30 Sweetest Good Night Quotes and Wishes

A person sleeps and dreams about a third of his entire life. No one has yet come up with a more useful and pleasant state for the human body than healthy sleep. Therefore, beautiful quotes about sleep and dreams are quite popular. These short sayings contain wise thoughts about everything that happens to a person when he is not awake. A person needs to sleep, so quotes about sleep will meaningfully tell you how to do it better.

Quotes about sleep with meaning from great people

The interesting thing about life is that in it dreams can come true. Paulo Coelho

Sleep is the only period of time when we are free. In sleep, we allow our thoughts to do what they want. Bernard Werber

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it carries. Sigmund Freud

When there is nothing to eat, it is better to go to bed. When you are in a bad mood, it is better to go to bed. When you wake up, you're already fine. And if it doesn’t work out, it’s better to go back to sleep. Zemfira Ramazanova

I dream. Sometimes it seems to me that this is the only right thing in the world. Haruki Murakami

We are woven from the fabric of our dreams. William Shakespeare

Three things are given to us to soften the bitterness of life: laughter, sleep and hope. Maria Dombrovskaya

Sleep, the most beautiful of life's pleasures, unlike others, does not tire or become boring. Roger Zelazny

Those who sleep most soundly are not those who have a clear conscience, but those who have never had one. Boris Akunin

In my opinion, you need to sleep long and comfortably, and wake up as late as possible. Max Fry

I don't want to dream. I just want to sleep. Paul Toth

I have actually experienced true happiness a couple of times in my life. And both times I woke up. Michael Pitt

If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience with you to bed. Benjamin Franklin

In any dream, baby, the main thing is to wake up on time. Mariam Petrosyan

The only thing in this life that really interests me is sleep. I like to sleep as long as I can. Christian Bale

Why is the dream so mysterious? Perhaps because just 5 minutes after waking up a person forgets half of his dream, after 10 minutes - 90 percent. And these short snippets of sleep excite the imagination and make you believe in mysticism. And if you think that you are not dreaming, then you are mistaken. It’s just that your brain has time to forget everything that you saw in your dream. True, scientists do not yet know exactly what happens in our heads during sleep, why we see dreams, and what they really mean. Maybe aphorisms and quotes about sleep will help you understand this.

Aphorisms about Sleep

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young. George Bernard Shaw

True awakening comes not after sleep, but after a good shake-up. Konstantin Kushner

Don't be afraid to get up early! Be afraid to sleep through your own awakening Leonid S. Sukhorukov.

They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood. Marcel Achard

"Owls" go to bed at two in the morning and sleep until noon. “Larks” go to bed at ten, get up at six in the morning and sleep until noon. Maxim Zvonarev

It’s not enough to get up early in the morning, you also have to stop sleeping. Yanina Ipohorskaya

If sleep alleviates suffering, the disease is not fatal. Hippocrates

Sweet is the sleep of a worker, you never know how much he eats; but the rich man's satiety does not allow him to sleep Ecclesiastes 5:11.

I am outraged that the precious hours of our lives, these wonderful moments that will never return, are wasted aimlessly sleeping Jerome Klapka Jerome

It is more appropriate for the dead to sleep, not the living. Basil the Great

Someone wise inspired me, who was dozing off: “Wake up! You can't become happy in a dream. Give up this activity, which is similar to death. After death, Khayyam, you will get a good night’s sleep!” Omar Khayyam

Not a single person in the world recognizes the right of any other person to be in bed when he himself is already up. Robert Lind

The time it takes for anyone to truly get enough sleep is five minutes longer. Max Kaufman

Those who boast that they sleep like babies usually don't have babies. Leo Burke

Other aphorisms about sleep

Everyone dreams, but not everyone sleeps at this time. Gennady Malkin

We are aware of ourselves as if living in a dream. By the will of our imagination, we can wander in spirit in the halls of the Great Purity. We see things as if in a dream. Guan Yin Zi

While awake, we walk through a dream - we ourselves are just ghosts of bygone times. Franz Kafka

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You can improve your sleep by waking up. Gennady Malkin

Cool and funny Aphorisms about Sleep

The “Interpreter of Dreams” slept without dreams.

People come to interpret dreams out of dissatisfaction with reality.

I dreamed of reality. What a relief I woke up with!

Be attentive! When you come out of your dreams, you can end up in someone else's.

It's not enough to get up early, you also need to wake up.

