10 phrases politicians said that we are ashamed of

One can only imagine how ashamed Americans were once again of President George W. Bush after his phrase: “I have my own beliefs on this matter. Deep convictions. But I don’t always agree with them.” Bush generally broke all records for publicly exposed stupidity, and from his expressions one can compile a full-fledged anecdotal selection.

Unfortunately, Russian politicians are not lagging behind, and their crazy, ridiculous and funny phrases regularly cause us, their fellow citizens, “Spanish shame.” Let's remember what ugly expressions went down in history and how it happened.

Victor Chernomyrdin

Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation (last position), Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin can be called the second Omar Khayyam, only from politics. His crazy aphorisms and catchphrases, but not devoid of specific and sometimes wise humor, will remain among the top famous political phrases for a long time. This bright politician of the difficult nineties brought even the best satirists to tears of laughter, and the people lovingly called the politician’s catchphrases “Chernomyrdinki” and included them among the most mentioned in everyday life. For example: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” Or: “You and I will live in such a way that our children and grandchildren will be jealous!”

But many of the politician’s speeches made not only his colleagues, but the whole country blush at once. For example, in 2006, at the international conference “Ukraine - Russia - EU” regarding Russia’s accession to the European Union, Viktor Stepanovich said a masterpiece:

Russia is a continent. We work both with the East and the Southeast. Russia is not joining anywhere, it’s somehow inconvenient for us to join somewhere, because by joining, you can step on something. It is simply necessary to develop relationships so that it satisfies everyone.

Chernomyrdin, of course, was asked to explain about the continent. He clarified: “That’s what it means: Russia is the sixth continent. Didn’t you go to school?” To timid objections that, supposedly, there are other countries on the same continent as Russia, for example, China, Chernomyrdin replied: “What does China have to do with it? China is not a continent."

Quotes about politics

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about politics .

Sometimes you want to be outside of politics , but alas, politics has too much influence on our lives.

Quotes are grouped by topic: politics is, politicians, people and politics, religion and politics, war and politics, morality and politics, art and politics, lies and politics, people and politics, state and politics, elections and politics, statesmen, words and politics, freedom and politics, government and politics, political parties, big politics, attitude to politics, parliament and politics, Russia and politics, betrayal and politics, etc.

Politics is...

Politics is the art of living together. (Plato)

Politics is the art of the possible. (O. Bismarck)

Politics is too serious a matter to be left to politicians. (C. de Gaulle)

Politics has no heart, only a head. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Politics is a rotten egg. (A. Suvorov)

Politics is the art of adapting to circumstances and extracting benefit from everything, even from what is disgusting. (O. Bismarck)

Politics is the art of foreseeing the present. (A. Turgot)

Politics is the most concentrated expression of economics. (V. Lenin)

Politics is the art of constantly finding justifications for new taxes. (G. Nar)

Politics is the management of public affairs for the benefit of a private individual. (A. Beers)

They say that politics is the second oldest profession. But I came to the conclusion that it has much more in common with the first one. (R. Reagan)

Politics is the only profession in which one earns a living solely by boasting. (B. Hecht)

Politics is not a bed of roses on which you can rest until the end of time, if you have already laid down on it once. (T. Dreiser)

Politics is the art of making important decisions with insufficient information and time. (K. Attlee)

Politics is nothing more than pure geometry combined with the law of the jungle. (I. Brodsky)

Realpolitik is to ignore the facts. (G. Adams)

The art of politics is to separate actions from consequences. (A. Cowburn)

Politics is the art of convincing people that they are happy. (A. Minchenkov)

Politics, whatever its creed, is in practice a systematic organization of hatred. (G. Adams)

Politics, like a tropical forest, feeds on the products of its vital activity. (P. Carvel)

Politics is the art of washing clean with very dirty water. (A. and B. Strugatsky)

Politics is like the sphinx from a fairy tale: it devours everyone who cannot solve its riddles. (A. Rivarol)

Politics is like roller skating. Partly you go where you want, and partly where they take you.. (G. Ashhurst)

Politics is like a web: the more you try to get rid of it, the more entangling it becomes. (K. Abe)


The politician reminds me of a man who killed his father and mother, and then, when he is sentenced, asks for his life on the grounds that he is an orphan. (A. Lincoln)

Don't go into politics if your skin is a little thinner than that of a rhinoceros. (F. Roosevelt)

A politician is a person who will sacrifice your life for his country. (T. Ginen)

A politician must be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month and in a year. And then explain why this did not happen. (W. Churchill)

Politicians traditionally hide behind three things: the flag, the Bible and children. (D. Karlin)

A politician is a person who confuses his voice with the voice of the people. (D. Howard)

Politics depends on politicians almost as much as the weather depends on astronomers. (R. Gurmont)

Politicians are the levers in the public policy machine. (Chanakya)

Politicians are a machine that destroys friendship. (E. Balpadur)

The politician does not represent the majority, but creates the majority. (S. Hall)

Most politicians, alas, are bastards not by birth, but by vocation. (K. Whitehorn)

A politician always wants to remain in office with the highest motives! (A. Christie)

A politician is a person who needs a minimum of words to be verbose. (P. Vries)

Characteristics of a popular politician: terrible voice, bad upbringing and vulgar manners. (Aristophanes)

A politician shouldn't be too smart. A very smart politician sees that most of the problems facing him are completely insoluble. (S. Lem)

Engaging in politics is like blowing your nose or writing to your fiancée. You have to do it yourself, even if you don’t know how. (G.K. Chesterton)

Politics is not a bad profession. If you have a political career, rewards await you; if you have embarrassed yourself, you can always sit down with a book. (R. Reagan)

Nowadays, specialists are needed in all areas. There are only amateurs left in politics. (R. Hochhuth)

There are two kinds of politicians, the first are like a weather vane, who are only able to turn in time to where the wind is blowing, the second are this wind. (M. Guskov)

A politician without ambition is a dangerous creature. (Y. McCarthy)

You cannot be called a politician if you do not have patience and the ability to control your anger. (Stendhal)

