What does it mean to be a man? 80+ quotes about men and masculinity

Quotes about courage, valor and heroism

Courage is the sword, the shield, and the mind of the brave. V. Alfieri

Heroism is the victory of the soul over the body. A. Amiel

Courage is no longer found in starting a fight, but in being able to avoid it. M. Anderson

Courage is a virtue that enables people to do wonderful things in difficult situations. Aristotle

No one can endure terrible things better than a courageous man. Aristotle

He who meaningfully rushes into danger for the sake of good and is not afraid of it is courageous, and that is courage. Aristotle

Courage is found in fears and daring proportionate to man. Aristotle

To dry one tear is more valor than to shed a sea of ​​blood. D. Byron

Civil courage and military courage stem from the same beginning. O. Balzac

Of all types of glory, the most flattering, the greatest, the most incorruptible is the people's glory. V. G. Belinsky

True courage is not only a balloon to ascend, but also a parachute to land. L. Burnet

He who despises danger remembers it; however, a real hero does not even think about danger. L. Burnet

Bravery to defend the fatherland is a virtue, but courage in a robber is a villainy. A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

True courage is laconic: it costs so little to show itself that it considers heroism itself to be a duty, not a feat. A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

Valor is moral courage. D. Blackie

If you shy away from the first test of your courage, you will be all the weaker at the second. D. Blackie

Courage is the strength to resist; courage - to attack evil. P. Buast

A man of courage usually suffers without complaining; a weak person complains without suffering. P. Buast

Bravery is a talent that cannot be mastered by effort. Vasil Bykov

Courage combined with intelligence helps more than intelligence without courage. L. Vauvenargues

True courage is found in times of adversity. F. Voltaire

Fearlessness is essential for the development of other noble qualities. Is it possible to seek truth or carefully cherish love without courage? M. Gandhi

A truly courageous person must show timidity when he decides to do something, must weigh all the contingencies, but when executing it, he must be courageous. Herodotus

If you lose goodness, you will lose a little, if you lose honor, you will lose a lot, if you lose courage, you will lose everything. I. Goethe

Courage can neither be learned nor unlearned. I. Goethe

You can't always be a hero, but you can always remain human. I. Goethe

There is always room for exploits in life. M. Gorky

Great courage replaces great skill. B. Gracian

Courage produces winners, harmony produces invincibles. F. Delavigne

Courage makes the blows of fate insignificant. Democritus

Courageous is not only the one who defeats his enemies, but also the one who dominates his passions. Democritus

Excessive courage is the same vice as excessive timidity. B. Johnson

Fear of acting shamefully is courage; The same courage is the ability to patiently endure the unworthy actions of others towards us. B. Johnson

Courage is necessary not only for courageous actions, but also for productive activities and thoughts. A. Diesterweg

Courage is not about facing danger boldly, but about facing it with open eyes. Jean Paul

Courage without conscience is like a wild beast. R. Ingersoll

The greatest test of a man's courage is to be defeated and not lose heart. R. Ingersoll

Fate always favors the brave. P. Calderon

Determined courage displayed by a rogue is extremely dangerous. I. Kant

Courage is a great quality of the soul: the people marked by it should be proud of themselves. N. M. Karamzin

Often human courage is recognized more in small things than in great things. B. Castiglione

A courageous man is true to his word. P. Corneille

The highest virtue is to do in solitude what people usually dare to do only in the presence of many witnesses. F. La Rochefoucauld

Facing danger with courage and composure is the best way to protect yourself from it. D. Lubbock

No one can consider himself truly defeated until he has lost courage. D. Lubbock

Feat, like talent, shortens the path to the goal. L. M. Leonov

True courage is expressed in calm self-control and in the calm performance of one's duty, regardless of any disasters and dangers. D. Locke

The brave man is not the one who is not afraid, but the one who knows how to suppress his cowardice. There can be no other kind of courage. A. S. Makarenko

We must make the people horrified at themselves in order to inspire courage in them. K. Marx

For the proletariat, courage, self-esteem, a sense of pride and independence are more important than bread. K. Marx

The ability to recognize the possible and the impossible is what distinguishes a hero from an adventurer. K. Mommsen