Insomnia is beautiful when it torments a wondrous mind

When the soul dreams, it is the theater, the actors and the audience.

Dreams are a grand series of the subconscious.

If you pinch yourself, but the vision does not disappear, pinch the vision. Sleeping one, do not wake the sleeping one.

Life and dreams are pages of the same book.

Fatigue is the best pillow.

Only for subjects in the waking state is the world the same. Each sleeping person revolves in his own world. Heraclitus of Ephesus

Funny phrases about sleep

In order not to become overtired, you need to sleep eight hours a day, and the same amount at night.

Sleep is a break from yourself.

Everyone dreams, but not everyone sleeps at this time.

Sleeping is just wasting time: after all, when I sleep, I can’t eat! It is not the dream that is scary, but its interpretation.

I dreamed of reality. What a relief I woke up with!

A prophetic dream is better than an eternal one.

Eight hours of sleep at work.

Many people allow themselves to do this in their sleep, for which they are ashamed all day long.

If you don't dream anything, it means you have everything.

Sleep is pleasure. And for any pleasure you have to pay!

According to one theory, during sleep our brain systematizes all daytime memories. In a dream, it is easier for us to experience negative memories of the past day. It’s not for nothing that one quote says: lie down and get some sleep, and everything will pass. And yet, we have not yet learned to decipher dreams. Of course, you can turn to dream books and dream interpreters, but this has not been proven.

Quotes about insomnia

Those who have not suffered from insomnia do not know their biography.

Insomnia is beautiful when it torments a wondrous mind.

If you can't sleep, do math.

When you have insomnia, everything around you seems to be a copy of a copy of a copy.

In addition to quotes about sleep, we also offer you a selection of pictures with which you can wish good night to someone dear to you. Well, if anything happens, remember: in any unclear situation, go to bed.


Aphorisms about sleep

The quality of sleep depends not so much on what we sleep on, but on who we are awake with.

If you sail in the boat of dreams too often, you will forget the hardness of the land.

Only for subjects in the waking state is the world the same. Each sleeping person revolves in his own world.

Sleep is also a function, it must be performed so that other functions can be performed.

Nowhere do they live such a full, real life as in a dream.

For others, sleep is the only awakening.

When the soul dreams, it is the theater, the actors and the audience.

It is more appropriate to sleep dead than alive.

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.

If sleep alleviates suffering, the disease is not fatal.

With all this, dreams continue to remain one of the most interesting and unsolved phenomena in life. It is no secret that many creative people saw the ideas for their works in a dream. Who knows, maybe the quotes presented here also came to the minds of great people in a dream.

Wise Quotes

He slept in the deep sleep of an unrighteous man. Herbert Beerbohm Tree

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young. George Bernard Shaw

I love sleeping: it’s pleasant and completely safe for health. Fran Lebowitz

Fatigue is the best pillow. Benjamin Franklin

Sleep quickly, someone else needs your pillow. Mikhail Zoshchenko

Those who sleep alone sleep faster. Richard Aveden

You always sleep worse in someone else's bed. Sidonia Gabrielle Colette

Whoever you go to bed with is the one you'll sleep with. Magdalena the Impostor

Dedicate half an hour every day to your frustrations, and use that half hour to take a nap. Yanina Ipohorskaya

Healthy sleep lengthens life and reduces working time. V. Shkardun

The time it takes for anyone to truly get enough sleep is five minutes longer. Max Kauffmann

I'm so tired that I yawn in my sleep. Sasha Guitry

Marriage is a union between a man who cannot sleep with the window closed and a woman who cannot sleep with the window open. George Bernard Shaw

The one who snores falls asleep first. Arthur Bloch

A mystery of nature: why can’t a snorer hear himself? Mark Twain

The art of snoring comes with age. Zygmunt Strychalski

The face of a sleeping person reveals many things that the face of a waking person conceals. Arturo Graf

Do you want to see what you are like in your dreams? Stand in front of the mirror and close your eyes. Lawrence Peter

If only it were possible to sleep off death in installments! Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. Edgar Case

I go to bed early. My favorite dream begins at nine. Henny Youngman

We are strangers in the land of our dreams. Sylvia Cheese

Sleep and insomnia, both manifested beyond measure, are a bad sign. Hippocrates

I don’t understand why, while not believing the visions of the insane, we should believe the visions of the sleeping, which are much more vague. Cicero Marcus Tullius

It is more appropriate to sleep dead than alive. Basil the Great

Dream loves girls, he is not in tune with the clock! Pierre de Ronsard

He who talks about bulls, and sees only bulls in his dreams... Thomas de Quincey

Nothing clarifies the immutable unity of the basic essence of our “I” and the essence of the external world better than a dream. For even in a dream, objects are different from ourselves, distinguished by their perfect objectivity and their mysterious peculiarity, alien to our own properties, causing us surprise, confusion, anxiety, etc. Nevertheless, all this is ourselves.