I always shake hands with pleasure. I don't think you can become a politician if you don't like shaking hands. (D. Trump)

When a politician hears the word “culture,” his hand reaches for a pencil to cut this budget line. (L. Escher)

People and politics

You may not be involved in politics, but politics is still involved with you. (C. Montalembert)

Politics is the art of keeping people from participating in matters that directly concern them. (P. Ustinov)

Man is a political animal. (Aristotle)

Those who are smart enough to stay out of politics are punished by being ruled by people dumber than themselves. (Plato)

Why can’t we meddle in the affairs of politicians? After all, they climb into ours every day. (T. Gobert)

We live in a world where people are sure that a good person has nothing to do in politics. (D. Trump)

The politician is the little man's natural enemy. (H. Nar)

Only a few can create politics, but everyone has the right to judge it. (Pericles)

Politics needs people who don't need politics. (P. Carvel)

Politics does not create people, but takes them as nature created them. (Aristotle)

Above a great politician, I place only the one who does not desire to become one, because every day I become more and more convinced that this world is not worth wasting energy on. (J. Labruyère)

In political games, unlike the game of blind man's buff, only a few see everything, and everyone else has blindfolds over their eyes. (P. Buast)

People have always been and will always be stupid victims of deception and self-deception in politics until they learn to look for the interests of certain classes behind any moral, religious, political, social phrases, statements, promises. (V. Lenin)

In politics, as in religion, by convincing others, we convince ourselves. (Junius)

Real politicians understand people better than those who work in the field of philosophy; in other words, it is politicians who are the real philosophers. (L. Vauvenargues)

Political life is not at all the main form of human life; politics is not at all a desirable activity for the majority. The more extensive political life is in a country, the more spiritual life is lost. Politics should not absorb the spiritual strength and creative leisure of the people. In addition to rights, a person also needs to defend his soul, to free it for the life of the mind and feelings. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

What you came from depends on genetics, but what you turn into depends on politics. (S. Jerzy Lec)

By the way, quotes about people

Religion and politics

For a politician, honoring religion is beneficial, but following its teachings is disastrous. (B. Whichcot)

Whoever claims that religion has nothing to do with politics does not know what religion is. (M. Gandhi)

When religion combines with politics, the Inquisition is born. (A. Camus)

Religion without power will perish, and power without religion will cease to operate. (As-Samarkandi)

A religion that is not protected by the government usually shows greater vitality than one that is protected. (G. Buckle)

They call me a saint who was ruined by politics. In reality, I am a politician who is doing everything possible to become a saint. (M. Gandhi)

The idea of ​​God never “connected the individual with society,” but always bound the oppressed classes with the belief in the divinity of the oppressors. (V. Lenin)

Organized religion makes Christianity political rather than politics Christian. (L. Van der Post)

Religion is a high disease of humanity; politics is the cancer of humanity. (A. Monterlant)

A society without religion is like a ship without a compass. Without religion a person walks in darkness. Only religion shows a person his beginning and end. Christ is useful to the state. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Religion is regarded by ordinary people as truth, by smart people as a lie, and by the government as a useful thing. (E. Gibbon)

Power comes from God, and hierarchy comes from power. (A. Davidovich)

Friendship with the church can be very costly. For if I have achieved anything, I will have to declare publicly: I achieved this only with the blessing of the church. So I’d rather do it without her blessing, and no one will present me with a bill. (A. Hitler)

We will not tolerate anyone in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity... in fact, our movement is Christian. (A. Hitler)

Although everyone asks him to do so, God is not involved in our politics. (D.D. Mitchell)

By the way, quotes about religion

War and politics

War is the continuation of politics by other means. (K. Clausewitz)

Soldiers are numbers that solve political problems. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Politics is as exciting and dangerous as war. In war you can only be killed once, in politics many times. (W. Churchill)

Those who know how to fight do not know how to make peace. Those who sign a peace treaty that is beneficial to themselves would never win the war. (W. Churchill)

Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed. (M. Zedong)

Anyone in government power is obliged to avoid war, just as the captain of a ship avoids shipwreck. (G. Maupassant)

How is the world governed and how wars break out? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe their own lies when they read them in newspapers. (K. Kraus)

An alliance that does not set itself the goal of war is meaningless and useless. (A. Hitler)

Hitler was a complete masochist, obsessed with the idea of ​​starting a war in order to then heroically lose it. (S. Dali)

No peace treaty should be considered such if the basis of a new war is secretly preserved when it is concluded. (I. Kant)

The sovereign should have no other thoughts, no other concerns, no other business than war, military regulations and military science, for war is the only duty that a ruler cannot assign to another. (N. Machiavelli)

Woe to the statesman who does not take the trouble to find a basis for war that will still retain its significance even after the war. (O. Bismarck)

Diplomacy must, as necessary, postpone, prevent or cause war. (O. Bismarck)

By the way, quotes about war

Morals and politics

Morality and politics are too far apart. (B. Dylan)

What is good in politics cannot be bad in morality. (D. Bentham)

A political decision requires moral cover. An immoral decision requires political cover. (Yu. Bester)

Nothing needs morality more than politics, and no one hates politics more than moral people. (F. Iskander)

Honesty is the best policy. (A. Lincoln)

Honesty is the best policy if you make money at the same time. (M. Twain)

In politics you have to be extremely honest to be moderately honest. (E. Herriot)

It’s not difficult to be an honest politician—there’s almost no competition. (E. Mackenzie)

Accusing his opponent of cleverly deceiving the people, a smart politician hides notes of envy in his voice. (E. Mackenzie)

The most important thing in politics is not to become a cynic. (B. Obama)

Give a politician free hands and you will find them in your pockets. (E. Mackenzie)

I am not created for politics, because I am incapable of either wishing for the death of my opponent or accepting it. (A. Camus)

For some reason, it seems to me personally that politics itself is a pure matter. But about the people who make it, we need to talk about it. I am sighted and I see: everything revolves around the careers of these people. This is how it all reads... (E. Leonov)

Art and politics

Politics, like a cancer, eats away at poetry. (S. Dali)