With courage, anything can be done, but not everything can be achieved. Napoleon I

Valor knows no impassable paths. Ovid

Courage is cultivated day after day, in persistent resistance to difficulties. N. A. Ostrovsky

Courage is a fully realized responsibility. P. A. Pavlenko

People need courage and fortitude not only against the weapons of enemies, but also against any blows. Plutarch

Courage increases valor, hesitation increases fear. Publilius Syrus

The valor of a soldier depends on the intelligence of the military leader. Publilius Syrus

There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it. R. Rolland

I call a hero only the one who had a great heart. R. Rolland

Every courageous, every truthful person brings honor to his homeland. R. Rolland

I appreciate courage in those who, thanks to it, can lose everything; I appreciate caution in those who cannot win anything thanks to it. J. Rostand

True courage is more perseverance than impatience: it does not need to be pushed or restrained. J.-J. Rousseau

There is no need to confuse courage with arrogance and rudeness: there is nothing more dissimilar both in its source and in its result. J.-J. Rousseau

Better death with glory than a shameful path in life. Sh. Rustaveli

Courage is not about the strength of the hand or the art of wielding a sword, courage is about self-control and being fair. Saadi

Bravery replaces fortress walls. Sallust

One thing that remains unreasonable is the thirst for achievement. In this thirst the living human heart trembles, the inquisitive and never-resting human mind hides. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Nothing in the world deserves such surprise as a person who can courageously endure adversity. Seneca the Younger

Courage is the contempt of fear. It disregards the dangers that threaten us, challenges them to battle and crushes them. Seneca the Younger

Gold is tested by fire, and courage is tested in adversity. Seneca the Younger

Courage without prudence is only a special kind of cowardice. Seneca the Younger

The cat, hunted and pressed against the wall, turns into a tiger. M. Cervantes

All adversity breaks on a courageous heart. M. Cervantes

Courage that is not based on prudence is called recklessness, and the exploits of a reckless person are more likely to be attributed to simple luck than to his courage. M. Cervantes

Courage lies in the ability to choose the least evil, no matter how terrible it may be. Stendhal

He who is brave is alive. He who is brave is safe. A. V. Suvorov

The most difficult thing is the courage of everyday, long-term work. Find yourself an ideal of courage and follow it relentlessly. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

There are no heroes from birth - they are born in battles. A. T. Tvardovsky

Contempt for danger is the first duty of every sublime soul. I. Ten

It is not the one who is courageous who climbs into danger without feeling fear, but the one who can suppress the strongest fear and think about danger without submitting to fear. K. D. Ushinsky

Valor is the property of those who strive for a high goal. Ferdowsi

Let everything else leave me, if only my courage does not leave me. I. Fichte

Bravery is needed not only in battles, but also in simple everyday affairs. B. Franklin

A hero is a person who, at a decisive moment, does what needs to be done in the interests of human society. Yu. Fuchik

Courage usually goes hand in hand with gentleness of character, and a courageous person is more capable of generosity than others. N. V. Shelgunov

I would define true courage as the perfect ability to assess the extent of danger and the moral readiness to withstand it. W. Sherman

Courage grows with danger: the harder it is, the more strength you have. F. Schiller

The one who fears nothing is no less powerful than the one before whom everyone trembles. F. Schiller

Valor does not die with the hero, but survives him. Euripides

Prudent prudence is true virtue. Euripides

Proverbs about courage, courage, courage

Ruff and pike will not take it from the tail.

