Fog: phenomenon, metaphorical images, sensations, quotes about fog

Fog quotes aphorisms

How many miracles lie behind the fogs.
Neither approach, nor see, nor take. We tried twice, but God loves a trinity, Okay, we'll have to play along with him. Learn it thoroughly, don’t forget And repeat like a spell: “Don’t lose faith in the fog, And don’t lose yourself!”

After all, there was once a fog - our patrimony, which hid many of us from enemies. Today, fog, your mission is over, Stop bolting the taiga!

Learn it thoroughly, don’t forget And repeat like a spell: “Don’t lose faith in the fog, And don’t lose yourself!”

Shrouded in mystery, forged in silence, Nature-shaman has enchanted. Black gold, white gold, The gray-haired watchman guards - fog.

Learn it thoroughly, don’t forget And repeat like a spell: “Don’t lose faith in the fog, And don’t lose yourself!”

What? It turns out there’s nothing to try? Is a person nothing before the fog? But from the warmth, from human warmth, Even the fog rises.

Learn, memorize, don’t forget And repeat like a spell: “Don’t lose faith in the fog, And don’t lose yourself!”

Hedgehog in the fog

Nothing shines either in love or in personal life, And the question of existence hangs tightly in the air. Almost in despair, I go out to the balcony at dawn. And the flight, since there are no wings, is the same, only downward.

There the fog crawls on its belly and licks the ground, Like a bloody kitten, an outbred mother. Having wrapped my jacket tightly around me, I wait for a sign of fate and listen. But there is no sight around, no sound - so there is nothing to listen to.

And the straw is hope.” Yoyozhik!” - my call is lengthy. And the fog is omnivorous, it swallowed up without chewing, Everything - living and inanimate - and crawls, bloated and important. From an invisible distance suddenly: “Loshaaad!” - I hear.

Here's the sign. Not alone! The morning immediately became good. And the fog - how lovely! How gracefully it crawls! And it is not fitting for us, beautiful ones, to despair in life. Let it be in the fog! Let it be a “horse”! But he will call out. And he will save.

Fog in the city

Fog in the city is a phenomenon that turns everyday views into a mystery and a mirage, disorienting and confusing a person who is deprived of the basis for the usual visual picture of the world around him. About this phenomenon of transformation of space and immersion in timelessness - lyrical quotes about fog in the city, full of shades of feelings and colors:

Fog over my city, fog.

The streets are covered in a milky haze.

And a watercolor image of the townspeople,

Dissolved in gray-white cotton wool.

The world is completely transformed by fog, it has become completely different, blurry, ghostly, as if completely surreal. The author of the above poetic lines talks about the quiet miracle of the fog and his enthusiasm for the transformation of Moscow.

Quotes about fog

This natural phenomenon sometimes fascinates with its beauty and mystery. Therefore, quotes about fog have found their popularity among authors who made statements about fog.

Because my thoughts are not put into words, most often they remain flakes of fog. They take on vague, bizarre forms, run over one another, and I immediately forget them. Jean-Paul Sartre. Nausea

On the one hand, fog is good - you can hide, but on the other hand, someone else can hide in it. Alexey Yurievich Pekhov. Chronicles of Siala

- I really want to become fog and dissolve! So that nothing happens... - Well... who knows... There is a high probability that everything around will also become fog and dissolve after you. Oleg Tishchenkov. Cat Two

The city is hidden in the fog, and only those who were born in it can find it. Maria Farisa. Better crane

It is not so often that you can see fog; you can read quotes as much as you like.

We all have two lives: the real one, which we dream about in childhood and continue to dream about as adults, as if in a fog; and the false one, where we coexist with everyone else. Fernando Pessoa

Wise thoughts

Statuses about fog allow you to really see what is hidden with the help of phrases and statements, something that is inaccessible at first glance, and seems mysterious and inexplicable:

  1. You shouldn’t remember the past with longing; it won’t be able to return. We need to manage reality wisely, only it is subject to man. The main thing is to strive forward towards the vague future.
  2. If you have vague thoughts, it means that you are tired of monotony and boredom in life.
  3. In autumn, a special desire to live appears, when the city is shrouded in fog, and there is a feeling that everything is dissolving in time.
  4. Some have a very vague idea of ​​their future life.
  5. It is quite possible that after death only blue fog and a fall into the abyss await.
  6. Astrologers are very original individuals; they know how to make predictions that are ideal for any outcome.
  7. People can involve each other in intrigues, battles, destruction and restoration, but when the fog clears, they understand that the war continues.
  8. The future is always a fog, the past is hell or heaven, at times, and money continues to refuse to jump into your pocket.
  9. Ordinary human happiness always turns out to be simple and fragile, alarming, as if in the next second it will evaporate like fog.
  10. Logic is always the basis of a person’s confused thinking; it is capable of dissolving the fog of ignorance, making one think that a person understands everything when this is not the case.
  11. Everyone needs a dream and hope, they need a fairy tale, it is important what kind of fog a person believes in in order to go through life.
  12. A person sees the world through the prism of his own thoughts, completely different from what it is. Hate makes him dark and foggy, it's inevitable.
  13. If you turn back into the past and look closely at it, you will notice that one end of the chain is in a foggy history, and the other end can be easily seen in the mirror.
  14. Thick fog is a great time for theft.
  15. Thick fog cannot hide the divine aroma of flowers.
  16. The future is always unclear and the end is very close.
  17. The fog on the street will definitely disappear, but the fog in the heart will remain in him forever.
  18. If the truth emerges through the fog, then one should expect deception and defeat.
  19. Fog, in principle, is not bad; there is an opportunity to hide in it. But you should remember that someone else could hide in it.
  20. You can always find a way out of the fog, the main thing is to persistently move forward.
  21. Clarity can take the form of a thick fog.
  22. Fools are able to see the truth even in thick fog, only to do this they need to take a torch.
  23. If there is fog, then a person will break through, but if there is not, it is never too late to let it in.
  24. Some people dream of becoming fog, dissolving in it, as if they had never existed.
  25. Fog in the city can be called a phenomenon that creates mirages and mysteries, confuses a person, and hides from him the usual picture of the world around him.
  26. The main task of every person is not the desire to look into the foggy future, but to act today, now, in the direction that he can see.
  27. Sometimes there is a desire to enter the cartoon, collect everything unnecessary into a bundle, hang a wand on your shoulder and go into the fog.
  28. The city is hidden in the fog, only those born in it can find it.

Galileo. Experiment. Fog

Did you like quotes about fog? Be sure to read the quotes from the hedgehog in the fog - they are amazing, especially if you remember the cartoon.

I sat quietly, peacefully. Then I got hungry. Then it’s like a fog.

The future of this boy is unclear.

Only the unknown captivates us. In the fog everything seems extraordinary.

I couldn't stay in the house any longer and went out. It became foggy. The sea roared in the distance. Drops fell from the trees. I looked around. I was no longer alone. Now somewhere in the south, beyond the horizon, a motor was roaring. Behind the fog, help flew along the pale gray roads, headlights splashed bright light, tires whistled, and two hands squeezed the steering wheel, two eyes bored into the darkness with a cold, confident look: the eyes of my friend.

The fog of tenderness enveloped the mountains of melancholy.

A foggy morning, a gray morning, Sad fields covered with snow, Reluctantly you remember the past, You remember faces long forgotten.

Fantasies are still better than brain fog.

Sad thoughts are like fog. The sun rose and they dispersed.

You peer into the fog and therefore can convince yourself that the goal is already close. But the fog is clearing, and the target is not yet visible.

Our lofty aspirations, our spiritual nuances, our vague spirits of yearning are greatly influenced by finances.

Truth is for fools like a torch in the midst of fog: it glows without dispersing it.

Religion dissipates like fog, kingdoms are destroyed, but the works of scientists remain forever.

Meanwhile, time passes, and we sail past the high, foggy shores of the Unfulfilled, talking about the affairs of the day.

The sky was already breathing in autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter, the mysterious canopy of the forests was revealed with a sad noise, fog was settling on the fields, a caravan of noisy geese was stretching to the south: a rather boring time was approaching; It was already November outside the yard.

Our future is a fog, In our past there is either hell or heaven. Our money doesn't fit into our pockets, It's morning - get up!

— Clarity is a form of complete fog.

And now all minds are in a fog, Morality makes us sleepy, Vice is amiable - even in a novel, And there it triumphs.