The writer will always be in opposition to politics as long as politics itself is in opposition to culture. (M. Bulgakov)

My differences with the Soviet regime are not of a political nature, but of an aesthetic nature. (I. Brodsky)

Who are you with, masters of culture? (M. Gorky)

A phrase addressed to politicians: “Hands off literature!” - funny, but the phrase addressed to literature: “Hands off politics!” - unthinkable. (A. Blok)

A people who use poets, some of them, as their mouthpieces, demands to be served, but does not demand to be served. (A. Blok)

Politics is not the sphere of activity of a rock musician. (V. Tsoi)

I am not calling for replacing the state with a library - although this thought has crossed my mind many times - but I have no doubt that if we chose our rulers on the basis of their reading experience, and not on the basis of their political programs, there would be less grief on earth. (I. Brodsky)

Just as politics is an action against the imperfection of the planet, for it is only because nothing on Earth satisfies that one has to engage in politics, so literature is an action against human imperfection. (A. Blok)

By the way, quotes about art

Lies and politics

If you ever betray the trust of your fellow citizens, you may lose their respect forever. (A. Lincoln)

Politicians have to deceive us to maintain our trust. (M. Shargan)

Sometimes in politics bluffing is acceptable, but this is not an activity for heads of state. You need to be at this level, not seem. (Yu. Andropov)

Politics is the art of making many small lies into something similar to one big truth. (V. Shwebel)

If you lie to people to get their money, it's fraud. If you lie to people to get their votes, that's politics. (E. Mackenzie)

In politics, a lie that is not refuted within 24 hours becomes the truth. (W. Brown)

Nowadays, a politician speaks the truth only when he calls another politician a liar. (A. Newman)

The main advantage of a politician is his honesty. (A. Dumas (father))

Honesty in politics is the result of strength, hypocrisy is the result of weakness. (V. Lenin)

For some reason, people are more willing to believe in the meanness of politicians than in their stupidity. (A. Shlomo)

Probably the only way to teach politicians to be honest and wise again is to assign a philosopher or poet to each of them. (A. Celentano)

Politics is a lie in the interests of a cause. (A. Perlyuk)

If you stole your dissertation, don’t build a bridge, you bastard! Go into politics. (M. Zhvanetsky)

By the way, quotes about lying

People and politics

When the people do not have a voice, it is felt even when singing the anthem. (S. Jerzy Lec)

When the mob begins to reason, everything is lost. (Voltaire)

Before you put people in chains, lull them with promises. (Anna of Austria)

To become a master, a politician plays a servant. (C. de Gaulle)

Comrades!.. The political situation in Europe... Our response to Chamberlain... (I. Ilf, E. Petrov)

If you want to win the love of the masses, tell them the most ridiculous and rude things. (A. Hitler)

We deserve our regime and our leaders, and it’s up to us to sort things out. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

Politics does not aim at a select few, but at the masses, that is, a herd of idiots for whom the more stupid, the more intelligible and better. (Yu. Nagibin)

As soon as the people become an appendage to the government, the law of retaliation comes into force, for such a relationship is unnatural, immoral and inhumane. (G. Ford)

The stupidity of a ruler is not scary, for he is always divinely stupid if he knows no other joy than politicking and deception. It's scary that people tolerate this. (V. Shukshin)

The rest of us will be fine until the poor people learn how to make atomic bombs in their basements. (C. Bukowski)

State and politics

The orderliness and strength of the state cannot be acquired from the outside; they lie in internal politics. (Han Fei)

No state should forcibly interfere in the political structure and administration of another state. (I. Kant)

The political organism, just like the human body, begins to die from its very birth and carries within itself the causes of its destruction. (J.-J. Rousseau)

The only healthy basis for a great state is state egoism, not romance, and it is unworthy of a great power to fight for a cause that does not concern its own interests. (O. Bismarck)

The attitude of the state towards the teacher is a state policy that indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness. (O. Bismarck)

The reputation of a power is most accurately determined by the amount it is able to borrow. (W. Churchill)

The borders of all states are only the result of political struggle. (A. Hitler)

Elections and politics

Politics is the noble art of winning votes from the poor and campaign money from the rich by promising to protect one from the other. (O. Ameringer)

Vote for the one who promises less than others: this way you will be less disappointed. (B. Baruch)

The main thing during an election campaign is never say anything that might be remembered. (Y. McCarthy)

A good politician must have a stock of prejudices sufficient to satisfy the needs of all voters. (E. Mackenzie)

Politics has become such an expensive business that even losing an election costs a lot of money. (B. Eduarde)

Policies are put in place to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. But you don’t have it! You have no choice! (D. Karlin)

The only thing that saves us is that politicians do not keep their promises - otherwise the country would have gone bankrupt long ago. (E. Mackenzie)

What makes you think that election results depend on votes? (M. Zhvanetsky)


The statesman is a politician who died 15 years ago. (G. Truman)

Kings know no more about the affairs of their ministers than cuckolds know about the affairs of their wives. (Voltaire)

A public figure differs from a politician in that he thinks not about the next elections, but about the next generations. (W. Churchill)

The politician is thinking about the next election; statesman - about the coming generation. (D.F. Clark)

The policy of wise tyrants is always to clothe their autocratic actions in popular forms. (T. Macaulay)

If presidents can't do it to their wives, they do it to their countries. (I. Brodsky)

He who is not capable of crime cannot be a statesman. (V. Krymov)

Of the ten political decisions that a person must make, no matter where he is, nine will always be prescribed to him by circumstances. And the higher his post, the more limited his freedom of choice. (L. Feuchtwanger)

Words and politics

In politics they don’t believe words and they do well to not believe them. (V. Lenin)

The politician does not take his words on faith to such an extent that he is always surprised when others take him literally. (C. de Gaulle)

Political language is needed to make lies sound truthful, to make murder look respectable, and to make the air breathable. (D. Orwell)

Political predictions are wishes expressed out loud. (P. Buast)

The noisier the propaganda launched by politicians, the more terrible its consequences for citizens. (V. Shwebel)

We shouldn't be speakers who don't listen. But there should not be listeners who do not speak. (M. Gandhi)