I won’t be afraid, I’ll take my soul away. The eye is a coward, the heart is a brave man. Those who are brave and dashing are modest and quiet. Courage is not afraid of death. The brave man is recognized on the day of battle. Don't touch us with your bare hands. Either into the stirrup with your foot, or into the stump with your head. Sink or swim. It will jump over the sea, but it won’t get your heels wet. The bullet fears the brave, but the bayonet does not kill the brave. Whose courage is the victory. He who is brave and steadfast is worth ten. In Rus', not all crucians are crucians - there are also ruffs. He who is brave is well done. The brave one wins, the coward dies. Every brave man is brave in his own way. God sends trouble to the meek, but the lively one will attack him. He is a timid ten. Courage is strength. Courage is born in struggle. If you had the courage, there would always be a weapon. The fight is not dangerous if you have courage. Although he is short in stature, he is rich in courage. Brave after the battle, as he climbed onto the floor. After the army there are many brave ones. Death is not scary for the brave. To be afraid of wolves is to be without fungi. Either a colonel or a dead man. Brave after the battle, as he climbed onto the floor. Every coward talks about courage. Our people are not timid in the field (they don’t tremble on the stove). It's better to die in a field than in a woman's hem. To be afraid of death is not to live in the world. Was not (at random). You can't stock up on fear for any misfortune. I'm moving forward, fear doesn't take over. I don’t quarrel with anyone and I’m not afraid of anyone. There is nowhere to look back when death is behind you.

Statuses about men and actions

We all know very well that a real man should be judged not by his words, but by his actions. What can be considered a truly worthwhile action? Buying 101 white roses and a diamond necklace? Or purchasing medications during illness and constant assistance and support provided at any time of the day or night? Each person answers this question for herself and it is difficult to find at least a couple of identical answer options.

In this article you can select original and meaningful statuses about men and actions that describe exactly your opinion regarding men and their actions. You can be sure that finding a status for absolutely every taste will not be difficult for you.

A real man admits his mistakes. He doesn't look for extremes. He understands that only he himself is to blame for all his failures.

A real man comes into your life and, despite quarrels and problems, remains in it forever. And all the rest are drafts!

The man who gave a woman wings will never wear horns!

A man should be generous not only in terms of money, but also in terms of attention.

A real man is guided in his actions by three words: say less and more.

The man said it, the man did it. That's why men are quiet and silent!

Brave actions are events, and they lead to the right to be called an Ideal Man.

Weak men impose themselves, but strong men insist.

Quotes from Suvorov

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I collected a selection of quotes from commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

Fortunately, the most famous Russian commander had a penchant for writing .

Quotes are grouped by topic: life ethics, about yourself, military affairs, human manifestations, military strategy, generals, Russians, victory and defeat, God, soldiers, life, politics, friendship, time, great people, Napoleon, money, fame, flattery , fortune, war.

About life ethics

Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and selfless in your actions.

There cannot be two owners in one house.

One must hurry to do good.

If you die yourself, save your comrade.

The target closest to the action is better than the one farther away.

When going forward, know how to turn back.

It is better to meet danger halfway than to wait in place.

From a young age, learn to forgive your neighbor’s misdeeds and never forgive your own.

Get used to tireless activity.

Learn to obey before you command others.

Unity gives consent. Look at the matter as a whole.

Hunger is the best medicine.

If you like hot, be capable of cold too.

It is more necessary to have unpleasant news to overcome than to find pleasant news to console you.

Imitation is pathetic, competition is praiseworthy. Imitation is a recognition of the lack of one's own abilities. Competition is the impulse of a noble soul that wants to show the advantage it has disputed.

The whole earth is not worth even one drop of needlessly shed blood.

Never throw away an orange while it still has contents.

Follow Aristides in righteousness, Fabrician in moderation, Epaminondas in untruthfulness, Cato in laconism, Julius Caesar in speed, Turenne in constancy, Laudon in morals.

To sacrifice one's property at all times is the rule of the highest service.

Heroes need goodness and mercy.

Mercy covers severity. With severity, mercy is needed, otherwise severity is tyranny.

Truth favors one virtue.

Assumptions and prejudices upset everyone.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. The master's work is feared, and if the peasant does not know how to wield a plow, no bread will be born.

About Me

I live in a never-ending dream.

I was happy because I commanded happiness.

I love the truth without embellishment.

A good name belongs to every honest person, but I concluded a good name in the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity.

I don't have fast or slow marches. Forward! And the eagles flew!

It's better to have your head off than to lose your honor. Through five hundred deaths I learned not to be afraid of death.

A soldier is dearer to me than myself.

I'm proud to be Russian!

A battle is calmer to me than a shovel of lime and a pyramid of bricks.

If I were not a commander, I would be a writer.

My wealth consists of donated diamonds and uniforms made in St. Petersburg and silver spoons recently ordered from Moscow.