Such is also the will, which carries within itself the entire external world, animates it and is contained within us, where we are directly aware of its presence. However, we owe all these miracles to the intellect, this fantastic and wonderful workshop, this incomparable magician who decomposes his own being into the knowing and the knowable. Arthur Schopenhauer

What is a dream for a sleeping person, for a deceased person, perhaps, his appearance while living, if only ghosts have reality in the objective sense. Arthur Schopenhauer

Not having dinner is a sacred law for those who value sleep most of all. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Have you looked at your friend when he is sleeping to see what he is like then? What is the face of your friend? This is your own face, but reflected in a rough and imperfect mirror. Friedrich Nietzsche

A dream is a bridge that connects the problem that the dreamer faces with the goal that he seeks to achieve. Alfred Adler

Dreams are always a deception. Alfred Adler

The Dream of the Righteous. Can a righteous person sleep peacefully? Jules Renard

Quotes about sleep and dreams

Life and dreams are pages of the same book. Arthur Schopenhauer

Dreams are invented so that we do not get bored while sleeping. Pierre Duck

Dreams are a grand series of the subconscious. Wanda Blonska

Night dreams are responses of daytime thoughts: if he sees what he desires in a dream, he will be consoled by it. Epictetus

There is nothing more boring than other people's dreams. Francoise Sagan

It is not the dream that is scary, but its interpretation. Alexander Klimov

Dreams are realized only by the waking brain, but for the dreamer there is no awakening, no real real world, no mind; there is only the screaming bedlam of sleep. Stephen King

Dreams are an unprecedented combination of experienced impressions. Ivan Pavlov

Sleep is the dreams of your mind, without brain interference. Anton Dmitriev

How beautiful is the world that appears in dreams - from the mysterious depths of the ocean to the sparkling stars of the Universe. Joanne Rowling

By the way, absolutely every person sees dreams. Moreover, in dreams we see exclusively real faces of absolutely real people whom we have ever met. We just may not remember some of them. We meet hundreds of thousands of people throughout our lives, so our brains have an endless supply of images to draw upon while we sleep.

The whole truth about children's sleep. 12 life quotes

The whole truth about children's sleep.
Child BY brings together the rich life experiences of mothers. We are sure that every parent will see themselves in these quotes. Photo source: amothershipdown.com

1. No matter how good the child is, every mother dreams of the moment when he falls asleep.

Photo source: stihi.ru

2. Either I sleep with my mother all night, or I scream. UNDERSTOOD?!

Photo source: virgula.uol.com.br

Photo source: detki-pogodki.ru

4. The time has come when I quietly drink hot tea in the kitchen, knowing that my little HAPPINESS is sleeping sweetly in the room.

Photo source: woman-boom.com

5. The pleasant aspects of motherhood can never be fully realized until the children go to bed.

Photo source: ghk.h-cdn.co

6. Hellish patience, nerves of iron, prayers in half with curses (to oneself), breathing every once in a while, the birth and melting of hopes - this is what it means to put a child to sleep.

Photo source: rebenok.by

Photo source: valyaeva.ru

8. Sleeping children are not only cute, but finally.

Photo source: g2.dcdn.lt

9. Putting children to bed is very simple: you just need to give them something to drink, eat, pee and read books, sing a lullaby, say “good night”, kiss them, stroke their back, tummy, lie in bed with them. And fall asleep. Before them.

Photo source: semneletimpului.ro

10. 4 am. Sobs began to be heard from the crib. I tell my husband: “Get up, it’s your turn.” He, turning over on his side: “I didn’t borrow.”

Photo source: media.npr.org

Photo source: huffpost.com

12. I put my daughter in the crib, I lie next to her, pretending that I am sleeping. Suddenly I hear: “Pi, my joy, pi, my holesaya, pi, I’m with you, I won’t give you to anyone. “In my opinion, moments like these are worth enduring all the difficulties of motherhood.

Why are minutes of children’s sleep valuable to you?