Many parliamentary expressions have the properties of water, which probably leads to storms in parliamentary glasses. (F. Toporischev)

By the way, quotes about speech

Freedom and politics

Politicians do not realize how inimical equality is to freedom. There were free people in Greece because there were slaves. (A. Camus)

Nowadays, many politicians are in the habit of arguing with aplomb that the people do not deserve freedom until they learn to use it. This conclusion would do credit to the fool in the old fairy tale who decided not to go into the water until he learned to swim. (T. Macaulay)

Naturally, the attention of thinking people is focused on politics - on the area of ​​​​violence and despotism, anger and lies, where various parties, groups and individuals, supposedly meeting for “the last and decisive battle,” cynically trample on the ideas of freedom, gradually losing their human appearance in the struggle for physical power over people. (M. Gorky)

For me, a free Motherland is a Motherland free from the policies of foreign capital that dominate now. (E. Letov)

By the way, quotes about freedom

Government and politics

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. (Voltaire)

The art of government is to overcome difficulties until they become insurmountable. (G. Kissinger)

The only good government is a bad government in a state of extreme fear. (D. Carey)

If a government is dissatisfied with its people, it must dissolve them and choose a new one. (B. Brecht)

The opposition is the part of the government that eats from the same bowl with him, while barking but not biting. (V. Shwebel)

The opposition is tomorrow's reactionaries. (A. Decourcel)

No matter how badly we talk about the government, they think even worse about us. (G. Malkin)

The government promises and promises and promises and promises, but it’s still not enough for us! (M. Zhvanetsky)

Political parties

All political parties eventually die, choking on their own lies. (M. Twain)

Partisanship is just the madness of many for the benefit of a few. (A. Pope)

Parties are the evil inherent in free governments. (A. Tocqueville)

The Party is a fighting community of enemies. (H. Nar)

A serious political party condemns any meanness if it is not included in the party program. (V. Shwebel)

Any political party whose name contains the word “democratic” is not one. (P. Murray)

In the modern political arena, each party strives to raise the banner of the struggle for social justice and... places it in an honorable corner of its office. (V. Zubkov)

Big politics

Big politics is just common sense applied to big things. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Big politics consists mainly of petty intrigues. (V. Voinovich)

The ability to renounce one's views without giving up one's post is a characteristic of a great politician. (M. Udall)

Basically, a great politician must be a villain, otherwise he will mismanage society. A decent person in the role of a politician is like a feeling steam engine or a helmsman who declares his love while holding the steering wheel: the ship is going down. (O. Balzac)

Entering big politics means getting into riches and rags at the same time. (A. Markov)

Attitude to politics

The great questions of the time are decided not by speeches and resolutions of the majority, but by iron and blood! (O. Bismarck)

I don’t believe in political movements, I believe in a personal movement, in a movement of the soul, when a person, looking at himself, is so ashamed that he tries to make some changes: within himself, and not outside. Any political movement is a form of evasion of personal responsibility for what is happening. (I. Brodsky)

I am against politics. Any policy. Without exception. (A. Celentano)

Indifference to politics is also one of the forms of political activity. (A. Maurois)

In politics, as in grammar, the mistake that everyone makes is proclaimed the rule. (A. Malraux)

Parliament and politics

Let the executive power submit to the legislative power! (V. Nabokov)

The Senate is the last primitive society in the world. We still worship the tribal elders and honor the territorial imperative. (Y. McCarthy)

The parliamentary principle of decision by majority vote destroys the authority of the individual and puts in its place the quantity contained in this or that crowd. (A. Hitler)

Parliamentarism is the reason for the incredible influx of the most insignificant figures that characterize modern political life. (A. Hitler)

What a parliamentary figure Judas would have made! (A. Tournier)

Russia and politics

The main tragedy of Russian political and social life lies in the colossal disrespect of man for man. In general, if you like, in contempt. (I. Brodsky)

The most intelligent and cunning leaders quite deliberately prepared a mocking sign: “Freedom, brotherhood, equality, socialism, communism!” And this sign will hang for a long time - until they sit very firmly on the necks of the people. (I. Bunin)

And why wouldn’t I have the right to say that Russia is too powerful to pursue a national policy; that her work in the world is the politics of the human race. (B. Chicherin)

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Betrayal and politics

Betrayal is as integral a part of politics as the dagger is of weapons. (V. Hugo) I love betrayal, but not traitors. (Yu. Caesar)

I love those who are about to betray, but I hate those who have already betrayed. (Antigone III)

In a personal sense, the difference between a traitor by weakness and a traitor by intent and calculation is very great; politically there is no such difference. (V. Lenin)

A change of belief is when a Republican becomes a Democrat, betrayal is when a Democrat becomes a Republican. (E. Stevenson)

By the way, quotes about betrayal

Dirt and politics

Nothing can be dirtier than pure politics. (Sardonicus)

Politics, although dirty, is a necessary business. (V. Zubkov)

Politics is a dirty business, but not dusty. (A. Samoilenko)

Uncollected, distracted and idle, I watch newspapers in the morning while drinking tea; Politics is such a dirty subject that we entrust it to scoundrels. (I. Guberman)

Power and politics

Political power comes from the barrel of a rifle. (M. Zedong)

The world is ruled by the young when they grow old. (B. Shaw)

You have power if others think you have power. (W. Fowler)

The one who has the power has the right to power. And even more precisely, if you like, the right to power has the one who exercises this power. If you know how to subordinate, you have the right to power. If you don't know how - sorry! (A. and B. Strugatsky)

Evil and politics

Listening indifferently to good and evil. (A. Pushkin)

Everything that is morally evil is also evil in politics. (J.-J. Rousseau)

The point is not so much that virtue is no guarantee of a masterpiece, but that evil, especially political evil, is always a poor stylist. (I. Brodsky)

For a person whose native language is Russian, talking about political evil is as natural as digestion. (I. Brodsky)

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Love and politics

In love, as in politics: the main thing is to know at what stage you are. (Ya. Rutkovskaya)

