“I’m too crazy not to be a genius”: a selection of quotes and aphorisms by Albert Einstein
It’s not for nothing that they say that a talented person is talented in everything. Genius can also be called talent,
Quotes about rain
Rain music: a selection of quotes, statuses and sayings about rain
Rain... not only plants need it, but also people. Rainy weather is
Aphorisms, statuses, quotes about life and death.
Wise quotes We are afraid of everything, as mortals should be, and we want everything, as if
Successful women: rules and sayings from those who have achieved success
The most influential women: Margaret Thatcher The world's political Olympus has traditionally been dominated by men. This order
Only the one who does will learn something. Bruce Lee Quotes
Great quotes from Bruce Lee (130 quotes) Bruce Lee is a famous martial artist from Hong Kong.
Summer... Take my heart in your hands... Quotes and aphorisms about summer
Beautiful quotes from great people about life (205 quotes) Wise words do not fade over the years
Quotes about sleep with meaning
30 Sweetest Good Night Quotes and Wishes
A person sleeps and dreams about a third of his entire life. Not for the human body
The photo shows a quote about God.
What God sent to the shy thief and Ostap Bender from The Twelve Chairs
Quotes about God Nowadays, people do not notice how they hurt others. Eat
Everything ingenious is simple
LiveInternetLiveInternet 10 golden quotes from Albert Einstein (Everything ingenious is simple!) I always think about
Vadim Serov - Encyclopedic Dictionary of catchwords and expressions
Interesting definitions of winged expressions Not only birds, butterflies or ants are winged. There are wings
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