Titles are not for me, but they are necessary for the public.

Alas for me with my love for the Fatherland - intrigues prevent me from showing it.

At court, language is filled with hints, guesses, omissions, and double meanings. I, a rude soldier, am not a guesser at all.

True, I didn’t communicate much with women. But while amusing myself in their company, I was always respectful. I didn't have enough time to study with them, and I was afraid of them. Women run the country here, just like everywhere else. But I did not feel strong enough to defend myself from their charms.

Meanwhile, while the European world and tactics are being renewed, I am numb in shameful inaction, I am exhausted under the burden of an idle and useless life.

How painful is indifference to oneself!

I shed blood in streams. I shudder. But I love my neighbor. I have never made anyone unhappy in my entire life. He did not sign a single death sentence. Not a single insect died by my hand.

A life as open and well-known as mine can never be distorted by any biographer.

For seventy years I have been chasing fame. I stand at the tomb and recognize her dream: peace of soul at the Throne of the Almighty.

As a slave, I die for the Fatherland and as a cosmopolitan, for the world. I'm waiting for dismissal from the Baltic worldly vanities.

About military affairs

It's hard to learn, but it's easy to fight.

It's hard to learn, but it's easy to travel! Easy to learn, hard to travel!

Every warrior must understand his maneuver.

Where there are fewer troops, there are more brave men.

Fight not with numbers, but with skill.

Once happiness, twice happiness - God have mercy! Someday you need a little skill.

Don't use the "stop" command. And in battle: “attack”, “cut”, “stab”, “hurray”, “drums”, “music”.

The more conveniences, the less courage.

Beat the enemy without sparing him or yourself; the one who spares himself the least wins.

There is strength in two ranks, one and a half strength in three: the front one tears, the second brings down, the third completes.

Teach the faithless army that burnt iron should be sharpened.

Never despise your enemy, whatever he may be, and get to know his weapons, his way of acting and fighting. Know what his strength is and what the enemy’s weakness is.

Correct shooting at a target is of great importance: it multiplies the death of the enemy and prevents unnecessary waste of ammunition in action.

Shoot rarely, but accurately, with a bayonet firmly. The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is brilliant.

The head does not wait for the tail; it will always arrive in due time.

Do not carry large convoys with you, the main thing is speed and pressure, your bread is in the convoy and backpacks of the enemies.

He who is brave is alive. He who is brave is safe.

Death on a bed is not a soldier's death.

About human manifestations

Here are my thoughts about people: the sign of fools is pride, people of mediocre intelligence are meanness, and a person of true merit is sublimity of feelings, covered with modesty.

Those who are good for the first role are not suitable for the second.

Self-reliance is the basis of courage.

To the pure, everything is pure.

Innocence does not tolerate excuses.

He is no longer the cunning one whom everyone says is cunning.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Self-love is drowned in ignorance of its lot, but it has desires.

There is nothing worse than desperate people.

Hatred clouds reason.

Even an executioner can be polite.

The one who grabs the heat with someone else's hands will later burn out his own.

About military strategy

Do in war what the enemy considers impossible.

Theory without practice is dead, practice without theory is blind.

There is no way to win any battle in the cabinet.

Military science is the science of winning.

One should not think that blind courage gives victory over the enemy. But the only thing mixed with it is the art of war.

Rule the happiness, the speed of Caesar, who was so good at taking enemies by surprise even during the day.

Speed ​​and pressure are the soul of real war.

They don't take cities by standing.

About generals

Constantly studying the enemy will make you a great commander.

A commander in war should not bind himself to anything, but act according to the circumstances and always quickly.

Constantly sharpening your eye will make you a great commander.

The general needs to educate himself in the sciences.

Keep in your memory the names of great people and follow their example with prudence in your campaigns and actions.

Pathetic is the commander who wages a war based on newspapers. There are other things he needs to know.

The vigil of the boss is the best peace of mind for his subordinates. His foresight overcomes accidents.

About Russians

The Russian is distinguished by faith, loyalty and reason.

God have mercy, we are Russians! What a delight!

He who loves his Fatherland sets the best example of love for humanity.

Nature produced only one Russia. She has no rivals. We are Russians, we will overcome everything.