In love and in politics, the winner is the one who does not recognize any rules. (Ya. Rutkovskaya)

I cannot vouch for the reliability and steadfastness in the struggle of those women whose personal romance is intertwined with politics, and for the men who run after every skirt and allow themselves to be entangled by every young woman. No, no, this does not fit with the revolution. (V. Lenin)

By the way, quotes about love

Life and politics

If politics is the art of the possible, then our whole life is politics. (C. Pavese)

Nothing helps to understand the political essence of phenomena to such an extent as the assessment of them by opponents. (V. Lenin)

Nothing happens by chance in politics. If something happened, it was planned that way. (F. Roosevelt)

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Goals and policies

The most important thing in politics is to follow your goal: means mean nothing. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

In politics, for the sake of a certain goal, you can enter into an alliance even with the devil himself - you just need to be sure that you will draw the devil, and not the devil you. (K. Marx)

The purpose of parliament is to replace fist fights with verbal ones. (W. Churchill)

By the way, quotes about goals

Science and politics

Politics is the best of sciences. (Aristotle)

Politics is not an exact science. (O. Bismarck)

Politics is much more complex than physics. (A. Einstein)

Political freedom is the natural daughter of science. (V. Klyuchevsky)

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History and politics

Next to history, politics is nothing more than an anecdote. (S. Dali)

Politics should be nothing more and nothing less than applied history. Now it is nothing more than a denial of history and nothing less than its distortion. (V. Klyuchevsky)

We cannot make history, we can only wait for it to happen. (O. Bismarck)

Journalists and politicians

A politician, even in his dreams, cannot afford to say about any journalist what any journalist is allowed to say about politicians. (M. Lerner)

Politicians care about a bright future, historians care about a bright past, journalists care about a bright present. (J. Pétan)

Success and politics

The key to success in politics: never forget, rarely forgive. (E. Koch)

The genius of a politician is to extract success from the people's misfortune. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

By the way, quotes about success

Women and politics

In politics we need to seek support from women. Then the men themselves will follow you. (A. Hitler)

The political influence of women in the country during the day is very low. (M. Zhvanetsky)

By the way, quotes about women

Fear and politics

Fear cannot be the foundation of foreign policy. (M. Thatcher)

In politics, what begins with fear usually ends in madness. (S. Coleridge)

As we can see, the greatest attention in quotes about politics is paid to its definition and politicians, as well as its connection with religion, war, morality, and art.

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Boris Yeltsin

The first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was not far behind Chernomyrdin. About Viktor Stepanovich, he also once said something like this: “Chernomyrdin lived a great life, visited above, below, below, and above...” This is thoughtful and very consistent with the style of Viktor Stepanovich himself. It was Boris Nikolaevich who told us about “Russia rising from its knees.” And many more “folk” phrases, from which entire quotation books were compiled.

Often the Russian people, who once so supported Yeltsin, became ashamed of their leader. His weakness for alcohol did him no credit and provoked many absurd situations. The speeches he made to support or motivate his citizens often had the opposite effect:

Our country is on the brink of an abyss, but thanks to the President we will take a step forward!

Mikhail Gorbachev

The first and only President of the USSR gave his people many pearls. His manner of constructing speech was somewhat reminiscent of Master Yoda from the Star Wars saga, and his habit of placing emphasis in unexpected places surprised even the least literate citizens. In fact, the smartest politician and public figure more than once found himself in a bad position due to his reservations. For example, at the end of one of his meetings with ordinary people, he declared: “I am leaving you fertilized.”

More shameful situations also happened. In 1999, at a press conference, a politician got confused with counting countries: “We’ve all been there. Fifty-four European countries. After, no, thirty-five, sorry, fifty-four - this is now when the Soviet Union. Thirty-five states." But, perhaps, one of his most ridiculous phrases was spoken at a press conference on August 22, 1991: “We have already been tempered by the situation, we know who the fuck really is.” This funny and awkward “who is hoo” was forever attached to the image of Gorbachev and went among the people, accompanied by laughter.

About power

Napoleon I

Emperor of the French in 1804-1814 and 1815, commander and statesman who laid the foundations of the modern French state (1769-1821).

Anarchy always leads to absolutism.[72]

Jean de La Bruyère

French moralist (1645-1696).

In a despotic state there is no fatherland: other things replace it - interest, glory, service.[73]

Guillaume Raynal

French historian and sociologist (1713-1796).

In the end, peoples are what their governments make them.[74]

Thomas Macaulay

British statesman, historian, poet and prose writer of the Victorian era (1800–1859).

In any era, the most evil representatives of the human race should be sought among the people's leaders.[75]
It is the duty of good government to protect persons and property. The main danger threatening personality and property is the ignorance of the masses. Therefore, in order to rule well, it is necessary to spread enlightenment among the people.[76]

Niccolo Machiavelli

Italian thinker, philosopher, writer, politician (1469-1527).

In our times, it is already obvious that those sovereigns who cared little about piety and knew how to fool people’s brains with cunning, ultimately defeated those who relied on their honesty.[77]

Lazare Carnot

French statesman and military leader, engineer and scientist (1753-1823).

In a free country there is much murmuring and little suffering; in a despotic state there are few complaints and great suffering.”[78]

Henry Mencken

American journalist, essayist, satirist (1880-1956).

In this world, people value privileges, not rights.[79]

Joseph Stalin

Russian revolutionary, Soviet political, state, military and party leader, leader of the Soviet state (1878-1953).

It is not power that spoils people, but on the contrary – the most corrupt people are most drawn to power.[80]
Maintaining power until the next day of the revolution is no less important than taking power.[81]
The withering away of the state will come not through the weakening of state power, but through its maximum strengthening.[82]

Thomas Carlyle

British writer, essayist, historian and philosopher of Scottish origin (1795-1881).

The greatness of a great man is revealed in the way he treats little people.[83]

John Stuart Mill

British philosopher, sociologist, economist and politician (1806-1873).

The love of power and the love of freedom are in constant antagonism. Where there is the least freedom, there the passion for power is the most ardent and indiscriminate.[84]

Henry Kissinger

American statesman, diplomat and international relations expert (born 1923).

