20 best quotes from stars about mothers, children and motherhood

Beautiful quotes about mom

Guy de Maupassant said: “A man loves his mother, almost unconsciously, without feeling, because it is as natural as life itself, and only at the moment of the last parting does he notice how deep the roots of this love are. No other attachment is comparable to this one, because all others are accidental, but this one is innate, all others are imposed on us later by various everyday circumstances, and this one lives from our first day in our very blood. And then, then you lose not only your mother, but with her half of our childhood itself disappears, because our life, a small child’s life, belongs to her as much as to ourselves. She alone knew her as we do ourselves.”

Second baby: a little humor

  1. When your first child accidentally eats something nasty, you call an ambulance. If the second child does this, you begin to think about whether it’s worth feeding him lunch.
  2. If the first child ate Kitikat from the cat's bowl, it's a big deal! If the second child eats the cat food, it’s the cat’s problem.
  3. If evolution really exists, how could it be that a mother with two children only has two hands?
  4. I started a second one. Why, you ask? My answer is: I am honing my skills.

We bring to your attention beautiful short quotes about mother with meaning.

I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely. (Catherine Deneuve) *** The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. (William Wallace) *** It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you’ve achieved: you still need your mom. So don't quarrel with her seriously and listen to her advice. It’s better to lose an argument than to regret later that you won.” (Kate Winslet) *** She's a mother, and she's right. (Ivan Turgenev) *** A mother’s heart sees farthest and feels better than anyone else’s heart. (Arkady Perventsev) *** The art of motherhood is to teach a child the art of life. (E. Haffner) *** At certain moments, a woman’s brain completely fails, and the instinct of motherhood comes into play. (Nina Alexandrova) *** Mom will always make us feel like people of a higher class than we actually are. (J.L. Spalding) *** The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (Donna Brower) *** You should never be a failure as a mother, there is nothing worse for children. (G. Shcherbakova) *** Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness. (Victor Hugo) *** By becoming a mother, a woman forever deprives herself of the right to be weak. (Díaz de Mirud) *** Motherhood is a blessing. (Maria Shkapskaya) *** Motherhood is a lifelong position. (Carl Reiner) *** The heart of a mother is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness. (Leonid Sukhorukov) *** A mother’s heart beats faster. (Sergey Fedin)

The birth of another baby and the firstborn

There are also statuses about the second child in the family, which describe the features of his relationship with the first-born.

  1. The second baby is often the favorite. All the hardships of life fall on the first one.
  2. The second child is not a “cure for selfishness” for the first, but a source of childhood anxiety. Moms, love both equally!
  3. My first child taught me to be an ideal mother. The second is not to judge other mothers.
  4. Your elder gives you a wealth of invaluable knowledge, which then makes life with your younger a thousand times easier.
  5. The childhood of the eldest always ends when a second brother or sister is born.
  6. If the birth of the first baby inevitably brings with it the fear of the unknown, then the birth of the second is, in fact, an acceptance of the inevitable.
  7. Happy is the mother who is the first to have a daughter. After all, she will be able to help with the second...
  8. Every movement of the first child is photographed and recorded. But this can hardly be said about the second...
  9. With the first and second child, parents attach completely different meanings to the concepts of the words “risk” and “safety”...
  10. The level of indifference in the mother’s nervous system is inversely proportional to the child’s serial number.
  11. I have a feeling that with my second child everything is happening twice as fast as with the first...
  12. There is no need to be afraid that you will not have enough love for a second child. Your heart will not be divided into two parts; on the contrary, it will be doubled.
  13. Remember, baby: you are second in a row, or first, or even seventh - I will not love you less. You are dear to me like no one else. And nothing will change that.
  14. When a second child is born in a family, two happinesses appear in the house: the older and the younger.

Beautiful quotes about mom

The only woman who will not allow her to give her life for her is her mother. (Marat Zhumankulov) *** Nothing adorns a woman more than motherhood. (Alexander Kazantsev) *** Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the Mother’s milk. (Maxim Gorky) *** A mother’s love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish and at the same time selfless. It doesn't depend on anything. (Theodore Dreiser) *** Love between a man and a woman is a human feeling: it is born, lives and dies... Mother’s love is a divine feeling: it is immortal. (Tatyana Lindberg) *** A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found. (Honoré de Balzac) *** God speaks to us through the lips of our mothers. (Igor Krasnovsky) *** My mother was the most beautiful woman I knew. I owe what I have become to my mother. I credit all my successes in this life, moral, intellectual and physical education, to my mother. (George Washington) *** For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. With the same success one could say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing. (Sam Harris) *** Children need to be loved unselfishly. It's difficult, but there is no other way. (Barbara Bush) *** Education is an example and love, nothing more... (Friedrich Froebel) *** Mom's love is a cozy courtyard, which is always warm and sunny. (K. Pierce) *** You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother. (S. Jayet) *** A mother’s heart is the deepest abyss, at the bottom of which you will inevitably find forgiveness. (O. de Balzac) *** Mom is the person who, seeing 4 pieces of pie for 5 eaters, will say that she never wanted it (T. Jordan) *** No gift to mom will be equal the gift she gave us was life. (author unknown)

“And this is motherhood?!” A young mother wrote a post about conflicting feelings towards her child

“And this is motherhood?! — the woman in the post was indignant. - Because it's just stupid. I get angry when my daughter won't go to sleep, but I miss her terribly when she finally does. And I also want to eat it and smell it. She's my drug."