Funny statuses about sleep

  • I go to bed late, get up early. I'm the sun!
  • If I don’t get enough sleep, then I don’t love anyone anymore.
  • Sleeping is almost as cool as eating, only it’s free.
  • Nothing invigorates you in the morning like the phrase “We overslept!”
  • I'm tired of everything, I'll go throw myself under the blanket.
  • I dream of such horrors that it’s time to take popcorn to bed...
  • My favorite position: me on bottom, blanket on top.
  • If you put together the first letters of all the autumn months, you will get exactly what I will miss throughout them.
  • Who is this guy and why do I always want him?
  • I'm sleeping, don't bother me. In case of fire or emergency, take it out first.
  • Sleep is the world on the subconscious level of a person.
  • No one irritates and spoils sleep more than morning flies.
  • Dreams are a continuation of thoughts...
  • A literature textbook is better than any sleeping pills... Open it, read the first line, fall asleep!
  • I slept, rebooted... And it seemed to become less glitchy.
  • I don’t want to fall asleep, because reality is better than a dream...
  • Quiet everyone! Dream viewing in progress... :)
  • Mmm... I love my warm, soft bed so much. )
  • The better the dream, the more you want to wake up in it.
  • I dream. Sometimes it seems to me that this is the only right thing in the world.
  • Sleep is the best cure for all diseases. But it is always in great short supply.
  • Sometimes an alarm clock helps you wake up, but mostly it interferes with your sleep.
  • And I just want to dream about someone...
  • Those who get up early want to sleep all day.
  • I sleep and dream that I’m working...
  • I got ready to do exercises in the morning, lay down on the floor and fell asleep.
  • Only dad can fall asleep watching TV and wake up if it is turned off.
  • No matter how you count sheep to try to sleep, if one of them lies nearby and snores, you won’t be able to fall asleep!
  • A normal person needs another 5 minutes to get enough sleep!
  • My motto is four words: If you don’t sleep yourself, wake up someone else!
  • Give me a point of support and I will fall asleep.
  • Even in a dream you see not what you want, but what they will show you.
  • Let's hit the pangs of conscience with a sound sleep!
  • I am replacing the self-assembled tablecloth with a similar sheet.
  • I want an alarm clock that kisses me in the morning and brings me coffee in bed...
  • How nice it is to lie with you, whisper words in your ear, gently hug you with my hands, my favorite pillow!
  • We are not afraid of work: if there is no work, we go to bed, if there is work, we also sleep... we don’t sit without work!!!
  • Don't wake me up. I'm at work…
  • I really want to sleep, but there is no one with...
  • Wake up - they lifted you up, but forgot to wake you up :(

Of course, it also happens that a person cannot fall asleep. For this case, we have statuses and quotes about insomnia. By the way, reading helps many people fall asleep. So maybe these phrases and expressions will help you.

Funny statuses

Before pregnancy, I slept on my stomach! During pregnancy - on your side! After having a baby, I can even sleep standing up!

With the birth of a child, mothers can only dream about sleep...)

Dad puts his daughter to bed. Half an hour later, mom looks into the room: “How’s it going?” Sleeping? - Yes, mom, he’s sleeping.

The child knows how to put him to bed correctly..)

If you are always carried in their arms, showered with flowers and given diamonds - wake up, otherwise you will be late for work!

A dream is a great opportunity to visit a fairy tale, become an oligarch or his wife...)

Children's sleep is very beneficial for the nervous system of parents!

A sleeping child is a reason to sleep too, not to wash, clean or cook...)

In any unclear situation, go to bed.

Then I will have to go to work solely to sleep)))

The guarantee of a strong and healthy morning sleep is the alarm clock that you forgot to set.

Wouldn't this be a guarantee of dismissal from work?!)

I can give and sacrifice everything except 10 minutes of sleep on Monday morning...

What can I say, every day I can give everything except 10 minutes of sleep)

An extra 10 minutes of sleep in the morning is worth an hour on the Internet in the evening!

If you didn’t get enough sleep, it means you didn’t log out of Odnoklassniki or Contact on time...)))

— How do you feel about nightlife? - Very good. — What do you prefer: bars, restaurants, casinos, discos? - I prefer to sleep soundly.

You know, in my dreams life is much more interesting than in your clubs...)

Healthy and sound sleep is the key to good health and high spirits. In order to get enough sleep, you need to go to bed in the evening, not late at night.

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