Power is the most powerful stimulant.[85]

Victor Cousin

French philosopher, historian and politician (1792-1867).

Power over people is acquired only through serving them: this is a rule that has no exception.[86]

Lev Tolstoy

Great Russian writer (1828-1910).

The power of one person over another destroys, first of all, the ruler.[87]

George Martin

American fantasy writer, screenwriter (born 1948).

A ruler should not reject the attributes of power, since power itself, to a large extent, stems from these attributes.[88]
Kings must learn to put the needs of the state above their own desires.[89]
Power belongs to the one who convinces others of it.[90]

John Acton

English historian and politician (1834-1902).

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.[91]

Joseph de Maistre

French-speaking Catholic philosopher, writer, politician and diplomat, founder of political conservatism (1753-1821).

“Every people has the kind of government it deserves.”[92]

William Penn

One of the founding fathers of the USA and the city of Philadelphia (1644-1818).

Every government is threatened by three things: inconsistency, tyranny and envy.[93]

Anna Stahl

French writer, literary theorist, publicist (1766-1817).

The highest positions are like steep cliffs: only eagles and reptiles climb them.[94]

Pierre Buast

French lexicographer and poet (1765-1824).

Despotism is the lot of degenerate nations; they deserve it and are exposed to it without feeling it.[95]
Weak and corrupt people like softened despotism more than the harsh severity of republicanism.[96]
Failed revolutions always entail hateful, vindictive governments.[97]
Passing from the hands of rulers into the hands of the governed, despotism does not cease to be despotism.[98]
Bribery, flattery, meanness, treachery have a tariff well known to despots.[99]
The revolution sometimes gives overlords such people whom we would not want to have as lackeys.[100]
In a people corrupted by selfishness, a republic can be nothing more than a subdivided tyranny.[101]

Caleb Colton

English writer, clergyman and art collector (1780–1832).

Despotism cannot exist in a country until freedom of the press is destroyed, just as night cannot fall until the sun has set.[102]

Francesco Petrarca

Italian poet and humanist of the Renaissance (1304–1374).

Seeking power for peace and security means climbing a volcano to shelter from a storm.[103]


French philosopher-educator, poet, prose writer and publicist (1694-1778).

It is the business of government to change morals and raise or lower a nation.[104]

Vasily Zhukovsky

Poet, translator and literary critic, one of the founders of Russian romanticism (1783-1852).

History tells rulers: be in agreement with your century, go forward with it, but at an even pace... Your strength does not lie in the supreme power and its great rights - it lies in the dignity of your people. [105]

Honore Mirabeau

Leader of the Great French Revolution (1749-1791).

Courage makes states; virtue protects them; crime leads to their dishonor, carelessness leads to despotism.[106]


Ancient Greek philosopher (between 429 and 427 - 347 BC).

Nations will be happy when real philosophers are kings or when kings are real philosophers.[107]

Maxime Dukan

French journalist and writer (1822-1894).

The experience of many years and the observation of more than one revolution have convinced me that those who seek power do not love freedom at all and that, therefore, those who love freedom do not seek power. [108]

Ludwig Berne

German publicist and writer, champion of the emancipation of Jews (1786-1837).

The government is the sails, the people are the wind, the state is the ship, time is the sea.[109]

Michel de Montaigne

French writer and philosopher of the Renaissance, author of the book "Experiences" (1553-1592).

The government, which wants to deal with people, and not with cattle, not only does not put barriers to the mental development of the people, but encourages it by establishing all kinds of schools.[110]

James Madison

American statesman, fourth President of the United States (1751-1836).

A government, like an individual, will not be honored for long if it is not completely honorable.[111]

James Mackintosh

Scottish publicist, historian and philosopher (1765-1832).

The wisest institutions may become a dead letter, and even serve temporarily as a cover and instrument of tyranny, when the sense of justice and love of liberty has weakened among the people.[112]

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

German writer, thinker, philosopher and statesman (1749-1832).

Justice insists on the performance of duty, law on the principle of authority. Justice weighs and determines, law governs and commands. Justice concerns the individual, law concerns the whole society.[113]

Fedor Dostoevsky

Russian writer, thinker, philosopher and publicist (1821-1881).

Tyranny is a habit; it is gifted with development, it finally develops into a disease... Blood and power are intoxicating; coarseness and depravity develop; The most abnormal phenomena become accessible to the mind and feeling and finally sweet.[114]

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Ancient Roman politician, orator and philosopher (106-43 BC).

Only that society in which the people enjoy supreme power is the true repository of freedom, that freedom that is above all goods and which, not being equal for everyone, is no longer freedom.[115]

Philip Chesterfield

English statesman, diplomat and writer (1694-1773).

The more money they have, the more power they have, the less they use the former, the more they abuse the latter.[116]

Luc de Vauvenargues

French philosopher, moralist and writer (1715-1747).

I would consent to live under the rule of a tyrant on the condition of depending only on his whims and being free from the tyranny of fashions, habits and prejudices; slavery to the laws is the most insignificant of all our types of slavery.[117]

Dmitry Medvedev

“There is no money, but you hold on.” This phrase, of course, will forever go down in history along with the former President of the Russian Federation and the current Chairman of the Government. The expression is taken slightly out of context. It instantly became not only a catchphrase and one of the most famous modern memes, but also gave rise to many funny and at the same time sad derivatives.

The dialogue from which the phrase was taken took place during Medvedev’s visit to Feodosia in 2021. Pensioner Anna Buyanova approached Dmitry Anatolyevich and complained that her pension was only 8 thousand rubles. Then the grandmother asked:

You said there will be indexation, where is it in Crimea, this indexation? What is 8 thousand? This is minuscule. They wipe their feet on us here! It’s impossible to live on retirement; prices are outrageous.

Medvedev replied:

She’s nowhere to be found, we didn’t accept her at all, we just don’t have the money right now. Let's find the money and do the indexing. You hang in here, all the best, good mood and health to you!

