memories that disturb you at night? Cartoon “Lilo and Stitch”.

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