Commentators reassure the author of the post: “Yes, this is it. When I put my youngest child to bed, I dream that as soon as he falls asleep, I will go to my husband and we will watch something adult on TV. It doesn’t matter what, as long as it’s not PAW Patrol. But when the baby falls asleep, I think: “Oh, he’s so cute!”, and I want nothing more than to hold this sweet top of my head in my arms a little longer. This is some kind of strange trick, and our children pull it off all the time,” writes Fancy_Refrigerator56.

Interesting on the topic

Stranger Things: 5 Paradoxes of the First Years of Parenthood

“It seems crazy, doesn't it? But that's how it is. Every morning I can’t wait for the child to wake up so I can play with him, but at the same time I dream of hiding from him,” writes ArtaxIsAlive. “Yeah. Begging them to finally fall asleep so they can spend that time looking at baby photos on their phone and doing nothing,” adds med914.

These two comments became so popular that they had their own discussion thread. Parents appreciated the similarity of the statements with their own feelings: “Hey, I don’t remember writing that comment,” looksatmylizard writes. “One hundred percent me,” notes theredmug_75.

“Everything is fine, but you forgot to write about running and checking if the child is breathing,” Frillybits completes the picture. “110 percent true! I constantly got up to check the baby's breathing and still do this sometimes even though he is almost a year old. Children sleep terribly loudly, they said. But mine only made a terribly high-pitched “eeeeee” sound. Sometimes at night I found myself lying and waiting for this sound. And if he wasn’t there, I got up to check, although I knew that movement and touch would definitely wake the child,” writes Tempuslily.

Parenthood is generally a mysterious matter, salmonngarflukel believes: “When I’m at home and my daughter is screaming like crazy, I dream of being at work. But when I'm at work, I think about her almost all the time."

By the way, NEN editor Katya Statkus recently gave birth to her second child and it turned out that she had completely forgotten many of the little things that make up life with a newborn.

Read more on the topic

Does the baby grunt, sniffle and grunt in his sleep? We tell you why this happens

Why does a baby hit his head against the wall? He has several reasons for this

Newborn: detailed instructions for use

NEN course

Quotes about mom with meaning

Mothers must only love - this is their entire understanding of their children. (Erich Maria Remarque) *** Some secret invisible threads are stretched between mother and child, thanks to which every shock in his soul reverberates with pain in her heart and every success is felt as a joyful event in her own life. (O. Balzac) *** Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of young children. (W. Thackeray) *** Deciding to have a child is no joke. This means deciding to let your heart walk outside your body from now on and forever. (E. Stone) *** What a mother doesn’t see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart, she can feel with her heart. (N. Ostrovsky) *** There is no such flower in the world, not in any field, not in the sea, such a pearl as a child on its mother’s lap. (O. Wilde) *** When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that the most important thing in life is to be happy. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote "happy". They told me, “You didn’t understand the task,” and I answered, “You didn’t understand life.” (John Lennon) *** When mom asks why there is such a mess in the room? We must answer: “Only a fool needs order - genius rules over chaos!” (Albert Einstein) *** Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you. (Mother Teresa) *** Every person deserves happiness. For some, happiness is the birth of a child, or mutual love, and for some, just seeing mom and dad, or even more: just seeing something. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld) *** Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her! (author unknown) *** Only MOTHER carries us all our lives! 9 months in your belly, up to 3 years in your arms and your whole life in your heart! (author unknown) *** Mommy, did you have a dream? - Was! - And now? “And now he’s walking next to me and asking questions!” (author unknown)

Quotes from famous women about motherhood

“I remember, back when the first books were coming out, a journalist told me that Mrs. Weasley was “well, you know, just a mom.” I was absolutely furious at this remark. I consider myself a feminist, and I always wanted to show that if a woman simply made a choice, she was free to say: “I will start a family, and it will be my choice. I can go back to my career, I can work part-time, but that’s my choice,” that doesn’t mean that’s all she can do. And as proven in that small battle, Molly Weasley comes forward and proves that she is as much a warrior as anyone on this battlefield."

— JK Rowling, writer.

“When you have a baby, you have to get used to the fact that from that day on your heart beats in another breast,”

— Anne Geddes, children's photographer.

“Love and motherhood are almost mutually exclusive. True motherhood is courageous,”

— Marina Tsvetaeva, poetess.

“I feel defensive when people think I’m weird and too dreamy. They think I'm a special kind of elf. The other side of me is the single mother who has to fight, fight."

— Björk, singer.

Quotes about mom

The child is sleeping and... the mother is free!!! If you want, wash, if you want, clean, if you want, steam at the stove!!! Rest...I don't want to! (author unknown) *** A child is the only person who doesn’t care whether you are fat or thin, beautiful or not. He loves you simply because you are his MOTHER... (author unknown) *** - Mom, my husband yelled at me again, I’m moving to live with you. - No, dear, he must pay for his mistakes. I'm moving to live with you. (author unknown) *** Mom said that when I get married, she will put a sign on the door: “No returns or exchanges!” (author unknown) *** I overheard a conversation between a father and a five-year-old son on the playground - “Remember, son, the best thing is for mom, because she is a girl... Then for the cat, because he is helpless and depends on us... And then for you and me because, we are men...” (author unknown) *** If I could meet God, I would thank him for giving me such a mother. (author unknown)

Angelina Jolie quotes about motherhood

“Motherhood has changed me a lot. I realized that now I can’t afford to engage in self-destruction,”

— Angelina Jolie, actress.

“The first person who made me feel like a mother was my son Maddox. When he appeared in my life, I realized that there was gentleness and care in me. He is the one who reminds me that you can be funny and look at everything in a simpler way. After I became responsible for the children, I began to treat myself more attentively: take care of my health, give up bad habits.”

— Angelina Jolie, actress.

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