This is not the only phrase of the politician for which Russians are incredibly ashamed. Let us remember, for example: “The amount of fish consumed is a sign of the civility of the state! We all came from fish, which comes from fish fish!” Or: “In general, “Bear” is a popular Internet character, and it is impossible to ignore the needs of learning the Albanian language.”

Well, the sacramental, not in the eye, but in the eye: “My is not a remark, but a sentence. You have replicas, but everything I say is cast in granite.”

About elections

Bernard Show

Irish playwright (1880-1950).

As a result of democratic elections, a large number of ignorant people produces a small number of bribed ones.[66]

Thomas Jefferson

3rd President of the United States in 1801-1809, one of the founding fathers of this state (1743-1826).

Only those people who are constantly aware of what is happening have the right to choose their government.[67]

Eugene McCarthy

American politician and poet, US senator (1916–2005).

The main thing is that during the election campaign, never say anything that can be remembered.[68]

Bernard Baruch

American financier, stock speculator, as well as politician and statesman (1870-1965).

Vote for the one who promises the least: this way you will be less disappointed.[69]

George Nathan

American critic (1822-1958).

Bad statesmen are elected by good citizens... who do not vote.[70]

Victor Hugo

French romantic writer (1802-1885).

Although universal suffrage has its dark sides, it is still the only way of rational government, for it represents a power that surpasses brute force.[71]

Vladimir Putin

The current President of the Russian Federation is also a great master of uttering phrases that cause ambiguous reactions not only from the world community, but also from the Russians themselves. His “galley slave” is already inscribed in the tablets.

But, perhaps, his most famous phrase will remain, uttered in the status of prime minister. In the fall of 1999, after terrible terrorist attacks in Moscow, Volgodonsk and Buinaksk, he said the following to the terrorists:

Russian planes are and will carry out strikes in Chechnya exclusively on terrorist bases, and this will continue, no matter where the terrorists are. (...) We will pursue terrorists everywhere, at the airport - at the airport. So, if you'll excuse me, we'll catch them in the toilet, and in the end we'll soak them in the toilet. That's it, the issue is finally closed.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich is one of the most “multifaceted” politicians in terms of public speaking. This is his strong point. His personal kind of creativity. Let us remember his “diamonds”: “Nowhere is it said what to do during the performance of the anthem - stand, lie down or crawl. We must love our Motherland,” “A woman should sit at home, cry, mend and cook.”

True, Volfych, as the people called him, refuses some wonderful expressions. He assures, for example, that he never called for “to give every woman a man.” Zhirinovsky also disowned the controversial phrase “I dream that Russian soldiers would wash their feet with the warm water of the Indian Ocean.” However, he later wrote:

10 years ago, in the book “The Last Throw to the South,” I wrote about the need for Russia’s military presence in the Indian Ocean... Well, who turned out to be right? I! On May 10, 2003, detachments of ships from the Pacific and Black Sea fleets met in the Arabian Sea... My prediction came true: Russian boots were “washed” in the Indian Ocean. So listen to Zhirinovsky. Read Zhirinovsky. And make life like Zhirinovsky!..


  • 1 About politics in general 1.1 Napoleon I
  • 1.2 Henrik Ibsen
  • 1.3 Harry Truman
  • 1.4 Johann Scherr
  • 1.5 Thomas Macaulay
  • 1.6 Charles Ganel
  • 1.7 Finlay Dunn
  • 1.8 Theodore Roosevelt
  • 1.9 Charles de Gaulle
  • 1.10 Jonathan Lynn and Anthony Jay
  • 1.11 Andre Malraux
  • 1.12 Frederick II
  • 1.13 Marquise de Pompadour
  • 1.14 Anne Robert Turgot
  • 1.15 Lawrence Peter
  • 1.16 Henry Kissinger
  • 1.17 Jeremy Bentham
  • 1.18 Somerset Maugham
  • 1.19 Henry George
  • 1.20 Henry Adams
  • 1.21 Pierre Buast
  • 1.22 Franklin Roosevelt
  • 1.23 John Galbraith
  • 1.24 Louis Becherel
  • 1.25 Bernard Shaw
  • 1.26 Texas Guinen
  • 1.27 John Howard
  • 1.28 Abraham Lincoln
  • 1.29 Lyndon Johnson
  • 1.30 Agatha Christie
  • 1.31 Otto von Bismarck
  • 1.32 Winston Churchill
  • 1.33 Wilhelm Schwebel
  • 1.34 William Gladstone
  • 1.35 John Galbraith
  • 1.36 Patrick O'Rourke
  • 1.37 George Orwell
  • 1.38 Lloyd George
  • 1.39 Henry Adams
  • 1.40 John Galbraith
  • 1.41 Theodore Roosevelt
  • 1.42 Gabriel Bonneau de Mably
  • 1.43 Eugene McCarthy
  • 1.44 Aristotle
  • 1.45 Anton Chekhov
  • 1.46 Nikita Khrushchev
  • 2 About parties and parliament
      2.1 Roger Sherman
  • 2.2 Lic de Vauvenargues
  • 2.3 Wilhelm Schwebel
  • 2.4 Anna Stahl
  • 2.5 Adrien Decourcel
  • 2.6 Harold Nicholson
  • 2.7 Ambrose Bierce
  • 2.8 Winston Churchill
  • 2.9 Maximilian Voloshin
  • 2.10 Alexander Pop
  • 2.11 Dwight Morrow
  • 3 About elections
      3.1 Bernard Shaw
  • 3.2 Thomas Jefferson
  • 3.3 Eugene McCarthy
  • 3.4 Bernard Baruch
  • 3.5 George Nathan
  • 3.6 Victor Hugo
  • 4 About power
      4.1 Napoleon I
  • 4.2 Jean de La Bruyère
  • 4.3 Guillaume Raynal
  • 4.4 Thomas Macaulay
  • 4.5 Niccolò Machiavelli
  • 4.6 Lazare Carnot
  • 4.7 Henry Mencken
  • 4.8 Joseph Stalin
  • 4.9 Thomas Carlyle
  • 4.10 John Stuart Mill
  • 4.11 Henry Kissinger
  • 4.12 Victor Kuzen
  • 4.13 Leo Tolstoy
  • 4.14 George Martin
  • 4.15 John Acton
  • 4.16 Joseph de Maistre
  • 4.17 William Penn
  • 4.18 Anna Stahl
  • 4.19 Pierre Buast
  • 4.20 Caleb Colton
  • 4.21 Francesco Petrarca
  • 4.22 Voltaire
  • 4.23 Vasily Zhukovsky
  • 4.24 Honoré Mirabeau
  • 4.25 Plato
  • 4.26 Maxime Dukan
  • 4.27 Ludwig Berne
  • 4.28 Michel de Montaigne
  • 4.29 James Madison
  • 4.30 James Mackintosh
  • 4.31 Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • 4.32 Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • 4.33 Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • 4.34 Philip Chesterfield
  • 4.35 Luc de Vauvenargues
  • 5 See also
  • Vitaly Milonov