Interesting sayings

Statuses about fog with meaning are always mysterious and make you think about your own life, dream about the impossible and talk about the most intimate. If you install them on social networks, then like-minded people will not keep you waiting long and will offer pleasant communication:

  1. You should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of seeing the fog; it often protects you from hatred, anger and dryness.
  2. Life can be compared to fog over a lake, the river carries water and merges with the fog, there is always the opposite shore, which is not visible, but it invariably exists.
  3. It's better to live in a fantasy world than with a fog in your head.
  4. Every woman is capable of leading a man into a fog from which he can never get out.
  5. Every person has two lives, the real one, which everyone thinks and dreams about in childhood, is foggy, and the false one, in which one has to exist together with others.
  6. There had never been fogs in London until the world of art discovered them.
  7. Some thoughts cannot be put into words; they remain only fog, take strange forms, run into each other and are forgotten.
  8. Perhaps love is intimacy with another person, the revelation of simple and complex secrets, their beauty, silence, fog and moonlight.
  9. Sad thoughts always resemble fog; as soon as the sun rises, they dissipate.
  10. The unknown always captivates people, because in the fog everything seems mysterious and unusual.
  11. He sat quietly and peacefully, then he felt hungry, and then everything was shrouded in fog...
  12. He adored newspapers like nothing else in his life because they gave him a slight fog in his head.
  13. The fog reveals the Earth's hidden desires. He carefully hides the Sun, for which she greatly yearns.
  14. Sometimes a person feels that his time has come, begins to swim towards the foggy shores of the unrealizable and regrets the past days.
  15. Religion can dissipate like fog, kingdoms are destroyed, and only the work of scientists remains forever.
  16. The fog may completely hide the mountain, but the peak will always feel the sun.
  17. Those crawling in the fog will invariably hit a rock with their foreheads, but those flying will immediately be smashed into pieces.
  18. If there is fog in the head, bad weather reigns in fate.
  19. You should not be foggy in your actions and words.
  20. It's too easy to crash in the fog and never get back to the top.
  21. A clouded gaze will invariably meet the monster, and only a clear gaze will see true beauty.
  22. The fog is the circumstances in life, the past and the future, and the flashlight is awareness, this is reality.
  23. With the right skill, even a hedgehog in thick fog is quite capable of finding a horse and a jar of jam.
  24. People peer into the fog, so they can convince themselves that the target has already appeared on the horizon. But when it dissipates, it turns out that she is still very far away.
  25. When a person begins to demand much more from himself than from others, the fog in his head clears.
  26. Sometimes you meet people who come and give you sunshine, fill your life with colorful colors, but sometimes they bring in fog and cold, slush and rain, your soul just feels disgusting.
  27. Only love can truly heal wounds, and everything else will surely dissipate like fog.
  28. Fog in images can be called a work of art.
  29. There is fog outside the window, clouds in the soul, and heavy rain in the heart.

Statuses about a foggy morning hint to a person about his imperfections and the secrets of nature that no one has yet been able to unravel. You shouldn’t look into the fog, peer into it, you need to live in the present, then everything will definitely work out.

Quotes about fog

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Reasons for the popularity of “foggy” motifs in art

The fog fascinates or frightens, calms or instills anxiety. For everyone, sensations are deeply subjective. This is why there are so many different quotes about fog that can be found in world literature and cinema. Oscar Wilde was truly right when he said:

“The London fogs did not exist until art discovered them.”

And his expression is true not only for London fogs. Fog has its own character, its own unique qualities, depending on how, where and when it is formed, how it spreads, how much volume it occupies, how and what space it fills.

Folk wisdom

In addition to artistic and individual comprehension, fog can also be perceived collectively, more pragmatically than figuratively, however, despite this, it is bright and colorful. You can extract a huge number of quotes about fog from the inexhaustible treasury of folk wisdom. At the same time, fog does not always act as a direct subject or object of action; it can also be mentioned indirectly, as one of the far from most important elements of thought embedded in a whole phrase, complementing already existing images and meanings.

The loser got ready to go hunting - the mountains were covered with fog.

This proverb is similar in meaning to the much more famous one - about a bad dancer and his legs getting in the way. Any excuse is used as an excuse for failure and one’s own laziness, careless work, and unwillingness to work to achieve results.

Fog in the mountains

Fog in the mountains is a monumental and stunning spectacle that can turn into a deadly danger. It beckons, attracts and, at the same time, repels, makes you feel acutely. The fog appears to be a living creature with a will of its own. It spreads softly or descends like an avalanche. And this is the subject of understanding in such quotes about fog in the mountains, such as, for example, the lines below from Japanese poetry:

Only the sun ball

rose above the mountains

the fog is creeping

on soft white paws,

settling in the valley


The fog in the mountains is cathartic. This is a shock, this, as Alexander Mitta figuratively put it in his book “Cinema between Heaven and Hell,”

a magical feeling of joy and sorrow at the same time, what the Greeks called “purification.”

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