Where a deer passes, a Russian soldier will also pass. Where a deer will not pass, a Russian soldier will still pass.

No army in the world can resist the brave Russian grenadier.

Easy victories do not flatter the Russian heart.

We are Russian and therefore we will win.

By the way, quotes about Russians

About victory and defeat

The one who surprised wins.

Victory is the enemy of war.

Discipline is the mother of victory.

Victory depends on the legs, and the arms are only the instrument of victory.

Those who are scared are half beaten.

Don't be afraid of death, then you'll probably win. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

Generosity befits a winner.

About God

Pray to God - victory comes from Him. God is our general, He guides us.

Great is the Russian God! We will go with him along the paths of ancient glory!

We are embarking on an important and decisive task. As Christians, as Russian people, let us pray to the Lord God for help and make peace with each other. It will be good, it’s Russian, it’s necessary.

Atheism consumes states and rulers, faith, rights and morals.

About the soldiers

A soldier must be healthy, brave, firm, determined, truthful, and pious.

Without ambition, obedience and good behavior there is no good soldier.

What a soldier needs is useful, but what is unnecessary leads to luxury - the mother of self-will.

The soldier is dear. Take care of your health, clean your stomach if it’s clogged.

You swore an oath. Die for the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. Defend the banner to the last drop of blood.

About life

Life is short, but science is long.

Virtue is always persecuted.

Great adventures come from small reasons.

Courageous deeds are truer than words.

By the way, quotes about life

About politics

Politics is a rotten egg.

Diplomatic language is deceptive duplicity.

Prepare in war for peace, and in peace for war.

Liberty and equality cannot stand for long against faith and power.

By the way, quotes about politics

About friendship

Sincerity of relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship.

Service and friendship - two parallel lines - do not converge.

The only secret of a strong connection between worthy friends is to be able to forgive misunderstandings and immediately enlighten them about their shortcomings.

By the way, quotes about friendship

About the time

Time is most precious.

Money is expensive, human life is even more expensive, and time is most valuable.

Speed ​​is necessary, but haste is harmful.

By the way, quotes about time

About great people

The main talent of a great man is to be able to choose people according to their talents.

He is not yet great who is revered as such.

The three main virtues of a leader: courage, intelligence, health (physical and mental).

About Napoleon

He's walking fast, it's time to calm the young man down.

As long as General Bonaparte maintains his presence of mind, he will be victorious. Great military talents were his inheritance. But if, to his misfortune, he throws himself into a political whirlwind, if he betrays the unity of thought, he will perish.

About money

Money should not be left empty.

The peasant gets rich not with money, but with children. The children give him money.

By the way, quotes about money

About fame

Love true glory.

True glory cannot be assessed: it is the result of sacrificing oneself for the benefit of the common good.

About flattery

Flattery is like a pie: it needs to be baked skillfully, everything needs to be filled in moderation, not too much salt or pepper.

A proud and unpunished flatterer is the greatest villain.

About fortune

Fortune turns happiness like a wheel with spokes.

Fortune has eyes in the back of her head, her hair is short, her flight is lightning fast: if you miss it once, you won’t catch it.

About war

The war is only over when the last soldier is buried.

One minute decides the outcome of the battle; one hour - campaign success; one day - the fate of the empire.

By the way, quotes about war

About miscellaneous

Laziness is born from abundance. The closest reason for laziness is lack of leadership.

Art cannot tolerate enslavement.

As one would expect, most of Suvorov’s quotes are devoted to the strategy and tactics of military operations, military affairs, commanders and soldiers. He expresses his views and preferences like a soldier

However, he speaks interestingly on a wider range of issues , which is reflected in the thematic groups “about life ethics”, “about human manifestations”, “about life”, “about God”, etc.