    Deputy from the United Russia party Vitaly Milonov is known for his fierce fight for the moral character of the population. Especially often his anger is directed at gay people. His famous “There are no gays in Russia, we have another word for this problem” will cause shame in a tolerant society for a long time.

    The full phrase reads like this: “Not only gardeners join the partnership, but also some other people. Not as good as gardeners. There are no gays in Russia, we have another word for this problem.” Milonov made a speech as part of a discussion of an article of civil law, which allowed the registration of partnerships between two people of any gender, provided that they live together and run a joint household.

    see also

    • Quotes about Russia
    • Quotes about the state
    • Quotes about fatherland and homeland
    • Quotes about people and nation
    • Quotes about society
    • Quotes about war and peace
    • Russian proverbs and sayings
    [ + ]
    The Art of Argument (educational materials)
    Lists of movesLiberal demagoguery • Techniques for combating statistics • Universal nit-picking • Liberal tail wagging when refusing to give precise references • Creative phrasebook
    Textbooks"Georgy Chelpanov. Textbook of logic" (goblin translation by Oleg Makarenko)
    BenefitsAdvice for political bloggers • Unobvious rules of dispute • Questions for supporters of non-systemic opposition • Questions for Euromaidan supporters • Patriot Library
    QuotationsQuotes about Russia • Fake Russophobic quotes • Orange quote book • Quotes about liberals • Quotes about Ukraine • Quotes about war and peace • Quotes about the fatherland and homeland • Quotes about society • Quotes about politics • Quotes about the state • Quotes about the people and the nation
    DictionariesPolitical Dictionary • Explanatory Dictionary by Viktor Marakhovsky
    MemotextsIt's Putin's fault • If it weren't for Putin • The touching story of Peter the Pig • I probably live in another country

    Vitaly Mutko

    The legendary “Let me speak from my heart” will not be forgotten by any Russian, even those far from sports. This phrase, which causes incredible shame not because of its meaning, but because of the way it is pronounced, belongs to the now former Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, head of the Russian Football Union, Vitaly Mutko. In the original, the English “Let me speak from my heart” is quite touching, that is, “Let me speak from the bottom of my heart.”

    The story of that significant performance is as follows. On December 2, 2010, at a meeting of the FIFA executive committee, the issue of granting the right to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup was discussed. Russia, England and the pairs Spain-Portugal and Belgium-Holland fought for this right. As a result, Russia won, and Vitaly Mutko made a report on behalf of our country. The speech became a real masterpiece, but it was “Let me speak from my heart” that was snapped up for memes.

    Dmitry Rogozin

    Another extraordinary Russian politician who regularly “delights” his country with memorable speeches is Dmitry Rogozin, who currently holds the post of General Director of the State Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos. In fact, his latest pearls are dedicated to space and the activities of the state corporation he heads. But perhaps the most scandalous and unworthy of a political figure was this phrase:

    Every ex b. With age, he strives to lecture everyone about morality. Especially during foreign tours and tours.

    Dmitry Rogozin wrote this on his Twitter after Madonna's entrance at the Olympic Stadium in Moscow in 2012. During the concert, the world star spoke out in support of the punk band Pussy Riot.

    After intense public outrage, Rogozin slyly added on his Facebook page:

    Here’s what’s curious: everyone understood the letter b in my tweet in monosyllables, although it could have hidden words like “goddess” or, for example, “ballerina.” And they immediately connected my statement with the so-called. “Madonna” (damn her), although I didn’t say a word about her. This is what stable public opinion means.

    About parties and parliament

    Roger Sherman

    American lawyer, politician, one of the five drafters of the US Declaration of Independence (1721-1793).

    If you are in the minority, speak up, if suddenly you are in the majority, vote![55]

    Lic de Vauvenargues

    French philosopher, moralist and writer (1715-1747).

    Sometimes it is easier to form a party than to gradually achieve leadership in a party that has already been formed.[56]

    Wilhelm Schwebel

    German scientist and publicist (1845-1891).

    Every parliament believes that it would rule the country perfectly if the citizens did not interfere with it.[57]

    Anna Stahl

    French writer, literary theorist, publicist (1766-1817).

    Imperfect popular representation is only an unnecessary tool for tyranny.[58]

    Adrian Decourcel

    French writer, poet and playwright (1821-1792).

    The opposition is tomorrow's reactionaries.[59]

    Harold Nicholson

    English diplomat, politician, historian (1886-1968).

    Opposition is the art of promising what the government cannot deliver.[60]

    Ambrose Bierce

    American writer (1842-1914).

    The opposition in politics is the party that keeps the government from running amok by hamstringing it.[61]

    Winston Churchill

    British statesman and politician, Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955 (1874-1965).

    Parliament can force the people to obey, but not to agree.[62]

    Maximilian Voloshin

    Russian and Soviet poet (1877-1932).

    Parliamentary leader
    Is always the most insolent

    And the most lawyer of all.[63]

    Alexander Pop

    English poet of the 18th century, one of the largest authors of British classicism (1688-1744).

    Partisanism is the madness of many for the benefit of a few.[64]

    Dwight Morrow

    American diplomat (1873-1931).

    The party that takes credit for the rain should not be surprised when it is blamed for the drought.[65]
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