Quotes about Suvorov

  • Empress Catherine II: The winners are not judged.
  • Emperor Paul I: Conduct the war in your own way, as best you can.
  • G.R. Derzhavin: Great Suvorov, but as a person - with weaknesses.
  • D.V. Davydov: Suvorov fully embodied the hero of Shakespeare’s tragedy, striking at the same time with his comic buffoonery and the bold impulses of genius. Proud by nature, he constantly struggled with the will of the all-powerful nobles of Catherine's time.
  • A.F. Langeron: Field Marshal Suvorov is one of the most extraordinary people of his century. He was born with heroic qualities, an extraordinary mind and with dexterity that perhaps surpassed both his abilities and intelligence. Suvorov has the most extensive knowledge, an energetic character that never betrays himself and excessive ambition. This is a great commander and a great politician.
  • S.I. Glinka: Our hero was a true hero because he controlled himself and tamed the impulses of irritated pride. He was justified in everything by his actions... Envy and envious people will always be: but great is the one who, devoting himself to serving the Fatherland, turns their arrows with patience. Suvorov won with more than just weapons; he also knew how to win with mental strength.

Next, you can move on to other collections of quotes:

  • quotes from Kutuzov
  • Napoleon quotes
  • Lomonosov quotes
  • Pushkin quotes
  • Lermontov quotes
  • quotes from Ivan the Terrible

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*** Women have a strength of spirit that cannot be compared with any valor of men. *** The strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism into an unpredictable future. This is the belief that there is a way out of any difficult situation, and that all disagreements can be resolved. *** No matter how strong a woman’s character is, she becomes weak next to a strong man... But she feels protected! Isn’t this happiness?) *** Tears characterize not so much the strength of a person’s spirit, but his soul... Sometimes very strong-willed people cry... *** All hopes die only for those who are weak in spirit. *** How is wisdom measured? Was it through years lived, through tears, through experience? - Rather, happiness... *** A word, like the wind, has different temperatures and the nature of its impact, but a word is not wind, once spoken, it retains its power for many years and leaves a mark on the soul. *** Love your problems to death! *** Of all the types of weapons that have been invented by man, the most frightening and most terrifying is the word, which can unnoticed destroy or elevate a person! *** Everyone has the right to a moment of weakness, but depending on the strength of spirit, for some this minute turns into years, while for others it is reduced to a second. *** Whoever comes to us with a sword, we will hit him with a brick. *** Surround me with your tenderness and I will become your strength. *** For a woman, the strength of her man is determined by her confidence in him. *** Lean on me and I will feel the strength... *** All people know their weaknesses, but only the strong in spirit are able to fight with themselves and win! *** “Allow yourself to breathe deeply and don’t force yourself into limits. Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength.” *** When you don’t have the strength to raise your face towards the snowstorm, you need to close your eyes... smile... and FEEL the sun in your soul... and the strength will come... *** Don’t have the strength to take the last step? Jump and you will find out how much you underestimated yourself. *** Alcohol is for the weak... The strong enjoy depression. *** Words coming from the soul have magical power - they console, encourage, heal!!! *** The more I see how people deceive each other, the more often I ask myself: Is the inability to deceive a strength or a weakness? *** A strong will breaks through rocks. *** It always seemed to me: it happened, that means it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky once again fell on my head? It collapsed, therefore, we must survive. *** It is impossible to take by force what cannot be obtained by love. *** Life will survive many, only strong individuals remain, whatever one may say... *** A woman is only as strong as her relationship with her beloved man. *** In the life of almost every woman there comes a moment when you want to feel weak so much that you have to be strong in order to control yourself... *** Strength is not justice, justice is strength! *** Despite everything, Be Happy!!! *** We are RUSSIAN and let the enemy forever remember that only then do we kneel when we kiss the RUSSIAN flag! *** The willpower of the weak is called stubbornness. *** Life is a very fragile thing. Sometimes the strength of your spirit alone may not be enough to overcome difficulties. But the love of neighbors can work wonders. *** They don’t negotiate with the weak; they dictate conditions to the weak. *** The word has great power: with one word you can lift a person to heaven, and in the same way, with just one word you can cast him into the abyss... Be careful with words! Think before you say anything... *** Courage is not in the strength of the hand or the art of wielding a sword, courage is in controlling oneself and being fair. *** A strong woman is born when a weak one has died... and more often, when “she” has been killed... *** “There is nothing weaker and more delicate in the world than water, but it can destroy the hardest object!” *** A woman needs to be strong enough in character in life to preserve herself, who is weak... *** Trouble is for someone who is smart, but not endowed with a strong character. *** A man has everything, both strength and weakness. But in order for him to use strength, there must be one with whom he can share weakness. *** Not a single animal can cripple a person the way his relatives can do - in a word... *** Let the clouds be gloomy, but smile and never, never give up! Statuses about the strength of character *** It is much easier to offend and drive away than to call back and obey. *** A healthy lifestyle is, like, fashionable now! I, too, have all quit smoking: friends, guys at work... I’m the only one holding on! This is what I understand - willpower! *** A woman is looking for power, not money. And it’s not her fault that some semblance of power remains only in money. *** Don't be afraid of challenges in life. Strong winds only break weak trees. *** While you are waiting for the second wind to open, the main thing is that the first does not close... *** A woman is just as “adorned” by strength as a man by weakness. *** Strength is in loyalty, and you are so weak. *** Strong in spirit is the one who has walked the road of despair and emerged with faith in himself... *** Hatred can be inherited, love can never be inherited. *** It was not a hammer and a chisel that gave the perfect shape to these stones, but water—its softness, its dance, its melody. Where strength can only destroy, gentleness can sculpt. *** You and I have a special thing, if we combine them, our lives will not be boring. *** The Guardian Angel also sees those who have fallen... it’s just that in this situation it is difficult to help and reach out with your hand to the one who has lowered his hands. *** There is nothing stronger than real tenderness; there is nothing more tender than real strength... *** A girl who has the willpower to grow bangs is capable of anything! *** The strong one is not the one who does not cry. The strong one is the one who smiles through his tears. *** - You always smile, hum, and look great! My soul rejoices for you! - Oh, you haven’t seen me in a GOOD mood yet! *** I can elevate you with a word... I can also destroy you with it... *** The main strength in a person is the strength of the spirit. *** While the indecisive are plunged into doubt, the determined are plunged into happiness. *** For a strong person there is no good and no evil. There is only a goal. *** Am I strong? You are strong as long as you have reliable support nearby and will always support you with a word or a look! *** A weak character will whine from blows, a strong character will draw inspiration. *** The worst thing for a gossip is... when you agree with him) As a rule, gossipers are people who feed on other people's energy. And if they are deprived of this energy, they will wither and gradually dry up on their own... *** A sense of humor is one of the indicators of vitality. And that’s why it makes you so happy in yourself and attracts others... *** The power is not that you shout that you are right, but that you remain silent about it. *** If you have the desire and will, there will always be a path along which you can fulfill your dream. *** Willpower is the most powerful global weapon for fighting oneself... *** Strength does not lie where expected! — A herd of wild sheep is much stronger than a pack of wolves, but the wolf’s strength lies in the fact that they are not afraid to walk alone! *** There are more disabled people among the healthy than there are disabled people among the sick))) *** The skunk is the animal in which the strength of spirit is most developed. *** It doesn’t take long to scold a person, but little benefit comes out of it. *** The strong one is not the one who is not afraid of death, But the strong one is the one who is not afraid to live... *** Beauty is a terrible power! Should I go to the salon and get pumped up... *** Strength goes perfectly well without the mind. But mind without strength is impossible. Without strength you can’t even turn the page of a book. *** How infinitely wrong is the person who thinks that the world can be conquered by force. *** The strength of a person’s character is determined by the number of weaknesses he has forgiven. *** In anger, the strong spit in the face, and the weak in the back. *** Moral strength, like thought, is limitless. *** The weak look for someone to blame, but the strong find a way out! The weak become depressed because of their problems, but the strong are considered! *** I won’t stop waiting... I won’t stop believing... because what moves me is LOVE)))) *** Love, no less than pain, makes us stronger... *** The weak run in packs, the strong walk alone))) *** We are like newborn children. Our strength is to grow. *** Strength of character, regardless of its content, is an irreplaceable treasure. It is drawn solely from the natural sources of the soul, and education must most of all preserve this power, as the basis of all human dignity. *** He who is able to forgive is majestic. This is the destiny of only the strong at heart. *** Willpower is measured in kilograms for a woman, and in liters for a man. *** It is better to be soft on the outside and hard on the inside than hard on the outside and soft on the inside. Statuses about fortitude of character

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